A Long Awaited Reunion

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A Long Awaited Reunion

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For most of her life, Skylar Jones had had very few friends. She'd had a deeply lonesome adolescence, and hell, even today, she really didn't have any friends outside of wrestling. But to Sky, that was hardly a bad thing, After all, she'd met plenty of lovely people through wrestling, like Newbie Nuo and Armagilo, and folks who were, like Sky, rough around the edges, but she'd formed a bond with none the less, like Sachiko Koizumi and her tag partner, Cecilia Lombard. But on this Tuesday afternoon, there was one woman in particular on Skylar's mind, someone she'd known for years: Her old room mate from the Sexual Fighting Academy, Emily Strager.

It'd been nearly two years since the two had last met in person, when Emily, among others of Sky's friends, had seen her off at the airport in New York when she left for Japan, set to continue her career under the biggest flag she'd ever seen: LAW. Though the two came to SFA at the same time, both freshly eight-teen with big dreams in the wrestling world, Sky had graduated far earlier then Emily, given the rather short one year course she'd chosen, signing her LAW contract shortly after graduating. Emily, on the other hand, would stay in the school for two more years as one of the most dominant competitors in SFA's wrestling program. But finally, she had graduated, and it seemed that she'd decided to come to LAW as well!

An old classmate and mutual friend of Sky and Emily's had let Sky know which airport Em would arrive at, and conveniently, it would just so happen Skylar and Cecilia were in the neighborhood! Dragging her partner along, Sky had decided to surprise Emily at the airport! The two Street Dogs stood in the receiving area, Skylar leaning on a pillar as she made small talk with Cecilia. "God, I'm fuckin' excited! It's been so damn long..." Sky said, giddy. "It'll be fun introducing you two. My best friend from LAW, and my best friend from SFA." She smiled. "Maybe you'll like her."

Eventually, when Sky finally did spot Emily, she would quickly walk over to her, her speed just below a run. "YOOOOOO EMILYYYYYY!" She shouted gleefully, quickly throwing her arms around her old friend in a tight hug. "Hope you don't mind the surprise, heh..."

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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

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To say that Cecilia didn't know what to expect...would be a lie, actually. In all the time she'd known Skylar Jones, she had learned a lot about her past and her personal life, and while she didn't think she would ever quite understand why Sky was the way she was, she at least liked to think after spending so much time in close proximity, she'd grown a little closer to that point. She'd been present for all the inane ramblings she could go on, she'd seen what impulses spurred her to the actions no one could have possibly predicted if they tried, and she had heard plenty of stories about her tag team partner's past. Among those, she had heard plenty about her old roommate, Emily Strager.

But just because she had some idea of what Emily was like didn't mean she was entirely prepared for it. At least, as far as she could tell. The world of competitive sexfighting was something she had no frame of reference for whatsoever. She'd never been involved with anything of the sort; if anything, she saw it as an overly long and convoluted excuse for two people to fuck, and if she was going to have a match, she at least wanted something where people weren't as likely to get upset if she busted someone's head in. To Cecilia, pro wrestling let her be that much more honest about what it was she was doing. She was a cold, no-nonsense person, and the inner workings of the Sexual Fighting Academy seemed like a whole lot of nonsense to her.

And now, she was about to meet someone even more mired in those walks of life than Skylar herself. Emily already sounded like a handful from what Sky had described. She could only imagine what she'd be like in person. Still, as much as she wouldn't admit it to anyone...Skylar was her friend. When she saw how excited she got about reuniting with her old roommate after so long, Cecilia couldn't help but crack a smile. If it made her happy, maybe it'd be worth it. She certainly knew she didn't have anyone she could connect with and reminesce about the past, and there was nothing about her past worth reminescing about anyway...

Cecilia let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping as her thoughts turned to her upbringing, growing up on the streets and having to fend for herself after her mother died while she was young. Instead, she would look up, watching her partner as she ran off to greet Emily. As she did, the corners of her mouth turned up into a smirk. There was something about seeing Skylar so happy that touched something in her, something she wasn't even fully sure she had.

"Heh...about time I get to meet her face to face."
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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

For most people, entering LAW was a dream for them. A chance for them to prove themselves, get famous, get lots of money, and more. They would have fights against all kinds of people in various ways, having fun with each one, and even have the chance to hit it big. This was not the case for Emily.

