LWS 2023: Marceline vs Nuo

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LWS 2023: Marceline vs Nuo

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LWS 2023 Round 2: Huang Nuo vs Marceline Gagnon
Victory by KO only

Marceline had mostly recovered from the toll of her first round match against Christina Perez. It was a saving grace for her that her most effective attacks had be holds that she managed to get out from before taking lasting damage, rather than strikes and slams that'd have a more immediate impact. It also helped that she had an immense size advantage over her previous opponent.

For this round, the frenchwoman would have a similar size advantage, but against a wrestler that had a reputation as being little better than a jobber. The fact she made it to semi finals didn't concern Marceline. Perhaps she'd just gotten lucky, if so, the giant woman would make sure that luck would run out now.

Marceline excited backstage when here theme began playing stopping at the top of the ramp to flex both of her arms, looking at them one at a time, before making her way to the ring, first climbing up on the steel steps before stepping in between the ropes and remaining in her corner.

While she waited, she shadow boxed for a few moments before turning to the crowd with a raised arm, then leaning back into her corner and waiting.


After the previous match with Aphrodite, Nuo's morale was pretty good till she heard her next opponent happens to be a heavyweight. Worrying the poor newbie as she tries not to imagine herself getting destroyed by the French woman.

She stands in the backstage, adjusting the straps covering her chest and her thigh high socks before checking to see her pink mask. Waiting for Marceline to finish with her entrance for her theme to play right after. Once her theme begins to play, Nuo would exit out of the backstage with her hands up in the air, encouraging the crowd to cheer as she walk down the ramp and towards the ring.

Nuo use the ropes to climb on the apron before bending down to squeeze herself between the top and middle rope. Waving at the crowd one last time before making her way to her respecting corner that was in a opposite side of where Marceline was standing.

The two standing at their corners till Nuo push herself out of the corner and strut towards the center for the two wrestlers to meet. Holding her hands together and placing them on her lap, dipping her head down to show respect to the tall woman while trying to not show how nervous she was. "Hello, my name is Huang Nuo." She introduced herself. "N-nice to meet you."


"Hmph, I'm Marceline Gagnon. Just don't give me too much trouble and you'll recover soon enough." The french woman couldn't absolutely be sure, but her opponent seemed intimidated, as she should. Marceline meant what she said as well, she had nothing against Nuo, just as she had nothing against her previous opponent until she started trying to break her leg.

She wanted to put Nuo down for 10, then move on, but if the girl gave her too much trouble, she'd have to hurt her more, it was really that simple.

All that was left now was for the match to begin. The moment the bell wrang, Marceline would target a swift side thrust kick immediately at Nuo's gut, to give her an idea of how hard she would be hitting.


Nuo felt an unusual aura from Marceline while she kept her head down, just hearing the french woman felt a shiver down her spine.

After they were done with introductions, Nuo pulled her head back and stood tall till she slowly looked up. Trying to see the large french woman's face while being forced to take a step back to try and avoid her range.

Once the match finally started, Marceline struck first by throwing a kick right into the newbie's gut. Forcing Nuo to jump in the air for a couple of seconds then landed back on her feet. Bending down with her arms clenching over her stomach, stepping over to the side with spit flying out of her mouth. "Guagh!"


With Nuo bent over from her kick, Marceline kept her offense up. She'd close in and attempt to a right handed uppercut punch at Nuo's face. If that was successful, The french woman would follow it up by attempting a right foot push kick at the Newbie's chest to force her toward the ropes.


Once Nuo bend down, Marceline continued the offensive when she forced her back up with an uppercut to the face. Forcing the newbie to pull her head back with her hand covering her jaw till the French woman threw another kick but this time going for her chest!

"AGH!" Nuo got sent towards the ropes, one hand holding on the top rope to keep herself up while the other covering her chest. Gasping for air as Marceline winded her with the kick.


With Nuo up against the ropes, Marceline would kick her again, aiming for her chest, trying to send her tumbling over the ropes.

