Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Match Type: Standard
Tonight, beneath the full moon visible through dense dark clouds and accompanied by distant thunder, Ichika engaged in some backstage warm-up. She jogged briefly, stretched her arms, and took a deep breath. This evening marked her inaugural match in this career, and she aimed to make a lasting impression on everyone, including her adversary. Examining her attire, Ichika looked down, meticulously ensuring that every detail of her stylish appearance remained flawless. "Hmmm... That's it, perfect!" she smiled to herself, concluding her admiration—or rather, inspection—of her outfit.

Approaching the arena entrance, all lights abruptly dimmed, shrouding the entire space in darkness. Then, multiple spotlights illuminated a focal point: a girl with blue hair and devil's wings standing prominently.

This grand entrance was meticulously planned by Ichika to assert that she was no ordinary newcomer. Coincidentally, as Ichika made her appearance before the audience, a loud clap of thunder resonated from outside, accompanied by a downpour. "Hehe, good timing," Ichika mused. She executed two forward somersaults in the air to showcase her gymnastic prowess and swiftly jogged to the ring. Performing a horse-vaulting jump, another display of her gymnastic skills, she vaulted into the ring and assumed her position in the corner. Patient yet nervous, Ichika awaited her first opponent with keen curiosity.

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Sakuya had heard that her friend had formed a team that was quite impressive and she was glad that her friend was on a team, although the maid felt a little left out as if Emma was spending more time with them although that was Logical since as a team they were somewhat disorganized and they needed to understand how each one fought because each one's styles were quite good but they did not match what they were going to do. The silver-haired girl sighed a little as she finished adjusting his boot and then she heard thunder in the distance "mmm...certainly the weather is somewhat unpleasant outside..." Sakuya commented as she listened to the drops of water hitting the ceiling, certainly the weather could be considered somewhat horrible but at least listening to the rain was something relaxing for her, as she left her locker room and began walking through the hallways and then heard her entrance music. Finally she reached the end of the hallway where there were some curtains and after giving a long sigh and then moving forward and pushing the curtains aside.

finally Sakuya was present in an elegant way, her blue leotard with white lines, her blue boots with black touches and white knee pads while a cute smile was drawn on her face, certainly the maid had gotten used to smiling a little to attract more attention from the public, then the silver-haired maid began to walk in an elegant manner down the metal ramp while from time to time looking at the public, she had already had previous matches before so she did not have any nervousness about having to enter with These clothes were somewhat lascivious as Sakuya walked to the ring she could hear the downpour, the silver haired maid liked being in the ring again

Finally, Sakuya, upon being close to the ring, quickly accelerated her pace to climb the metal stairs and climb to the corner of the ring, and did a backflip while landing on her feet, Sakuya had certainly done it to impress her opponent and speaking of her opponent, she looked like someone quite lascivious with that revealing and sexy outfit "nice to meet you miss, my name is sakuya" Sakuya said in a polite tone as she looked at her blue haired opponent.

Image ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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With the music blasting in the arena, Ichika knew her opponent had entered the arena. Although she couldn't see the face of her foe due to the distance, but she would figure out this was an elegant woman with way she walked.The elegant nature of the woman was pushed even further when she did a backflip into the ring, honestly impressed Ichika a little. As she could finally take a closer look at her opponent, she would notice many differences between their attires, comparing to Ichika's magnificent clothing, this woman appeared as much more simple, one piece leotard with single blue color alone with standard wrestling boots, making Ichika looked like as if she came from a fashion show. The most notable aspect of the woman however, was her hair style heavily reflecting that of a maid, caused Ichika to be even more curious on her opponent. Hearing the woman's polite introduction, that Ichika finally learnt her name of Sakuya, she would also reply with a self intro: "Nice to meet you too miss, my name is Ichika," The girl would take a step forward and put one of her hand on her waist, while raising her voice a little to give a more arrogant impression than her foe, "and remember this name, from the one who will knock you down tonight!" Ichika ended her sentence with a naughty smile and a wink, she sure wanted to leave a deeper first impression towards her opponent.

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Sakuya certainly looked at her blue-haired opponent's outfit with great curiosity, since hers made her body stand out a lot and gave it a somewhat evil touch due to those demon wings. Meanwhile, her outfit was something basic, not to mention something common among The other fighters, at least that was the perspective of some, but the silver-haired maid liked to wear this outfit because she really felt quite comfortable, but well, when she heard the name of her opponent against whom she would fight, she smiled in a calm manner. since she didn't want to have enemies around now, much less form enmities "oh well ichika it's nice to meet you" said the silver haired maid as she nodded at Ichika's name, she certainly didn't know what to expect from her opponent but she knew one thing, that this fight would be something interesting.

Upon hearing Ichika's statement that she would be knocked down by her, in addition to that wink and that mischievous smile, Sakuya smiled and decided to return it as she approached her blue-haired opponent "Let's see if your words are true" The maid then, being close to her opponent, kissed her cheek to return that mischievous gesture that Ichika had made before although Sakuya was slightly blushing and after doing that, the maid went to her corner of the ring to wait for the bell will ring ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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"Uh? Oh!" Ichika was surprised when Sakuya kissed on her cheek, contacting her warm lips to her face skin, but followed by a giggle, this match seemed becoming more and more interesting. "Hehe, I like you already. Hope you can still be such gentle later!" Looking towards Sakuya who returned to the corner, Ichika would stay in hers as both were waiting for the bell...