Emily knew that she came here more as a duty, as her mothers daughter. She had trained for a year or more in the SFA, and with Skylar Jones, a no infamous member of LAW, so she knew her well, which made her heart warm up a little before she became grim again, as the weight of the death of her parents felt like the world had imploded upon her chest.

She slowly walked off the plane in the airport and saw Skylar dashing at her, with another young girl following her. She waved rather unenthusiastically at her, before almost flopping into Skylar, hugging her briefly, before letting her go and grabbing her belongings and speaking in a rather sombre tone.

"Hello there Sky... Long time, huh. A lot has happened this past year." She looked around the bustling airport, trying to put a brave face on it, but her gloom was apparent to anybody who knew her. "Well, this is Tokyo, huh. The home of LAW. Did not think they would want me here..."
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

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Skylar's arms wrapped around Emily like a slap bracelet around a wrist, embracing her old friend tightly. Two years. It'd been two fucking years since Sky first hopped onto the plane to Japan, and the two former room mates hadn't gotten to see each other in person since. Sky hugged the blonde tightly, grinning like a doofus. "God, I fuckin' missed you, girl." She muttered, smiling. But, she couldn't help but notice Emily's somber tone, and as she heard the sadness in her voice, something came back to Sky: News she'd heard a month ago, terrible news she'd tried to repress, bury deep inside her brain so that she wouldn't have to process it, so that she wouldn't have to feel the pain that came with it. Lucy Strager, a close friend and mentor, a woman she'd idolized like very few others, a kind, encouraging, optimistic woman... had lost her life to Cancer.

Lucy had played a special role in Skylar's life. Knowing her for nothing more than being her daughter's new College room mate, Lucy took a reckless, arrogant, and stupid teen prodigy under her wing. Amanda Sterling taught her how to drag a girl to the floor and make her feel incomparable pain, but Lucy? She'd taught her how to bring a woman to the floor and make her feel like Heaven. But, Lucy was so much more then a wrestling teacher. She was a woman who one could go to for advice. Whenever the stupid kid that Sky was had gotten herself into some shit, Lucy was right there to help her through it. Now, Sky would never get to reunite with Lucy, never get to hug her once more, and brag about all she's achieved in this sport in hopes of making her proud. She'd never see that woman's warm smile again, never hear her soft voice giving her advice, teaching her holds, ever again. But for all the pain Sky felt, she knew Emily must've felt it tenfold. After all, she'd lost her mother, and in a tragic coincidence, her father not long after.

Skylar stepped back an inch, her srms still affactionately on Emily's waisy as she looked into her eyes. "Your... your mom was a great woman... She said. "You... we, are gonna make her proud." She smiled weakly.

Letting go of Emily, Sky would gesture towards Cecilia. "This is Cecilia Lombard. She's... she's kind of an evil bitch, but she's one a' the best friends I got. Besides, you roomed with me for a year. Doubt evil is a problem for you." She chuckled.

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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

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As the blonde emerged from the gate, and walked up to Skylar, Cecilia turned her head in their direction, but nevertheless she sank back further into the wall she was leaning against, keeping her arms crossed. Whatever happened between Sky and Emily, she was ready to keep her distance. Sure, she and Skylar were close friends, and she had agreed to follow her to the airport for support, but she had no connection to Emily Strager the way that her partner had. She was just going to leave them to their business, and maybe exchange some pleasantries to a new face, making sure she wouldn't be a stranger if their paths crossed again. That would be all.

But when Emily started to speak, Cecilia leaned in toward her a little closer. Her eyebrow rose curiously as she stared back in her direction. From all the stories Skylar had told about her, she had a pretty decent idea of what to expect from Emily - she was boisterous, outspoken, fun-loving; it was evident why she and Skylar would get along. The girl who had just stepped off the plane...didn't seem like that. She seemed harried by something Cecilia couldn't make out; her shoulders sagged as though under some unseen weight, and her gaze stared out onto the horizon. Her voice was softer and more somber, and there was an air of melancholy around her that seemed inconsistent with everything she had been led to believe. When that one little detail didn't quite seem to fit, it drew Cecilia's curiosity all the more...and moments later, she figured out why.

