Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Lauren was running on fumes at this point, knowing she had to get Megumi down and now. She hobbled up and reached down, bending low to grab hold of Megumi. She howled as she exerted all the effort she could to lift Megumi straight off the ground and hold her high before stepping forward to bring Megumi crashing down hard across her knee for a back breaker!

Lauren would take a deep breath, holding Megumi instead of letting her go.... hobbling and wobbling as she lift her up again, taking a few steps forward before delivering a big running powerslam to Megumi! Lauren stayed atop Megumi and hooked a leg, going for a pin!


The crowd was in shock, booing Lauren and a bunch were chanting Megumi's name, urging their smaller hometown hero to kick out of Lauren's desperate pin!

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Dazed, Megumi was unable to stop Lauren from hoisting her up and driving her back right onto her knee for a backbreaker. "Aaaaaghhh!!" She cried out in pain from the move. And Lauren wasn't even done yet that despite all the damages that she had taken, she went on to drive the former Wrestle Angel into the canvas with a running powerslam! "Uuuughh!!"

The move had taken a lot out of Megumi, allowing Lauren to pin her down, lifting up her leg for the pinfall attempt. The ref had started counting, and had brought her palm to the mat for the second count.


Desperately trying to regain her clarity, she would then exert her strength to kick out right before the referee could finish her counting.


She managed to kick out in the nick of time, and the referee signaled that the match would continue. Groaning, Megumi would try to push Lauren off of her, hoping to tend on her back so that the could get herself back into the fight.

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Lauren held Megumi down keeping her pinned despite her struggles... until Megumi kicked out to the delight of the now roaring crowd! Lauren rolled off, kneeling on her knees as she looked over at the referee and at Megumi. "H-how do I keep you down!? What does it take?" Lauren asked aloud to no one in particular as she stumbled up to her feet gasping for breath. Her head still throbbed, her torso ached, her ears rang and her vision was practically double at this point.

Lauren shook her head, her face so red that it hid her frustration of failing to pin Megumi. She lumbered forward reaching out to try to grab hold of Megumi!

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Breathing heavily, Megumi could barely hear Lauren's words as she tried to recover. And then, she felt her opponent trying to grab her, and despite her dazed state, she saw an opportunity to strike back. Getting herself on her knees as she was pulled up, she would grab Lauren by her right leg with both arms. Then, with a yell, she would try to bring her down into the mat with a dragon screw!

If she was successful, she planned to release her leg as she would go for a standing elbow drop right into her belly, looking to leave her devastated and out of breath!

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Lauren was not as fast as Megumi when she was at her best. Now, Lauren was sluggish compared to the younger woman. Lauren felt her leg grabbed and she grunted as she landed hard on the mat. The elbow drop landed right on target leaving Lauren wheezing on her back, kicking the mat in pain as she tried to sit up only to flop meekly onto the canvass again!

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Lauren didn't look like she had much in her left after taking the elbow drop, and Megumi decided that she might as well go for the finish. She would head over to the nearest corner, climbing it up and standing at the top turnbuckle. The crowd went crazy as she made a spinning signal with her hand, as if telling everyone what she was about to do next. Keeping the position of her opponent in her mind, Megumi took two seconds to prepare herself before she leaped up into the air, performing a picture perfect, multiple rotations moonsault!

The moonsault was a sight to behold, and she aimed to land belly first right onto Lauren. Surely, the impact should have taken everything out of the bigger woman, and Megumi would waste little time to go for a pinfall attempt, hooking her arm under the crook of Lauren's knee as the referee started counting next to them.



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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Lauren was laid out when Megumi came crashing down on her and she howled in agony, her screams echoing even over the rabidly cheering crowd!

"N-no...... I can't lose...." Lauren said as her arms flopped to the mat, pushing weakly against Megumi. Her free leg kicked and did nothing aside from make Lauren look like a turtle that got flipped over onto its back, struggling to do anything. The count continued and Lauren used what was left other strength to thrust her arms up failing to dislodge Megumi!


Lauren heard the bell and went limp. Her body hurt. Her head throbbed, her ears rang, her face was covered in blood and her vision was still messed up. She could barely think straight. She wanted to show the world that she could beat anyone, but tonight she was again on the losing end of a match listening to the vast majority of the crowd roaring and cheering on the woman who beat her. Different face, same result. Lauren groaned and laid there, turning her head to the side and covering her face in her arms.

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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And that's the third and final count, which brought this match to an end, with Megumi emerging victorious over Lauren. Sighing, she got herself off of the bigger woman to let her arm being raised by the referee. The crowd were cheering and chanting her name, and she gave the crowd one last salute and a smile, showing her gratefulness over their support.

And then, she looked at Lauren. She first considered saying something to her, but she herself had no idea what to say. So, she would just give Lauren a look before she turned around, planning to leave the ring and head over to the locker room, where she could get herself washed up and rested. While she might have emerged victorious tonight, she had to admit that Lauren was quite a formidable opponent.

"..." Wordlessly, Megumi would climb down the apron, heading over to the exit as her music was played.

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Re: Lauren Fredericks vs. Megumi Mutoh: Shot At Redemption!

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Lauren heard the crowd start to die down, and she finally looked up even though she didn't feel lime facing anyone. She stumbled to her feet, taking a few steps forward before falling to her hands and knees.

She crawled over to the ropes her vision still hadn't cleared yet, nor did the ringing in her ears. Lauren rolled under the ropes, flopping down on the outside. She laid there and slowly sat up, attempting to rise to her feet. The referee asked if she needed help but Lauren waved them off silently as she got up, taking a few steps and falling again.

She crawled to the ramp when she looked up at a couple medics from the back, and despite her weak protests she was rolled onto a stretcher and taken out as the crowd watched her without making much noise.

Her shot at redemption, her turnaround win to the slow start of her career would have to wait. Instead of standing tall in victory Lauren was being carted off in defeat only to find out that she suffered a moderate concussion in addition to her loss.

Winner via pinfall: Megumi Mutoh

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