Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
- Deus001
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Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
Match Rules: Standard
Eliza Harenwood stood in her locker room, balancing her right leg atop one of the benches at a very high angle to test her flexibility. The dancing passion had become a well known name over in the British indies for being a graceful dancer that could run rings around her foes, then demolish them with poised and beautifully performed strikes coupled with lethal leg based submission holds! Before long the British indies had called her the classiest lady in the isles, one who was the darling of just about any audience she graced with her presence.
She would admit that when law gave her an invitation to compete the dancing passion was rather sceptical of the offer, Eliza had heard less than savoury things about the place and it was far from home. Still they did offer to have her partake in a bout and the British aristocrat figured after contemplation that she ought to accept, her opponent was a man called Shenlong with nothing else revealed to her. No matter, Eliza would face this with her best foot forward!
Before long she would be dressed in her entrance attire and a stage hand would knock on her door to signal that it was go time, Eliza would make her way down to the entrance ramp where the crowd would find the lights in the arena fading to black as the song Bailie De Batalla would blare from the speakers and a white spotlight shone down on the entrance ramp as Eliza was revealed to the audience to a very loud positive reception! It seemed even here the fame of the dancing passion was well documented!
The dancing passion was dressed in a mini black and red ballgown, a pair of elegant red feathered fans clutched by her hands and a black beaded masquerade masque on her face which bore a slight smile. The British aristocrat would gracefully make her way down the ramp to the mixture of Spanish guitars and dub-step and elegantly slide under the bottom rope before giving a regal bow in the middle of the ring before standing at her corner. With one of her fans concealing the lower half of her face as she waited for her entertainment for tonight........
Eliza Harenwood stood in her locker room, balancing her right leg atop one of the benches at a very high angle to test her flexibility. The dancing passion had become a well known name over in the British indies for being a graceful dancer that could run rings around her foes, then demolish them with poised and beautifully performed strikes coupled with lethal leg based submission holds! Before long the British indies had called her the classiest lady in the isles, one who was the darling of just about any audience she graced with her presence.
She would admit that when law gave her an invitation to compete the dancing passion was rather sceptical of the offer, Eliza had heard less than savoury things about the place and it was far from home. Still they did offer to have her partake in a bout and the British aristocrat figured after contemplation that she ought to accept, her opponent was a man called Shenlong with nothing else revealed to her. No matter, Eliza would face this with her best foot forward!
Before long she would be dressed in her entrance attire and a stage hand would knock on her door to signal that it was go time, Eliza would make her way down to the entrance ramp where the crowd would find the lights in the arena fading to black as the song Bailie De Batalla would blare from the speakers and a white spotlight shone down on the entrance ramp as Eliza was revealed to the audience to a very loud positive reception! It seemed even here the fame of the dancing passion was well documented!
The dancing passion was dressed in a mini black and red ballgown, a pair of elegant red feathered fans clutched by her hands and a black beaded masquerade masque on her face which bore a slight smile. The British aristocrat would gracefully make her way down the ramp to the mixture of Spanish guitars and dub-step and elegantly slide under the bottom rope before giving a regal bow in the middle of the ring before standing at her corner. With one of her fans concealing the lower half of her face as she waited for her entertainment for tonight........
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
It was just another day in the office for Shenlong. He didn't care about warming up, nor who his opponent was. It could be LAW's openweight champion to an absolute rookie. There was no one that this man feared or gave a crap about. The tiger continued to walk nonchalantly down the hall until a backstage hand came over to tell him that his match was beginning in five minutes, "Is that it? Don't you have anything important to tell me!?" He said, giving the poor man a menacing glare before acting like he was about to hit him to make him flinch.
Shenlong then laughed at the backstage hand before walking away towards the curtain as he heard his opponent's music start to play. She was the first to go out and it would seem that the audience was going wild for her, "Tch... Another person who panders to the crowd" He said with disgust. The tiger couldn't stand people that the crowd liked, nor any wrestler that responds back in kind.
After the music faded away, Shenlong's music would begin to play as he headed out onto the entrance ramp. He would stop and then gaze around as a chorus of boos would rain down upon him. He would give the crowd some obscene jesters back at them before putting his hands into his pockets and walked down the ramp with ego and confidence to boot. The tiger saw his opponent and could only cock a wicked smile, "This poor girl is going to get eaten alive by me!" He then walked up the steps and through the middle rope before saying to his opponent, "You're going to be in for a rough night! Your luck must suck that you got matched up with me!"
