Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Benny has a table set up under a tent with water as he brought Gemma over to a chair to take a seat after her triumphant wins in back to back matches against women substantially bigger than herself. "You looked great out there, but I never had any doubt you could take the lumpy legged flabby femmes." Benny said quietly to Gemma. "These folks are going to ask you some questions and if you need me to speak up or clarify things at all." Benny said taking a seat next to Gemma.

"Gemma how tough was that match just now? Does facing off against bigger women than yourself come naturally to you?" One reporter asked as things got underway.

Benny sat silently next to Gemma proud of her performance. He knew she had it in her. He really could not wait to book her next matches. He'll he was far more excited than he cared to admit simply being next to the blonde wrestler wearing her bikini. He hoped she hadn't notice how red his face was or just blamed it on the sun.

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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Sweaty and breathing a little hard, Gemma was glistening as she sat down at the interview table. Smiling ear to ear, flush with the rush of getting a big win, Gemma looked disheveled … but in kind of a hot way? She brushed a rogue strand of hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. She grinned at Benny and nodded while mouthing ‘thanks’ at him. Between setting up this big showcase for her and helping her through the press conference, Gemma really owed the guy. Gemma couldn’t help but notice the guy looked a little flush himself, but it was awfully sunny, out here. Gemma took a cold water bottle and pressed it to the soft flesh of her chest to cool down, letting drops of water run down her curves …

“It was a tough one!” Gemma said, taking on the first question. “Did you see me out there! Those girls were trying to splatter me! I had to dig pretty deep to pull of that win, but they abso-flipping-lutely made me work for it, eh?

“As for facin’ off with some of the bigger ladies, well, it comes with the territory, dunnit? I mean, I’m hardly a lightweight, but if you want to climb the ladder, you have to be willing to face off with whoever comes at yeh, and let me say, those two have been gunnin’ for poor little me in a big way!”
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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Benny smiled and couldn't help but find Gemma's accent cute. He sat back and listened as the interview continued.

"Gemma are there any men or women on your radar you want to face next to make a statement?" Someone asked as another hand shot up.

"Gemma you put on quite a display and looked good doing it, are you single or are ya seeing someone?"

Benny raised his hands and tried to settle everyone down. "Everyone I am as excited about that impressive display from this rising star who beat two women back to back, looking damn fine whime doing it but one question at a time please." Benny said as he got the crowd a bit settled..... although professionally he knew the first question would lead to a match he needed to set up while personally he was intrigued by what the answer to the second question would be.

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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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“Ooh, well now!” Gemma gasped, as the crowd perked up and started flooding her with questions. Grinning ear to ear, Gemma was flattered. Unused to this attention, Gemma wondered how some of the more promo-focused women in the industry handled all this attention. Gemma was grateful that Benny was there to help handle the flow of the event.

“Ooh, well!” Gemma said, chuckling as things died back down a bit. “Well, firstly, there’s a list, about as long as me arm, here, of folks I want to face in the ring. And men, now? Y’know, I haven’t had many chances to share the ring with men, that might be a good way to show what I can do, ennit?

“I’ll tell yeh what, how ‘bout you folks take to the internets, there, and you start tellin’ the folks at LAW who you want me to face off with, next? Let’s get it trendin’, or suchlike, and maybe you lot can pick me next match, eh?”

Gemma leaned back, flashing a grin at the crowd. “As for the other question, well, that’s a bit personal, ennit?” Gemma gave a wink. “As of right now, I’m not seein’ anyone on the regular … Unfortunately, seems every time I meet up with some fit person, they’re more interested in mashin’ my guts in a literal sense, than in the fun way!” Gemma shrugged, as some in the crowd laughed at her self-deprecating innuendo.
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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Benny noted her answer. He had a candidate in mind one whom had a tie to a previous opponent of Gemma. He raised an eyebrow when Gemma added that she was single and kept that one in mind as he was genuinely shocked that someone like her didn't have someone clamoring over her.

