Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Life as one of the pillars of LAW and wrestling was busy, to say the least. With each new day came a new big match, a new event, a new PPV, and so on. And with each of those came aftereffects. A new commercial, a new sponsorship, new merchandise to promote, new signings to discuss, interviews, promos, you name it. Recently, with the announcement of several upcoming events, all these things were plentiful and in full effect! Whether it was Martial LAW, Do or Die, The Queen or the Ring Tournament, or We Are LAW 6, everyone across the company, staff and wrestler alike, had business to attend to. Perhaps none more so than the LAW World Tag Team Champions!
The SWAT Cats
"Thank you so much! It's been a pleasure!" Aurora smiled and responded after taking a picture with a fan.

"These lines never get any shorter, huh?" Tracy would remark as she sat at their table. Kat would approach her and pat her on the back.

"Nope! But that's the best part! LAW's grown, ya know?" Kat gazed into the distance.

There were fans and staff scattered all over the floor as far as the eyes could see. Many different wrestlers had tables set up and arranged such that they could meet fans and give out autographs and pictures.

"Lines weren't this long just a few years ago. We're doing great work here, Trace. Some of the guys and gals on this line could end up being wrestlers, themselves, someday." Hart would smile warmly.

The three of them had just seen many fans in succession. The staff helping the tag champs kept the next batch ready while they took a fifteen-minute break. The break had only just started. The SWAT Cats were enjoying the little bit of breathing room. Tracy got up to stretch. She took note of the black curtain behind them. These signings were arranged in blocks. The lines lead to the tables where each wrestler was stationed. These stations were arranged in rows. They were also set up such that the tables were back to back with a curtain separating them, similar to setups you'd see at a convention center. This particular LAW arena was quite roomy.

On the other side of the curtain behind them, Tracy heard a familiar voice. She looked for a small gap so that she could peer through it. And when she did, she silently gasped in surprise!

"Hmm?" Aurora took notice of Tracy's surprise. This got Kat's attention.

"What's up, Trace?"

Tracy would bring her index finger to her lip. She'd motion for her tag partners to approach. The two of them picked up on The Circus Cat's cue right away. They left the tag belts on the table and approached the curtain.

Aurora poked her head through the curtain. Tracy, being taller, poked through it as well, with her head resting on top of Aurora's. Kat followed two. Their heads were stacked one on top of each other in comedic fashion as they said hello to the women on the other side, namely Amber Skye and Cheryl Williams: LAW's very own standout cheerleader tag team, The Pom Pom Punchers!

"Amber!" Tracy chirped.

"Cheryl!" Aurora followed suit.

"Well if it isn't our favorite wrasslin' cheerleaders! How you girls doing?" Kat finished up.
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PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Amber and Cheryl
Amber was giggling while she raised her Poms in the air as she took another photograph with what turned out to be two high school cheerleaders. They were 2 of 8 cheerleaders they had met already who had paid for photos to go with the autographs and 15 who had been in line to meet them. They had been dealing with a long line of fans from opening to the finish and they weren’t sure how many people they had left. But this was the kind of thing they liked to see from fans. It seemed after years being here they were finally winning fans over that they were more than fan service and were getting people who seemed to like them more than just for the fact that they looked cute. “Thanks for coming!” Waving off the two girls who she just took photos with to greet the next guest with Cheryl. Another thing she she was happy for was that her arm was fine after it was nearly ripped off by that wrestling mercenary. Snagging another date with Oliver was the only thing that came from the attack that she could call good. Besides that she lost the PPV opportunity because Cheryl needed s replacement and took Miranda Tomi instead. She had to watch from the sidelines at what should have been her first PPV in years and then had to hear people talk about what a great team Cheryl and Miranda made and wondering if they would be a recurring team. The fact she was being treated like an afterthought to a match that should have been hers was not something she enjoyed hearing for the week while she worked to get her arm back in fighting shape.