Shenlong then laughed at the backstage hand before walking away towards the curtain as he heard his opponent's music start to play. She was the first to go out and it would seem that the audience was going wild for her, "Tch... Another person who panders to the crowd" He said with disgust. The tiger couldn't stand people that the crowd liked, nor any wrestler that responds back in kind.
After the music faded away, Shenlong's music would begin to play as he headed out onto the entrance ramp. He would stop and then gaze around as a chorus of boos would rain down upon him. He would give the crowd some obscene jesters back at them before putting his hands into his pockets and walked down the ramp with ego and confidence to boot. The tiger saw his opponent and could only cock a wicked smile, "This poor girl is going to get eaten alive by me!" He then walked up the steps and through the middle rope before saying to his opponent, "You're going to be in for a rough night! Your luck must suck that you got matched up with me!"
Human form

Last edited by Mkmd13 on Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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- Deus001
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
Eliza wouldn't have to wait long for her opponent to arrive for tonight, the dancing passion's visage was gracefully concealed by her masque and fan there. All that could be gleamed of her facial features was her piercing gaze that analysed who was to be her opponent for tonight. He came down to the ring, on the tall side with a lean yet muscled build. The kind most ladies would fawn over, Eliza wasn't some floozy however and wouldn't be falling for that. She remained silent as he made his way down and casually insulted her. Well that cemented what the dancing passion was going to think of him for this match.
Now Eliza would actually give a reaction, she'd furl up her feathered fans and move it away from her face. The British aristocrat would discard them to the bottom of her corner and then fling her masque away, letting it land in the front row for a lucky lad or lady to don themselves should they wish it. Then Eliza took a few steps forward........only to then perform a beautifully done standing backflip! As she did so Eliza's mini dress would reveal its true form, with the skirt line having been unzippered and detached and falling gently onto the steel pole of her corner. Miss Harenwood's true ring attire was revealed, that being a black and red fabric laced corset. As well as her iconic black rose laced stockings as she landed in a three point landing pose, before then standing upright and running her hands through her strawberry blonde locks.
"Hmph. Well Mister Shenlong......I'll teach you a lesson in manners by the end of this mark my words." Eliza said, she entered her stance after two steps back. A ballet stance, her arms tucked in below her navel, her legs spring locked and poised for the opening bell. Then, when the bell rang......Eliza would bolt at Shenlong and spin with a pirouette empowered right legged kick aimed right at his ribs in the hopes of an explosive offence right out the gate!
Now Eliza would actually give a reaction, she'd furl up her feathered fans and move it away from her face. The British aristocrat would discard them to the bottom of her corner and then fling her masque away, letting it land in the front row for a lucky lad or lady to don themselves should they wish it. Then Eliza took a few steps forward........only to then perform a beautifully done standing backflip! As she did so Eliza's mini dress would reveal its true form, with the skirt line having been unzippered and detached and falling gently onto the steel pole of her corner. Miss Harenwood's true ring attire was revealed, that being a black and red fabric laced corset. As well as her iconic black rose laced stockings as she landed in a three point landing pose, before then standing upright and running her hands through her strawberry blonde locks.

Last edited by Deus001 on Mon Dec 25, 2023 9:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
It seems as though this girl may have a few tricks up her sleeves. Shenlong pondered this as he saw her do a little backflip in the middle of the ring. She was clearly acrobatic, there was no denying that. But, if the tiger were to acknowledge that, he might has well just admit defeat right then and there, "Ooooooh, someone can do a backflip!" He said while doing a slow clap in a very sarcastic manner. Clearly, he was still trying to rile her up and get her off of her game. Whether or not that will work is to be seen.
Shenlong would get into his wrestling stance as the bell rang. Usually, it was him who would make the first move, but instead, Eliza shot right at him! This caught him off guard as her speed was quite something to behold. Before he even knew it, she was already on him and spun her body around until her right leg kicked him right in the ribs! Gah!" The tiger would let out a bit of a pained cry as his body instantly reacted to the blow. His face would grimace in pain a bit before jumping away to his left hand side.
"Not bad... But how about this!" Shenlong would say back to her as he looked for a counter attack. Shifting his body weight backwards a bit, the tiger would then outstretch his right hand balled into a fist and aimed it straight for her gut! Sure, closed fisted strikes were illegal in wrestling, but Shenlong didn't care. The ref could bark all he wants, but it's just going to fall on deaf ears.