"Gemma, what is your favorite way to approach an opponent? Do ya love zipping around more or throwing around big flabby females who make the ring shake upon impact?"

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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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“Wow, not holdin’ back, are we?” Gemma laughed, shaking her head at the description of her opponents. “Well, for what it’s worth, I try to engage my opponents in good faith. I’m not tryin’ to bounce their chubby bums all over the mat so they can jiggle their way into unconsciousness, it just sort of happens!

“Seriously, though, fer years I thought that I had to fly around to get an edge on some of the bigger ladies I met in the ring … and for a long time, I did! But the last little bit here, I’ve been workin’ on strength training and building myself up, some. So when I do get my hands on some unsuspectin’ bird’s chubby arse and actually get her off her feet? Well, the satisfaction of her shocked whinging is almost as much fun as rockin’ her off the ring!

“That bein’ said, yeh dance with what brought you, and I’m always going to push myself athletically in the ring. So, expandin’ my repertoire doesn’t mean I’m going to stop finding new ways to use speed and leverage to my advantage. I mean, I am the Air Raid Siren, after all!”
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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Benny sat back, happy that the interview was going so well. He kept quiet and watched as Gemma handled it like an absolute boss. He was lad that all was going well.

"You are now 6-2 solo, doing much better than you had done with Holly as a tag team. Would you ever tag with anyone again and if so who would it be?" Someone asked. "Are there teams you would want to face or face again? Do ya want another match with Alaina now that she is the heavyweight champion?"

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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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“That many, now? Wow, I’m getting’ pretty good!” Gemma said, with a giggle. “As for tagging up again, hmmm … I dunno. I mean, it’s wrestlin’ an’ you can never say never, n’all, but I think it’s pretty safe to say we’re all familiar with my last tag team and the spectacular flameout that was, well … woof. But who knows? There’s a couple teams that I wouldn’t mind a chance to take a second crack at, for personal or professional reasons. So it goes, yeah?

“Now, as for Alaina Saunders … would I want a crack at the LAW Heavyweight Champion? Well, I’m not even part of that division, but if I told you I didn’t want another crack at her now that she’s wearing one of the most impressive belts in all of wrestling? Well, that’d make me a liar, and I wouldn’t do that to yeh now, would I?

“And look at me, I’m bein’ so polite and professional I’m not even mentionin’ that I beat Alaina the last time we met, eh?” Grinning slyly, Gemma winked to the camera, playing with the crowd.
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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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Benny kept all that in mind. Try to get a match against Alaina, a good male wrestler with history tied to Alaina as well would be Dan Haines. Sure the thought of Gemma grappling with a buff guy all oiled up and enjoying it sort of made him feel inadequate about his own body but he stayed focused on the interview.

"You did win, but Alaina does have a tag win and she had ya when Victoria interfered in that one match." A reporter said. "However on the topic of tag teams your solo record is in stark contrast to your tag record with Holly, and that breakup was explosive. Have you ever reached out to her or vice versa? Would you want to talk to her again and what would you say to her if you did see her?"

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Re: Gemma Faraday's Beach Interview

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“Sure, well, we’ve established tag teams weren’t my strong suit,” Gemma said, rolling her eyes dramatically. “But how ‘bout we leave me mum out of this? She’s left herself out of most o’ my life at this point, so yeah …

“But yeah, we’re picking at all the old wounds tonight, aren’t we?” Gemma said, putting on a smirk. “I have not talked to Holly since I left her in that ring … I know a lot of fans thought I was too hard on her, but you have to look at it in context: that girl had gotten my arse kicked more than enough times at that point, and it all just kind of boiled over. So, since then, I have not reached out, no. I’m honestly not sure she would even want me to. She has her career … such as it is … and I’ve got mine. I guess if we were to talk, we might have some things to settle …” Gemma looked thoughtful as she trailed off, shifting in her chair.
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