Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

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Alex lifted gwen up over his shouldervwith a torture rack trying to wear her down and move her to lady vega, as she try to tag gerself in,if successful she would get up on the turnbuckle and and hits a reverse ddt.

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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

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she grunts in pain. Seeing that Alex was trying to tag in his teammate Gwen grabbed his chin and yanked back slamming the back of his head to the ground.

Gwen: My turn.

Gwen would wrap her arms around Alex's throat and her legs around his abdomen and squeezing hard with all of her limbs in a rear naked chokehold.
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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

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Alex gets locked in a choke hold but he got up to his feet and knelt down with a smile on his face ,he was bigger and taller than gwen as he powers iut and tried delivering a overhead chop,if sucessfull he would land a side kic to chest.

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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

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Gwen: Ngggh...

Gwen grunts as she gets a overhead shop to the head. As Alex attempted a sidekick on her chest when side stepped out of the way grabbing his shin and using his own momentum against him to send him to the ground twisting his leg in a very painful fashion. Twisting his shin at the knee sideways.

Gwen: Maybe this will teach you how to behave.
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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Alex growled as he bis shlulders was on the mat,the ref began the count but alex got his shoulders up,he smiled.

Lady vega licked her lips eager,beckoning alex to tag her.

Alex chcukled to himself as hentried kicking the face of gwen,if sucessfull he would get up limping lighy and liftednher up and suplexes gwen,landing her feet on the rope to take her speed away.

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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

Unread post by StriketheTiger »

Gwen caught Alex's kick and proceeded to twist this leg even harder than she did the last causing the muscle tendons in Alex's knee to snap.

Gwen: I tried to play nice. but you just don't know when a lady is being nice now do you?
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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Alex smirked and moved quick and tried hitting a double knee facebuster,before getting to his feet and tried delivering 22 elbow drops to the right leg., if successful he would drag gwen to lady vega and tags her in.
Last edited by Ovrlrdalex on Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

Unread post by StriketheTiger »

Gwen: Well I guess you never learn do you.

she says confidently to Alex. but to her surprise Alex grips Gwen's head and slams it down on his knees.

Gwen: brute...

she holds her nose as it bleeds. while she is on the ground Alex elbow drops onto her right leg.

Gwen: Araaagh!...

she yells in pain. the pain she felt would only grow as Alex elbow dropped on her leg an additional 21 times making Gwen's leg feel like it was going to break.

Gwen: Owwwwarghh!!

she screams out as the 22nd elbow drop lands on her leg.
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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

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Alex tags in lady vega as she leap through the middle ropes, she was on her hands and knees,before grabbing the right leg and tried locking in a stf,if sucessfull she would work on the nose trying to make it worse for gwen while using her legs to to squeeze the."Come on mamacita,just tap."

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Re: Gwen vs lady vega and alex hadicap match

Unread post by StriketheTiger »

Gwen: Arrragggh!!! n-no way!!

she cries out in pain as her leg gets even more pain and her nose is being bent by Vega. Gwen was normally dominant in fights but she had been more used to being an assassin, killing people with quick and lethal blows before they even see her coming but that's a completely different thing from being in a ring with rules to follow where you're not allowed to kill your opponents. if Gwen didn't think of something quick she was going to be in bad shape.
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