Shenlong would get into his wrestling stance as the bell rang. Usually, it was him who would make the first move, but instead, Eliza shot right at him! This caught him off guard as her speed was quite something to behold. Before he even knew it, she was already on him and spun her body around until her right leg kicked him right in the ribs! Gah!" The tiger would let out a bit of a pained cry as his body instantly reacted to the blow. His face would grimace in pain a bit before jumping away to his left hand side.
"Not bad... But how about this!" Shenlong would say back to her as he looked for a counter attack. Shifting his body weight backwards a bit, the tiger would then outstretch his right hand balled into a fist and aimed it straight for her gut! Sure, closed fisted strikes were illegal in wrestling, but Shenlong didn't care. The ref could bark all he wants, but it's just going to fall on deaf ears.
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- Deus001
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
Eliza had landed the first blow of the bout there with her swift movements, it was a staple of her matches that fans like to count and even rank the best openings she ever did back in the British indies. Shenlong was going to be getting a total beatdown from the dancing passion by the end of this, this sort of foe was the rare sort that Eliza could actually be irked by. She had a very noticeable smirk on her lips as she felt that blow connect, Shenlong would be eating a lot more of that if Eliza had her way in this bout!
Still the man was eager to try and repay in kind and managed to connect with his blow there, Eliza had managed to get her hands up in place of the strike but Shenlong's tall and buff frame lent power to that strike and it made the dancing passion wince hard and stagger backwards. Following with her regaining her footing there and in that brief exchange assessed the situation. Eliza resolved to then sprint to the ropes behind her to build up some momentum, followed by charging at Shenlong and leaping into the air seemingly to attempt a flying right knee.......only for it to be a feint attempt as her leg would then extend outwards into a uppercutting chin kick!
Still the man was eager to try and repay in kind and managed to connect with his blow there, Eliza had managed to get her hands up in place of the strike but Shenlong's tall and buff frame lent power to that strike and it made the dancing passion wince hard and stagger backwards. Following with her regaining her footing there and in that brief exchange assessed the situation. Eliza resolved to then sprint to the ropes behind her to build up some momentum, followed by charging at Shenlong and leaping into the air seemingly to attempt a flying right knee.......only for it to be a feint attempt as her leg would then extend outwards into a uppercutting chin kick!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
The blow would land, but Eliza was quick enough to block the strike. Even with the block though, Shenlong could feel that he inflicted some nice damage onto his opponent due to their differences in height and weight. The smirk on his face would remain as he watched her stumble backwards a bit and said, "I bet that felt good huh?" He mocked her. It appears that Ms. Harenwood didn't take so kindly to that though as she quickly went back on the offensive against him!
Shenlong expected her to go right back at him, but instead, she would fall back and use the ropes for momentum. This threw the tiger a bit off his game and left him open to her next attack! Eliza leapt into the air and looked to connect a flying right knee strike and Shenlong reacted to it by throwing up his hands to block, but it was a fake! Her leg, instead, extended outwards and connected right underneath his chin! "Gaaah!" The tiger let out a pained cry as his body would lift up into the air and slam down hard on the mat!
Shenlong expected her to go right back at him, but instead, she would fall back and use the ropes for momentum. This threw the tiger a bit off his game and left him open to her next attack! Eliza leapt into the air and looked to connect a flying right knee strike and Shenlong reacted to it by throwing up his hands to block, but it was a fake! Her leg, instead, extended outwards and connected right underneath his chin! "Gaaah!" The tiger let out a pained cry as his body would lift up into the air and slam down hard on the mat!
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- Deus001
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
Eliza's strikes were frequently described as works of art by her fans and even a few of her detractors, whereupon she could seem to be going into one style of leg strike only to then swiftly change it mid motion and strike at an unexpected vector. Usually it bypassed the opponent's defences and left them a crumpled mess on the mat, which was just exactly what happened to Shenlong there as he crashed and burned after being struck (And probably awe-struck) by the grandeur of the dancing passion!
After Shenlong hit the mat Eliza would gracefully land there and perform the 'Attitude' dance position there, taking a few moments to let the crowd take pictures and yell adoring comments to the darling of the British indies there. Still Eliza wasn't going to let this chance go idly by her there, after all the opponent was downed.......
Giving a loud clap of her hands Eliza then elegantly transitioned into a Grande Jeté ballet move, performing a grand leap across the ring canvas while throwing the working leg. Often considered among the most difficult leaps to perform, but Eliza could easily do it. And she'd seek to land straight on Shenlong's chest with her fall, followed by doing a few pirouette spins on his stomach for good measure!