While she didn't want to be too hard on Nuo, more importantly, Marceline didn't want let things go on longer than they had to. A great way to accomplish that, she felt, was to take the fight out of the ring.


The match just started and already Nuo wasn't looking too good since she's facing someone much larger. As she rested on the ropes, Marceline threw one last kick to send the poor newbie over the ropes, landing on the apron before crashing onto the floor.

She cried in pain following with couple of people making noises when she hit the cold floor. Slowly picking herself off the floor and getting up on one knee.


Marceline would attempt to keep up her momentum, so soon after she kicked Nuo out of the ring, she'd begin stepping between the ropes and out on to the ring apron.

As her opponent got to her feet, the frenchwoman would hop down to the outside of the ring with the aim of getting to her foe and delivering a swift knee strike to her face.


Nuo manage to recover somewhat from the brutal kicks as she got up on her feet. Her eyes locked on Marceline to see what the large frenchwoman was doing while her legs trembled underneath her. Already the poor newbie began to sweat when she saw the large woman towering over her.

When Marceline exit out of the ring too, hopping down on the floor, Nuo try to catch her off guard. She threw a kick of her own with her foot planted right into her opponent's abs, unable to go higher.


"Ugh." Marceline grunted as Nuo's foot hit her torso, grabbing her torso instinctively in pain. It was a solid kick for someone who had been on the backfoot for most of the match. It also interrupted what would have been a potent attack.


Nuo managed to finally land a hit on Marceline's as the Frenchwoman let out a grunt and grabbing her own torso. Giving the newbie a chance to shine as she try to do something risky when she ran up to the apron, climbing over it before jumping off of it. Giving herself sort of boost to wrap her legs around Marcelina’s head and forcing her to spin to end it off with a Hurricarana!


Though the kick was a strong one, it was only one strike. So by the time Nuo ran to the apron, Marceline was turning towards her and watching her movements. By the time she lept off the apron toward her, the taller woman had been begun bracing herself to catch her opponent.

As Nuo's legs landed on her shoulders, Marceline would attempt to counter the hurricarana by using Nuo's momentum to spin around and swing her into the side of the ring apron!


The crowd let out a loud "OH" when Marceline take advantage of Nuo's risky move. Swinging the poor newbie around till she threw her into the side of the apron! "Guagh!" She cried before falling down and landing against the cold floor.

After learning her lesson the hard way, Nuo then rolled over to her stomach, getting up on all fours. Taking her time to catch her breath while rubbing the side of her shoulder as if it would get rid of the pain. She reach for the ring apron with her one hand, pulling herself up on her knees.


Though Marceline succeeded in flinging her opponent against the ring apron using her own momentum, it wasn't without consequences for the frenchwoman. As she completed the swing and let go, she went stumbling to the side, partially turning her right ankle.

This meant she didn't immediately follow up on Nuo while she was on the ground, giving the newbie time to get to herself up to her knees using the ring apron.

Marceline, for her part, would march on over to the woman, then attempt to grab her by her hair to set her up for a version of her spinning heel kick to the neck, her signature 'Revolutionary Coup'!


Marceline was kind enough to let Nuo get to her knees only to get herself ready to throw a nasty kick. As she was recovering, she'd be able to see the Frenchwoman coming at her, spinning to see the heel of the giant's foot coming towards her.

"Uagh!" She startled, pulling herself back to try and avoid her opponent's path, letting her kick the ring apron. Once Marceline hit the apron, she'd expose herself for Nuo to strike, throwing both her legs towards one that was still standing.

Her legs tried to wrap around Marceline's one shin in a scissors hold before turning herself over to her side. Pulling the large Frenchwoman, hoping for her to collapse on the ground.


Marceline had originally told herself that she wouldn't be to hard on Nuo, that she'd only do enough to beat her, but the opportunity to kick her in the neck, while send her head slamming against the ring apron, was too good to pass up.

She'd quickly pay for the attempt, however as the newbie managing to dodge the kick meant her own foot would slam into the ring apron.

