Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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Standard Match: Victory to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or disqualification

Entrance Music
There was nothing like seeing the crowd come alive for a Kat Hart match! The opening drums in the first few seconds of her theme song alone were enough to get everyone in the arena going! Fans and even staff everywhere cheered as the tag team champion burst through the curtain and struck a pose at the top of the entrance ramp!

Kat Hart

Kat strolled down the entrance ramp, high-fiving fans in the aisle seats. The SWAT Cat stopped to sign a poster and hug a fan in the audience before finally making her way toward the ring. As Kat interacted with the fans, the announcer and commentators at ringside explained how this match came to be. Hart had put out a contract for an open challenge. And much to everyone's surprise, up-and-comer Hikari Okane beat everyone else to the punch and signed it, setting the match in stone! While many would consider Hikari the underdog in this, one had to imagine that she was eager to face off with Kat Hart for a reason. And as Kat handed her golden championship belt to the referee and settled into her corner, she smiled and looked to the entrance ramp with anticipation! The Super Kitty was looking as impressive and as capable as usual. Her impressive, toned form stood tall against the ropes and turnbuckles. Hikari wanted her in a match and Kat was eager to oblige! The veteran was excited to see what her junior wrestler had in store for her!

(tagging @Kookio to let him know I finally started this match with him! :smile: )
Last edited by winner3 on Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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"C-Come on, Hikari... You can do this..." Hikari whispered to herself while offstage during her future opponent's entrance. Her legs were shaking. She had never asked for this type of match, but her manager signed her up for it and put it in her name. She should really talk to her about impersonating her... Or she would had she had the confidence to even stand up to her. "Sh-She's just one of the toughest wrestlers in LAW..."

Every instinct in her body was telling her to run away and never look back and of course; she listened to those skills. But when she turned around to flee, her manager was there. "Nuh uh uh. You're doing this." her manager said before pushing Hikari out of the ring, making the first thing Kat sees of her her stumbling out into view and promptly falling on her ass as her theme song started.
The crowd cheered and laughed while she scrambled to her feet, both of the spotlights shining on her while she froze. There was no turning back now. Running away in front of everyone would be more embarrassing than just going in. She began to walk to the ring, shyly waving hi to her fans. Once she made it to the ring, she would slide underneath the ropes, standing up and only somewhat face her opponent. Only, the pinkette couldn't even look Kat in the eyes, preferring to hide behind some of her hair. Without even mentioning that Hikari was nearly half a foot shorter than her opponent, she didn't look like she belonged in the ring at all.
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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Kat remained in her corner, looking in toned and capable. The commentators covering the match noted that The Super Kitty looked to be in top form! And by contrast, Hikari looked to be anything but ready! From the very moment she entered the arena and appeared on screen, everything about the cute pinkette's body language communicated helplessness! Her clumsiness not only cost her a chance at a convincing entrance, it also made her the butt of many a joke with the crowd tonight!

As Okane waved meekly and shuffled her way down to the ring, Kat looked on with her teeth grit and her face contorted. Not out of disgust, of course, but out of genuine concern for her colleague and opponent.

"H-heyyyy!" Kat would wave to Hikari once the middleweight stood up in the ring with her. She tried to handle this delicately. Marching right over to the girl without saying something first would probably spook her.

Kat would place her hands on Hikari's shoulders. Despite the fact that the girl seemed to want to be anywhere but here, despite the fact that Hikari couldn't bring herself to look The Super Kitty in the eye, the luchadora would look down and smile warmly at her.

"Just breathe, okay? You're gonna do an awesome job in this match! Just believe in yourself." Kat encouraged her.

"You made it to LAW, right? You're a cut above the Young Lionesses and you're at one of the top wrestling companies in the world. Let's show that to everyone tonight, yeah?" Kat would motion to the fans with a quick nod of the head. She would wink as she offered her gloved hand to Hikari for a handshake as a show of sportsmanship and friendliness.

