Victory by KO only
Today was a big day for Kiera Quinn. The Irish lass found herself among those fighting for the title of LAW's last woman standing. It wasn't often she had the opportunity to really shine and so she was more than happy for the chance to bang some heads around and leave a pile of knocked out fighters in her wake. Now waiting to be called out from backstage, the redhead would press her fist against her palm. "Just start already..." She'd mumble to herself, already running out of patience before thing had even started. "I can't wait all day to deliver the first knockout of the tournament!" Kiera continued.
After a few more moments of waiting, Kiera heard her cue. "..." Finally the redhead burst out from backstage, greeting the roaring crowd with a few waves as she rushed to the ring. Quickly sliding through the ropes, she'd make her way to the referee and snatch the microphone right out of their hands. She'd hurry up to the corner and hop right onto the turnbuckle. Clad in her black shorts and a matching top, Kiera addressed the crowd. "You all better be ready for a show tonight! Hope none of you are too squeamish cause this'll be my opponent when I'm done with her~" She'd slap her thigh, displaying a skull pattern on one side. "Heh or at least I'll leave her skull a bit cracked" She'd add before hopping down and tossing the microphone back to the referee.
Kiera soon made her way back to the center of the ring, waiting to see just who would come and meet her challenge today. With her hands on her hips her eyes would focus towards the entrance.

"I'm a little embarrassed that it took so long," Victoria said, adjusting her glasses.
"Nah, no need to worry, mom," Karen said. "It was worth the wait, after all, not everyone gets a chance to make their debut on the PPV, right?"
The manager smiled. No matter how many years had passed, it was still incredibly pleasant for her to hear Karen call her mom. She took care of this girl almost from her very childhood, thanks to this they became so close that they could really be called a family. It was for Karen's sake that Victoria decided to become a manager here, in LAW. And the team she assembled owed its existence to Karen, because if it hadn't been for her, Victoria wouldn't have been here at all.
"Are you sobbing?" Karen asked, unable to turn around because of the warm-up.
"No..." it was a lie.
Karen stopped stretching her legs and turned to the Englishwoman. No matter how Victoria tried to hide it, tears rolled down her face. Because of this, both of Karen's eyebrows rose. A minute ago everything was fine. She got to her feet and walked over to the manager, then sat down on a bench and hugged her.
"What's the matter?" she asked.
"It's okay..." Victoria said, wiping away her tears. "Just... I'm so proud of the way you've grown up..."
Karen smiled broadly. Once she thought she would never feel a mother's love, but Victoria was able to give it to her. Victoria has always supported her. Karen wasn't going to lie to herself. She knew that if it wasn't for Victoria, she would have died in some gutter long ago. But now she was able to put most of the past behind her. She joined LAW because she loved to fight. She joined LAW because she wanted to realize her potential here. She joined LAW because she wanted to achieve a lot here.
"This is just the first step," she said, getting up from the bench. "I need to win this first round."
The Japanese girl smiled again and was about to turn around in order to leave the locker room. But Victoria grabbed her wrist, stopping her. Karen looked at the Englishwoman in surprise, because it seemed to her that they were done with sentiment. Victoria just stared at her for a few seconds, and then a big smile appeared on her face. With her free hand, she reached her bag.
"The future star needs this," she said. "I know you can win the hearts of the audience, just be yourself."
"Oh, you..." Karen said, and then she laughed. "Thanks, mom."
The girl took the microphone that Victoria handed her. The manager nodded approvingly, then released Karen's wrist. The Japanese girl, charged with positive emotions, left the locker room and headed down a long corridor.
She suspected that Victoria would try to do something to make the audience remember her debut. But she could not even think that the Englishwoman decided to leave everything to Karen and her voice. She wasn't a professional singer, but she had an unstoppable passion for music. The karaoke club was her second home. Victoria's decision made the Japanese girl feel inspired.
Karen entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. Her opponent has already arrived at the arena. And Karen couldn't help but grin when she heard the words addressed to both her and the audience. It seems this red-haired girl had serious intentions. Well, Karen didn't mind at all. Because she was going to do exactly the same thing to her rival.
She knew that a new life was waiting for her on the other side. She had spent too much time in despair because of the pain. Lexi left her and it almost destroyed her. Karen spent more than a year with just two things. Underground fights and alcohol. She forgot why she was fighting at all, for her it became nothing more than a way to distract herself. But now she remembered the most important thing. She loves it. She loves to fight. Karen took a deep breath. It's time.
Entrance Music

"Never get to a point where..."
"Where I'm ever gonna quit, no!"
"I'm always pushin' harder!"
She stopped for a moment and playfully moved her shoulders, allowing the audience to enjoy the moment. After spending most of her life on the streets of Tokyo, she learned to have fun. And now she had the opportunity to share her energy with the audience. Was she nervous because thousands of eyes were looking at her? Not at all. Karen has always been confident in herself.
