Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Match Type: Oil Swimsuit Match

Match Rules: Best of 3 falls, falls count via pin, submission or forced orgasm. Hentai and stripping are allowed.

Location: A pool covered in baby oil with 4 turnbuckles and ropes connecting them

Attire: Swimsuits.

Kusanali's life at LAW started off pretty slow, with barely so much as the occasional sparring match or the occasional session with a Lioness to speak of. That was, until recently, where a few full blown matches came rolling in, which was good for the 41 year old woman, as she was getting rusty.

Today was no different, as she was selected to take part in a oily swimsuit match against someone of good stature around LAW. She had not been told who that was, but she was eager to find out whom. She had always relished the opportunity to grapple with sone of the greats in LAW, and this could be just the opportunity she had been waiting for.

She arrived at the pool, in her bikini of course, bright and early, a good hour before the match was even due to take place. She watched as the ring was set up, with the pool inflated and copious amounts of baby oil splurged onto the pool, before the turnbuckles and ropes were fitted. Upon watching that, she began the long wait for her opponent to arrive.
She began to speculate who it may be. She didn't know many people in LAW, but she knew a few of the famous faces. Regardless of who she faced, she intended to give 150% in order to come out victorious.
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia enjoyed substance matches. It gave her a little leverage from all the intense standard fights in the ring and gave her the opportunity to shine in something she had started out with. To be close to some hot babes, rolling around in warm oil was'nt bad either and something that definitly would get her into a mood that Molly, her beloved fiance, would greatly capitalize on when she came home at night.

But for now it was Harmonia and her opponent and the Superstar intended to give 100 percent as always. As this was part of LAWs "Streaming Only" matches, it did not take place at LAW Arena but at one of their studios with only a limited live audience. Tough it was enough for Harmonia to get out with her usual show!
Her music started to play as the Superstar walked out to the oilpool, she went around, clapping some hands, giving some huggs before she jumped over the rope just as the refrain hit. Harmonia gave her glasses, hat and scarf to a stagehand and pumped her fist into the air.
"BURNING LIIIIIKKE FIIIIIIIIIIRE!", she screamed as her song started to fade and she turned around to meet Kusanali in the middle of the ring.
Harmonia bowed shortly and smiled.
"Guten Tag, Fräulein Kusanali. I am excited to face you today. But even if its just oil, give me all you got, ja?", Harmonia said with a determined grin and stretched out her hand for Kusanali to shake.

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Re: Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Kusanali wasn't the most learned member of LAW, but she new a good amount of the big names, at least by name. Harmonia Edelstein was one such name. It was a pleasant surprise for the Saint to see that her opponent today would be one such as her, and it would be in a match that she was looking forward to. She was honest to herself, and think she may lose to her, but she wasn't just going to let the Superstar win. She would have to go all out to defeat the Saint, as all her opponents had to.

Unlike a lot of her matches recently, this match didn't have much in the way of crowd. This was both a blessing and a curse, as less people would be live to see the two of them tussle, but that also meant less distractions, and she could take her opponent even more seriously.

"I will indeed Miss Harmonia. It is a pleasure to meet with you today in this lovely pool of oil. I hope our match is a good one for all parties" Kusanali said, bowing down back at her opponent before moving up in the oil slightly and shaking Harmonia's hand. She then pointed to the floor. "Fancy oiling each other up to make the match more fun for us both?" Kusanali suggested with a warming smile.
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia had to admit that her opponent was even more stunning and sexy then she had expected. And to be in this ring, soon covered in warm, scented oil, rolling around with Kusanali was just her idea of fun and relaxation. Man she definetly had to do this with Molly one day, whatever thought Harmonia had of getting down with a sexy girl, Molly was always in her mind.

She smiled for a second and then blinked a few times as Kusanali brought her back into the real world.
"Hm? Yeah, oh yes!", she said with another smile and went to her knees,taking Kusanali with her.
She took one of the prepared buckets of oil and pulled the other woman in with one arm as the warm and good smelling liquid flowed down onto their breasts, shoulders and arms, getting everywhere in the process.