Today was the first time people saw her out with her arm fully healed and she was doing everything to beat down the thoughts that followed. Robins words the interviews about Miranda and the continued doubts about her. All minor voices compared to the outpour that they were getting now. While they both signed things and took photos Amber tried to be more active. When fans asked about her arm she flexed it and showed that it was just fine and talked to people who asked question and even giving some cheers to fans who made her really smile. “To Fiona from your favorite Rumbling Rocket! Amber Skye!” She looked up at the girl grinning so wide her jaw had to hurt. “That good enough?” She nodded and took the poster back before shaking Amber’s hand. With another fan taken care of Amber stood up again. “12 posters, 5 Pom-Poms, 27 shirts, a bare chest, and 4 butts. That’s a lot to sign right?” Asking Cheryl but knowing the answer already. “To think we didn’t even get to wrestle together and all these people are coming to see us! That means we’re really close to winning them over. Once they see me in action again they’ll know why Roni had to take me out. We’d have won that tag match quickly as a team. That injury didn’t even slow me down look!” Amber had flexed a little, mostly the once inured arm. It wasn’t really as shown in between others but Amber was incredibly strong and looked it when you took the time to actually admire her body. It was something she was proud of and loved to show off. “Once we’re done here we should get right back to training. After Roni nothing can stop us or scare us.” while she was boasting she heard voices behind her. Considering the only thing that was supposed to be there was a curtain Amber wasn’t expecting it. “Waaahh!” She jumped turning around in right mode expecting another ambush only to see three smiling faces that didn’t look the least bit hostile. Embarrassed about how on edge she still was thanks to Roni Amber quickly tried to cover her embarrassment by jumping towards the trio to get face to face with Aurora. “There’s my favorite hairdo kittie! Come to tell me your secrets?” Amber would then plant a quick kiss on her forehead before raising her head so she was level with Tracy’s head. “Oh look my biggest fan. You know I need you to come the same way the others did but I might make an exception for Tracy!” Amber would do the same but on Tracy’s cheek before she looked up at Kat next. “Unfortunately I can’t stand that high so if you want a hello kiss you might want to lean down.

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Life had always been a trip for the two of them, since high school they had managed to stay active and in a spotlight that gathered them plenty of attention. Not all of that attention was positive but they had learned to handle it, and from that became wrestlers where that attention grew. Since coming to LAW that had been no different with the main thing to worry about was how that attention had been about how they looked and the ways that look appealed to fans. It was the rare instance of positive attention that Amber and her didn't know how to feel about, they took wrestling seriously and wanted to be seen as actual competitors while a lot of fans wanted to see them look cute and didn't expect anything from them beyond that, with anything they did that was serious being seen as a bad thing. Being underestimated or looked down on was almost as bad as being disliked and they had done much to try and fix that to finally be seen as a team that can unseat the SWAT Cats and become the tag champions. While they had battled that struggle for over a year now, one place it didn't show up as at fan signings like this, the people wanted to see them and it was fun to put everything else aside to make someone's day.

Cheryl was happy to take pictures and sign anything they wanted, and even happier to see Amber in good spirits after she spent the past few weeks bitter and angry about missing out in the PPV match against Noloty and Haruka. She also couldn't help but feel worried about how she seemed to be mad at Miranda for helping her even though she approved it when she told her about it, and wondered who Amber was talking to get it in her head that Mira's assistance was bad. But the minute the arm healed everything seemed to sort itself out between them and Amber was acting like nothing happened at all to keep the fans around them happy, signing just about anything they offered. "Yeah and those are just the odds requests." Cheryl said while Amber expressed happiness at the number of fans that had come to see them. "I told you that the PPV was nothing to worry about, people aren't going to lose attention on us because of Roni. Who we do need to get back between her almost breaking my arm and breaking yours we really need to show that mercenary that whoever paid her should have doubled the price." Cheryl said before she saw the next fan come in and this time they wanted them to sign a pair of boxing gloves. Cheryl laughed since this request came just as Amber got spooked by the arrival of the SWAT Cats, whose heads she saw poke out behind her while she was speaking. It was nice to see some friendly faces surprise them. Before she would speak with them she focused on the fan and started writing on the left glove.

