Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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Strap-on Shower Match
Match takes place in a shower room with all showerheads on and heated. Both wrestlers will start the match nude. There will be one strap-on in the room. Victory by fucking the opponent to orgasm with the strap-on. Other hentai moves and orgasms are encouraged but will not win the match.
Bailey Byrnes, the Ginger Snap
Bailey rested her palm on the cool metal push-plate of the door. Here it was. Her career at LAW hadn't gotten off to the start she expected. Granted, it was a bit of a leap. Before, she'd only had to beat up on sorority girls who'd just left a study session for Shakespeare and the Modern Reader. Now she was expected to outfight and outfuck some of the greatest wrestlers, athletes, and celebrities on the planet. Weird how life worked that way, but Bailey was the kind of girl who could adapt to something like that -- or so she thought.

It didn't end up that way. Not at first, at least. Now she had the training and support of a former sexfight champion. All Bailey needed to do was make good on that. Today was the start! Whoever came into this room after Bailey? She wouldn't know what hit her.

With that in mind, she opened the door into the shower room.

...Or not.

"Huh." She heard a bunch of showerheads running and saw some steam rising up -- from past a second door. For now, Bailey stood in a far smaller room. Two sides held a wooden square of cubbies each, with a short metal bench in front. The misty door was on the far wall, opposite of where she'd entered. Presumably, the showers were past there. That door had a simple paper sign on it: "PLEASE UNDRESS BEFORE ENTERING SHOWERS."

Was that part of the match? Granted, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to walk into a shower match with clothes on, but stranger things had happened at LAW. "Makes sense... Guess I should check, just in case." Bailey had time, anyway. Her opponent wasn't here yet. While she was waiting for the other girl to enter the (un)dressing room, Bailey pulled out her phone and started tapping away.

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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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Well... It had only been a matter of time before Audrey was thrown into something even more strange than a standard sexfight. She supposed she shouldn't have been surprised, because of course letting only the dudes on the roster bang her wouldn't appeal to everyone. But yet... here she was, wondering exactly how was she even supposed to do this. Was it like that fight with Mami, except... in a shower...?

As she stood outside the door to the shower room, she hesitated, afraid she'd see someone closer to Brad's build behind the door. That would be her kind of luck.

You can't just stand out here forever. Go on, you can do this!

Hyping herself up wasn't having the same effect anymore. But for now, at least, it was... good enough. With a sigh, she pushed open the door.

It opened into a... locker room of sorts, wisps of steam lingering near another door on the opposite wall. Well, that made sense, she supposed... half the fighters she'd seen on the roster had pretty detailed outfits. She'd be surprised if they'd be made to fight in those under... these conditions. She herself had forgone her usual ring attire for a more standard hot pink bikini underneath a simple green t-shirt and black shorts. It only made sense not to soak her skirt, after all. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of the purple hoodie she'd slapped on top as she moved to an empty cubby.
General appearance, sans outfit
There was another girl already in the room, idling away on her phone. Another cute redhead, although her hair was a bit lighter. Audrey's nerves kicked in again - in her haze over this match, she'd forgotten to look up her opponent. It was probably this girl... right? There weren't going to be spectators watching this one... right?? The notes she'd been given had a name on it...

"Uh... you Bailey, by any chance?" she asked, spinning around halfway to face the other girl.
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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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When the door opened, Bailey's head whipped around to see her fellow redheaded wrestler entering the room. "Hey, you!" she called out, standing up to offer a hand. "Yup. That's me! That makes you Audrey, right? Nice to meet you."

For a moment, she just stood there, smiling at the girl while trying to be subtle in checking her out. Then she realized: There was still more to do before they got this party started. She moved to the side, revealing the paper sign and its instruction for them to strip down. "This is real, by the way. Not... left by some perv or something." She thought for a moment. "Well, they probably were a perv. Just... a perv that signs our paychecks." Bailey laughed. "Guess I forgot we were supposed to fight in the nude today." Bailey put her hands on her hips, ever so close to the hem of her yellow crop top. "So... Should we...?"
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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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The other redhead, now confirmed as Bailey, was surprisingly friendly. Audrey accepted her handshake with a grin. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad... "Nice to meet you, too!"

Audrey had had enough people - men and women alike, since arriving here - looking her body over to notice Bailey's eyes wandering. She didn't say anything, but instead did her own inspection. Fair was fair, after all. Bailey was cute, and looked like she had a similar build. ...would that matter in this kind of match? Sure, at least she wasn't a hulking mountain, but... if water was a factor, neither one was going to have much room to flex their speed.

But then, as Audrey stripped off her hoodie and stuffed it into a cubby, Bailey stepped aside. Audrey had spotted the damp paper sign before, but it was the words of the other redhead that gave her pause.

"N-nude?!" she choked out with a stutter, higher pitched than she intended. A deep pink blush formed on her cheeks. She hadn't... why were they... ?

