Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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Standard Oil Match: Win by Pin, Submission, or KO

Fuuka Yamagishi felt that she had found her niche as a wrestler in oil matches. Her first oil wrestling match against Momo Yamamoto, what had been planned to be her last match before retiring, and turned into the spark to ignite Fuuka's career. She had actually done more tag and standard matches rather than oil, but the bluenette had found her way back to it with her previous match against Katima, and now seemed to be committing fully to the oil with another match tonight against Rebecca Blue.

Fuuka had been informed that although Rebecca only had wrestling experience at an amateur level, she actually had significant training prior to her entry into LAW. She was not like the many rookies, Fuuka herself included at the start of her own career, who jumped headfirst into the pros with little to no idea of what the were actually doing. Something that was uniquely feasible in the LAW promotion.
Fuuka's Theme: Time - Atsushi Kitajoh Remix - Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night
Ring Attire
Fuuka's music came on, and the Lightweight made her entrance to heavy applause. She had become rather popular during her time in LAW. Partly owing to her partnership with Chiaki Nanami, partly due to how well she can work an oil match, and partly due to how sexily she could take a beating. Fuuka was very happy that she was liked for more than just the third thing these days. After having an initial layer of oil applied to her body, the bluenette settled into her corner and waited for her opponent to enter.
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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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"It's finally here!" Rebecca thought as she stood in the locker room putting the final touches on her outfit. Given it was her debut, she wanted to make sure the crowd took notice of her right away. She decided that she would wear her favorite outfit regardless of its impracticality. She tied the front knot of her leaf bikini and put her hair up in a ponytail and she was ready to go.
As she began her way out of the locker room toward the arena, the nerves of what was happening began to hit in full force. Especially when it came to the match and her opponent. Rebecca had never done anything close to oil wrestling before, and this is Fuuka's specialty! This was going to be a tough match to win. However, Rebecca had spent a lot time working take down defense and balance the last few months during her MMA sessions. She was also a little bigger than her opponent so that should give her a little bit of an advantage. Despite the odds against her, Rebecca had been training hard and was confident in her abilities.

Despite the nerves, the excitement of the moment was incredible. Regardless of the outcome, she should be able to take the experience from this match to improve her wrestling prowess.
Rebecca made her first appearance to the crowd as her music played. Given she was not a recognizable figure the crowd was not in an uproar. Until she stepped out into the lights and they saw the bombshell before them and her attire of choice. Upon getting their first glimpse the crowd erupted. Choosing her favorite outfit turned out to be a good decision. She made her way into the ring and had the layer of oil applied to her before moving to her corner opposite from Fuuka.
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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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When Fuuka saw Rebecca, she was able to recognize the gorgeousness of her opponent, the same as the crowd did. Her bikini drew attention to the blonde's impressive bust, but the bluenette noticed something as Rebecca got closer. "Is that made of leaves?" she said to herself as she watched Rebecca enter the ring. Bringing the two women close enough for Fuuka to confirm that the blonde's bikini were in fact made of foliage.

Th-there's no way that thing is going to last, Fuuka thought as she mentally processed Rebecca's attire. That thing would get torn to pieces in a regular match, even moreso in a wet match where the leaves would get soaked through. Perhaps if Rebecca's top was made from a tough, waxy species of leaf, it might have a chance. But as Rebecca had her initial layer of oil applied, Fuuka could already see the bikini darkening and dampening as it absorbed the oil. Rebecca would be lucky if it lasted two trips to the floor. Oh no, I'm going to have another oil match where my opponent ends up topless, she thought.

"Um, hello," Fuuka said as she greeted her opponent. "I have to ask, are you... wanting to go topless in this match? You're bikini is very cute, but leaves are going to soak, tear, and fall apart if you try to wear them for an oil wrestling match." The bluenette could be comfortable if Rebecca was planning to go topless, or if she was at least okay with it. But this was going to get awkward if Rebecca freaked out after hearing what Fuuka said.
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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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Looking across at Fuuka, she could see her looking up and down seemingly analyzing her figure. "Thanks! I always loved wearing this and I wanted to bring out the big guns for my outfit on my first match." Rebecca played with her top a little bit and readjusted it. She could see the light green color fading to a wet darker shade and it was already hanging on for dear life to contain her bust. Any little movement shifted what it covered. The outfit had gotten the response she wanted from the crowd, but she had failed to take into account that oil would essentially make it tissue paper.

"I'll admit, I hadn't planned on going topless during my first match." Rebecca said with a little laugh. "I hope you won't hold back in an attempt to keep it on. "I want the best you've got tonight!" In the back of her mind Rebecca was kicking herself for being so dumb. This was the largest crowd she had ever performed in front of and it was basically guaranteed she was gonna give them a full show within the first 5 minutes. A light breeze would probably tear her top to pieces.

However, it was too late now. No point in worrying about something that at this point was inevitable. "I'm ready for whatever you can throw my way!" Rebecca was confident and a little nervous as the match neared its start. This was the beginning of her career in LAW, and she wanted to savor the experience.

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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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Fuuka was relieved when she heard Rebecca's response. Of course she would have preferred that the blonde at least realized what she was signing up for with her attire choice, but at the very least Rebecca seemed okay with sleeping in the bed that she had made. "I could hold back so much I don't attack and that would probably still fall apart," said Fuuka. "So with that in mind, there's no point in not giving it everything then. I think you'd agree with that, yes?"

The bell rang, and Fuuka immediately sprung into action. She wanted to press Rebecca, test how the blonde could handle herself, see what hole her inexperience would leave open for the bluenette to exploit. Fuuka may be a defensively styled fighter, but between the more offensive nature of oil and her desire to not let the rookie find a rhythm, the tech lover saw no reason not to fight more aggressively out of the gate.

