Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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It seemed her opponent had a few choice words for her. “That is big talk from someone who is constantly getting punched there at the moment.” stated the French wrestler as she threw one last punch. Getting off her opponent and quickly jumping into the air, Ciel managed to drive her knees into her opponent stomach or at least that is what she had thought at first. It seemed that Sarah had used her own arms as a shield to take the brunt of the attack, still, the blue hair wrestler managed to inflict some damage while remaining unharmed.

Being pushed off, the blue hair wrestler had lost her position but would then quickly get back on her feet. “You know what the say about the dogs like you, all bark no bite.” stated Ciel as she continued to try and play some mind games with her opponent. It seemed she had weakened her opponent arms, if she could disable one of them than she would gain a huge advantage in the match. She would then rush in and then attempt to deliver a spinning kick, though she was confident that her British opponent would dodge it. Instead, she would use the momentum she generated from the kick to extended her forearm forward, attempting to hit Sahar right in the face with a closed backhanded fist.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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The two women stood across of each other in the ring, Sarah's face having gone from stoic angry, to smug indifference, to now boiling rage as her features hardened as she looked at Ciel. Rubbing her arms, she definitely had to prove Ciel's point wrong especially after that showing from the bluenette as they drew closer to the center.

Seeing Ciel beginning to spin, Sarah immediately had her hands ready to block whatever it was that was coming as she saw the leg rise slightly, expecting a spinning kick as she ducked underneath the leg as it flew over her head. She would immediately pop up to try and swung her head at Ciel's chest, but instead she got the surprise of a spinning backfist crashing into her cheek. Head snapping to the side, she took a step outwards to catch herself as she grabbed her cheek. Growling out, her head was spinning after that back fist connected with her she stood back up, cheek burning in pain as a bruise was beginning to form on it as she stumbled off towards the ropes, her footing quickly recovering as she placed some distance between them.
Last edited by TheManVan on Fri May 18, 2018 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Ciel had expected some kind of witty or savage remark from her opponent but it seemed that she had managed to silence her British opponent. A smirk would appear on her face as she then charged forward, closing the gap between the two European wrestlers. Getting close she would perform a spinning kick and just as she expected the blonde wrestler managed to duck under it, yet the blue hair wrestler used the momentum of the kick to keep on spinning and extended her arm forward and hit the infamous wrestler right in the face. Ciel watched as her opponent was knocked back a bit and got ready to follow it up.

Taking a step forward she would attempt to grab Sarah arm in order to keep working on it. If she managed to grab onto Sarah's arm she would then attempt to spin her own body in order to twist the arm before jumping into the air and trying to wrap both her legs around her opponent limb. If everything went according to plan the two would then fall back to the canvas due to Ciel body weight and she would have the blonde wrestler trapped in an armbar.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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"Fucking...bitch!" Sarah hissed out as she grabbed her cheek tighter, trying to force the pain away as she bent over slightly. She felt her arm being grabbed as her eyes snapped to it, with the knees she took earlier to them, whatever Ciel was planning was not going to be anything good for her as she stood back up just in time for Ciel to leap into the air. Sarah's first instinct was to lock her hands together, to prevent Ciel from extending her arm and forcing it to hyper extend as she spread her legs apart to keep herself standing.

"Grrrrrrrr! You fucked up!" she snarled out as she fought against Ciel's attempts to roll them over and onto their backs, "Now...Here comes the pain!" she roared out as she attempted to lift Ciel up just enough to try and force her down into the mat, slamming her upper back into the mat to try and force her to release her arm!

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Really? That was the best thing her opponent could say to her, clearly when it came to the game of words, Sarah was clearly lacking in that area. Though a match involved much more than words, it required skills and talents, something that Ciel knew that her British opponent had plenty of. That being said, if she could keep both of them talking, she could perhaps gain a mental advantage over the member of Rebellion.