Audrey had yet to get used to the idea of having her full body on display, despite knowing full well that it was a regular part of the action here. Sure, this one was taking place in a shower, but... She lifted up her shirt to reveal her bikini top underneath. "Buh- I-I thought we were just gonna use swimsuits!"
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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Oh, Audrey. She must've been new around here -- or at least new to the whole sexfighting side of things, which, to be fair, Bailey had been hazed into a while ago. Even before LAW, she'd done a lot in terms of sexy wrestling. This company, though? They didn't hold back. Just when she thought they couldn't get any lewder, it always went to the next level. Nude threesomes in oil, string bikinis on girls twice as curvy as Bailey, strap-on stakes. And now this.

She gave Audrey a wry grin. "When was the last time you showered in a swimsuit? Outside of the beach, I mean." Then she pulled off her shirt, crossed arms flicking overhead, to reveal her own upper body: Toned, fit, and now clad only in a simple black bra, perfect for stripping before a match. "Besides, it wouldn't stay on that long in there, anyway."

Bailey had to coo a bit when Audrey started to show her stuff. "Aww," she said, "you have freckles! And all the way down, too. Boo." She made an exaggerated frown. "'Boo' in that you got all the good redhead genes. Cute freckles, nice skin, a killer bod. They only let me have two of the three." Then, reaching back, she unclipped the bra to let her girls hang free. "What I'm trying to say is: You've got nothing to worry about. You're hot! Own it, girl." Then she winked. "I definitely won't mind."
The general physique (NSFW)

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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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"N-Never," Audrey replied. Discounting the beach, anyway. Half formed thoughts spilled out of her before she could complete them. "I thought... I just... with another person in there, I..."

Well... there was a certain logic to it, she figured. It was in a shower, after all. And given all the other unexpected strippings she'd endured so far, it probably shouldn't be surprising that eventually there would come a match that skipped that step entirely. Not that that made it any easier to accept.

Audrey continued to remove her clothing until she was down to nothing but that pink bikini. While she hesitated, struggling to bring herself to start removing her last shred of modesty, Bailey's words caught up to her. She hadn't realized the other redhead had been watching her strip...

Then those words started to sink in, and she only felt her blush deepen. She'd expected some comment about her freckles, but not one so... nice. Bailey's fake pout was cute, too. "O-oh. I mean... two outta three ain't bad, though, right? Don't sell yourself short."

And then her bra came off; Audrey's eyes automatically followed the movement. Smaller than her own, but cute, like the rest of her shapely frame... they suited her.

The pep talk that followed only made her more self conscious, but she appreciated the sentiment. "Oh, uh... thank you. It's not that I disagree, I just..." She trailed off, unsure of how of vocalize her thoughts. And really, she shouldn't be dumping her insecurities on a stranger, especially one she was about to come to blows with.

Audrey turned away to avoid staring at the other redhead's body. In the back of her mind, she knew it was silly, given the impending match, but she could at least be respectful.

And she'd get to see them up close soon enough, anyway.

With a sigh, she quietly untied the strings on her bikini top and slipped it off, followed by her bottoms. She covered her bare chest with her arm, for what little it concealed... there wasn't much she could do about anything else. But she hesitated to turn around again, addressing Bailey while pretending to be occupied folding her clothes.

"So, um... I guess we should get in there, then...?"
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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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It was a weird feeling, stripping down before a match. Especially a match like this. On the one hand, taking off a bra was always a nice breath of fresh air. Bailey wasn't a nudist or anything, but going from wearing a shelf for your boobs to au naturale felt great. On the other, for a lot of athletes, putting on a jersey is key for getting into the mindset for a game. In possibly the weirdest way possible, Bailey was an athlete. And this was her uniform. Nothing.

So it was a combination of that: Comfort and transition. That probably said something about how Bailey felt about her hobby, but now wasn't the time to think on it. Off came her shorts, then her panties (just as black and utilitarian as her bra). All the while, she listened to Audrey bluster through a response to her compliments.

That wouldn't do. Once they got into the showers, Bailey would have no problem taking down a reluctant or nervous opponent. But it'd be a lot more fun if they were both into it. Besides, Bailey wasn't lying when she said Audrey was a pretty woman.

She reached over to tap on Audrey's freckled shoulder. "Hey. Audrey?" If and when the shorter girl turned around. she'd find Bailey with her hands on her hips as if a pre-sexfight pep talk was the most normal thing in the world. The Ginger Snap smiled at Audrey. "Before we do that, let's start over for a moment." Then she opened her arms to offer a big ol' hug to her nude opponent!

"Hi, I'm Bailey!"

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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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The sudden tap on her shoulder made Audrey freeze up. She knew what she'd find behind her. She slowly looked over her shoulder, unsurprised to find Bailey standing expectantly right there next to her - because who else could it have been, really - but confused as to why. The match hadn't started yet... had it?

