Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Match Type: Hentai submission
Win Conditions: Submission by orgasm

Keira's attire
Waiting to enter the ring was always the hardest part of a match, in Keira's opinion. Meeting her opponent, the thrill of the fight, accepting the aftermath (win or lose)... that was the easy part; the show for the crowd. It was before she took the spotlight that her nerves frayed.

She only had a few minutes at most, and spent them going over the mental notes she made in her head about her opponent to help counteract her jitters. Not that she'd been able to find much on Ren Akery. Hometown, a bit of personal life type stuff, nothing really important to the matter at hand. Moments before a bout, all she needed to know was how he fought.

First, Ren liked hentai fights, specifically mixed ones; that much was a given, considering they were about to partake in one. Keira had been pleased to discover how common they were here, and happily dove into them. Her first had been a more private affair (well, at least in terms of in-person spectators), and while it had very much been satisfying, Keira couldn't help but jump head-first into the very next one she could find.

Second, Ren relied more on speed and counterplay to fight rather than brute strength, something they had in common. That-

Her thoughts ended there as she got her cue, and her music began.
Entrance theme
Keira made a show of her trip down the ramp all the way to the ring, giving high-fives to fans and performing a few flirtatious twirls as she pranced along. She rolled effortlessly under the bottom rope and danced her way to a corner, giving peace signs to the crowd. A simple, but effective enough performance; enough to project her confidence and playfulness.

And then her part was over. As her opponent prepared to emerge, Keira spun around, putting back to her corner, and hopped up to plant herself on the top of the post. There, she crossed her legs, holding the ropes on both sides to balance herself, and kicked her legs out like a child waiting to be given a promised treat, eagerly waiting to see what Ren Akery looked like.
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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Ren was very nervous about the fight with Keria, the girl seemed to have more experience than him but the young red-haired boy would do everything possible to show everyone that he was ready for any type of match, in fact there would be no match that day a normal match but a hentai match, a match where you had to sexually submit your opponent!

There were only a few minutes before the fight between the two and the boy's agitation was increasingly greater, he didn't want to make another bad impression like against Alcina, that fight had ended with Ren fainting after having "come" many times, the woman hadn't stopped at just the victory, in fact she had gone very hard, humiliating him and devastating the poor rokie, in short she didn't want something like this to happen again

But Ren liked that type of fight, you could see the true essence of the two fighters, even if he often lost and even badly, he liked to go a little beyond the fight, he liked seeing the girls do something else to him and it was exciting as hell

A few minutes passed and the woman made her entrance, Ren then charged to enter and make his usual entrance, when his own music began to resonate throughout the arena it was time for him to enter the ring! He then projected himself towards the arena trying to greet as many fans as possible by giving them a high five. Once he reached the ring he went up passing between the top rope and the middle rope and looked at the woman.

《Get ready to loose cutie~》

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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Ren's entrance had Keira's full attention. In particular, his intro theme was a curious one. Mellow, but still somehow upbeat with a touch of mystique. Keira found herself tapping her fingers on the ropes along with it.

Then, Ren himself. Keira's eyes locked on him as he made his way down the ramp. He wasn't what she expected, either. He looked taller than her by about half a foot and probably a bit heavier too, but he didn't appear quite as buff as Severin had been. He wasn't lacking in enthusiasm, though. He played to the crowd a bit, too, greeting his own fans with high-fives, just as she had - without the skirt twirling, of course.

"Cutie, am I?" she beamed at him, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously from her perch atop the post. She stuck out her chest a bit for some added flair. "Lucky me, looks like I caught myself another charmer!"

With a small grunt, she heaved herself off the post like a kid leaping off a swing at it's apex, landed gracefully on the mat, and walked calmly towards Ren. She'd have to look upwards a bit to see into his eyes if she got too close; not that that would stop her later on. But she wasn't trying to be intimidating. No, if he wanted to flatter her, she could play the role of seductress just as well.