"Nothin' here is gonna stop me,"
"Nothing's gonna bring me down, no!"
"You gotta step on some heads when you reach for the crown!"
The girl ran and quickly rolled under the bottom rope. The pause in the music was too short, but she managed to jump to her feet to shout the words that fully reflected the essence of Karen.
"This is where the legend begins!"
"This is where the legend begins!"
"This is where the legend legend!"
She jumped onto the middle ropes in the corner and pointed at the audience with her left hand. It was easy to see that the Hawk Moth was enjoying this moment.
"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"You ain't even ready for it!"
Karen threw her head back, at that moment her face turned slightly red, but she wanted them to remember this moment forever. She wanted to share this moment with the audience. She wanted her debut to be the beginning of her new life path and she wanted them to feel it.
"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"You ain't even ready for it!"
Her music ended, but Karen didn't lower the microphone. She took a deep breath to say it one last time so loudly that the whole of Tokyo could hear it!
After that, she threw away the microphone and threw both hands up, enjoying the applause of the audience. And if at first she was greeted a little dryly, now all their attention was focused only on her. The Hawk Moth really had a talent for interacting with them. The young girl jumped off the ropes and headed to the center of the ring.
After her performance, she had a rapid heartbeat. However, there was a smile on her face. Karen ran her eyes over the red-haired girl. She was several inches shorter than the Hawk Moth and several kilograms lighter. However, the Japanese girl had a sharp eye, so nothing prevented her from seeing that the girl with whom she had to fight today was in a great shape.
"The name's Hawk Moth," she said and then asked the same question she asked the audience. "Are you ready?"
She had been waiting a long time for the opportunity to be in the LAW ring. And, as she told Victoria, not everyone gets a chance to make their debut on the PPV. Today was her lucky day. And so she was going to do everything in her power to take her debut match.[/color]
Noob — 03/16/2023 12:19 AM
Throughout Karen's whole performance, Kiera found herself just leaning back against the ropes. While the crowd might have been eating it up, the redhead would just roll her eyes and yawn. While she indulged in a little bit of a performance herself, she wasn't particularly a fan of drawing it out too much. As far as she was concerned it just made her wait even longer to start mopping the floor with her foe. Although with this being both a debut and one of the opening matches of a tournament, Kiera figured she'd give it a slide and eventually flashed a reluctant smile while she pushed off of the ropes to meet her foe in the center of the ring.
As the two got closer, there was a little bit of a size difference between the two. It wasn't anything she thought she couldn't overcome though. More concerning than the small difference in size was the fact that Karen looked absolutely built. Already Kiera was making a note to avoid any direct hits unless she wanted to end up on her back quite quickly.
"Hmmm?" Was Kiera's initial response to Hawk. She'd tilt her head, not really quite sure of what to make of their name. "Do I really gotta call you Hawk?" She'd mumble before taking a little breath and readying herself.
"Anyway, hell yeah I'm ready. To squish ya like a moth anyway~" The redhead teased, briefly sticking her tongue out at her foe. She'd quickly ready herself and take a little step back as she waited for the match to officially start. "Hope ya ain't expecting to get out of here without a few bruises."
The Japanese girl chuckled slightly when she noticed the bewilderment on her rival's face after she said that her name was Hawk Moth. Well, of course that wasn't her real name. And in a sense, Kiera's bewilderment was understandable.
"Actually my name is Karen," she explained. "But only my friends may call me that."
The red-haired girl did not offer a handshake or a bump of fists, instead she confirmed her readiness and took a step back. Seemed that it was a great opportunity to start the match, but before that Kiera decided to throw a sharp phrase, openly saying that she was going to squish Karen like a moth.
"I see..." said Karen, clenching her fists. "Tough chick, huh?" She grinned and took a step back.
If Kiera hadn't taken a step back, creating a distance between them, Karen would surely have hit her right after her words. She wasn't in the habit of letting anyone talk about her in such a dismissive tone. However, the Hawk Moth understood that she would not be able to close the distance effectively enough, so she decided to give the match an official start.
Karen raised her fists to the level of her chin and turned slightly to her opponent with her left side. Taking a deep breath, she nodded to the referee, making it clear that she was ready for the start of the match. Her gaze focused on the Irish girl. It was obvious that Kiera was more than confident in her skills. And Karen would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about her debut match. But after Kiera's words, the Hawk Moth got a real desire to beat the shit out of this red-haired girl. It remains only to wait for the bell to ring.