"I just love this item!" Cheryl said to the fan, whose name was Katherine ironically enough. Singing the gloves as Cheryl the Rumbling Rocket and adding a heart before she would turn to Amber greeting their new guests and raising the right glove. "Hey Amber, when you're done kissing Katherine over there Katherine over here needs her gloves signed, she has them in your favorite color!" Cheryl said. Letting Amber finish so that when they did get something of a break between guests they could actually greet the girls who had come to see them. All three of them being here was a surprise, she thought they'd be too busy given the place was crawling with fans and if they weren't at the booths wrestlers got swarmed really quickly. "You three hiding from someone or did you come to see us?" She asked politely.

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Tracy got a chuckle out of seeing Amber's surprised reaction. The cat-themed trio stood there with their heads one on top of another, peeking through the curtain to say hello to the newfound friends in The Pom Pom Punchers. Clearing the air with them went quite a long way. If the two tag teams had met like this just months ago, things couldn't have been this amicable between them. Thankfully, though, these two top teams were now seeing eye to eye. So much so, that Amber was more than happy to greet The SWAT Cats not with high-fives or waves, but with kisses!

"Oh my~!" Aurora blushed as Amber's lips met her forehead. Even through her mask, she could feel the Rumblin' Rocket's warmth and confidence.

Just as quickly as Amber had overcome her nerves and closed the gap between herself she Aurora, she moved her way up the totem pole and got level with The Circus Cat so that she found plant a kiss on Tracy's cheek, much to Tracy's delight!

"Purrrr~" Canon would purr with a satisfied grin and her eyes closed after Skye kissed her on the cheek.

Amber continued working her way up but she paused briefly to let Kat know that she'd have to come down a bit to get a kiss of her own. Kat chuckled and stepped to the side, breaking formation so that she could move past the curtains and closer to The Punchers.

"Heh, you and I are the same height, you know?" Hart would wink at Amber. She'd lean her upper body forward and place her hands on her beefy thighs, leaning forward to present her face to Amber.

"Alright, Amber! I. Am. Ready!" Kat smiled.

"A Supa Kiss for da Supa Kitty!" Tracy couldn't resist the urge to fist pump and cheer, prompting some of the fans in line to cheer along. Tracy and Aurora had joined Kat and stepped through the curtain. Aurora brought her fingertips to her mouth and stifled some laughter as these antics played out.

If and when Amber gave Kat Hart her kiss (and after some swooning from Kat) the luchadoras would herd Amber over to Cheryl so that Skye could get in on signing the fan's gloves.

"Dude, we'll sign, too! Free of charge! Might as well since we're all here, right?" Tracy would suggest.

"Mmm! It just makes sense." Aurora would agree. If The Punchers okayed it, the three of them would join in on signing the gloves. Tracy and Aurora would keep the fan Katherine entertained. Allowing Super Kitty Katherine the chance to answer Cheryl.

"We just happen to be on the other side of the curtain doing the same thing as you guys. So we figured we'd pop in and say hi to our friends. We're...really happy to see Amber's still kicking with as just as much pep as always." Kat would smile warmly at Williams and Skye.

