Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by Lunaspark »

The advantage was in Luna's hands, all she had to do was reach out and take it. All she had to do was keep up the pressure, keep up the attack, and Victoria would be done for.

The problem was, however, that Victoria wasn't just some ordinary woman. She was big. She was tough. She was strong, and in the brief moment of time that it took Luna to back away from the ropes, hype herself up, and come running back toward them again for her attack, Victoria managed to catch her breath and find her bearings. By the time Luna was sailing over the ropes, Victoria had turned to face her, and as the Night Witch descended through the air toward her, Victoria's arms stretched out toward her, ready and waiting for the high-flying woman.

Before Luna could slam into her, Victoria caught her, and the moment, the exact moment that the woman was in her arms, the big violet brute spun around. She twisted her body around, using her own momentum to help fuel a great big powerslam, driving Luna straight into the ground at her feet!

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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

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Luna jumps out without self-care. Still grinning, she sees her target getting closer, but instead of landing on Victoria's body, she gets catched up! The goth growls out while shaking and stroggling with her limbs, trying to strike some elbow shots against the huge woman, but without use. It didn't take too much before Luna gets conveniently slammed down with a big powerslam!

Luna gasps loudly at the impact of her back with the ground, gritting her teeth and holding her back with a hand, staying on the ground while moving her legs.

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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

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Luna was driven into the ground and Victoria's big, heavy body slammed down atop her. The sound of Luna's 'fuck you' brought a cruel smile to her lips, the Poison Rose already moving again to continue her attack as the words struck her ear.

As she began to rise, she grabbed a handful of Luna's short hair, forcefully starting to jerk her back up to her feet again. There was no being gentle, no being easy with the goth. This match was about pain, and Victoria wanted to make sure she hurt Luna in every single way she possibly fuckin' could. So, she jerked her hair, yanking and pulling on it, forcing Luna back up to her feet to stand before her again.

As soon as Luna was standing, Victoria dropped her grip on her short hair. A leg came up, the Rose aiming a quick, hard-hitting knee straight into the woman's stomach, a stiff hit meant to keep her under control and keep her from trying to turn the fight back around again. Then, Victoria grabbed for her arm, her fingers tightening around Luna's wrist. She began to drag her toward one corner of the ring, where the steel ring steps were sitting, then with a mighty roar she twisted her upper body around, trying to send Luna flying right into the side of the hard metal stairs!

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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

While Luna stayed on the ground holding her sore back, she slowly gets dragged violently by her hair- The girl growls struggling with her limbs, before getting forced on her feet. Obviously, Victoria wasn't going to give Luna some space, and immediately strikes a knee in her gut! forcing her to bend.
Luna gasps loudly at the impact, spitting some saliva from her lips as that knee pad digs in her abs, gritting her teeth afterwards and staying bent, metabolising the pain.

Victoria grabs Luna's arm while she was bending, and, in a few moments, she'd throw the goth against the side of the hard metal stairs!
Luna groans loudly in pain as the side of her body hits the stairs, gritting her teeth while trying to control the pain. She takes a moment to breath while holding herself on the said stairs, keeping her arms there, still slightly dazed.
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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by Lunaspark »

The momentum of the match had shifted and Victoria was in control, smirking at the sound of Luna's body slamming into the unforgiving steel of the ring steps. She watched in grim satisfaction as Luna's body was thrown against the stairs, the woman starting to drop to the floor but managing to catch herself and hold herself up against them.

It only took a moment for Victoria to angrily stomp back toward Luna again, once more reaching out to grab her by her hair. With a vicious jerk, she pulled Luna back away from the steps, only to grab her shoulder with her free hand, forcing the goth to face the steps. Once she had Luna turned toward the stairs, the vicious Victoria then suddenly let out an angry yell, before ramming the woman's forehead straight toward the metal!

Once, and then twice, she slammed Luna toward the steps, slamming her face-first against the metal. Then, she released her grip, letting Luna fall as she may, whether to the floor or slumping against the stairs. She turned away from the goth, heading back toward the announcer's table, where she grabbed for a metal chair sitting nearby. Lifting it and folding it up, she gave it a quick practice swing, testing how it felt in her hands. Nodding in approval at the weight and heft of the chair, she then turned back toward Luna, watching to see where she was before moving toward her again, fully planning on beginning a beatdown of the witch with the new weapon in her hands.