Moving in, Ciel managed to grab Sahar arm and would jump in the air and wrap her legs around her. Yet to her surprise the blonde wrestler didn’t fall and then slammed her down to the ground, causing her eyes to widen in shock from the impact. Yet despite this, she did not let go, she knew it was one thing to slam her down but if she wanted to do it again she would need to lift her up and right now if she could keep the lock held she would probably come out on top. Using what strength she could muster she would pull back as much as she could on Sahar arm, trying to break the lock. “You got that... right, the pain... is about... to start.” stated Ciel as she gave a smirk.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Sarah drove Ciel down into the mat, thinking that it was going to force Ciel to pop open from her hold but to her surprise Ciel was way more stubborn than she thought. Gritting her teeth as she narrowed her eyes down at the blue haired beauty, Sarah kept her hands locked as she felt Ciel trying to stretch out and drop Sarah on to her back to fully lock in this armbar.

"You....better enjoy that smirk....while you can....because soon're not going to have the chance."

Sarah was never eloquent with her words, even if she wanted to be, she found that speaking with her fists to be a whole lot more meaningful than anything else in her life.

But her situation was a little problematic, taking up Ciel for another slam would be impressive but her arm was not going to appreciate the efforts. And her back as well. Thinking of a way to break out of the hold as Sarah found her position to be waning, she decided to throw herself back onto the mat hoping that with her added momentum she'd be able to roll threw the hold and get Ciel onto her back and slip out her arm. And if she could, she'd immediately try to take the back of the blue haired girl, laying across of her to put her in prime position for a pummeling.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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“Oh, I am.” stated Ciel as she kept trying to pull back on her opponent arm, attempting to lock the hold in. If she could just break her opponent grip than she could start to do some serious damage on the British wrestler. Yet to her surprise Sarah decided not to try to lift her up or go for the ropes, instead, she rolled, taking Ciel with her, making it hard for her to keep the arm locked in which allowed her opponent arm to slip out of her grasp as she landed on her back.

A bit stunned from the entire roll and throw the blue hair wrestler would attempt to push herself back up onto all fours and try to figure out what had just happened and where her opponent was. Yet just as she started to do so, she would feel the blonde wrestler get on top of her, stopping her in her tracks.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Sarah showed off that she knew how to get out of situations that wasn't solely about brute force, even if she wanted it to be, tucking and rolling through the hold and freeing her arm. She wasted little time in taking the back of Ciel, laying across of her blue haired opponent as she attempted to hook Ciel's arm and trap it underneath her arm pit, exposing the side of Ciel and looking to leave it defenseless.

She let out a smile as she raised her free arm, pointing her elbow downward before trying to jam her elbow into the ribs of Ciel. If it hit, it wasn't enough just to be done with it, Ciel had made the personal offense of pissing Sarah off. She wanted to make an example out of the blue hair that she didn't take even the slightest offense lightly as she attempted to dig her elbow deeper into the ribs, practically drilling it.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Ciel would grunt as her opponent got on top of her and locked one of her arms in a hold below her armpit, which caused her to arc a bit to the side. She would than fell an elbow slam right into her ribs. “AHHHH!” yelled Ciel as she felt the impact of the blow. “Gahh, Ahhh, Rrrrh.” whimpered the blue hair wrestler as her blonde opponent started to dig right into her with her elbow.

Gasping for air and attempting to stay calm the best she could, the blue hair wrestler would try to think of a plan of action. The referee would slide beside the two and ask if Ciel wanted to give up but she would shake her head left and right to indicated no. Though every second she was kept in the hold, she could feel the pain getting worse and worse. But the French wrestler would attempt to use her free arm to start crawling towards the ropes in hopes of being able to escape from the hold.

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Re: Ciel Aonlous vs Sarah Luther

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Continuing to sneer as she drilled her elbow into the side of Ciel, pressing her point into the ribs of the blue haired wrestler as she could see her opponent straining more and more with each passing second. "You smiling now? Tell me, have any reason to smile now!?" she shouted out as she jerked her elbow harder into the ribs to send a jolt of sudden pain into Ciel's ribs. Sarah was enjoying herself in her top position, pressing down to drain and sap the energy from her opponent as she felt Ciel pulling them closer towards the ropes.

Sarah could have just sat on top and squeeze as much out of this hold as she could on Ciel. But she decided for a more forceful way of hurting the blue haired wrestler as she lifted her knee and attempted to drive it right into the other side of Ciel! She would release the arm of Ciel as she did this, freeing up her opponent as she would stand up after her attack.

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