"I know you're gonna say that you need both arms in tip-top shape if you're gonna give us those hands and punch your way to the tag titles. But we're just really happy to see that both of you guys are doing okay. Fight The LAW was kinda crazy."
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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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He kisses were happily accepted. Enthusiastically she might add even when she made Kat work a little longe from hers so Amber could stay huddled down and give her one as well. Like with Tracy her lips found Kat’s cheek and was met with some swooning. Amber’s growing at the warm reception got as she had completely overlooked the chuckle her shock from the middleweight kitty. “So what’s this about another Katherine Cheryl? Does another superstar need a kiss?” Amber turned quickly to leap on over and look at he other glove. A blue glove. “Now here’s a fan with good taste. I’d sign this cute glove for free.” Amber pulled her pen out and swiftly put her name with her own style a rocket next to it. “There we go! Next time you’re in a crowd raise this puppy where I can see it and I’ll send my opponent flying your way so you can finish them off!” The thought seemed to make Katherine’s day. Her day got brighter when Tracy got closer offering to sign the gloves as well. A surprise to Amber who didn’t expect her to offer or for the Cats to quickly jump on the idea with her. Amber felt an odd itch to say no that she quickly ignored. No need for that. “O-kay. I don’t see any fan saying no to that offer.” Her shrug after the okay and taking her seat again to continue talking with the Cats. Now though, the conversation turned to her and how happy they were to see that she was okay. Which only reminded her of a bad memory, missing Fight the LAW. Amber swallowed the first thought in her head which involved a few very non pg words directed at Roni and the Alumni and tried to carefully edit her words before they went out her mouth. “Crazier missing it and my attacker still being allowed anywhere near this place. We promised LAW the best the Pom-Pom Punchers could bring to take down those Alumni losers and we couldn’t deliver because someone paid off a hit woman. Not that I need to guess who. One of those cowards is at fault. At least I can still do this with you Cheryl.

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Cheryl stepped back to let the fan have her moment with Amber, and get an extra moment with the Swat Cats, when they offered to sign it as well for Katherine. Once she was gone and they had time to talk between the 5 of them, Cheryl would walk next to Amber and grab her side to pull her close. "Yeah, we've had an up and down couple of weeks. Between trying to figure out who paid Roni and finding a replacement for Amber for that tag match we were really busy with some scary stuff. Thankfully Miranda was a trooper to help me out with little time to prepare. No way was I marching into that match by myself." Cheryl said, relieved that after stressing over the match for days trying to find a replacement while on the cruise and tending to Amber who had to suffer through the cruise without being able to do a few fun things she wanted. That match was there moment to shine and someone took it from them for no reason they knew of.

"We're glad you three retained, not just because you promised us a match later either. If we do get to fight you guys we'd like it to be for the championships. Besides, if anyone could relate to having to deal with multiple problems at once it's you three." Cheryl said. She knew that they weren't the only ones dealing with trouble, the past few weeks were a lot for a bunch of people and that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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"Yeah, you Punchers sure are some troopers. I regret not stopping by to check on you both...." Tracy chimed in when she and Aurora returned from mingling with the fan.

"All three of us had pretty big matches to prepare for. But I do wish we could have set time aside to be there. I'm happy you both fought valiantly. Amber with her quick recovery, of course. And Cheryl in her ragtag team with Miss Tomi. It's a tall order needing to find a tag partner on such short notice, let alone pivoting and learning to mesh with a new teammate like that on such short notice." Estrella turned her palm upward and chimed in.

"I am glad you found Miranda. And I know we're rivals, but we're also friends. If you're ever in a bind and you need a slot filled or just more teammates on your side you have us SWAT Cats! We've got your back, girls!" Kat would place a hand on her own bicep and lift it proudly to hit a power stance!

"Heck yeah!" Tracy would agree. Aurora would nod in agreement.

"So what's on the horizon for you guys? Do you see the alumni and Roni laying low for a while?" Canon would ask out of curiosity.

"Or should we be helping you investigate them? Put a stop to any more diabolical plans they may be setting into motion?" Estrella would cross her arms and follow up with a slightly concerned look on her face.

