Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch
Match Type:
Hentai Submission
Victory Conditions: The winner must force their opponent to submit after forcing an orgasm from her.

Strobe lights began flashing on the stage as Dr. Feel Good by Rania begins playing and Doctor Fabulous steps out onto the stage with a pair of glasses on and a white doctor's jacket over her attire. She stands in the middle of a spotlight, crossing an arm over her chest as she regards the crowd, giving a wave to them as they cheer her. Starting to make her way down the ramp, she would blow some flirtatious kisses and winks to those cheering for her, letting the crowd take her personality in. With a grin, she got to the ring apron before walking to the one side and jogging the length of it to leap onto the apron, resting an arm on the ropes and leaning over in a seductive pose, smiling at the camera that had gotten close to her. Taking off her glasses, she bit down on the end of them before winking and stepping into the ring.

Eventually, the Doctor would saunter to the center of the ring before making a show of taking off her jacket to reveal her pink and black outfit. She would strike a pose, tipping down her glasses to give the crowd a wink before passing it to the referee and passing her glasses and jacket to her. Then, Doc Fab walked to her corner, hopping in place and doing a few last minute stretches. She was a little excited, honestly. It was her first mainstream hentai match, and while normally it would be a mortifying affair for a lot of women, the Good Doctor was a bit of a free spirit and completely comfortable with it, especially with the attractive woman she'd be sharing the experience with.

Nothing really prepares someone to get naked and have competitive sex in front of a large number of strangers, but Doctor Fabulous figured she'd make it work and acclimate just fine. It would be a great opportunity to show LAW just how fabulous she could be in so many different ways as well. And being fabulous was something that always thrilled the Wrestling Professor.
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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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"Alright guys, I think that'll do it for the pre-match stream! But seriously, remember to come tune into my match! Stuff like this you'd normally have to get behind a paywall, so DON'T miss it!" Ortega addressed her stream with a smile and a wave, before ending her Instagram live, the social media mogul leaving her fans to come flooding over to LAW in order to watch something that was a first for the middleweight star, that being her very first hentai match within the wrestling promotion! It was no secret that LAW was home to incredibly erotic and explicit things such as this, but this was Ortega's very first venture into something like this, and as such, the butterflies that were in her stomach were no joke! She had posted lewd pictures before online, but having competitive sex in front of a live crowd was a new thing for her, and while exciting, it was equally daunting!

Still, once her opponent had made her entrance just moments after her stream had ended, Ortega would be next, brushing her hair back before she would confidently stride towards the entrance ramp, stepping out onto it as she made her entrance! The crowd was plenty exciting for the affair, cheering loudly as Ortega posed for them, showing off before she would begin her walk down to the ring, waving and greeting fans all the while!
But once she had made her way down to the ring, climbing onto the apron before bending over and slipping inside the ropes, Ortega would turn her attention away from the fans nearby, excitedly approaching the woman who was to be her opponent!

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you, I'm SO excited for this! This is a first for me, and against someone so cute too! Do you mind if we take a picture together?" Ortega asked, a bundle of energy as she would pull out her phone, moving to stand besides Doc Fab as she addressed her, as if the two were good friends despite just meeting! If it was okay with the good doctor, Ortega would move in nice and close, holding up her phone and snapping a picture of the two together, a lovely thing to have before they got down to dirty business!
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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Doctor Fabulous watched her opponent as she came down to the ring, a simple smile on her face as she studied her. She reclined against the corner, seeing Ortega's enthusiasm pour out of her as she came down the ramp. She didn't seem particularly malicious--she just seemed like she wanted to have a good time. It was a nice change of pace to have a relatively laid back opponent--but maybe she could bring that fighting spirit out of her.

Or fucking spirit as it were.

Whatever the case, Doc Fab seemed prepared as she eyed up Hatch, studying her body too. She was quite athletic, which meant she was likely built to last here. That would depend on how effectively the Wrestling Professor could break her down sexually though.

Looking surprised though by the request for a selfie, Doctor Fabulous canted her head and nodded slightly. "A selfie?" asked the blonde. She smiled warmly, shrugging her shoulders. "Sure. Let's do it." An amicable response to a friendly request. Doc Fab knew to keep her opponent happy in this match up, at least early on as they felt everything out. She wasn't much for social media, but she didn't mind other people's obsession with it. ...Although she may have had a conversation about an over-reliance on it if she was wearing her psychiatrist hat in this hour instead of the wrestler one.