Ever the good sport regardless of the role she was playing, Keira offered a hand to shake. But her grin was playful and sultry as she said, "It won't be me losing this fight, muffin. But I promise I'll make you look good. Y'know, when you're pinned underneath me an' all!"
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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Ren arrived in the ring with a rather arrogant attitude, he was ready to show the girl who was in charge, the boy's physicality was slightly superior to the girl who was slightly shorter than the boy who therefore acted as if she was clearly superior, but the girl didn't seem not caring a lot about the boy's behavior, so in a seductive and sweet manner she approached him by climbing down from the ropes and approaching him, stretching out her hand towards him and using words that greatly annoyed the boy who, however, embarrassed, blushed slightly

《Get ready because i will destroy your cute ass》

He said with a rather mocking smile and then shook the hand of the girl who seemed almost as bold as him, Ren knew almost nothing about her, he didn't know what she had done in previous battles, what type of moves she preferred, often for category matches hentai there wasn't much preparation, let's say that training certain moves or increasing resistance to certain stimulations wasn't too easy, in fact his agitation arose from this, not knowing exactly how to act and which moves to use to win the fight...Ren he was quite lost in his thoughts when the bell rang marking the beginning of the fight and of that strange fight that the two would undertake, Ren decides to make the first move and tried to hit the woman with a punch aimed at her shoulder trying to destabilize it

《Take this!》

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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Keira grinned at Ren's annoyed reply. While his words and his tone of voice were cocky and arrogant, his blushing cheeks betrayed him. The match hadn't even begun, and she'd gotten under his skin.


"I'll let you in on a little secret, Muffin; I'm always ready for that! But I don't give my ass out for free, you still gotta earn it!"

Ren accepted her handshake, to her delight, but his expression had changed. He seemed to be lost in thought... Well, she couldn't fault him for that. She had her own pre-match jitters, for one thing. Maybe he was just running over some moves he hoped to use on her. She retreated to her corner after the handshake, only to start forwards again when the bell rang.

Ren lashed out first, throwing a punch at her shoulder. Well, he's not shy about attacking a girl, Keira thought to herself. Good. I don't have to hold back if he isn't.

The punch connected, harder than Keira had expected but nothing she couldn't take. Which was good, because this was a good opportunity to counter.

"Big mistake!" she taunted.

She attempted to grab Ren's wrist before he could withdraw, using the opposite arm from the one he punched. If she caught it, she'd spin her body around, dragging Ren forwards and whipping him towards the ropes. Assuming he rebounded back towards her, she then would have plenty of time to dive at him, hoping to tackle him down to the mat. Then she could start to have some fun!

Of course, her entire counter depended on whether she was fast enough to catch Ren's wrist...
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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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《I will show you who is the boss here!》

Ren was highly amazed by the confidence of the woman who seems anything but intimidated by the boy's bold behaviour, hearing her reply he was quite confused, yes it's true, that was a hentai match and therefore we would have gone beyond the simple moves but starting like that provoked Ren a small excitement, that small excitement which however over time had transformed into agitation and which led Ren to make the first attack, even though he was quite good at that type of blows he was unable to land the blow well, giving only a small blow to the girl who he replied promptly


The boy was then caught and thrown towards the ropes, going quite fast and given his light weight he bounced off them, projecting himself towards the woman who, however, having already calculated the bounce, threw herself at him, making him fall to the ground with an excellent tackle, Ren he didn't expect such a response at all so he was caught in full force and crashed to the ground hitting his head slightly causing him to feel dizzy, Ren was under the girl who could now act given the boy's lack of guard


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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Naturally, Keira was able to snatch the boy's wrist. She'd had no doubt with how close he'd been; he'd left himself wide open. Her move executed flawlessly. Ren rebounded off the ropes, directly into Keira's flying tackle! The pair crashed hard into the mat, Keira landing atop her opponent.