"Ow!" She'd exclaim, but that would be the worst of it. Before she could re plant her right foot, Nuo would use both of her legs wrap around the french woman's shin and cause her to fall to the ground.

"Uhrgh." Marceline grunted as she fell to her backside.


With Marceline falling down on her back, Nuo rolled back to her feet with her hands in the air to try earn some bonus points in style.

Once Nuo was back on her feet, she didn't waste any time to take advantage of the Frenchwoman. She ran up to the apron with one foot on top of it before jumping off of it as she spun around. Attempting to go for a risky Frog Splash to land directly on top of Marceline.

Assuming the best approach when taking down a giant is by knocking the air out of them as they continued to battle outside of the ring.


Marceline was in discomfort, but she had tripped to her butt and back. She hadn't fallen on her head. Nor did her head whipped to the after she had fallen. Put simply, it was not to hard too see that Nuo was aiming to frog splash her. But the speed of the move left Marceline with little else to do put brace herself.

"Urph!" The frenchwoman wheezed on impact from the splash, as the air was forced out of her lungs.


With the large Frenchwoman completely out of breath, Nuo was now at an advantage. However, instead of continuing her attack, she didn't want to get overconfident and retreated to the ring. She reach down to grab Marceline by the hair, not pulling it but try to guide the large woman up on her feet. Guiding her opponent to the apron where she attempts to push her into the ring from behind.

She dove underneath the bottom rope and into the ring to try saving as much energy as possible. Once she enters the ring, she then use the ropes to pull herself back on her feet.


Getting winded and dragged around by a woman half her size was more than a little embarrassing. But, she wasn't attacking her right now and was clearly trying to get her back in the ring, which was fine enough to her. Nuo has gotten the better part of this little excursion, it wouldn't hurt to rest by resuming their battle in the ring.

When the Newbie pushed her into the ring, Marceline rolled under the ropes and got to her feet, standing back from Nuo as she herself followed her into the ring.

"You're a little better than I expected, Nuo, looks like I might have to really hurt you to put you down."

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Re: LWS 2023: Marceline vs Nuo

Unread post by Noob »

"Thank you- Wait what?" Nuo asked, confused of what Marceline meant by really hurt her. This got her legs shaking underneath her, showing signs of how nervous she was when facing someone larger than her.

As the two entered back in the ring, none of them decided to land the first move just yet. They waited in the ring for the other to get ready to make it somewhat a fair match. Once they're ready, the newbie bounced herself off the ropes and went sprinting towards the large Frenchwoman. Nuo raise her foot, attempting to give her opponent the Big Boot to the stomach since that's as high she can go.


Marceline had allowed Nuo to reinitiate their battle first, not so much out of a desired for fairness, as a hope that the Newbie would make a mistake that she could punish. Sure enough, it appeared that she would have such an opportunity as her smaller foe bounces off the ropes toward her an targeted a boot big boot at the frenchwoman's gut.

Marceline would swiftly step aside, while bringing her fist around for a punch. Chest face or even throat, the giant was swinging to hit something.


Fore a heavyweight, Marceline was quick to react to Nuo's foot, taking a step aside to avoid her path. Once the newbie missed, she managed to stand back on her two feet. Turning around only to see the large Frenchwoman's fist coming down right to her chest! Nuo's breasts would bounce beneath the straps as she staggered towards the ropes. Her back resting against the top ropes as her right arm rest over it to keep her up. "Guagh!"


Marceline had already kicked her opponent out of the ring once, she was unlikely to fall for the same move twice, regardless of her experience.

At the same time, there was no doubt that sending her opponent crashing to the thinly padded concrete outside of the ring was an effective way to hurt the smaller woman.

So the Frenchwoman would 'compromise' with her self. She'd grab Nuo's arm and attempt to swing her into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring.

If she came charging back recklessly, Marceline would move to get under Nuo to use her momentum to toss her over the ropes. Marceline wouldn't pay much attention to how she'd release her if it got to that point, however she fell would the newbie's problem.