Such a long-lost sound as Ichika couldn't hide her excitement, as she started taking her steps towards center of the ring, "Are you ready, dear miss?" Ichika grinned as she approaching her opponent, who she would observe the next move. Ichika was confident that she was ready for whatever Sakuya would bring in next moment, as she would raise her arm and wave her hand back and forth, signaling the maiden to come at her all she wanted.

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Sakuya only prepared herself for the bell to ring, since she was certainly going to have to somehow subdue this blue-haired opponent, since it seemed that this girl could withstand quite well whatever grabs or blows she could do but the maid of silver hair had something planned but upon hearing Ichika's words, the silver haired Japanese girl thought that she was not as bad as she seemed although her outfit was something that would make anyone think that she was a dominatrix or something like that but oh well That's up to anyone's imagination. Apart from that, both of them had quite striking outfits for the public because they revealed a lot of skin.

When the bell rang, she without hesitation ran towards where Ichika was, but when she was somewhat close to her blue-haired opponent, she quickly slipped under Ichika's legs to get behind her, but before that, Sakuya, using both her hands, grabbed his feet of her opponent and with force she threw them back so that Ichika fell forward. Once she had done this, the silver-haired maid began to get up, still holding Ichika's feet, and then sat down behind her while putting Ichika's legs under his armpits as he extended his arms to grab Ichika's jaw and try to pull her back.

Image ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Ichika grinned as she saw Sakuya charged towards her, such bold move was just what Ichika wanted. However, Ichika's grin turned to expression of surprise as she tried to reach hands forwards to counter, the silver hair suddenly disappeared in front of her, next moment she realized her foe just got down and slipped right behind her, and before she could even do anything, the girl could only feel her legs being grabbed, "Hey! AAH!" As she protested, Ichika felt her legs were dragged causing her immediately lost balance, falling forwards right onto the mat! At the moment Ichika moved her hands underneath her body that neglected some impact from falling, but she still absorbed enough punishment as she landed her chest first onto the mat. As Ichika trying to get up, her legs was once again pulled and being locked under her foe's arms, and followed by that, Ichika's chin was grabbed as her body was forced to bend backwards! "Tch... ggaah!" The sudden shift of actions completely caught Ichika off guard, as she could only try to open her mouth to gasp for air while enduring the pain on her back and her bended legs, "Let... go... gak!" This was not a good start.

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Sakuya's strategy had worked, certainly seeing her opponent trusting, the silver-haired maid knew that there was only one way to surprise the blue-haired girl, Sakuya had made a good decision when attacking, Sakuya was not going to waste the opportunity to cause damage to her opponent's back and legs while bending them with force, certainly Sakuya had control over the situation right now although surely her demonic-themed opponent was not having a good time at the moment with Ichika being bent in a very painful way by the silver-haired maid, sakuya could hear the light moans of pain from her blue-haired opponent, although it was difficult for her opponent to breathe, but it was not a sufficient reason for the silver-haired maid to release her, therefore what was going to stay for a few moments

Sakuya heard Ichika's words as she looked into her eyes, the silver haired maid was thinking about it "I'm sorry, Miss Ichika, but let's test how flexible you are" The silver-haired girl commented while at no time had she let go of her opponent's chin, Sakuya was pulling back with the aim of making her opponent weaken even more in the grip, although from time to time she loosened the pressure a little to that Ichika would not give up with this grip and he did not have much intention of doing so much damage either. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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"Gah... no... ahh!" Despite Ichika's protest, Sakuya had abslutely no intend of letting her go. With her back being bended backwards, the pressure on her spin sent singals of pain onto her body. Not only that, being locked in this position, Ichika felt it was harder and harder to breath each time with her attempt. Trapped in Sakuya's hold, Ichika's protest along with her goan became lighter as longer she was held, her body was weakened as she felt her limbs turned numb, and even her foe let her go, Ichika would be too exhausted to even fight back.

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Re: Sakuya vs Ichika - Perfect Maiden vs Crimson Moon

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Sakuya maintained her grip while listening to the protests of her blue-haired opponent who did not seem very comfortable with this flexibility test, apparently Ichika was not as flexible as she seemed and the silver-haired maid could notice this quite a bit, also by the way she breathing from his blue-haired opponent seemed to find it quite difficult to breathe in this hold, Sakuya found it quite curious that Ichika did not have such good flexibility so he decided to let go of her while she stood up and then began to give a few steps back to give his blue-haired opponent room to recover "mmm from what I see, you flexibility is not very good even though you body seems somewhat flexible" The silver-haired girl commented as she waited for her blue-haired opponent to get up, although the way things looked, well Sakuya didn't know exactly if Ichika would have the strength to get up, but she would find out now.

The silver-haired maid was attentive if her opponent made a sudden move to attack her, so she was not so confident when they saw her opponent on the floor, because most likely Ichika could be using a strategy to appear that she was quite wounded and then when she approached, Sakuya would be attacked by Ichika but there was also the other possibility that her blue-haired opponent was really hurt, since she had bent her without any kind of mercy. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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