For the moment it appeared that Kiera had gotten under her opponent’s skin. Whether or not it was deserved, the redhead was feeling confident. Or at least that’s what she was trying to project. She couldn’t help but feel at least a bit concerned though as she looked her foe over. There was no time to dwell on that though as the bell soon rang and it was time to get down to business. She got her arms raised and ready to fight. Kiera would flash the crowd a quick smile, just about announcing to them the beatdown she intended to deliver. The crowd roared as the two fighters got ready to jump into action, both with their fists raised.
“Well hope ya ready for this!” Kiera shouted out as she charged forward. Ever impatient, she would quickly try to make the first move. Kiera pulled her fist back, ready to throw her hardest punch at Karen’s face and hopefully knock her senseless right off the bat! A swift shock was a tried and true tactic for the redhead, however today she was going to try and be a bit less predictable. And so at the last moment of her approach, Kiera would instead hop up as she aimed a knee right into Karen’s stomach. She was hoping knock Karen right over and knock the wind out of her all in one strike. She just had to stick the landing.
Along with the ringing of the bell, the arena was also filled with loud screams from the audience. They seemed to be in great anticipation. This made the atmosphere truly amazing. And Karen wasn't going to hide that she liked it, because that's exactly how she imagined her debut. However, even despite the emotions surging through her, the Japanese girl tried to stay focused.
She rushed to her rival. They both were rapidly approaching each other and Karen was trying to closely follow Kiera's every move. She didn't want to get hit in the head or anything. The Hawk Moth's eyes narrowed slightly at the moment when there were about two steps between them. The reason was very simple. Kiera pushed her fist back as if she was preparing for a punch. But no one would have prepared an attack so far in advance. Karen knew that.
And she was right, because instead of shortening the distance even more and sending a punch to Karen's head, Kiera pushed off the mat, simultaneously lifting her knee in the direction of the Hawk Moth's belly. Karen's body reacted almost instinctively. The Japanese girl took a diagonal step forward and right, thereby dodging her opponent's knee.
Hoping that Kiera would not have time to react because of the unsuccessful attack, Karen intended to turn sharply to the left, while bending her right arm at the elbow. Yes, that's right. She wanted to send a hard right hook straight to Kiera's head in order to test her jaw for strength!
Kiera charged her opponent, aiming their knee right for their abs. Karen saw through her ploy though, sidestepping the redhead and leaving her unguarded. There was little time to react to her foes incoming hook aimed right for her face. The redhead was barely able to bring her arms up to guard before Karen's fist smacked right into her and sent her stumbling back. The crowd gasped as Kiera cried out. "Gaaah!" While she had managed to bunt the blow a little bit, it still sent her head spinning.
It didn't take too long for Kiera to just fall back onto her ass with a little thud. "Nnnng..." She whined, already struggling to regain her senses. That was definitely not how she wanted to start off this match. There was nothing she could do to change that now though. Still a bit shaken, Kiera would stumble back to her feet and try to just brace herself against the ropes for a few moments. "F-fuck..." She mumbled, already feeling a bit worse for the wear
Even though it was fast, Karen managed to see in her opponent's eyes that she didn't expect the Hawk Moth to dodge her attack. Nevertheless, Karen left Kiera's line of attack and hurried to take advantage in order to send a hook to her opponent's jaw.
To Kiera's credit, she managed to throw both hands up in order to defend herself. Karen's fist crashed into her opponent's forearms, causing her to feel pain in her knuckles. However, the force of the punch was quite large, so Kiera still received damage.
Unable to cope with the impulse, the Irish girl recoiled, and then fell on her ass near the ropes. At the same moment, Karen's eyes flashed. She clearly knew what she had to do. She ran to the ropes, turning around at the last step in order to fall back on them.
Bouncing off the ropes, the Hawk Moth intended to take a truly impressive speed in order to catch Kiera before she fully got to her feet. If Karen had made it in time, she would have pushed off the mat without delay, raising her right knee in order to ram her opponent's head! Many people knew it as a running knee strike, but she considered it her signature move and she called it the Zip-Zap!
Kiera had barely began to pull herself up before her opponent was once more charging right at her. Having just barely managed to avoid a swift knockout seconds earlier, the redhead wasn't keen on taking another hard blow. The crowd on the other hand seemed intent of seeing a hard beatdown.
As the redhead rose, Karen's knee soared towards her face. At the last moment Kiera would lunge to the side, narrowly avoiding what could have been another finishing blow. She couldn't let the match end that quickly. "Sh-shit" She yelped, now scrambling back to her feet. With Hawn Moth hitting the ropes though, Kiera had a chance to retaliate.
In an instant the redhead pounced, her arms quickly wrapping around Karen's waist to try and bring them to the ground. While she likely couldn't outmuscle her foe, there were always other options. If she managed to get Karen to the ground, she'd attempt to wrap her legs right around their neck
Moving literally with all the speed she was capable of, Karen intended to catch her rival by surprise. The Japanese girl was sure that if she hit Kiera in the head, it would open up the possibility for some really heavy move. And she had no right to miss such a chance.