Moving over to Ortega, the Good Doctor would then wrap her arm around her opponent and then flash a beautifully fabulous smile to the phone, allowing them to take a quality selfie.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Once both Doc Fab and Ortega had entered the ring together, there were only going to be a few more obligations to get out of the way before the match began, but the social media star had one of her own, and that was her approaching her foe as she asked for a selfie together! Doc Fab looked plenty nice, had the whole sexy doctor vibe going and everything, but you could never be too sure of who was aligned in what fashion, but thankfully she wasn't ready to rip Ortega's head off just because they were opponents, and happily smiled for the picture! The photo of the two women together came out perfectly, and after they had huddled together to take it, Ortega would bring her phone back down, her fingers moving at lightning speed as she posted the photo to her Instagram like it was second nature!

"Awesome, this looks great! Hopefully this'll convince even more people to watch! Specially when they see how cute my opponent is!" Ortega said with a smile, before turning back to Doc Fab and wrapping her arms around the doctor! "Thank you! Now, let's have a good match!" She said, giving her a warm embrace before eventually letting her go, and beginning to happily walk back over to her corner of the ring, where she'd safely deposit her phone!

It might have been seen as a bit odd for Ortega to so happily hug the woman to be her opponent, but given the nature of the match they were about to partake in, she figured that it might very well be the least intimate physical contact they'd have tonight!

But finally, as Ortega turned back around, she'd reach out and grab the ropes to either side, slowly stretching out various parts of her body, her arms, legs, back, and core, as she waited for the announcements to subside and for the officials to be ready! And once they were, the silver haired beauty would step forwards and bounce gently on her feet, trying her best to look like a prepared wrestler! She gave a nod to the ringside officials, and all that was left was for Doc Fab to do the same, and for the bell to ring and start off this sexual contest!

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Offering that winning smile of her's to the camera phone of Ortega, Doc Fab took a peaceful selfie with her opponent. A peculiar start to the match, but the Wrestling Professor couldn't say she disliked it or anything. She even received a hug for her efforts as well, which surprised Fabulous at first, but she did return it with a pat on the back. "Sure, good luck," answered the Good Doctor, heading to her own corner. She was beginning to think that Ortega's reliance on social media and followers, to the point she was already trying to take selfies before matches and worried about them seeing it, was bordering on the unhealthy, but that was the least of what she had to worry about her opponent now. For they had a match up to get to, and she needed to out-sex this girl too.

Doing a little last minute stretching herself, Doctor Fabulous got herself ready and prepared for this competition. She looked over Ortega, who was certainly incredibly attractive in her own right. Just a gorgeous woman. But she needed to figure out what would make her the most turned on. What she could do to break her down sexually and ensure she got her own victory. Licking her tongue over her lower lip, she studied Ortega before standing upright and then walking towards the center of the ring to meet her opponent, placing one hand behind her back and extending it to Hatch.

"Ortega... May the better woman win," stated Fabulous calmly, keeping her hand extended to her foe harmlessly. She had no doubt that Ortega would oblige, but she always wanted to start her matches off with an amicable hand shake.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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After her selfie was captured and Ortega had posted it online, the social media star would take a moment to walk back over to her corner of the ring and deposit her phone there, making sure it was safely tucked away before she'd turn and begin a few light stretches! She noticed Doctor Fabulous watching her from across the ring, and even as the blonde licked her lips while gazing at her, giving her a look like she was a medium rare steak, Ortega would give her a wink in response, before the two would take a step forwards! Crossing the ring, they'd eventually come to stand across from one another as the doctor extended her hand, Ortega doing the same as the two would show respect to one another before the match started!

"Of course! Let's get this show on the road!" Ortega said with a smile, returning Doc Fab's handshake with a confidence that had been built into her over years, before she would let go and hold her hands up!

"Alright, here we go!" She teased, before attempting to reach forwards and grab hold of Doc Fab's shoulders, attempting to tie up with the blonde woman in a classic lock up, before attempting to dig her feet in and begin pushing backwards! The match was a more lewd affair, but the start of it would see Ortega try to take control in a similar fashion to any other match, as she tried to see if she could force the blonde backwards, and up against the ropes!

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Doctor Fabulous shook Ortega's hand with a warm smile, happy to keep things civil between them. She figured there wouldn't be any bad blood here now. Not in a sexy little match like this. They would then grapple up, getting ready to vye for dominance early.

