Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

Supercard event at the Tokyo Dome featuring mixed wrestling matches to showcase LAW's mixed division
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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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" know why? Don' know who the fuck I am? Nhhh...I'm the Rascal bitch!" She said as she then heard Moira ready to reveal herself for the cameras and noticed the big pitcher places beside her, even though it was pained, she managed to grin at Moira. "Mmm!" She moaned out from Drake's tight embrace before speaking to her red headed lover. "Of course...nnhhh I love them Irish." She replied giving Moira a wink. "Thanks babe!" She then straightened herself up to stare at Drake's face with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes in a look of defiance as she hooked the pitcher in her hand. She then let out a roar as she swung it full swing, still mostly full of guiness with the exception of what sloshed out as she swung to connect the large pitcher against the temple of her foe.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie wound up and swung the pitcher of beer at Drake’s head. She scored nothing short of a critical hit from both the solid hit of the pitcher and the beer that splashed into his unprepared nose and eyes. With a loud thwack! Drake cried out in pain and dropped Rylie. He staggered to the side and turned around, propping himself up only by the bar countertop itself. He clearly had the “Blinded” and “Stunned” conditions as his head and upper chest bobbed around.
“FINISH HIM!!” screamed Moira.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie just held her breath the moment Drake released him, not wanting to focus on catching her breath. She pushed herself off the counter to get around to the stunned Drake as she grabbed him by arm and crossed it up in front of him. "For my friends!" She grunted out before screaming as she yanked as hard as she could on Drake's arm to force him into a spin. As she did that her momentum forced her into a spin as well as she swung her arm with full force with everything she had to try to Ripcord Clothesline Drake with enough force to send him flipping backwards over bar to crash down to the ground on the opposite side as she executed the 720 Clothesline (360 between the both of them) finishing move she's been working on...The Rock Around The Rylie.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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All Drake could see was blurs. He saw a purple blur in front of him and then found himself being spun around. When Rylie came around too and clotheslined him, Drake was caught flat footed. Rylie’s clothesline had a powerful impact against Drake’s upper chest and neck. It sent him flying back against the bar top. The Colossus’ momentum flung him over the top and sent him crashing down onto the other side of the bar.
”Aye that’s me girl!! Give’em the ol’ one-two!”
Drake lay there completely starfished and staring up at the lights.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie nodded as she was panting from exhaustion as she was leaning forward against the counter. She peeked over as her raccoon tail swished from side to side. Noting Drake on the ground she then looked around and spotted the ref that followed. "Come on, around the bar." She mentioned in a rushed manner, she then gripped the opposite end of the bar and jerked herself forward with a grunt, leaping over the bar, she twisted her body so her rear would land on his chest as then palmed the ground and scooted forward to adjust herself to sitting on her knees and sitting on his face as she would use this as her attempt to pin her foe as she looked up at Moira with a look that pretty much says...I hope this works.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Drake laid there staring up at the lights. The dulled rumbling of the patrons cheering blasted in his ear. The lights were blotted out by a dark form that entered his vision. By the time he realized it was Rylie coming down on him ass first, it was too late. The breath left Drake’s body when she slammed into him. She then scooted up and sat on his face. Drake laid there helpless (and red-faced) as the ref counted.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie heard the ref slap that ground for a third time and immediately hopped off Drake's face. She was now on her forearms and knees as she panted with exhaustion, her tail not clearing Drake as her soft fluffy tail brushed Drake's face until the ref helped pull a grimacing Rylie up to her feet until she leaned herself up against the bar as the ref raised her arm up in victory. "She then looked up at the big t.v. display at the bar as she managed a pained grin as she noticed the pay per view was up on screen as the camera switched to panning over the thousands in attendance at the arena and she heard through the t.v. "Here is your winner, and still Lawless Champion. Ryyyyliiiiieeee Marshaaaaallllll!" Hearing the fans from the screen and those that followed into the bar gave her a sudden rush of energy as she grunted as she straightened herself up.

She then slowly walked over to Moira and grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her into her as she hooked an arm around her waist and gave her a passionate kiss in thanks for her help before releasing her and walking over to the cameraman that was still holding a camera up as the screen went back to her. Her lawless belt was brought over, carried by an event staffer that followed during the entire duration of the match as Rylie took it and slung it over her shoulder. "This match...proved that I deserve to carry this belt. Natalie, don't think I've forgotten what you did to my bro Oscar." She then held up her belt, "You're next, and to put it bluntly, you're going to be smoked." She said with a nice play on words. "I hope you all enjoyed the event. Shout out to my fans, especially the ones that joined me in the yeeting of the chairs and to my hot dog crew from the cruise for helping keep some of my weapons for the match." She gave a big smooch to the camera lens. "Muah! I luh you!" She said in a adoreable manner as she smiled. "Now if you excuse me, I'm at a bar right now, it's time to get my drink on...and get some rest...damn that Collosus gave me a beating." She chuckled lightly as she strutted away from the camera to go over to Moira as the cameras stopped rolling, and the pay per view was finishing up on the screen.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Drake Benton was defeated. For the first time in his dominant LAW run, The Colossus was pinned to the count of three. Drake laid there in shock. Rylie’s mechanical tail swishing back and forth across his face. He eventually sat up, grunting in pain and exhaustion as Rylie was declared the winner. He crawled over to an empty chair in the corner and climbed into it.

At the same time, Moira Kilgannon was cheering loudly as Rylie walked over to her.
”Hey, beautiful! she beamed.
She fell into Rylie’s arms, stared into her eyes, and kissed the victorious wrestler passionately. Upon parting, Moira was smiling and went to go make them drinks.

Meanwhile, Drake sat with his head down staring blankly at the floor trying to process what happened. First he blamed the fans helping her. Then Moira. No. It was no DQ and he knew that would happen. Then he blamed himself for not thinking of getting his boyz from back home to come help. No. He needed to win the championship himself to be undisputedly dominant. Drake knew the truth. At the end of the day, Rylie was better. He looked up at her celebrating and, upon locking eyes, he nodded at her.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie felt refreshed after the compliment and the passionate kiss from her love. As she began to walk away to make some drinks, she followed as she gave Moira a good game slap to the rear. She then twisted around to lean back against the bar as she looked around and noticed Drake with a thousand yard stare before a nod. She gave him a small smile and turned her head. "Hun, go ahead and grab me an extra bottle." She then waited for the bottles of beer before pressing each to one of her breasts and giving a quick twist, letting the caps fall to the ground before approaching Drake. She then set one in front of him as she sat across from him, bringing her feet to cross in front of her as she propped them up on the table as she raised her bottle. "As far as I'm concerned, since I achieved vengeance, we're all cool my dude. Cheers to one hell of a match."

Winner: Rylie Marshall via Rock Around The Rylie into a Banzai Drop/Facesit Pin
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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