Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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Hentai Endurance Match
Victory Condition: A wrestler is declared a winner when the other can't continue.

Yuto's theme began to play over the speakers, and soon enough he made his appearance on the ramp, dressed in his usual attire. The reactions were as expected; some whistles and taunts from the crowds who's already gotten familiar with his career. He just smirked dryly and began to make his way towards the ring, waving his hand to the audience every now and then.
He then slipped himself under the ropes and went into the ring. In a way, it's quite nice to know that there were still people who cheered for him, albeit in their own way. Some people even asked how many times he'd burst tonight. As if he could know the answer to that. He just gave the crowds a wry smile then went to his corner to do some stretching, while waiting for his opponent's arrival just like the rest of the audience.

Ishigami - Mixed

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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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Meredith’s mind was racing as she was getting ready for her upcoming match. That night she was going to face a man in a hentai endurance bout. It wasn’t anything new to her fighting a rival until one couldn’t sexually endure more, but some part of her was struggling with the fact that she was past her prime. Her rival would be much younger than her after all, and she couldn’t help but feel a little insecure about that. With that upsetting thought in mind, she breathed deep and quickly made it backstage since she didn’t want to make her appearance late.
A known to many entrance theme started playing and Meredith, now Ariadne, made her way down the ramp towards the ring. The air filled with cheers and whistling of support, and that reassured the veteran a little. It may be true that the woman got the crowd on her side in mixed matches most times, but having people rooting for her lifted her spirits. She would reward the people by swaying her curves towards the ring, blowing some kisses and some heart-melting smiles to some lucky fans.

Upon reaching the ring, Ariadne made her usual show of getting between the ropes in a way that highlighted her body and then blew the stands a final kiss before turning her attention to her rival. He looked like a fit and strong man, but the size advantage was on Meredith’s side. She would make her way to the center of the ring, her arms crossed below her generous bust. “Well well, good evening. Yuto, was it? I’m Meredith and I will be the one in charge of making you burn hot tonight. I hope you are eager for it.”, she said with a playful but inviting tone, blowing Yuto a small kiss and a wink.

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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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The woman's arrival got the crowd going, and him as well. She looked stunning, with a sense of maturity that only adding to her charm. The little show she put as she made her way into the ring drawn his eyes onto her and kept his gaze locked for a while, until the ref called him to approach the center of the ring. As they lined up in front of each other, their size difference became a little more apparent, and the way she "greeted" him sure made him twitched a little.

"U-uh, hey... looking good, Meredith-san..." he gave her a sheepish smile. "Hopefully I won't melt too fast then..."

Once the ref was done stating the rules, the bell would start, and Yuto raised his arms in front of him for a grappling stance. Ariadne might be taller, but she didn't look like a bodybuilder or anything, and so he felt like he had about fifty-fifty chance in a test of strength. If she went for a lockup, then he'd start pushing her, trying to gauge her strength.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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In some way, Meredith was caught off-guard by Yuto's remark on her looks and it made her smile. Any worries she might have disappeared. "My, aren't you sweet? I'll make sure I make you feel really good before this match is through." She couldn't help but notice how the man had a sheepish smile and how his remark sounded sheepish, as if he was ready to lose. It wasn't as is Meredith was going to let him win, bit at least he would surely feel good while losing, and a man with his physique and age should have lots of energy within himself.

With the bell ringing the match statted and Yuto adopted a stance that hinted an invitation to a test of strength. Ariadne raised her arms and locked fingers with Yuto, but she had something else in mind. For just some instants she would push and meet Yuto's strength with hers, but then she would plant her feet but suddenly stop pushing so her rival would stumble forwards, catching him in a bearhug. so he couldn't touch the ground "Didn't know you were so eager to embrace me...", said Ariadne while keeping him in place. She didn't want to squeeze him to the point of causing him pain, she just wanted to make it impossible for him to writhe without getting some good rubbing against her body, some rubbing that would surely get him going.

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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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Ariadne's comment only made him a little more flustered, but at least the bell helped distracting him from further thoughts in that direction, at least for now. As the both engaged in a test of strength, however, Yuto suddenly stumbled forward as Ariadne stopped pushing, and as a result he fell into her embrace and trapped by her bearhug. It was constricting, but surprisingly not painful. It looked like she knew how to lock him within her grasps without hurting him.