Locking up, both women pushed back at one another. And Doc Fab would be pushing back. She wasn't sure if she'd win a test of strength against Hatch, but it wouldn't entirely be about that for her. "Mmm... Trying to get up close and personal already?" asked the Wrestling Professor, winking at Ortega in their close competitive embrace.

Then, the Good Doctor would attempt to place her leg behind Ortega's looking to get more leverage against her opponent! Then, the blonde would start applying more pressure, aiming to slowly bend Ortega back as much as her own flexibility would allow! It was meant to stretch and tire Hatch out early, wanting to use a bit of her technical know-how to try getting an early advantage in the match!

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Once Ortega and Doc Fab's niceties had finished being exchanged, it would be down to business as the bell rang and the two women would come together in the center of the ring, starting things off with a classic test of strength against one another! In very quick fashion, however, Doc Fab would throw Ortega a playful wink, before suddenly shifting the tone of the lockup as she placed one of her legs behind Ortega's, a position that allowed her to shove Ortega back without allowing her to step backwards, meaning she began to lean over quite far! The more that she leaned the less she was able to push at the doctor, and the more off-balance she would become, and slowly she would begin to be arched over by the blonde!

"I was... nnnngh... trying... but I don't think it worked..." Ortega groaned the more that Doc Fab shoved her backwards, until all resistance from the social media star had left and now she was simply trying to stay upright! Her hands still clasped tightly to her opponent's, but now it was in an effort to keep her feet under her and not topple to her back, as she tried to think of a way out of this!

"I would really appreciate... if you let me up... please?" Ortega groaned, as she attempted to pull herself back up, but Doc Fab was relentless, and with every second Ortega's position grew worse! She didn't figure the doctor would actually heed her request, so she thought hard, thinking of what she could possible do until... well, one idea stood out. With a sudden movement, Ortega would attempt to pull on Doc Fab's hands and use that grip to bring their faces together, as Ortega would press her lips up against her opponent's, trying to surprise her and see if a liplock would cause her to ease up!

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Doc Fab had giggled at Ortega's minor pleadings to be let up, but she gave a small shake of her head as she continued to bend and stretch her opponent back. It was a lovely little pose she had Hatch in, and she was hardly about to let her off when she could already start wearing her down with that stretch. She quite liked Ortega's personality, and even as she wanted out, Doctor Fabulous couldn't find herself holding it against her.

"I don't think I will... It's a lovely view up here," replied Fabulous, shaking her head with a smile. That smile cut off rather suddenly with a kiss though, and the Good Doctor's eyes widened as she was surprised. Her grip did ease on Ortega's hands, as her opponent wanted. And soon, Doc Fab let out a muffled giggle and began to kiss Ortega back.

She enjoyed her opponent's soft lips on her's, kissing her bent opponent in a rather peculiar position. It was a hot display early on as both women were dipped back in a lip lock, each enjoying how it felt, with Fabulously letting out content coos to make it clear just how much she liked it.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match - Doctor Fabulous vs. Ortega Hatch

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Ortega wasn't exactly the strongest wrestler in LAW, even in the LAW middleweight division, and before she knew it her ground was rapidly disappearing in this lock up as Doc Fab's leg slipped behind hers, and she was slowly bent backwards as the woman dropped her upper body lower and lower! Straining to keep herself at least on her feet and not go down to her back so early, Ortega thought fast, and given the nature of the match, came up with a good fit in the form of a sudden liplock, leaning forwards to push her lips against the doctor's! The sudden smooch was a pleasant taste of her opponent in the most literal sense, but it also thankfully got Doc Fab to ease up on her grip a moment, as the two of them continued to kiss one another, Ortega afforded a bit of a better standing now!

"Mmmmhhh..." Ortega gave a low moan of her own into the blonde woman's mouth, gently slipping her tongue against Doc Fab's own to up the intimacy, though she still was thinking of how to take at least a small amount of control back! And she finally settled on how as she pulled her head back and broke their kiss, looking at Doc Fab with a slight blush and a warm smile!

"Quite the kisser... I hope you're a good lander too!" While leaving Doc Fab to contemplate if "lander" was even a term here, Ortega would suddenly swing herself backwards, actually going down onto her back like she had tried so hard not to do, but with Doc Fab's relaxed grip, it let her execute the next part of her plan! And that was to bring her legs around and up onto her opponent's stomach, attempting to take the blonde woman and send her soaring completely overhead with a monkey flip, leaving her to hopefully crash onto the ground!

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