Match Type: Scream My Name Hentai Match
Rules: The winner must make the loser scream her name during a climax to end the match.
The arena grew dark aside from multiple strobe lights as Money by The Warning hit and Vanessa I. Price came out onto the stage with a confident smile on her face, wearing a new set of green gear, a pair of sunglasses, glancing around at the crowd as they booed her loudly. This time, she had a matching jacket on as well, and she turned, putting her back to the crowd, looking completely smug and satisfied with herself. The jacket in bright bedazzled letters said: I ALWAYS WIN. This realization got those in attendance jeering her even more loudly, and VIP could only laugh.
The fashionista was having her first match since her Apex Match against Amber Skye. A hard fought battle that, although she had taken great liberties and broken the rules multiple times, Vanessa I. Price was declared the winner. And regardless of how it happened, she was completely satisfied to have won and kept her winning streak going. And she had proclaimed loudly after it, a single truth that she believed: I ALWAYS WIN. A motto she was taking to her next match up against some newcomer. She didn't bother to even learn her name, she was so confident. And in a Scream My Name Hentai Match? Well, they didn't seem to be challenging her new catchphrase at all. And her ever loyal partner Chelsea Loski had joined her on the stage after VIP had gotten enough of the crowd focus. Turning her head, she stole a sensual kiss from the redhead before putting her focus back on the ring.
A red carpet unfurled in front of Vanessa as she began to walk down the ramp and towards the ring, holding out her arms proudly while she was pelted with more boos as Chelsea followed a distance behind, not wanting to take away from any of Price's spotlight. Eventually, she was able to walk up the ring ropes, giving a smug look at the crowd and shaking her head. Then Price commanded the referee to open the ring ropes for her, which the official complied, pulling down the bottom rope as Vanessa walked through and stepped out to the center of the ring with her arms out and a wide smile on her face, soaking in more of the loud boos. She went to the center of the ring, proudly soaking in the negative attention she was receiving in stride.
She would then take off her sunglasses, followed by her jacket, and she handed them to the referee. The ever-confident Vanessa I. Price went to her corner, looking down at Chelsea Loski with a sly grin before performing a last few stretches in the ring as she awaited the entrance of her opponent, Harmony. A name fitting, as VIP intended to make Harmony sing her name in this match for a win.