"U-ugh... that was crafty..." he replied, trying to squirm his way out only to realize that by doing so he ended up rubbing himself against her. "N-nhh..." he moaned, his struggle paused abruptly. "D-damnit..." the boy muttered as he could feel himself getting stirred already from this initial exchange.

Yuto would try to push Ariadne off him, but since he couldn't move around too much without getting distracted by their physical friction, his opponent definitely had the upper hand against him as it was.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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Meredith smiled when she noticed how despite her rival being under control he still had some time to be nice and compliment her strategy. "We are going to get more than crafty tonight, promise." Saying that Ariadne measured her options. Right at the moment Yuto was just writhing against her bigger body in a weak attempt to escape, but that was to no avail since it was the veteran who was under control.

After some seconds of fighting the bearhug Yuto let a moan out and his fighting stopped, the rubbing between their bodies starting to bear fruit. Ariadne then knew her way forwards passed through that avenue, so she repositioned herself in a way their bodies docked against each other so she could really know whenever Yuto was getting horny. Then she lowered her face so it would be inches from his. "Well Yuto? What do you think?"

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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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Unable to escape Ariadne's hold, Yuto then felt their bodies being pressed a little further, making it impossible for him to hide his bulge that was pressed against her. She clearly knew this as well, judging from her teasing as their faces were now so close to each other.

"W-wha...? I... ugh..." he averted his gaze from her getting, all flustered and vulnerable as he had no idea how to react.

He tried to push her a little again, but it became clear that unless he put a full effort, he wouldn't be going anywhere, and even if he did, it might not change the outcome either. Furthermore, whether he decided to try resisting her or not, he'd only getting hotter and more bothered in her grasps by each second, as evident by his shaft twitching underneath his pants.

G-guh... I need to think of something... and fast...!

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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It seemed that Yuto had been caught unable to respond and even averting his gaze from Meredith's, who was now pushing forwards with her strategy. The man's body, however, spoke enough and plainly when a decent bulge formed and pressed against Ariadne's body. "Ooh, no need for words, I see you are getting ready to go..."

Normally Ariadne would mix some of her wrestling knowledge and moves to control her rivals before she could start with her lewd work, but Yuto looked tame enough and the veteran didn't want to risk any unnecesary damage that would turn him off. Seeing that her bearhug had served its purpose, Ariadne walked towards the corner while carrying Yuto with her before releasing the hug and pressing him against the turnbuckle, not in a pinful way but in one that would madh their bodies together, aiming to get some good friction going to further stimulate him.

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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

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"N-no, wait... uuh...!" Yuto tried to protest, only to wriggle around as Ariadne brought him to the nearest corner without too much problem.

Even with her just moving was enough to stir him some more due to the proximity of their bodies. While the boy tried to put up a little resistance, his attempt to push her away was quite tame in the end, barely enough to create a gap between them. Ariadne then put him against the turnbuckle before pushing herself against him again, keeping their bodies close to keep him stimulated. He could only moan and squirm cutely against her even though his hands were on her shoulders, wanting to push her away and not at the same time.

"U-umm... g-get off mee... nnhh..." he said half heartedly, while his hips rolled slightly to hump her a little.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
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- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Ishigami vs Ariadne Evans - Hentai Endurance

Unread post by PurpleMage »

Yuto may be trying to resist Ariadne's advances in teasing him and making him more and more aroused, but in the end his fighting didn't amount to something enough to force a break from her. His hands pressed against Meredith's shoulders trying to push her, but the woman still had the size advantage that helped her push forwards.

That was how Yuto was reduced to a writhing, protesting mess and even his whining was half-baked in intensity and if one would direct their attention to the man’s bulge pressing against his pants and Meredith’s body it would be obvious how aroused he was becoming. To add insult to injury, in between his protesting Yuto’s hips began quivering so he would hump against Ariadne. “Oh my, you are really eager! Are you that sex-focused, or is my body making you lose your composure?”, she giggled while teasing Yuto further by maximizing the contact between the two.

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