Marceline didn't bother to let Nuo rest when she threw her to the other side of the ring. The poor newbie couldn't stop herself when she land at the ropes, afraid she might do something stupid like tripping over her feet.

Once Nuo reached to the opposite side of the ring, she'd return back to Marceline by the ropes bouncing her back. As she ran back to the large Frenchwoman, Marceline duck, allowing the tanned newbie to hit the ropes again, this time sending her over it. However, she was lucky to hold onto the top rope to prevent her from falling on the cold floor.

Nuo held tight on the top rope, slowly getting back to her posture when she tried to enter back into the ring.


Nuo was, impressively, quick enough to grab hold of the ropes before she tumbled to the floor.

Marceline stood next to the ropes and waited for the newbie to duck under the ropes. At which point, the french woman would attempt to g wrap her left arm around her opponents neck and pull her through the ropes and to the ground for a DDT.


Marceline was kind enough to help Nuo back into the ring with a friendly DDT. Smacking the poor newbie's head right into the mat with the impact bouncing her up onto her knees before falling face first to get a taste of the canvas.

She let out a small groan before attempting to get up on all fours, crawling away as her vision suddenly got blurry.


"How'd that feel?" Marceline asked Nuo, in mocking tone as she watched her try to crawl away. Marceline would circle around her foe. If the match stipulations were different, she the frenchwoman might well not have attempted what came next.

"How about this!" She'd then ask, before taking a few powerful stride towards her opponent, before targeting a soccer punt kick at her head with highly destructive intent.


Nuo responded with a small groan, shaking her head as she tries to regain focus. Watching Marceline approaching her with what looks like to be a soccer punt kick that was coming towards her. The newbie quickly reacted by pulling her head back to avoid the Frenchwoman's range, throwing her arms out and in front of her to take all of the damage. Marceline's foot would land on Nuo's arms before she attempted to hold onto it to limit the larger woman's balance.


"Gah!" Marceline would exclaim out of frustration, as Nuo managed to grab hold of the frenchwoman's leg before it could impact her skull. Without Nuo even doing all that much, Marceline was already losing her balance.


With Marceline's leg still in Nuo's hands, she attempted to pull it for the large Frenchwoman fall back. Letting go the moment her opponent hit her back against the canvas, making the ring shake a bit by the impact.


Marceline let out a small yelp of pain from the impact, significantly worsened by the fact that not only had her back it the canvas, her head had whipped back against it as well, partially stunning her and leaving Nuo with an opportunity to continue turning the tables in the giantess.


Once Marceline was down, Nuo joined her down on the mat, sitting down on her rear right in front of the large Frenchwoman. With her opponent's leg still in her arms, she attempted to trap the larger woman in a figure four. Leaning her back against an invisible wall as she sat there and watch Marceline struggle.


Marceline was in fact dazed just enough for Nuo to engage the figure four lock she wanted to apply, to the great misfortune of the larger woman.

It was never a great thing to be caught in a submission hold, but in a match without the ability to tap out, nor a reason for the official interfere, it was particular dangerous.

If Marceline couldn't escape, the only thing that'd save her from injury would be Nuo choosing to let her go. It was an inherently brutal, though effective, tactic.

"Ahhhhh, you...little...bitch!" the french woman screamed at the rookie as she struggled in pain.


Nuo maintained the hold for a few more minutes before letting go of Marceline. Dropping the large Frenchwoman's leg as it hit the mat, rolling back up to her feet. She had no intention of doing any further damage but instead just wanted to tire her out at lease.

Once the newbie got back on her feet, she retreated towards the ropes with her back up against it. Waiting for the opportunity to strike when her large opponent to get back up. Once Marceline tried to stand up, Nuo would bounce herself off the ropes behind her to give herself some momentum.

Nuo attempted to go for a hurricarana to bring the large Frenchwoman back down. Jumping in the air during mid run, wrapping her legs around Marceline's head with her thighs closing in. Forcing her opponent to spin till she flipped her over and slamming her on the canvas.


