The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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Hentai Submission Pudding Match

Match takes place in a pool of pudding. Win via hentai submission

Tonight was a big night for the French woman who was sometimes called the saint of sex. Tonight was Narcisse's LAW debut and even more exciting was her opponent, the former Hentai Champion Rei Tachibana, Narcisse had watched the woman's matches in the past, Rei was quite a lovely debut, though she planned to show LAW just what she was capable of not only by beating Rei but Narcisse wanted to embarrass her.
Narcisse was in the locker room looking in the mirror adjust her attire so that her nipples where covered by the white material with a gold outline. Smiling and humming to herself took one last look before exiting the locker room into the hallway. Narcisse didn't seem nervous or anxious like some might be for there debut, the blonde seemed calm and unbothered as she made her way to the curtains doing some stretches as she waited for her music to start.
Entrance Music
"Entering first and making her LAW debut! From Paris France, The Saint of Sex! NARCISSSSEEEEE BENARD! the announce said.

A moment later Narcisse walked out from behind the curtain her hips swaying from side to side with each step. The crowd whistled and cheered at the sight of the Blonde French woman. Narcisse stopped to take in the crowd running her hand through her Blonde hair giving the camera's a lustful look before smiling and continuing her walk to the pool. Narcisse smiled at the sweet treat in front of her before stepping in, and reaching down to get some on her finger before bringing it to her mouth for a taste, it was a sweet treat something that would go excellent with her opponents own sweet nectar but until then Narcisse had to wait for her opponent to arrive before any of that could start.


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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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Although she was without her belt, Rei Tachibana, the Sexfighter was never going to turn down the challenge of breaking in the newcomers to her once Division of Sex. She was quite intrigued by the woman in question, hearing whispers and murmurs about what this “Saint” brought into a realm of sensual duels. A smile curled on her lips, anticipation and excitement coursed through her body as her theme began to play among the arena’s speakers as she made her way out on to the stage.
Adorn in her golden swimsuit, that always left little to the imagination, Rei stood on the stage as her eyes scanned the fans in attendance, ravenous at the sight of her and her opponent who was already waiting for her in the sweet battlefield of pudding. Her eyes soon drifted down to the center of it all, where the pool was waiting for her along with the Saint.

“Entering next, from Hiroshima, Japan, The Sexfighter! REEEEEEEI TACHIBANAAAAAAA!”

Rei made her way down to the pool, her sandals protecting her feet as she made her way down to poolside with her eyes not once leaving the blonde waiting within the sea of sweetness. From just looking at her, Rei could tell that this Saint was proficient in the ways of, oozing with confidence from every pore of her body. Her smile of excitement deepened as she kicked off her sandals and stepped over the edge of the pool into the pudding.

“Well well now, you’re quite the woman now aren’t you?” Rei cooed as she waded through the pudding, letting her feet slide as she made her way to the center, looking to meet her opponent in the center!

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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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Narcisse stared up the ramp at her opponent, who was referred to as "The Sexfighter". We'll see who the real sexfighter is when I leave her face down in this pudding" Narcisse thought to herself as she watched Rei walk down the ramp the gold bikini truly leaving little to the imagination, something Narcisse liked though she would love it all the more once her opponent was left wearing nothing.

When Rei joined her in the pool Narcisse met her in the center her breast just an inch from her opponent's. "More woman than you can handle Madame Tachibana" Narcisse said in her French accent. 'Let's usher in a new era of hentai shall we? I'm about to make your match with Rosy look ordinary" She added taking another step pressing her breast against the former champion's.


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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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Rei and Narcisse wasted no time in sizing each other up, standing in the center of the pudding as Rei's eyes titled up to meet the gaze of the slightly higher Narcisse, up close she had all the view to see what the beautiful French woman had to offer. Her sexual aura was almost suffocating had it not been for Rei's unyielding sexual confidence that she could handle the blonde. "Ooooooh, that's a bold statement." she cooed, "A new era of hentai you say? I have started this revolution of sex, you may add to it but you will not overstep your boundaries little lady." Rei cooed back, leaning forward as Narcisse stepped into her, meeting her force and momentum with an audible clap of their bodies smacking together.

Their breasts squished and shoved into each other, both of them battling for the space between their bodies with their bikinis barely being able to hold in their breasts with the added pressure. "Don't make promises you can't keep. I have plenty to give." she fired back and to emphasize she shoved her breasts forward to shove back on Narcisse's pair!

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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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The sexual Aura of both women could be felt around the arena only being emphasized more as there bodies came together making a clapping noise. Breast to breast, stomach to stomach. "My boundaries? I'll be sure to show her that she is the one stuck with those" Narcisse thought to herself. It was obvious both women had a goal of walking out of the arena with a win but now Narcisse had the goal of breaking her opponent sexually.