Harmonia then threw the empty bucket away to be picked by a stagehand and started to rub her and Kusanalis bodies against each others, softly purring as she wrapped another arm around the older womans frame, softly pulling her in as their faces were now milimeters from each others.
"Let's see if you are the woman I think you are.", she said and pressed her lips onto Kusanalis, moaning and shivering as she invaded the older womans mouth with her tongue,starting the match with a duel of tongues so to speak.

Now when everything had been prepared and the fighters already at each others throat, more or less, there was only one thing to do.


Harmonia let her body slip and slide all over Kusanalis as she hugged her tighter, intensifying the kiss, letting her fingers softly squeeze the buttcheeks of her opponent, giving them a wet and juicy slap!

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Re: Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Kusanali, upon meeting her opponent more face to face, was not surprised as to how Harmonia got her reputation. She was most certainly a looker, and she was sure she was a strong and sexy fighter to boot. The realization that soon, the two of them would be covered in oil and grappling, maybe even naked, would put a smile in Kusanali's face.

Kusanali nodded as Harmonia brought both of them to their knees in the oil, before grabbing a sole bucket of oil and slathering it on them. Kusanali felt her opponents hands feel her up entirely, and the older woman would do the same, both of them getting a good feel of that they would be grappling against, if they could get a good grip.

She then shuffled forwards and rubbed her body with Harmonia's, before the blonde sweet talked her a little, then locked lips with the woman. Kusabali wasn't the Saint of Seduction for nothing though, embracing the kiss and fighting back, their tongues the first to start battle in their war of their bodies.

Kusanali jumped as Harmonia squeezed, then slapped her butt, before looking deep into her opponents eyes and returning the favour, before starting to try to dominate Harmonia's tongue with her own, as well as using her dmsuperior size to try and push Harmonia into the oily ground.

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Re: Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Harmonia allowed herself to be flirty ,after all, this was a hentai match and the austrian knew all to well what the name of the game was. In a Hentai match, even if it was just for a few minutes, you became lovers. And lovers would do anything possible to make each other feel good, be it with words or gestures. Harmonia had went into this bout with an embrace, stroking all of Kusanalis delicious body before kissing her, deep, sensualy and loving.

The secret behind hentai matches was to be involved and determined enough to accept that you were romantically involved, even if it was just for a short time. Having accepted this, it felt much easier to do what was necessary and it made for so much more fun. Harmonia kissed and fondled Kusanali, their oily bodied pressed into each other, wet sounds echoed around whenever they parted and got together again.

Harmonia fought a brave battle and as she was a woman who also handled heavyweights, she had no problem holding herself upright against Kusanalis attempts to bring her down. Quite the contrary, Harmonia let her arms slip upwards, cupping the bigger womans breast for a quick squeeze and then proceeded to interlock her fingers with her opponent for a test of strength.
Harmonia broke the kiss and pressed om, bending Kusanali backwards with a smirk. Now her impressive biceps and the muscles of her sexy body were at good sight, pushing down on the seemingly bigger and stronger opponent. But Harmonia was no ordinary middleweight anymore and she proved it wherever she could.
"Surprised?", Harmonia said with a smile as she gave Kusanalis body another push, bending her backwards.

"Come on...I know you can do better...Kusanali~", she said with a lick of her lips and a little wink as she tried to get the heavyweight wrestler down and under her!

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Re: Slip Slidin' Away - Kusanali vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Kusanali knew that weight classes weren't the be all and end all of fights, especially in messy matches, and especially not in hentai matches. This means that despite the difference between their sizes, this match was anything but a given for Kusanali. What she didn't plan for, was Harmonia to be straight up more powerful than her.

The saints wasn't exactly known for her powerhouse strategy, so this was a surprise to nobody, so when Harmonia asks if Kusanali was surprised that she had gotten off to the stronger start, she shook her head. "Not at all. I am not exactly the world's strongest woman" She admitted, knowing one of her negative points.

What she was though, was a fighter, and as Harmonia tried to take her down, Kusa sweeped hard at her legs in the effor to get them both down on the mat. If successful, Kusanali would then roll around with Harmonia, trying to get on top of her slippery body!

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