A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Talk of taking his "Hentai match virginity" and wanting to see what his A game was like if this was him being terrible in bed...Keira certainly knew how to make a guy blush. When she went into detail of how he operated throughout, he felt downright embarrassed. In a good way.

"I just did what I could and what felt right. I, uh...that bit of grappling there, that was just me putting what I saw on TV and YouTube videos to use, but there was a little bit of calculation there. Not much, actually." His admission came with a sheepish laugh. "And the rest, yeah, pure instinct. Just turns out we're a good fit."

That moment she had with her wording when she spoke next only furthered that sense of kinship he was feeling. He was never that great with words himself. But when she found them...Woah. "Captivated"?

And then she found a way to bring them even closer, yet. Everything she said and did only made her seem more of what he'd called her before: Perfect.

He nodded along with what she said about what to expect from future match-ups. And honestly, if this goes as well as he thinks...hopes it might, well, he wouldn't want to get that intimate with another woman.

Of course, the intimacy will be there. That's just how he likes to do things. But to this degree, delving this deeply into the personal aspect, no. So "ravenous" is fine.

"I'm looking forward to it, actually." Severin said of her name showing up opposite his on the card in the future. "Once is definitely not enough. Speaking of future schedules, though..." It felt like the time to make his move. "Are you doing anything this week?"
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Keira had to chuckle at Severin's admission. He did what felt right, huh? "Those are some damn fine natural instincts you've got," she teased. "You're right, though... we couldn't have paid for a better fit."

And she meant that, in multiple ways. This had been a successful debut for her, despite the loss; and for Severin, a victory in his first hentai match would surely reflect well on his future schedule. But beyond their careers, they just meshed well together, each of them having paid close attention to the needs of the other. That was a rarity in a match, outside of one competitor using their opponent's desires to gain an upper hand. At least in her experience. But here... while that had been a factor to a degree, they'd also taken it a step farther, reaching a level of mutual intimacy that would be more at home in a bedroom or a shower!

She cocked her head in curiosity at his question. "Just settling in," she replied. "Getting used to the area, all that jazz. I think I've got another match in a few days, but after that, I..."

She trailed off, suddenly realizing the implication behind the question. Her eyes narrowed, along with a sly grin. "What about your plans?"
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Yeah. They really couldn't have have paid for something like this. And to think they were being paid to do this...

That's when it really set in for Severin. He really was in a different world now. But he would ponder that later, taking a note to catch her next match. If it was Hentai, he was sure she'd win it. With what she brings to a contest like this...Yeah. She's got this.

And then she caught on to his meaning. Her grin would be met with a warm smile. "Well, I'm still waiting to hear who my next opponent's gonna be, but the next show's gonna be in Milwaukee. I figured I'd show you around, if you're interested."
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

"Never been there before, that sounds like-" Keira replied, before actually registering what he was suggesting. "...Oh, were you offering to... take me along?"

She felt her blush creep back onto her face. She barely knew this man; traveling with him to an unfamiliar city was insane! But at the same time... she felt like she'd known him for years. Laying here wrapped in his arms... it felt safe. Comfortable.

"Well..." she said, with a small nervous chuckle, "So long as it doesn't conflict with my next match... I'd love a personal tour guide! It's a date."
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Re: A Touch of Dominance (Black Severin vs Keira Robinson [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Yeah. If you'd like." Severin figured that she'd want to just meet up there, but if that's where her mind went...Why not?

And he'd normally just pick one spot and stick to it for the sake of the lady's comfort in meeting him, but given that they were wrestlers traveling the world, it felt right to offer to show her around the slice of it that he knows. After all, sightseeing is a part of the experience, right?

Or maybe not. There was some hesitation in her eyes. Severin was about to backpedal on that and suggest something else when he noticed another shift. Like she was thinking it over.

And so, he gave her time. Then smiled at her answer. "Oh, I know the place like the back of my hand. You'll be there on time. I promise."

So it was settled. He had himself a date.

Only one month in, and things were already looking up for Terrell Hughes.

Winner: Black Severin
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