A few minutes of being trapped in a figure four lock was no minor setback for Marceline. She had however, managed to reveal some of the pressure from the hold with her struggling, thanks to her size advantage. Had Nuo applied to her hold to someone her own size, for that length of time, she'd have surely ended the match right then and there, along with that opponent's ability to walk, nevermind wrestle, for a good while.

Though Marceline was obviously angry at the newbie's audacity, she had to respect it as well. Which ever one of them advanced, their opponent would be in serious trouble.

The frenchwoman was already in such trouble, here legs were still weak from fighting the hold, do were her knees, it was terribly painful to start to get up, though she was grateful that her knees worked enough that she could.

Nuo unsurprisingly exploited this circumstance of extreme vulnerability, bouncing of the ropes, leaping up on Marceline's shoulders spinning her around slamming her painfully to the canvas.

Between the shock of the slam, tired legs and aching knees, she was in no position, at least not yet, to get back up.


Once they landed on the canvas, Nuo sat up and turn to see the aftermath. Watching Marceline remaining still as it doesn't look like she's getting back up, giving Nuo time to catch her breath. Once she recovered, she picked herself back on her feet.

Wanting to make sure Marceline would stay down, Nuo would sprint towards the ropes. Spinning around for her back to hit first into them before launching her back towards Marceline. Jumping in the air with her arms and legs spread out as she attempted to go for a Frog Splash!


Marceline was perhaps a few moments away from, despite all the pain, getting to her feet. Yet it was all taken away the instant that Nuo came crashing down on top of her with a frog splash.

Al in all, things were not looking very good for the french woman, she was well within her senses, yes, but her legs were burning in pain and she was utterly winded. If it wasn't clear before, it was clear now, her newbie opponent had the upper hand, at least for now.

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Re: LWS 2023: Marceline vs Nuo

Unread post by Noob »

Nuo was throwing everything she had on Marceline, after landing on top of her she decided to rest for a moment. Laying across of the giant as she turned her head to get a better view of her larger opponent. Her hand reaching for Marceline's, raising it up in the air before dropping it down for it to hit the mat. She then turn to the referee. "Is she down?" She asked.

After that, she stood up to her knees then back to her feet. Walking over the large Frenchwoman's body and made her way to the ropes. Leaning her back against the ropes with her arms resting over the top.


Marceline was, indeed, down. For a full count? No, certainly not, but in the scheme of that match, she was a lot closer to that than not.

"1!" The referee shouted, starting the count, as Marceline had yet to stir.

"2!" They continued, but now Marceline pulled one leg up, though her shoulders remained on the ground.

"3!" At this point, had this been a normal match and Marceline had simply been pinned, in all likelihood it would already be over.

"4!" Marceline would now manage to sit up right, motivated more by a refusal to be put down like this by a little newbie, however she was still yet to get to her feet.


Nuo was surprise to see Marceline to be able to get back on her feet with such motivation. Whatever, if the large Frenchwoman refuse to be down then she'd have to throw everything she has to make sure she'd be down.

As Marceline rose to her feet, Nuo get off the ropes, approaching woman thinking a kick should do the trick. Raising her right foot in an attempt to land the Big Boot square into her opponent's stomach.


Marceline would receive Nuo's kick to her abdomen. By its self the movie was solid, if not terribly impressive.

However the kick did not stand by its self, it was the most recent a match worth attacks, which combined had just put her down for a count of four. The french woman would be floored, back and shoulders to the canvas, yet again.


Nuo was surprised when she manage to knock Marceline back down on the mat, stumbling at first before she manage to regain her balance. Turning towards her downed foe as she reach for her arms, standing behind the large Frenchwoman for her to pull. Of course, it wasn't easy to pull someone who was twice the size than her, making her dragging her opponent only a inch away from their current position.

It took a while but they manage to get closer to the ropes as Nuo was feeling confident. She decided to entertain the crowd by going for a cool flip for style points. Running towards the ropes and bouncing herself off the middle rope, attempting to go for a back flip and landing directly on top of Marceline with their bellies touching first.


