An Unwanted Encounter

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by Anon18 »

Gohan's uppercut connected as plan. He saw Oliver's eyes rolled back with his head and some spit leave his mouth and up into the air. His body lifted a little bit off of the ground before gravity claimed it and he fell ragdolled onto the mat. Gohan felt genuine pity for his opponent, but at this point, Oliver is just a stepping stone for bigger fish... Arturo. So, as if to send a message backstage, Gohan leaned down and slapped his opponent on the cheek, as if to wake him up. When he didn't get a response, Gohan sat casually on the man's chest and let the referee begin the count.


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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Gohan was still conscious but unable to do anything. He could only stare up at the lights, which then darkened when Gohan stood over him. He felt the sting of a slap on his cheek but, his body wracked with pain, couldn't move. The pin at this point was elemental. The ref mercifully finished the count.

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by Anon18 »

Gohan could hear soft groans of pain from his opponent as the referee counted his opponent out and ultimately name him the victor.

"And the winner of the match... The Prodigy... Gohan!!!"

Without moving, Gohan gestures for the microphone. He watches as his opponent slowly stirs beneath him, almost sorry for the pain he delivered. When the referee gave him the microphone, he got up and walked towards the rope nearest the entrance ramp.

"Now I know you're watching back there and this," Gohan pointed behind him at Oliver, "this, is how our match would have ended last week if you didn't get lucky! You're not as good as you think you are, Arturo! Don't believe me? Come out here and prove me wrong!"

Gohan grabs the top rope with both of his hands and shakes it up and down, before letting go and pounding his chest a couple of times. Gohan then squats down a bit as he waits to see if his call out would work.

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Arturo walked out wearing a shiny silk button down shirt that had several buttons open. He held a microphone in his hand and started talking to Gohan from the ramp.
”Whoa there, amigo. Calmate. ¿Porque estas enojado? You won!…” he paused.
“Against a loser who means nothing! Takes one to know one! ¿Entonces, que quieres Gohanito?”

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by Anon18 »

Gohan didn't even realize Arturo was dropping Spanish phrases at him. He knew what he wanted and he didn't care what came out of Arturo's mouth. He was so consumed with the idea of getting back at Arturo and giving him a taste of his own medicine that without hesitation, he responded with, "What do I want? You. Me. A rematch. I'll show you that what happened last week was just luck."

Gohan throws his mic on the canvas and the thud echoed around the arena. He pulled up his gi a little bit before crouching down a little and gestured with both hands for Arturo to come to the ring. "Cooommmeeee onnnn!! Here and now!!!" Gohan shouted, just barely audible from the roar of the crowd.

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

”Awww you’re so cute when you’re mad. You’re also cute when you’re asleep. You’re a loser, Gohanito. I only fought you the first time because I was paid to. And look how easily I choked you out the first time. You’re not worth it, puta.” Arturo smirked.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by Anon18 »

The continued patronizing from Arturo is really getting under Gohan's skin. The Saiyan straighted himself up and looked left and right at the crowd seemingly looking for approval. As the crowd continues to cheer, Gohan knew he couldn't deny them a show. Not to mention, he's been itching to get his hands on Arturo.

So without any further provocations, Gohan slips between the bottom ropes and started walking briskly and with purpose, and made his way up the ramp. Though he really wants to get his hands on Arturo, he knew Arturo had the upper hand in this situation. Instead, when he got up to the top of the ramp. He pressed his forehead against Arturo's and issued a challenge. "If it was so easy, you wanna try it again?" Gohan says with a scowl, before pushing Arturo back, provoking the Matador to initiate an attack

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

The push was all it took. Arturo swung at Gohan and the brawl was on. The two locked horns and proceeded to have a punching and grabbing hockey fight. It wasn’t long before the referee corps ran out to get between them. Initially the refs couldn’t get them to budge, but through overwhelming numbers and swarm tactics, Arturo and Gohan were pulled apart.
”¡De puta madre! ¡Voy a matarte!” Arturo screamed.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An Unwanted Encounter

Unread post by Anon18 »

The swarm of referees holding Gohan back did not deescalate the situation, in fact, it somehow made it worse. Gohan's rage filled him and he wanted to keep at it with Arturo. So much so, that with one good shove, Gohan was able to push off the three referees in front of him, pushing him back. The crowd roared as Gohan jumped over the referees scattered on the floor and attempted to throw some punches at Arturo, overhead the two referees in front of Arturo.

It didn't take too long for the referees Gohan shoved to get up and pull him away again. There were a mixture of boos and "Let them fight" chants as Gohan was being dragged back. Gohan hears Arturo screamed but didn't care what the Spaniard was saying. Instead he smirked and shouted back, "You are SO lucky these guys are here! Just you wait until I get my hands on you!"

End of thread

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