Bailey stood there looking serious, but with a smile on her face, her naked body in full view as though she were proud to show it off. In many ways, Audrey admired her for that level of confidence. It really wasn't that she was embarrassed over her body, but despite how many times she'd been shown off by this point, she'd never gotten used to it. At least this time she was in control over how it happened. ...Kind of.

She spun around to fully face the other redhead without really thinking about it, still covering her chest with one arm. She caught herself staring again, but... well, it wasn't as if her future opponent seemed to mind. Quite the opposite, in fact; she'd spread her arms wide, as though welcoming Audrey in.

"I... What are you...?" she sputtered, a bit dazed by the display.

But after a beat, she stepped forwards, again without really thinking about what she was doing, and slowly slipped her arms around the other girl's back. It was awkward, feeling their bodies pressing together... but she also felt some of the tension in her shoulders relax.

"Uh, h-hi, I'm Audrey."
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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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It was nice to see Audrey sneak herself another glance. Bailey was proud of her body -- and proud of how much other girls liked it. A small part of her -- one she'd often indulge in before a match, but small nonetheless -- also appreciated the competitive advantages of being attractive to an opponent. Still, it was even better when Audrey accepted the hug.

Skinship wasn't a myth, as it turned out. Who knew a good way to get comfortable with someone you were about to fight against in the nude was just... to exist together in the nude? It felt nice in a lot of ways, hugging Audrey like this. Feeling the contact with their arms and their bodies and their boobs, pressing up against one another. Just gals bein' pals, before they were set to be opponents. Bailey hummed into the hug. "It's good to meet you, Audrey."

Bailey kept the hug going a little longer than might have been socially acceptable. It seemed to calm Audrey's nerves, so... why not? But all good things had to come to an end. Their embrace was no different. Bailey took a step back to start stuffing her things into a cubbie. "I've seen the way you look at me," she threw behind herself, almost absent-mindedly. "And you know the feeling's mutual. So don't worry about it! We're gonna have a lot of fun in there."

Then she turned back around and rose a hand... Only to use it to cup one of Audrey's breasts! She palmed it in her hand for a moment. Plush, soft, a bit bigger than Bailey's own in all the best ways. Then she hefted it once, twice in her hand as if feeling out a beanbag before cornhole. "See?" giggled Bailey. "You definitely don't have anything to worry about in the body department. Promise."

A bit more skinship couldn't hurt, right?

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Re: Hot and Steamy - Bailey Byrnes v. Audrey Trovita - Strap-on Shower Match

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Despite herself, Audrey felt herself relaxing into the hug the longer it went on. It was undeniably nice, on some level, to have an opponent so amicable before they tore each other apart. And her opponent's skin was smooth to the touch, too. Perhaps Bailey was going out of her way to make Audrey feel more comfortable, or maybe this was just how she was as a person... but regardless, Audrey appreciated the kinship. She let herself hug a little tighter to show it.

And maybe the fact that she was touch starved - in a less 'I'm gonna rail you' kind of way that one often found in the ring here - was influencing her feelings a bit, too. Especially after the body positivity flying around.

Bailey pulled away far too quickly, but they did have a match to get to, after all. The blush that had weakened over the last several moments started to creep back as Bailey admitted to noticing Audrey's stares - not like she'd been very subtle about them, but still - and feeling the same, so she obviously knew what Audrey had been thinking. She wasn't sure what to say to that, but at least she was embarrassed about something positive now.

And then she froze up again as Bailey took hold of one of her tender breasts, that faint blush immediately deepening. She couldn't help the soft "Mm!" of delight that escaped her sealed lips in response. She tried to think, but her brain blue-screened on her. All she got was a faint, distant notion of how easily she'd already been melting into a puddle at this girl's feet before they even got going, the contact with her very touch-sensitive breast not doing anything to hide that fact.

Then a follow-up flash of, if she were that easy to read, it was no wonder her opponents got the better of her so often!

But even so, she made no effort to resist as Bailey fondled her a bit. Everything the other redhead had done until now had pointed to her just trying to be friendly. Audrey smiled back, doing her best not to show how much the hand on her chest was impacting her. The last thing she needed was to go into the showers already wet.

"Y-yeah. Thank you. Really. I know you're right. Just..." A shiver went down her spine. She didn't need to lie, but she didn't need to pour her heart out, either. "Just nerves. I promise I'll get my shit together for the cameras." And in doing so, she'd give Bailey all she could handle. That was really the best form of thanks she could offer.

And just like that, her expression turned business-like (although the blush did not subside, as the hand had not withdrawn). It seemed like she'd finally found the spark to get her going. And she needed it; she needed this win. She couldn't afford to go easy on Bailey just because she'd been nice. But she didn't want to come off as ungrateful, either. "One more thing. Whatever happens in there... it's not personal. Let's put on a good show."
Last edited by ThurmanMermanPlx on Fri Feb 02, 2024 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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