Rules: Both wrestlers are connected by a bull rope which can be used as a weapon. Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
Isabela would once again find herself in the LAW locker room all by herself. She would be standing up, doing a few stretches to ensure her muscles were loosened and not stiff while looking at a mirror in front of her. She was at the moment getting ready for her next match. Like before she was a bit nervous, each match was effectively a major show and competition at the same time. But this time she was a bit more confident as she kept reminding herself that she had done a match before and that this time she would do better. With that, she would do another scan, making sure her wrestling attire was ready.
It seemed that her attire was fine, and her body was loosened up while her mind was ready to go. In the end, there was only one thing bugging her, her opponent. Or to be more specific, the fact that she didn't know anything about her opponent. Effectively she was now a wild card that couldn't be predicted and was taking part in a Bullrope match. As such there wasn't much preparation she could do aside from watching some previous bull rope matches that had happened. Hopefully, with the knowledge she had gained from there, this would give her an edge.
She would then look at the clock and see that it was almost time for her match to start. It was best if she left now and got to her location a bit early just in case anything happened. With that, she would make her way to the door and exit the room. She began walking down the hallway, a few staff members remembered her from her previous match but some didn't know her. It seemed she would need to make more of an impression and continue to grind at this if she wanted to get the fame and respect that she desired.
Eventually, she arrived at the entrance, staying just out of sight. She would give a friendly nod to the staff there, they were after all people who were helping build her career and as such deserved her respect. She was even making a point to learn their names and get to know them a bit. They would then give her the signal to go out on stage as her theme music began to play:
Now fully in the ring, she would make her way to her corner before climbing up onto the middle ropes and raising her fist in the air. Letting the crowd who didn't have the best view before get a good look at her now. Holding that position, she would make sure to scan, trying to make eye contact with a few people before then jumping off and landing back in the ring. Having finished her entrance she would now simply lean on the turnbuckle and grab onto both ropes as she awaited for her opponent to arrive.