When she pushed off from the mat and moved her knee forward, it seemed that her attack would inevitably reach the target. However, a split second before the strike, Kiera jerked to the side, moving away from the Hawk Moth's line of attack. Karen's eyes widened in surprise, and then she threw both hands forward.
And although she grabbed the top rope, it was extremely difficult for her to keep the balance. Her knee passed between the middle and top rope, leaving her with only one supporting leg. Her stance was extremely unreliable, which Kiera took advantage of.
The red-haired girl simply wrapped her arms around Karen's waist and threw her onto the mat in one motion. Unable to react in time, the Hawk Moth couldn't do anything at the moment when her opponent's legs wrapped around her neck. At the same moment, she lost access to oxygen.
"Gmmm..." she groaned in a strangled voice due to the strength of the red-haired girl's thighs.
The ropes were very close, but Karen remembered that it would not help her today. She knew that in order to free herself, she would have to rely only on her own strength. So she didn't hesitate.
Straightening her palms, she was going to try to push them at least a little between her opponent's thighs. And if she had achieved any success in this, she would have immediately jerked both legs forward, simultaneously lifting her upper body in order to slip out of Kiera's grip.
After managing to evade what would have been a devastating blow, Kiera made her move and pulled Karen right to the ground. Her legs would wrap around her foe's neck and squeeze tight in an attempt to choke Karen out. Tighter and tighter she constricted her thighs until she started to meet some resistance from Karen's hands.
Try as they might to pry Kiera off of her, the redhead was determined to keep her hold locked in. Karen managed to loosen the hold enough to stop the immediate threat but they were still far from able to slip away. "Not getting away from THESE pythons anytime soon~" Keira teased, giving her thigh a playful slap. "Hope you don't need to...aaah!" A gasp escaped the redhead's lips as she felt herself being pulled up a bit now that Karen was trying to straighten up.
"Hey!'t!" Kiera whined, now feeling her lower body raising as her back was left on the ground. She'd quickly reach forward and grab the back of Karen's head. She'd use their head as leverage to both pull herself into more of a seated position while trying to keep Karen in her grasp.
In another situation, Karen would be happy to be between the legs of a beautiful girl. But the circumstances clearly did not allow her to enjoy this moment, because loss of consciousness was waiting for her ahead. Leaving the tournament already in the first match was the last thing she wanted, especially considering it was her debut match.
Therefore, the Hawk Moth hastened to break out of Kiera's grip, using the strength of her arms for that. However, she did not achieve any success in this. On the contrary, the red-haired girl did three things to aggravate Karen's situation. Kiera tightened her legs even more, after which she took a sitting position and put her palms on the back of Karen's head.
If she had been lying on her side before, now she was on her stomach. She felt that the oxygen in her lungs was rapidly turning into carbon dioxide. She realized the gravity of the situation the moment she started hearing tinnitus, which clearly indicated that her time was running out.
"Kuso..." she thought.
She hoped that she would be able to free herself without spending too much effort, but apparently she could forget about it. The Hawk Moth gave up trying to loosen Kiera's grip, because it was useless. Instead, she grabbed her opponent's hips.
Someone might think that it doesn't make sense, because in this way she only made things worse for herself. But Karen just didn't want her opponent to get the chance to pull away from her before she tried to do something. What exactly?
Hoping that there was enough air in her lungs for this, the Hawk Moth intended to pull her knees closer to her chest in order to gain a foothold. And then she would have to strain her whole body in order to start straightening up. Yes, that's why she wrapped her arms around Kiera's hips. She wanted to straighten up at least a little and thereby raise Kiera above the mat. But only in order to bend down sharply at the same second and smash the red-haired girl's back into a hard surface with a kind of kneeling powerbomb.
For a moment, Kiera seemed to have the situation under control. With her legs wrapped tightly around her opponent, she knew it was only a matter of time before they were out of air. "Struggling to breath? Maybe you should just take a little rest?" She teased. A determined Kiera just kept squeezing in hopes of landing a quick knockout for the wind. Her opponent clearly had other plans though. Feeling a pair of hands on her hips, the redhead assumed the Hawk Moth was just going to try and feel her up to distract her. She was confident that she could handle that for longer than it took to choke Karen out. What she wasn't expecting was to be lifted off of the ground.
"Hey! What are you..." Kiera mumbled. She seemed to be the only one that didn't know what was coming next. Although as she heard the crowd roar in anticipation, it quickly clicked. "Wait f-fuck!" She cried out before she was slammed back to the ground. She hadn't been that high up thankfully, but Kiera still felt the impact through her whole body. "Guuugh!!!" She cried out as she was left sprawled out on the ground. Her grip on Karen had completely loosened as she focused more on just catching her breath after the wind had just been knocked right out of her.