The hustle and bustle of this meet and greet hardly seemed like the place to hash these things out but the trio weren't sure when they'd get the chance to otherwise.
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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Amber suddenly had a strong urge to sink into the floor and tune this whole thing out. She hated losing out on so much because of that attack and she hated seeing Cheryl team with someone else. They were friends and a team who’d been by each others side through all the hardships they’d ever faced. For such a big milestone to be something she had to watch while Miranda danced around in her spot would be something Amber would remember and burn with anger about for as long as she had her memories. Roni’s face as she broke her arm was forever a memory etched in her mind. She didn’t think it would ever go away. Even if she got her payback. She was only half listening when the question of investigating the group was brought up and getting her back on track with the conversation. “What would we be investigating? How bad they suck? Can’t end my career when they try and they can’t figure out who Cheryl’s partner is so they can cheat. They’re a bunch of bullies looking to get smashed and next time I’ll be doing the smashing!” Amber followed her claim by shadow boxing punches in each one of the Swat Cats face. Imagining each of the Alumni while she was doing it and smiling to keep anyone from being worried.

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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Cheryl smiled at the Cat's praise, it was a lot to take in for her since she was a big fan. While she was still begging for a chance to wrestle them, the idea of them helping her was pretty cool too. "Miranda was a great find, she's such a good friend! We only had a day and a half to learn to work together and I think we clicked pretty fast." Cheryl said, then she turned and gave Amber a pat on the shoulder. "I still wish we got the chance to show them what a real tag team can do, maybe we should get a match going so we can remind them what the punchers do at full strength!" Cheryl said, really hoping to get a match with Amber soon so things could feel normal again. She really didn't like how long it had been since the two had teamed since Apex had been taking up much of her time after the PPV. The Alumni still had her concerned as well. Despite what happened they were a dangerous group of individuals and she still remembered her match with Korra....she was thankful for Amber's help that day, Amy's too even if the big blonde brushed her off for trying to tell her that.

"I don't know what they would do next. I think they wanted to fast track themselves to you guys, so my advice is for you to be careful. The last thing we want is people like them getting championships." Cheryl said, shuddering at the thought of the Alumni beating the Swat Cats. That would be a nightmare for the tag division, one she was hoping they could all stop.

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Re: Autograph Signing - Poms and Cats

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The brave face Amber put on was a convincing one. Each of The SWAT Cats certainly brought into it. The punches that the perky blonde was throwing with her impromptu shadow boxing session were the real deal.

"Heh! Now you're speaking my language!" Tracy nodded before lining up next to Amber and started shadowboxing next to her in a show of support!

As Cheryl chimed in, Katherine and Aurora listened intently. Kat leaned against a table and gathered her thoughts for a second. But while Kat mulled over Cheryl's words, Aurora let out a defeated sigh. The Galaxy Cat's shoulders slumped down as she voiced her frustrations.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm proud to be a champion and a cornerstone at a prestigious wrestling promotion, but heavy is the crown, they say. We get targeted by all sorts of weirdos and sadists. I'd put a statistic on and say that we get jumped about once a week or so. But honestly? Collecting and refining that data would just make me sad." Estrella complained.

"Chin up, 'Rora." Kat gave her fellow SWAT Cat a firm pat on the back.

"We're the champs. We're on everyone's radar. And that's something I'm proud of." The Super Kitty would smile.

"Even your guys' radar." Her smile and her gaze would pass over both Punchers. Feelings of excitement and expectation emanated from the legendary luchadora.

"I don't know when or where those CWF dudes will strike. But I do know two things." The blonde held up two fingers.

"1 - that we SWAT Cats will have to take on both those guys and the Punchers at some point. And I'm looking forward to both those matches!"

"And 2 - that if the Cats and the Punchers watch each other's backs until we get our match, nobody, and I do mean nobody will be fool enough to get between us!" Kat flexed her bicep and pat it with her free hand. She smiled widely with the confidence that the Punchers and The Cats could watch each other's backs while laying the groundwork for some of the best tag matches in LAW and wrestling history! And soon, Tracy and Aurora stopped what they were doing to mirror The Super Kitty's confident, toothy grin!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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