Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Standard Match
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission, KO or Ring Out

Tonight, Kokomi would finally participate in a new match and finally face a new person. She had a series of matches against Alice and Barbara and she needed to fight against someone else, especially since her style had drastically changed. She was no longer the little mermaid who was easy to manipulate and weak against submission holds or smothers, she had become a good wrestler, at least, compared to the level of her rivals.

She warmed up in the locker room after putting on her wrestling outfit which was in keeping with your mermaid theme and headed to the ring when her name was called. The divine mermaid greeted her fans who were significantly more numerous than before, she had become popular since her PPV against Barbara who was a fairly well-known idol and wrestler but above all Kokomi's biggest rival.
She climbed into the ring, greeting her fans one last time, turned around to dance and let her outfit fly and follow her movements with a little delay. Her music gradually began to stop and the Japanese woman remained on her corner, watching the entry on stage to finally meet her opponent. She at least hoped that this time, her opponent wouldn't be someone who was out to harm Kokomi and would use cheats.
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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Pearl tried to slow her heart a bit. She’d been dressed fully for about 5 minutes and had spent the rest of that time nervously pacing the locker room. The officials had booked her a match. That was normal. But the booking was to be against a fully fledged wrestler, not a trainee like herself. Needless to say, her heart rate was much faster than she would have liked. A ringside official entered the locker room, alerting her that it was time. The young Lioness braced herself, and stepped out into the arena to a small smattering of cheering and applause. Putting on a brave face, she smiled and waved her way to the ring, climbing in. She extended a hand to her opponent. “Pearl Fortley, Young Lioness. Let’s give the people a show, eh?”

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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Kokomi saw her opponent approaching her, gradually approaching the ring and as she thought, her opponent was as cute as her and all the women she had faced until today. But following the introduction of the new wrestler, Kokomi found herself slightly annoyed, almost angry to hear that Pearl was a Young Lioness. It's not often that female wrestlers fight against Young Lionnesses, did that mean the officials thought Kokomi was as weak as a Young Lionness? Despite all her progress.

"Kokomi. Let's have a good match, if you can handle out."

Kokomi looked with a little disgust at her opponent's hand and her tone became slightly colder. She refused the wristlock and returned to her corner, then looking at her opponent and the referee while waiting for the match to start so she could quickly end this match and show that she was clearly stronger than a simple Young Lioness!
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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Pearl was a bit put off by Kokomi’s refusal to shake her hand, but thought little of it. She smiled, and retreated to her corner. She nodded her ready to the referee, and the bell rung. She would circle her foe for a moment, before going on the offensive. Pearl would attack with a feinted jab to Kokomi’s midsection, followed swiftly by her foot, shooting out for a sweep. If she succeeded, she would follow her opponent to the ground in order to put her grappling skills to use, with an (amateur) armbar!

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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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The match finally began and Kokomi charged at her opponent and Pearl did the same. As Kokomi looked to start this match with a Running Body Splash, thinking she would be able to withstand her opponent's blow, she found herself surprised to fall to the ground following a sweep from her opponent. She growled slightly in frustration before her opponent attacked her again with an armbar.

"Not even in dreams !"

Her opponent was a Young Lionness and was a little less experienced than Kokomi and the mermaid used this to escape the armbar by pushing her opponent away with both arms so she turned around so she was lying on her back, a perfect position for wrapping her thighs around Pearl's body and squeezing her with a bodycissor.
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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Pearl let out a soft grunt as Kokomi pushed her away, releasing the hold. That was cocky, she now realized. But she needed to focus on the now. She would roll over, and attempt to spring back to her feet. In theory, Kokomi would still be in front of her, where she could deliver a roundhouse kick to the head

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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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As Pearl tried to get up, Kokomi's powerful thighs prevented her from doing so by pulling her towards the mermaid, forcing the Young Lionness to remain seated in front of her as the mermaid's thighs continued to squeeze harder and harder against Pearl's stomach.

“Grrr...Stay here!..”
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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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“Ahhhg!!” Pearl cried out in agony, grabbing at her opponent’s thighs in a desperate bid to relieve some pressure. Biting her lip, Pearl began to devise a plan, difficult as it was under the pressure (literally) she was under. Pearl would wrap her arms around Kokomi’s back, and try to push up, with Kokomi still wrapped around her, before leaping onto the mat, which would hopefully leave Kokomi sandwiched between herself and the canvas.

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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Kokomi was quite confident that she could beat her opponent with simple holds but the Young Lionness was more technical and stronger than expected. She managed to get up while carrying the mermaid with her who was still in a scissor hold until Pearl decided to fall forward, pinning Kokomi against the ground who sighed in pain and released her thighs around Pearl's hips.

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Re: Kokomi vs Pearl Fortley - Standard match

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Pearl grunted as she hit the ground with Kokomi, but there was no time to spare. If she allowed Kokomi time enough to recuperate, the results would not likely be in her favor.

If one thing could be said for pearl, it was that she was quick on her feet. The young lioness would try to flip her opponent onto her back, wrapping her arms under her opponent’s and grabbing her chin, before leaning back and pulling up for an unstable, but effective camel clutch

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