Keira quickly scrambled press her advantage. She'd kneel down over his crotch, one leg on each side of his body, to keep him from trying to stand up. Her pink skirt flared out, nearly covering all of Ren's red boxers. One hand pressed down on his chest, trying to keep him on the mat. With her other hand, she would poke at his chest with her finger. Then she'd trace the edges of his chest muscles and collarbone, making sure to brush her finger over his nipples as she passed them.

"So, boss," she'd tease with a flirtatious tone of voice, "are you gonna show me what these muscles can do? Or are they just for show?"

But when she looked at him a little closer, she dropped her seductress act and frowned, looking concerned. Ren looked shaken up. Perhaps his head smashed the mat harder than she realized.


But then the boy spoke. Keira's grin returned, relieved that he hadn't been as badly hurt as she thought. And that meant she shouldn't feel bad for continuing. Her teasing tone returned as she spoke again.

"Please don't scare me like that, Muffin! I thought you might have passed out before you even got to have any fun! And speaking of fun... maybe this will feel a little better for you."

Seated atop Ren, she was in the perfect position to rub her hips forwards and back, grinding herself against his boxers. And for a little added flair, she'd lightly scratch his chest with her fingernails; not enough to hurt, but she was hoping the physical contact might help arouse him. Keira wanted to get right into the action, it seemed!
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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Ren was struck by the woman's truly sensual and bloody attitude, the match had not started in the best way for the boy, in fact the woman had managed to repel the boy's first blow by throwing him towards the ropes, making him bounce and then tackle him and crash him into the ground making a nice thud


The woman positioned herself on him, denying him any attempt by the boy to reverse the situation, the situation was very hot, the boy had already started to get excited, and the woman could feel him under her, the boy's stirrup was already starting to swell

《I'll show you my strength》

He said with a roar as he tries to free himself but the excitement and confusion caused by the blow limited him a lot, he didn't know how to overcome that phase of the match, he tried to wait for the woman to make a misstep to catch her off guard but it seemed truly focused, a master of sensuality

《fuck.. 》

He murmured feeling himself being touched and feeling his staff increase in size, the excitement was higher and higher and the woman didn't seem to want to stop

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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

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Keira had Ren pinned down. Not a match-ending pin, of course - she'd only just begun! But he was helplessly trapped below her. She felt his manhood against her crotch, failing to resist her even as Ren insisted he'd show her how strong he was. He did attempt to fight back, but Keira rather easily pushed him back down with a single hand on his chest.

"So you keep saying," she taunted. "But so far, you haven't even shown the strength to resist me-" she grinded her hips a bit rougher for emphasis, feeling him harden beneath her. "-much less fight back."

With control firmly in her grasp already, Keira pressed her advantage. While she continued to rub against him, she grabbed his wrists to hold him in place, then lowered her body so she was laying on top of him, her cleavage squishing against his chest. Her nose was inches away from Ren's, and she looked into his eyes with hunger.

She leaned in to plant a quick kiss on his lips, then said, "You have something I want." She thrust her hips forcefully once again, making her message clear. "Do you want to give it to me peacefuly, or will I be taking it by force?"

It was a rhetorical question, if Keira got her way. But she waited to see how Ren would respond before making her next move.
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Re: Thirsty For More - Keira Robinson vs Ren Akery

Unread post by Vinc10 »

Ren couldn't do much with the girl who was exciting the boy more and more, gradually depriving him of his energy, when Ren was excited, especially in that way he tended to be very submissive, deep down in his soul he liked to be dominated by girls, especially if as beautiful as her opponent...


He said with a small moan while the woman didn't seem to want to stop, she continued to tease and excite the boy who stuck his tongue out slightly due to the great excitement he was feeling at that moment, it seemed that the woman had total control over the poor boy

《I won't let you win easily...》

He said with another desperate moan, it was now clear that the woman had too superior a position compared to Ren

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