Marceline was not in much condition to fight, but between Nuo struggling to drag her towards the ropes, she was able build up enough fight in her that when Nuo went to the middle rope to flip off and bounce on her, the french woman was able pull her knees up just in time to meet her opponent.

Marceline was now, at this point, desperate. If she was to some how mount a comeback and not be beaten, she needed one devestating move that would leave Nuo's body too hurt to continue even if she had the will.

Using her last reserves of strength, Marceline would attempt to head over to her newbie foe and bring down a stomp to he newbie's head, hoping to daze her enough that she could then lift the girl onto her shoulder.


Nuo landed on top of Marceline, however, instead of landing on her stomach where she wanted she landed right on her knees. Rolling off of the tall Frenchwoman with her arms clenching around her stomach as she curled herself into a ball. "GAGH!"

As she was down, Marceline managed to use all of her remaining strength to get up and drop a nasty stomp on Nuo's head. Once the newbie was daze by the impact, Marceline would lift her over her shoulder, carrying her around the ring.

While the large Frenchwoman was carrying her, Nuo was unable to comprehend what was going on. All she could do was drool all over herself and enjoy the ride.


If this was earlier in the match, she Marceline might have hesitated to do what she was currently planning on doing. Not anymore. Not only was she willing to do whatever it took to win, she felt the need to do so if only to protect herself.

The french woman's legs still ached from Nuo's brutal submission hold, had she been a smaller woman, the newbie would have certainly seriously injured her. Even without being the case, she was certainly going to be in for some lasting pain. Perhaps too much to win the next match if she even won thus one.

But no matter, she thought, the Aristocracker headed to the corner of the ring with Nuo on her shoulder. She wasn't only doing this to win, but to put the newbie into overwhelming pain.

She dropped the girl on to the top of the ring corner, between the buckle and the ring post, Her aim, preparing to climb up the ropes to a precarious position, was to do nothing less then haul Nuo up, then toss her to the outside of the ring from height.

Marceline fully expected resistance, and she was ready to exchange punches with her enemy until she could send her tumbling to the padded concrete outside of the ring.


Nuo always had a fear for heights when it came to a wrestling match, the idea of flying outside of the ring and into the solid ground always kept a shiver down her spine. Soon, her fear would come true when Marceline decided to place her in between the ring post and the buckle, sitting on top.

Of course, her response would be freaking out with her arms swinging wildly as she demanded to be put back down. Accidently landing a few punches into the large Frenchwoman in all sorts of areas.

Sadly she was unable to stop Marceline when she lose balance as she panicked. Falling to the side with her shoulder hitting first into the apron before rolling off and hitting the ground. The crowd made an 'oh' sound as Nuo fell chest first into the concrete floor. The poor newbie then roll onto her back with her arms covering her chest, crying out in pain.


Nuo fell, which Marceline wanted, but not quite how Marceline wanted. She had hoped to haul her up higher and to send her directly to the outside of the ring, without the apron to slow, albeit painfully, her fall. But this in of its self was a good opportunity f or the French woman.

She rarely every attempted to type of move and it was certainly risky for her to do so. But she knew if she did it properly, it'd put the newbie away, even if it was just as likely to finish her if it went wrong.

But she had little choice of this point, despite the fact she was powering through, her legs were still hurting. It was quite possible she was still standing on adrenaline alone. She could not take the risk of waiting and hoping Nuo stayed down for the ten count. She had to make sure of it.

So Marceline climbed on top of the turnbuckle while looking down at Nuo. If it landed, it would be a vicious impact. It was quite possible she'd badly hurt the girl. However, there was no turning back now, the stipulations of the match made such an ending possible, if not probable. Nuo signed up for it and was certainly willing to do the same to her. That last fact made Marceline decide that she'd rub the brutality of her intentions in.

"Enjoy your trip to the hospital, little girl!"