After Shenlong hit the mat Eliza would gracefully land there and perform the 'Attitude' dance position there, taking a few moments to let the crowd take pictures and yell adoring comments to the darling of the British indies there. Still Eliza wasn't going to let this chance go idly by her there, after all the opponent was downed.......
Giving a loud clap of her hands Eliza then elegantly transitioned into a Grande Jeté ballet move, performing a grand leap across the ring canvas while throwing the working leg. Often considered among the most difficult leaps to perform, but Eliza could easily do it. And she'd seek to land straight on Shenlong's chest with her fall, followed by doing a few pirouette spins on his stomach for good measure!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
This woman was definitely something else! Even Shenlong was a bit in shock and that's saying something since he really don't like acknowledging his opponent's strengths. He could only watch as Eliza made a weird dancing pose next to him and could hear hear the snapping of cameras and see the flashing of lightbulbs. The crowd was just eating all of this up! The anger continued to build up in this beast, "Grrr... You won't get away with this!"
Even with his shouting, the strike was just too much to recover from and Ms. Harenwood would be able to get off her next attack. The tiger watched as she danced a bit around the ring before performing a huge leap. There was only one place that her foot was going to land and it was squarely onto his chest! "Nnngggggg!" Shenlong bit his lip from the pain and muffled the cry of agony. It wasn't over yet though as she began to spin in place while stomping away on his stomach!
The only good thing though to come out of this is that this might give Shenlong the chance to turn things around. The human body isn't the most sturdiest thing to stand on so your balance can be easily tossed at the slightest twist or turn, even for a ballerina. With that in mind, the tiger reached up with both hands to grab at her ankle of the stationary foot on his chest and tries to twist it as hard as he can!
Even with his shouting, the strike was just too much to recover from and Ms. Harenwood would be able to get off her next attack. The tiger watched as she danced a bit around the ring before performing a huge leap. There was only one place that her foot was going to land and it was squarely onto his chest! "Nnngggggg!" Shenlong bit his lip from the pain and muffled the cry of agony. It wasn't over yet though as she began to spin in place while stomping away on his stomach!
The only good thing though to come out of this is that this might give Shenlong the chance to turn things around. The human body isn't the most sturdiest thing to stand on so your balance can be easily tossed at the slightest twist or turn, even for a ballerina. With that in mind, the tiger reached up with both hands to grab at her ankle of the stationary foot on his chest and tries to twist it as hard as he can!
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- Deus001
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
Eliza was hoping to make quite an impression on the people of LAW here, by performing for the crowd in addition to her elegant and powerful strikes that left even a big lad like Shenlong down on the mat thinking about things she'd show her prowess in the ring. Eliza was certainly becoming the darling of the crowd here tonight with even some in the front row saying things like "We love you Eliza!" and even going so far as to yell "Please! Step on me!"
Sadly however Shenlong had other plans there and suddenly Eliza felt her leg get contorted right at the ankle! The dancing passion gave a loud yelp of pain and fell off to the side there and rolled away there clutching the injured leg, that wasn't good! She might have been good in the indies but Eliza clearly still lacked full awareness of her gameplan and it came back to bite her here!
Sadly however Shenlong had other plans there and suddenly Eliza felt her leg get contorted right at the ankle! The dancing passion gave a loud yelp of pain and fell off to the side there and rolled away there clutching the injured leg, that wasn't good! She might have been good in the indies but Eliza clearly still lacked full awareness of her gameplan and it came back to bite her here!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Shenlong - Learn Respect
It appears as though Eliza wasn't paying enough attention to her opponent and that was going to cost her. Shenlong took advantage of this and grabbed ahold of her ankle before twisting it as hard as he could. A sudden yelp of pain came from Ms. Harenwood's mouth before she rolled off of him. With the momentum now swinging back in his favor, the tiger wasn't going to let this get away from him!
Keeping hold of her ankle, Shenlong started to stand up as Eliza held her leg, "Now it's MY turn to inflict some pain!" He said with a bit of malice in his voice. The tiger then began to twist her ankle again, forcing her to go on her stomach before pressing his weight down upon her so she couldn't move anymore. With her finally locked down, he started to put more pressure on her ankle now, getting her in a classic ankle lock!
Keeping hold of her ankle, Shenlong started to stand up as Eliza held her leg, "Now it's MY turn to inflict some pain!" He said with a bit of malice in his voice. The tiger then began to twist her ankle again, forcing her to go on her stomach before pressing his weight down upon her so she couldn't move anymore. With her finally locked down, he started to put more pressure on her ankle now, getting her in a classic ankle lock!
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