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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Luna, while moving on the iron stairs, keeps her body stable thanks to her arms, but receives a kick from Victoria as a punishment, which makes her bounce again against the metal corner, and if it wasn't already painful enough, the masked woman with her brute strength grabs Luna by the hair and her arm, before slamming her face down onto one of the stairs' steps! a couple of times! -
A wound appears on Luna's forehead, further stunning her, and as expected, Luna stumbles backward like a zombie, before falling on the ground, panting in pain.

But one thing that Victoria had left out of her math-counts, is that Luna is used to pain-!

While she looks for a chair and tests it out, Luna has plenty of time to take a quick look under the ring, while she remains on the ground, and secretly grabs a small object stretching her arm under the LAW tarpaulin at the edge of the ring which gives access to the underlying part of the mat, no one can see what it is, but for now, she hides it inside her costume, better playing smart!

Staying in pain on the ground, she takes a few moments to catch her breath, knowing that the punishment was about to continue!
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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by Lunaspark »

With a chair in hand, Victoria moved back toward Luna, looming over her as the Night's Witch lay upon the floor. Her fists tightened around her chair, clenching it tighter within her hands, as she raised the weapon upward, up into the air, high above herself.

Then, like lighting, she struck.

Down came the chair, the hard metal slamming right into the body of the goth who lay before Victoria. The impact of the steel striking her body sent a shockwave through the weapon, shaking Victoria's hands, but she was unrelenting, raising the chair a second time, and slamming it down into Luna's body again. Then, once more, with a third and final swing, Victoria slammed the chair down into Luna's body with all the strength and fury she could muster.

After the third shot to her body, Victoria angrily tossed the bent and battered chair to the side. She dropped to her knees, right beside Luna, and snatched her by the hair again. She pulled upward, pulling Luna's head up off the floor as she leaned close, face-to-face with the woman, speaking to her for the first time this match.

"You're fucking dead!" She snarled, her breath hot against the skin of Luna's face. "I'm fucking ending your career tonight! You'll wish you never fucking met me, bitch!"

With those words, she began to stand once more, and just like before, she tugged and pulled upon Luna's hair, forcing the goth to stand up with her.

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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Luna's body stretches and twists at each hit of that chair against her body- the goth groaning moves on the ground with her limbs, falling down each time the chair lands on her back, and then, it breaks-!

Luna's back, thighs and shoulders now are bruised up, as she pants staying down "mff...t-that's all you've got? ghh-" She says coughing, before turning, yet, her opponent is immediately at her, forcing her up by her hair once again!
Luna huffs hearing finally Victoria's voce, printing a grin on her lips-
"uh then you can talk...good." she murmurs, before playing out a heel classic move-! since she can't claw on Victoria's face, due her mask...yet she can still use two fingers to quickly poke her eyes! the smallest effort can bend even the biggest people....especially cheating!

in the poke would work in the attempt to free herself, Luna would strike a violent elbow shot, turning on herself to get some momentum and delivering the blow! wanting to daze enough the masked woman to proceed with a fireman's carry, getting her on her shoulders!-
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Re: Victoria Vance, the Poison Rose versus Luna Caraccio, the Night's Witch ~ Hardcore Hell

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Victoria was big. Victoria was tough. Victoria was a mean, nasty bitch.

But even she couldn't just shake off the ol' snake eyes.

Luna's fingers jabbed through her mask to poke at her eyes, leaving her reeling back, howling in pain at the woman's cheap shot. She took one step back, then another, trying to recover and regain her vision, but Luna stayed atop of her, shaking her up with a hard-hitting elbow to her face. Her head snapped backward, and now? Now the Poison Rose was wide open, now the ball was back in Luna's court.

Before she knew what was happening, Victoria was suddenly scooped up over Luna's shoulder, lifted into her fireman's carry. She groaned and she flailed, helpless as she was worked into position for Luna's next attack...

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