Age: 28
Eyes: Arylide Yellow
Hair: Raisin Black
Height: 6'3" (191 cm)
Weight: 175 lbs (79kg)
Nationality: French
Hails From: Bordeaux, France
Alignment: Heel (Monster Heel)
Entrance Theme

Past + Personality
No one knows where this woman came from. All the talent scout was able to figure out was a few notes. The dossier noted the most basic of information, like her hometown, and a few miscellaneous details about her weight, height, age, etc...However, an interesting part of the mostly lackluster 'interview' was that Lilith was an orphan and that she didn't grow up with much. When asked why she got into wrestling, she remained silent for some time before responding with a frightening answer. She wanted to show the world the monster it had created. When asked more about what she meant, she remained eerily quiet. She had been picked up off the indie scene following some rather brutal displays of cold, silent dominance and destruction. The woman was an absolute titan in the ring, nigh unstoppable, hardly flinching, borderline unbreakable. Rarely did an opponent ever get her to budge, even when the odds were stacked against her during handicapped matches. She merely picked apart her opponents one by one like a crazed individual ripping the wings and limbs off a butterfly. Inevitably, she attracted attention from a certain promotion based in Japan. Lilith quickly found herself accepting a contract that would ship her over toward the land of the rising sun...a new monster now inhabiting the hallways and locker rooms of LAW.
Closely kept secrets...
- At a young age, Lilith lost her parents in a driving accident on the highway. Lilith survived by the skin of her teeth, but the incident left her traumatized and socially reserved, resulting in her quiet and cold personality.
- Lilith uses wrestling as a coping mechanism. She took the role of the resident 'monster heel' to get all the pain and anguish out of her by dishing it out. She used to get in fights back in her school days, but after a few trips to the guidance counselor's office, she was given the recommendation to join the wrestling team, which she excelled at.
- Lilith has a love for animals. She always dreamed of one day owning a pet corgi, but she could never adopt one since she lived in an orphanage and then moved on to apartments that didn't allow pets.
- Lilith identifies as bisexual, but she's only ever had rough, post-match sex with two people after getting into a heated feud. Needless to say, her sex life isn't a perfect picture of emotional healthiness.
- Lilith does her stone-like body paint by herself. It takes hours, but the material she uses is built to withstand sweat, smearing, and contact hits.
- Lilith's favorite food is spaghetti. Her mother used to make it just right.
- The blank left eye of Gravestone is fake. It's a contact lens. However, the makeup Lilith puts on hides a slight scar from the incident that occurred when she lost her parents.
- One of Lilith's hobbies is botany. She finds it relaxing, and knowing her...she needs it. She has a small garden on the window sill of her apartment.
Strategy: Gravestone's MO is to tear her opponent apart piece by piece, breaking them limb by limb. She crushes her opponents in both mind, soul, and body with her hellacious moveset filled with punishing strikes and devastatingly powerful slams. All Gravestone wants to do is inflict pain upon whoever is unfortunate to come face-to-face with her. Even when her opponent is beaten and battered, this monster won't stop until the job is thoroughly finished. Once an opponent has been sufficiently broken and buried beneath an avalanche of misery and suffering, only then will Gravestone grant them the mercy of a pinfall. Cold and uncaring, this stone-faced berserker is nothing less than a tyrant in the ring, merciless and unhinged.
Preferred Attacks: Suplexes, Torture Racks, Chokes, Big Boots, Tackles/Shoulder Charges, Clotheslines, Piledrivers, Powerbombs, and Other Power Moves.
Preferred Matches: Standard, Pinfall Only, Multi-Fall Match, Hardcore, Tables, Buried Alive, Steel Cage, Knockout, and Last Woman Standing.
Attitude towards Hentai: "..." (Maybe as a stipulation but not as a primary rule.)
General Stats
-Endurance: 4.5/5
-Strength: 5/5
-Speed: 2/5
-Defense: 5/5
-Technique: 3/5
Wrestling Stats
-Strikes: 4.5/5
-Submissions: 3.5/5
-Power Moves: 5/5
-Aerial Moves: 0/5
-Counters: 2/5
Signature Moves
German Suplex










Finisher Moves
Six Feet Under (Electric Chair Tombstone Piledriver)



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