Fuuka ran across the oil, but with her grace and control of her movements, it was for akin to gliding through it at will. She would come in at Rebecca on a slight curve from the right, trying to make her guess if the bluenette would go around behind, stay in front, or attack into the rookie's side. Three options, but they all were wrong.

Fuuka would cut back across in front of Rebecca, but that was just so she could get to the blonde's left side. Crouching down as she let the oil carry her, once she was on Rebecca's left, Fuuka would use the oil to slide herself around so that her leg came in behind the blonde's, looking to sweep Rebecca and put the rookie on her back.
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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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"I agree with you a hundred percent" Rebecca said with a smile knowing the Fuuka seemed determined to give it her all even against a newbie. She was glad she had such an opponent for her first match. She slid her right foot back into her traditional orthodox fighting stance and readied herself for the bell.

As the bell rang she saw Fuuka immediately rush into action. Rebecca steadied herself and chose to start on the defensive and get a handle of Fuuka. As she saw her rushing toward her it was even more clear how comfortable Fuuka was with oil in the ring. She followed her determined to keep that solid defense and put a counter strike on Fuuka as she got close.

Rebecca followed her as she approached from the right and readied herself to react as she came. However, much to her surprise Fuuka cut back across to her left side. "How the hell did she change direction like that!" Rebecca was astounded at Fuuka's ability. However, despite being enthralled by Fuuka's movements Rebecca was now totally open on her left. There was no way she could counter what was coming next.

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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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Fuuka couldn't help but let out a chuckle in response to Rebecca reaction to her movement. When the bluenette started out, her mobility was well and truly sluggish. It had improved substantially over time, but in a standard dry match, calling Fuuka's speed average may well still be somewhat generous. But in the oil made her fast. The level of speed she had in the oil made Fuuka feel like she had truly attained a new level. Kicking into that extra gear she didn't normally have, it was honestly liberating.

But what Fuuka appreciated more was how Rebecca had specifically mentioned her change of direction. That was something she had even when dry. That balance, bodily control, and the grace of movement that made up the general term of agility. Fuuka could always do that, in fact, what she could really do had always been held back by her low speed. But not anymore, not in the oil. Here, Fuuka's talents were truly unlocked.

The real trick of the cutback was knowing how to fall. Knowing just how to go down so that her body would slide and swing around in a way that would send her legs right into the back of Rebecca's ankles. It was like a controlled, weaponized version of sliding off balance and managing to take someone down by crashing into them on accident.

Once Fuuka had put Rebecca on her back, she would push off and slide towards the blonde's feet as she got back up, grabbing them along the way as she rose. Fuuka would then try to lock Rebecca into a textbook Figure Four Leglock. It was a powerful submission for oil matches, on account of both the victim's legs being controlled in multiple different places, it wasn't something that could just be slipped and slid out of courtesy of the oil. In addition, reversing the hold by trying to flip over would also be made more difficult by the oily surface making it more difficult to generate the power needed without slipping.
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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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After Fuuka cut to her left side, the next thing Rebecca knew her ankles were swepped out from under her. Rebecca was slammed onto her back knocking the wind out of her. She went wide eyed for a moment at the shock and coughed to regain a bit of breath. It was a swift opening move that really demonstrated Rebecca was out of her depth in oil wrestling.

Getting the wind knocked out of her wasn't the only thing that took a hit. Rebecca's top had already lost some chunks after the sudden drop to the mat. Even just one more hard hit would likely undo the primary knot.

After a quick moment Rebecca tried to scramble back to her feet made more difficult by the layer of oil. Rebecca wanted to get set again quickly to prep herself for a counter. As she began to make moves to her feet, she saw Fuuka down by her legs plotting something as a follow up.

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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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With Fuuka having knocked Rebecca down with her sweep, there was nothing stopping her from looking the busty blonde into a Figure Four Leglock. Bending Rebecca's knee in two directions as she pulled down on the rookie's thigh while pushing up on her calf. "So, what do you think of your first submission hold as a pro?" Fuuka teased as she applied pressure to Rebecca's knee.

Fuuka didn't know what Rebecca was going to try in order to escape. With the reversal option most likely closed off, the bluenette knew that the optimal decision was likely to try making for the ropes to get a break, but she didn't know if somebody wrestling for the first time would immediately think to do that, or if she would try a bunch of other stuff first before coming to that. Regardless, Fuuka would do her best to hold her position and get as much value out of her submission as possible.
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Re: Fuuka Yamagishi vs Rebecca Blue (d): A Slippery Debut

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Rebecca was still coughing from having the wind knocked out of her upon slamming on her back. She started to feel Fuuka messing with her legs and the next thing she knew there was a sharp pain coming from her lower body.

Ahhhhhh....Oh my god!! Rebecca screamed as the pain from the figure four leg lock spread through her whole body. Her whole body tensed up as the pain shot through her body. This was more intense than a lot of the MMA work she had done in the past. Rebecca was desperate to find some relief from it. She'd gone through some of the basic reversal training of these submission holds, but as she struggled there was almost no way she could turn over. The oil made it almost impossible to break free.

Rebecca had to fight through the pain to try and think of a way to free herself. She wasn't going to tap out to the first submission she got put into. After what seemed like hours, Rebecca remembered the most basic of wrestling rules. The only thing remaining for her was to try and get to the ropes and break the hold. Although they weren't that far away it seemed like miles with the pain shooting through her body.

The only good way to obtain any grip was to use her elbows and dig them into the canvas. It was slow agonizing work, but she was inching ever closer to the ropes. Just the mere promise of some relief from the hold drove Rebecca to continue forward. She tried reaching for the ropes when they seemed close enough. Even getting a little grip on them and holding would spell relief.

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