Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission or ko.

Faith was pumped up for her match tonight. After her debut match it left the older woman with a fire in her heart that made her yearn for even more. It made her feel alive and young again. So when offered to act as the opponent for another debuting wrestler, effectively reversing her position from her last match Faith was all too eager to accept. Stretching out backstage to make sure she was limbered up and ready Faith would look up as the backstage crew came over and told her that her entrance was set to begin.

"Got it! Let's do this" Faith said excitedly walking towards the entrance ramp and waiting for a moment, until her music kick in. Smirking and nodding to herself Faith would come out from behind the curtain and onto the entrance ramp, posing for the crowd who cheered at seeing her, the impression sh made from her debut being a good one, and admittedly the fact that she still looked so good despite her age probably helped as well, even in a more conservative singlet like the one she wore. It went to show how good her figure still was.

Coming down the ramp with a pep to her step and high fiving the fans on her way down Faith would hop up onto the ring apron, turning out to the crowd and winking before turning and dropping down into a perfect split, showing off her but to the crowd a bit before she lowered herself and slid under the ropes and into the ring, rolling forward as she did so to pop up to her feet, smiling and posing once more for the fans before heading to her corner, turning to lean against it while looking up at the entrance ramp, waiting for her opponent to come down, wondering just what kind of person she would be.
Last edited by Bare on Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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"The Monarch" Aiko Sugiyama was seated in a butterfly position with her eyes closed by gorilla. She was roused from her meditation by the production staff telling her it was her time to enter. She rose to her feet and prepared herself. Her music hit.
Aiko then emerged on the entrance ramp from the heel tunnel. She was fabulously adorned. When she raised her arms, pyro went off and the lights reflected gloriously against her wings.
Aiko sauntered to the ring and, upon mounting the apron, demanded the ref sit on the middle rope to make an opening. Aiko seductively went in between the ropes and posed while the arena lights (and CGI on TV) created the effect of butterflies fluttering about. Aiko then took her robe off and came face to face with Faith.
The announcers began introducing her in Japanese.
"And to my left, making her debut... she is The Monarch, AIKO SUGIYAMA!!!"
Aiko silently smirked at her opponent as she stared her down.

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Watching as the entrance movie for her opponent started up Faith would blink seeing the butterflies before Aiko appeared decked out in a full butterfly inspired gear, complete with a special crown and jacket with wings! 'Ohhhh monarch as in butterflies, not royalty.' Faith thought to herself in realization before standing up straight as the woman entered the ring, discarding her extra accessories as she was introduced.

Walking forward to the center of the ring Faith would smile brightly in response to Aiko's small smirk before holding her hand up. "Hello. It's lovely to meet you, here's to a great match." Faith said amicably before deciding to add on. "Beautiful gear by the way." She said in addition with a small smile on her face as she waited to see how the woman responded.

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Aiko was hard to read. It was clear she had a resting bitch face. So it was hard to tell if she was in a foul mood or not. She looked at Faith’s extended hand. After being complemented on her gear, a smile spread across her face. Aiko replied, “Thanks! I really like my boots… You’ll be kissing them when I’m done with you.”

Her smile turned to a scowl and she sent a sudden speedy snap kick straight for Faith’s gut.

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Having approached Aiko with a hand up and amicable smile Faith didn't quite know what to expect, especially given the expression of her opponent. But she'd soon get a response from the woman in the form of what she thought was an appreciative comment, only to instead be a insult followed by a cheap shot to her stomach! "Ugh!" Faith moaned out, doubling over while clutching her stomach while the ref frantically called for the bell to start the match in response while the older woman struggled just to get some breath in!

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Aiko lashed out fast and furiously. With Faith bent over from her kick to the stomach, Aiko hooked her arm around Faith’s neck and head to keep her down. She then clubbed Faith on the back with a couple of hammerfist blows from her free hand. She then Irish whipped Faith into the corner. Aiko pointed up to the ceiling and let out a fierce screech. She then charged at Faith in the corner, leaping in the air and attempting to splash against her.

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Faith had been hit with a cheap shot out of the gate and was thusly vulnerable as hr opponent locked her up and began clubbing her back with forearms before getting sent running to the corner! "Ngh!" Faith groaned out in pain as her back hit the corner, looking up and noticing her opponent coming flying towards her! Eyes widening in shock at this Faith reacted on instinct and pulled on the ropes, trying to lift herself up and get her legs and then the rest of her body through the ropes to pull herself onto the ring apron and hopefully avoid her opponent's attack!

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Aiko cursed as Faith managed to slip out of the way just in the nick of time. She managed to catch herself on the turnbuckle before crashing into it. Seeing Faith on the apron right next to her. Aiko decided to go big and jumped up. She first would swing her leg towards Faith to try connecting with a spinning kick. If successful, she would jump up on the turnbuckle and hurricanrana Faith to the floor.

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Quick on her feet and agile despite her age from years of gymnastics and yoga Faith had managed to avoid Aiko's splash but her opponent was just as quick as herself and caught her with a kick! "Ugh!" Faith groaned out, stumbling while on the apron. Something Aiko would take advantage of as she hefted up and threw her legs around Faith's head, pulling her off the apron and down to the mat with a major impact! "Gah!" Faith yelled out in pain from the impact to the floor, shooting up and holding her back stunned!

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Re: Flight of the Monarch: Faith Watterson vs Aiko Sugiyama

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Aiko laughed haughtily and hopped down onto the floor. With Faith arching her back so perfectly, Aiko delivered a solid kick to her opponent’s back. She then grabbed and dragged Faith to the ring barricade, propping her up against it. The agile Japanese woman then backed up, let out a war cry, and sprinted towards Faith. Upon getting close to her, Aiko would jump in the air and attempt to nail Faith with a running knee strike!

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