The moment Cecilia heard what Skylar had to say, the color drained away from her face. Sky hadn't said anything about it, but she immediately knew what was going on. Emily had lost her mother. And the moment that realization set in, Cecilia could feel something tighten in her stomach. In that moment, everything made sense. Suddenly, she didn't feel so distant after all - she felt like she had been drawn closer to Emily than ever. She, too, had lost her mother at too young an age; just thinking about it made a shiver run down her spine. How she had never been given a chance. How she had been forced to raise herself through her formative years, never getting to know what childhood was really about. Cecilia sucked a breath in through her teeth. Now, she knew why Emily seemed so different. She knew exactly why. She'd felt those same emotions herself.

"...Hey." Cecilia stepped off the wall, moving in closer to Emily. Her voice was soft, and she looked at her with a concerned frown. Skylar might have called her an evil bitch, but for now, Cecilia was far more personable to Emily than she usually would be. She couldn't help it. Emily deserved it. "I'm...really sorry. I'm Cecilia. It's nice to meet you." She extended a hand, offering the blonde a shake as she showed her an admittedly awkward smile.
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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Emily lightened up a little bit as Sky reminisced about her mothers life, and how much she had benefitted her. She knew just how much Lucy meant to so many people. Not just to Emily and Sky, but to a lot of people. No doubt LAW had spread the word too, but Emily wasn't sure, and she decided against asking. As Sky hugged her with the strength of Hercules himself, the nostalgia flooded to Emily's mind like a rapid river. She remembered so much of what Emily and Sky did together, and what Sky was like. Yes, she was a bitch, and yes, they had the occasional argument over petty things, like who had the last cookie. But they were never against each other. Sky was the Yang to Emily's Ying, and nothing would change that.

"Yes, I know Sky. Mom would not ant me to stand here pouting all the time, and neither would Dad. I need to snap out of this, and focus on hat they wanted. To do what she could not, and that's take LAW by storm." Emily said with a slight nod, looking more horizontal and meeting Cecilia and Sky eye to eye. She soon lets go of Sky, before locating the luggage carousel to collect some of her belongings. But before she had the chance to collect them, her bestie introduced her to Cecilia formally. She chuckled a little bit about Sky calling Cecilia evil, expecting Cecilia to punch her in retaliation, but to her surprise, she seemed to not care. At least, for the time being.

"You have no need to be sorry. If anything, this gives me all the more reason to give this everything I have. You probably never met my mom, but she was the sole reason why I got into this in the first place, and I don't regret it one bit. She would tolerate anybody, and anything. I am Emily, her only daughter." She greeted, giving Cecilia a firm handshake. Emily noticed Cecilia's awkward smile, but she put it down as Cecilia's nerves meeting her, which she could completely understand.

Once she greeted Cecilia, she headed to the carousel, and grabbed her luggage, still slightly bewildered at how busy the airport was.

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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar couldn't help but smile warmly as Emily and Cecilia met and exchanged greetings. These two women had both been her best friend at different points in her life, and seeing the two of them interact with one another was awesome. Maybe the two of them could become good friends in their own right. Wouldn't that be a sight. It was funny, the variety in the company Skylar kept. As different as Emily and Cecilia were, Sky prayed they would hit it off.

Seeing Emily pick up her luggage, Sky would approach."Here! Lemme take those!" She said, figuring she should be of some use. She'd make it clear she wasn't asking, as before Emily could even say anything in response, she'd taken the bags out of her hands and into her own. "So! It's Em's first day in Japan! What's some fun Japan stuff we could do? Hmmmm..." Sky thought for a second, and threw out ideas the three of them walked through the airport. "We could check out a shrine..." She said, not even knowing if any shrines were nearby. "Oh! The strip clubs here are CRAY-ZY!" She prattled on. "One time, I saw this chick givin' a guy a hand job with tentacles! But I should also prolly mention I was high as fuck, and also the gal looked suspiciously flat. Not like flat chested, but literally flat. Like paper. Also my couch was there for some rea- Y'know, now that I think about it, I think I just saw that on TV, musta' been one a' those videos K' sent me. Whatevs." She rambled potential ideas for a good two minutes, before finally, "Oh, I know what'd be perfect! The karaoke bars here in Japan are so much cooler! They got like these private little rooms we can go in and have the place to ourselves. And they'll deliver food to you like room service." She said, her scatterbrains in full effect. It was true though. A karaoke box seemed like the perfect place to catch up with an old friend.