Narcisse felt her opponent shove her breast forward, remaining firm Narcisse refused to give an inch, instead only smiling at her opponent's remark. "Oh my sweet Rei. I don't make promises, I make guarantee's, nothing less. But I'll promise to give you even more pleasure in private after I win... If you can even handle more of my touch when I'm done with you" Narcisse said slowly bringing her arms up, resting her arms over Rei's shoulders before grabbing the woman by the back of the head pulling her in for a deep, surprising kiss as the bell rang. The perfect way to send an early message in the match to her opponent as her tongue attempted to invade the former Champion's mouth!


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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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The sexual tension between the two was so thick that everyone could see it between their fierce gazes within the pool of pudding. Rei's arms slid up Narcisse's body and resting on the hips while her opponent's arms rested on her shoulders, neither one of them breaking eye contact in their sensual lock up. "Ha. You'll have to win first before you start whispering sweet nothings to me." Rei shot back, leaning her head closer to Narcisse's before she was pulled tight into sudden kiss! Rei's eyes widened before she quickly recovered, pulling her arms around Narcisse's waist to add to the embrace!

"Mmmmmmmm!" Rei moaned out as she pulled on tightly on her opponent, mashing their large and barely covered breasts together as they made out before the bell rang which quickly followed suit! She felt the opposing tongue trying to gain access to her mouth, Rei would not let the intrusion go unanswered as she opened her mouth, letting her own tongue surged forward to combat Narcisse's!

She shoved forward, mashing her breasts into her opponent's to push her back across the pudding!

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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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Narcisse felt Rei's hands on her hips but didn't acknowledge them, instead keeping her eyes fixed on her opponent's . The sexual tension in the pool was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Instead of responding to her opponent the saint of sex pulled the woman in for a surprise kiss, sounding the bell! Narcisse was amused seeing Rei caught off guard before closing her eyes and focusing on the kiss as Rei pulled them closer together by the waist at the same time there tongue's met, wrestling in between there mouths trying to dominate the kiss.

Feeling her opponent press forward, Narcisse gave a few steps before remaining firm and getting an idea in mind. Narcisse's arms went low attempting to wrap around her blue haired opponent's midsection before attempting to lift her opponent and slam her back down into the pudding to create a large splash that would cover the two in the sweet treat while at the same time possibly leaving Rei stunned and Narcisse on top of her.


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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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The two beautiful women locked lips and body as they made out in the center of the ocean of pudding, but it didn't take long for the action to pick up as Narcisse pushed the pace, lifting Rei up and driving her down into the pudding for a big splash! The gooey substance shot upwards as Rei was submerged underneath the beautiful French, her breasts mashing up against the large pair pinning them down as she pushed her head upwards to rise it above the pudding, sputtering out way had gotten into her mouth and knocked the wind out of her momentarily.

But the second she caught her breath, Rei quickly responded by throwing her legs up, rising them out of the pudding as she quickly slapped them around Narcisse's waist. The blonde may have taken the top position, but Rei was going to make sure that there was a price for her to pay as she started squeezing around her waist. Intent on making Narcisse's time on top as difficult as she could, moving her arms to wrap around Narcisse's arms and locking the two of them together as they squirmed in the pudding!

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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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Narcisse was quick to take things up a level after a kiss wrapping her arms and slamming Rei into the sea of pudding causing a large splash, covering both women in the sweet treat, there breast pressing against one another with Narcisse on top though her opponent didn't remain dormant, wrapping her legs around and squeezing the saints sides causing Narcisse to hiss under her breath as the two reached to grab onto each others arms staring into each others eyes with lust and much distain.

"Hope your fans are ready to hop ship Rei, the new face of hentai fucking the old one into submission sounds like the perfect with to usher in a new era does it not?" Narcisse asked in a mocking tone obviously thinking her opponent was lesser than her. Narcisse then leaned in wanting to place a dominant kiss on the woman's lips once again.


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Re: The Saint and The Sexfighter: Narcisse Benard (D) vs Rei Tachibana

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The struggle for dominance kicked off with both fierce women trying to assert themselves as the initial dominant force of this pool of pudding as they grappled with tight grips on the opposing set of arms. Jockeying for position, Rei pushed on Narcisse's arms and got the same in return, the seesaw of momentum teetering between the two of them quite evenly in the first setting of the match, Rei's eyes narrowed while her lips curled into a smile. "It takes more than one win to start an era. Especially if I'm still standing by the end of it." she shot back as Narcisse's head leaned in, a woman of Rei's expertise knew immediately what her opponent was plotting.

Their lips mashed together, it was not a sensual kiss, it was an aggressive kiss with Narcisse making it really clear that she was trying to exert her full control over her! The former Sexfight Champion was not going to stand aside for this new ambitious woman on top of her as she twisted her hips, using all of her leverage to roll Narcisse over in the pudding, splashing it about as she'd lay on top of the beautiful blonde and bear her lips deep down on her opponent to try and take control of her!

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