Regardless of whether or not Hikari could pull enough of herself together to reciprocate and accept the gesture, the referee would eventually come between them. The female official would check with both ladies to make sure they were ready to start this contest off proper. Kat could only hope that she managed to ease some of Hikari's nerves. Regardless of what the girl's manager said or what the fans said, Kat Hart always did her best to make sure that both she and her opponent could put on a good match that could please the fans!
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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[/color]When the Luchadora came walking over to her, Hikari couldn't help but squeak a little, her eyes closing tightly while she prepared for some type of possible low blow or sudden attack. But instead, she just felt some light pressure on her shoulder and would look at the hand that was resting on her, and then back up at her opponent for the first time for only a little bit. Hearing the words of encouragement got the Pinkette to blush a little, her hips swaying from side to side in a shy manner.

"U-um thank you, K-Kat." she thanked, awkwardly attempting to bow politely but would just end up accidentally bouncing her head into Kat's chest. That was so awkward! Before Hikari could even get a word in to apologize for that, the action would cause the referee would get between them and separate the two as they would check to see if both girls were ready to start the match.


The bell would ring after the check was complete, signifying the start of the match. Despite her meekness and fear of being beaten up by Kat, Hikari would start the match, attempting to run towards her opponent and attempt to try and attempt to push the larger fighter into the side of the ring. An attempt that was pretty obviously telegraphed because of how uncomfortable Hikari was.
Last edited by Kookio on Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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Kat could feel that Hikari was on edge. LAW could be a pretty cutthroat wrestling promotion at times. Especially for newbies like Okane.

Even as Hart approached the smaller girl, she could tell that the wincing and the flinching from her opponent was coming from a place of bad past experiences. But a few kind-hearted words and an inspiring gesture from the tag team champion helped spur Hikari on! The change in body language was immediately apparent. The cute pinkette had gone from carrying herself with an air of fear and concern with her eyes shut tight to swaying her hips and blushing at the prospect of being met with genuine sportsmanship and goodwill, especially from someone like Kat Hart!

Hikari's bow caught Kat my surprise. Not because she was reciprocating The Super Kitty's kindness, but because of a miscalculation that resulted in the pinkette accidentally bow and lean her head forward such that she'd place it between Katherine's voluminous, supple breasts!

"Ooop!" Kat would coo when Hikari accidentally smothered herself a bit, even before the bell rang!

"Hahaha, I'm excited to meet you, too! It's okay!" The toned masked blonde would smile before pulling Hikari up and standing her up straight to make sure she was alright. Many fans in attendance got a good laugh out of this exchange. And many whistled and egged both ladies on, hoping for more steamy scenes!

It didn't take long for the referee to step in. Kat would wave to the fans while backing up a bit. The moment the bell rang, The Super Kitty would set her sights on her opponent! Against everyone's expectations, Hikari looked to start the match off hot and take the initiative! Kat smiled with excitement and expectation when she saw the pinkette muster up some confidence and charge at her! While Kat was world-renowned for her strength, her experience, and her technical ability in the ring, she was more than fast enough to keep up with the lower weight classes! The luchadora reacted to Hikari's telegraphed movements! She prepared herself by crouching slightly and assuming a grappler's stance. When Hikari got close, Kat would duck in low and step towards the shy pinkette!

Hart would look to step past Hikari and wrap her arms around the middleweight's waist! If she managed to evade Hikari's charge, Kat would hook her free up from below between Hikari's legs. She'd look to hook one arm over Okane's thigh and pull the pinkette down, rolling Hikari onto the canvas on her back to try and roll her up onto her shoulders with a Schoolboy Pin!

"Not bad!" Kat would quip if she managed to turn Hikari's efforts and forward momentum against her to fold her up into a pin!

If Kat managed to successfully counter here, she'd adjust her grip and grab both of Hikari's ankles. She'd do this in an effort to push them down and pin Hikari with the pinkette's ankles at either side of her head, and the referee would take note of this by dropping down to check the underdog pinkette's shoulders for a second before starting a count!


