
Coffee was the one thing in life that Casey Kiernan could rely upon.
People always let her down, in increasingly tragic fashions. Just today, Casey was asked if she could record an informative promo about their next upcoming show. Painful. And then they asked her to field questions to a wrestler for the LAW Magazine. How could they? And the worst thing of all? Asking her to do an interview on the stage. Absolutely unforgiveable.
And worse yet, she didn't have time to have one nap, let alone two. Potentially the worst day that Casey can remember. Kiernan would try to pawn it off on the other interviewers, but they specifically asked for her. How did she not do a good enough job doing a bad enough job at this point? When were they going to give up on Casey, being fed up with her extremely poor work ethic? What more did Casey Kiernan have to do to prove she was the absolute worst person for the job?
A mystery that she hasn't figured out a solution to yet. And not for any lack of trying. So she had to do her intense effort of doing the most minimal research on her guest: Top Heavy. Three people. They were trying to overwork her. Potentially kill her and lead her to an early grave. Interviewing one person was bad enough, but three? It seemed almost impossible.
"Asami," stated Casey Kiernan backstage as people hurriedly set up her stage, scribbling on notecards between looking at her phone. "Give it to me straight: am I terrible at this?"
The stage hand bit her lip, shaking her head as she looked pained. "Noooooooo..."
Looking desperate, Casey glanced to the stage hand. "Please... be completely honest."
Looking conflicted, she gulped and nodded. "Yes, you're... not great."
With a loud groan, Casey gestured to the stage. "Then I'm not doing bad enough! How!?" Taking a deep breath, she collected herself before pouting. "Thank you for being honest with me, Asami. I can always depend on you to keep it real."
"Well, it's Izumi, and... I don't honestly know what to say to that," replied the stage hand, baffled.
With a heavy sigh, Kiernan nodded, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "I know. ...I know." Then, Casey would prepare herself for the inevitable. That damn song.
Get Over It by OK Go started to play, and Casey Kiernan stepped through the curtain to face the crowd. Shesmiled cheerfully, waving to the crowd, briefly dancing to the song with coffee in hand and blew kisses to the waiting crowd. The stage was loud, tacky, and had one cozy chair and a matching couch, a small table between them, with a giant sign hanging from the ceiling that glowed saying "WHAT'S HAPPENIN'! With Casey Kiernan" on it. She waited for the song to end before greeting the crowd with a big smile on her face, waving at them with her non-coffee-holding-hand. "Hello everyone! Thank you for joining me for Whaaaaaaaat's Happenin'! with Casey Kiernan. And I'm your loveable host, Casey Kiernan! Today, we've got ourselves... three wrestlers. Three whole wrestlers today. That's three times as many as I usually have on this show." She then paused, staring out at the camera, a lost and afraid look in her eyes. A faraway gaze, knowing the impending trauma of what was to come. "...Anyway!" Casey smiled cheerfully once more. "That's also three times the fun, right!? That's so much more fun than usual! In theory!"
Kiernan would then take a deep breath and said, "And with all of that fun coming up, we shouldn't waste any time to get it over with as soon as we can!" She paused, biting her lip before correcting herself. "...Get it started as soon as we can." The interviewer gestured to the stage entrance, Kiernan would take a long sip of coffee as she waited for her guests to arrive!