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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

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Cecilia had only known Emily for a few moments, but from the way that she and Skylar interacted, how close they seemed, she could already tell that she and Sky went back a long while - and even if Emily's mood had dampened since they'd last seen each other, their bond hadn't weakened at all, even in all that time. For a moment, Cecilia looked off, feeling a pang of jealousy run through her. It must have been nice, she thought, to actually have a friend like that - someone who would care about her, who wouldn't judge, who would stay by her side even in the hardest of moments. She'd never had anyone like that...except, maybe, Skylar herself? Her gaze lingered on the brunette, ever so briefly, before she grumbled and looked back down at her feet. No, Skylar was just an ally of convenience - someone she understood would be better off on her side than against her. At least, that's what she told herself. Maybe some day, she'd believe it.

But it was Emily who Cecilia felt even more akin to. When she thought about what she'd been through - how she'd lost her mother, how it had weighed so heavily on her spirits - it made something tighten in her chest. It made her clench her teeth a little tighter, remembering what she herself had suffered, and how she'd needed to grow up on her own. She hated being reminded of things like this. They always made her feel so weak, and so emotional, and she hated that. But at least Emily was willing to move on. To be stronger. That...was also what Cecilia believed in, she thought...

"Your mother sounds...like a great person. I wish I could've gotten to meet her..." Her voice grew softer and more wistful, and her gaze darted about, as though she was unwilling to let it linger on anything in particular for long. Her thoughts, on the other hand, did linger. She thought of how Lucy would tolerate anyone, no matter what. Would she have accepted her, like Skylar had? Skylar, who was the only one who ever had accepted her? "Wonder what...she'd think of me." Another sigh, and once again, Cecilia looked down. She could feel tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. She really didn't need that right now.

Fortunately enough for Cecilia, though, Skylar was quick to change the subject - and the mood. She spun back around to her partner, staring at her blankly a moment. "Skylar...what the hell are you on about?" she muttered, shaking her head as she realized she had apparently confused hentai for reality. Still, she cleared her throat, looking back at Emily. "Ahem, well. Moving on from...that. Getting something to eat sounds nice. I'm sure your friend's hungry from the plane ride."
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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

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Emily could just tell from Cecilia's reactions alone that she was not the only one to have mourned the loss of someone dear to her. That fact alone made her heart sink further down into the abyss that was her body. She just anted to give Cecilia a hug. But they had only just met, and she was not sure if she as in some form of relationship, so she refrained from touching her, at least for the time being. She knew that one of the world things to do was to try and force yourself between 2 lovers, and that was one beehive she refused to touch. She had known Sky for as long as she could remember, and she knew for sure that she hadn't changed a bit, other than she had been working out. This was the Sky she knew, and the Sky she loved as her best friend.

"She was. She would have gotten along with anybody, no matter how weird, or wacky, or... Sky-like" She replied with a slight smirk at Cecilia, teasing the brunette, as she knew that it would rile her up a little bit, just like old times. Emily soon gave Cecilia a warm smile, as if she was accepting her as a member of her friend group. She eventually decided to abandon the no touching rule she had self imposed, and softly put her right hand on Cecilia's shoulder with a smile, before warmly saying "Come on Cecilia, your parents wouldn't want you mooching like this, wouldn't they? You have to look forwards, not back!" She replied, before turning to the yammering Sky.

She walked up to the currently oblivious Sky, who's head was turned, before clipping her over the back of the head with a playful slap, before showing her a chain necklace emblazoned with Sky's name, as well as real diamonds located around the chain. The jewellery must have been worth around $2,000, minimum. She then put it back in the box, giving the box to Sky. "Mom gave us each one, and I have kept yours safe since she passed. She saw you as her own daughter, you know..." Emily replied, before then thinking about hat she said. "Karaoke, you say? Would certainly be interesting to hear how terribly they sing here. But yeah, that would be a perfect place to go. Lead the way!" It was at this point that Emily had noticed that Sky had taken her luggage, but it as fine, she knew Sky wouldn't try and make off with them. She was mean, but Emily knew that she wouldn't steal from her best friend, no matter what happened.

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Re: A Long Awaited Reunion

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