Of course, no one wanted to see a flash pin and a quick end to this contest! If Hikari was overwhelmed here, and too stunned to kick out, Kat would break her own pin, herself! Just before the 3 count!
Last edited by winner3 on Sun Dec 08, 2024 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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The ever-so capable Kat had no issue dodging Hikari's weak attempt at a tackle and even managed to stop the momentum of the Shy Rocker, hook an arm between her legs and used Hikari's reckless tackle to trip her in a way where she would fall over into a school boy pin. Hikari yelped in surprise. Since her eyes were closed, she didn't even see Kat duck in the first place!

The next thing she knew, the cute pinkette was put into a somewhat humiliating position, the tight fabric of her sweat pants sticking to her body as she helplessly flailed her body within Kat's grip. Since she was such a powerful foe, Hikari didn't think there was any way out of the pin. She simply wasn't strong enough in her mind.

Thus, Kat would have immediately gotten the three count, had she not purposefully broken the pin right before the three count was made and to Hikari's surprise. She rolled up into a sitting position, sitting there for a good ten seconds, not because she was dazed but because she had no idea what happened. She looked around at the crowd who was cheering, and then at the referee, wondering why the bell hadn't rung to announce her loss yet. She would then scramble to her feet, not even thinking that she was leaving herself open for Kat to follow up if she wanted.
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

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Ending the match now would see to it that no one would go home happy! While LAW was chock-full of wrestlers who would be more than happy to pick up a quick win and a quick paycheck if they were in Kat's position, The Super Kitty always made sure to send the fans home happy! Whether she was wrestling a fresh-faced Young Lioness or the World Openweight Champion, Kat Hart was going to do her best to push her opponents to put on a performance that they could be proud of! And in the spirit of that, the masked blonde heavyweight would continue trying to push Hikari to new heights!

"Hey...!" Kat called out to a stunned Hikari. The petite pinkette looked like a deer in headlights, sitting there on her bum in the middle of the ring.

"Pssst, earth to Hikari!" Kat snapped her fingers! While Hikari had been sitting there after the pin, trying to figure out life, the luchadora had zipped behind her and stood up. Though Kat was now in a position where she could go for just about any move in the book here, The Super Kitty instead smiled, snapped, and waved at the girl to try and break her out of her trance. And thankfully after a long moment, Okane caught herself and scrambled her way up to her feet!

"There she is! You look like you were expecting the match to be over already. But I'm not letting you off the hook that easy, okay?' Kat placed her hand on her hips and leaned forward.

"This match doesn't end until you put your game face on and tap into your potential, okay? Now come give me your best shot! Show the world what you're made of, Hikari! Lock up with me like I just dissed your favorite rock album!" Hart tried to fire up the pinkette! She gestured towards Hikari to tell her to find her nerve and bring it on! And the crowd roared with approval in the hopes of seeing what The Shy Rocker could really do!
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Re: Kat Hart vs Hikari Okane - Break Through Your Limits!

Unread post by Kookio »

"H-Huh? Wh-what happened?

Hikari said, still in shock that the bell hadn't rang yet. She had just scrambled up to her feet when Kat began to explain to herself. She didn't know why Kat believed that she had some type of potential as a fighter. She could barely even fight or have the confidence to even throw a punch without closing her eyes much less be able to beat someone. Even when she tried fighting people in a hentai match in an attempt to gain confidence, she would just end up looking like a slut and humiliated which made her confidence issues worse.

There were times where she would just space out and the next thing she knew her opponents were on the floor, but she didn't believe it had anything to do with her skill as a fighter. Instead, she had always thought that them falling was some sort of pity act to give her some wins.

"I-I don't have any potential..."

She said, looking away from Kat and having her fingers figit with each other behind her back.

"B-But I guess I'll try..."

She added, while running towards her opponent, closing her eyes again while she tried to jump up and cling onto Kat, hugging the woman as tight as she could in an attempt to smother Kat against her chest which was much larger than her baggy jacket made it seem. If she was successful; to keep herself there, she would also wrap her legs around Kat's waist to make sure the luchador couldn't push her off while also giving Hikari the opportunity to try and squeeze. Though with how Hikari was, it probably wouldn't hurt as much as a normal squeeze would.
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