Marceline would leap off the turnbuckle and toward Nuo, her aim? Driving one knee into Nuo's face and the other into her chest!


Nuo had very little energy to move her body, all she could do is to roll in order to get a clear view of what her opponent was up to. Once she rolled onto her back, she saw Marceline standing on the top ropes at the corner they were at. Catching on to what she was doing when Marceline prepared herself before jumping off of the corner.

With fear in the newbie's eyes, she manage to muster up all of her strength to flee from the large Frenchwoman's path. She continue to roll away till she hit the barricade where the crowd was from the other side. People in the front seat would lean forward to see where Nuo was.

With Nuo out of the way, Marceline would soon regret her choice when she found out where she was. With Marceline in the air, the crowd would get louder and louder, wanting to see where this will go.


When Marceline lept off the turnbuckle, she knew she was taking a serious risk. But it was calculated with the belief the understand that all things considered, if she couldn't close out the match now, she was well on her way to defeat.

With Nuo moving away at the last moment, however, that defeat came rushing up much more quickly, much like the floor seemed like it was rushing up to her.

Her knees, without having their fall broken by the Rookie's skull and chest was planned, crashed hard into the thinly padded concrete.

Now the french woman would have screamed on impact, her knees felt as though they shattered, whether or not it was actually that bad.

Nut she didn't scream, because soon after hitting the ground knee's first, she'd crumple to one side, awkwardly turn her hit and slam it to the ground, followed quickly by her head hitting the floor outside of the ring hard.

As she lay motionless, curled up to her side, it was quite clear she was out cold.



The only question was if she'd remain unconscious for the full 10 count and if she'd even be able to get up if not.


Nuo managed to avoid Marceline's path, rolling away till her back hit the barricade. She sat there with her eyes wide open, struggling to understand the situation. Her chest rapidly expanding and contracting with each breath she took before getting back to her senses.

"3... 4... 5..."

Hearing the referee counting, Nuo pulled herself up using the barricade behind her. Making her way towards the ring by going around the large Frenchwoman who was curled up to her side. Even though her opponent may look like she was out cold, Nuo still wasn't going to take the risk and decided to move with caution.

After walking around her opponent, the newbie climbed back on top of the ring by standing on the apron. Her hands squeezing on the top ropes to prevent her from falling. All she can do now is watch and hope her opponent was down for good.

"6... 7... 8..."


The French woman would, in fact, regain her bearings relatively quickly, but that didn't mean she was getting back up.

There was no way to avoid it. Marceline Gagnon had been defeated by the diminutive newbie. The french woman couldn't even put it down, at least purely, to luck. Sure, she wouldn't be on the verge of being counted out, had not Nuo rolled away just in time. That was true.

But it was also true that she had the energy, at all, after Marceline sent her down for a brutal tumble. It was true that Marceline wouldn't have gone for the risky dive at all, has she not been desperate to conclude the match quickly.

She had been that desperate, because the girl had managed to put her in a devastating submission hold that made her legs feel like they were falling. One that could have put a smaller woman out for months, if not their career.

Truth was, even if she somehow got up to win this match, she'd be in no shape to win the next and her next opponent could well go out of their way to destroy her just because they could. But Nuo could possibly hold her own, win even. Not that she was handing the win to her opponent by any means, even if she wanted to, it would be yell to even try to get back up, nevermind keep fighting.



Nuo was tired, her body covered in sweat and completely sore from all the fighting. Once the referee finished counting, the bell ring, signaling the match is over. She give a sigh of relief before dropping down on her knees before sitting on the apron.

There she leaned her back against the ropes, her arms hanging over the middle rope following with her head resting over them. It's not like she didn't enjoy the victory but she didn't really have the strength to move her body. All she can do is just smile and wave which was even of a struggle for since her arm being heavy.

Still, Nuo was glad that she managed to win out of sheer luck which motivated her. Believing she might actually win the finals as well if she keeps it up.

Winner by KO: Huang Nuo
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
Discord - Noob6737
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