LWS 2023: Hawk Moth vs Kiera

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LWS 2023: Hawk Moth vs Kiera

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LWS 2023 Round 1: Kiera Quinn vs Karen Aoki-Justice
Victory by KO only

Today was a big day for Kiera Quinn. The Irish lass found herself among those fighting for the title of LAW's last woman standing. It wasn't often she had the opportunity to really shine and so she was more than happy for the chance to bang some heads around and leave a pile of knocked out fighters in her wake. Now waiting to be called out from backstage, the redhead would press her fist against her palm. "Just start already..." She'd mumble to herself, already running out of patience before thing had even started. "I can't wait all day to deliver the first knockout of the tournament!" Kiera continued.

After a few more moments of waiting, Kiera heard her cue. "..." Finally the redhead burst out from backstage, greeting the roaring crowd with a few waves as she rushed to the ring. Quickly sliding through the ropes, she'd make her way to the referee and snatch the microphone right out of their hands. She'd hurry up to the corner and hop right onto the turnbuckle. Clad in her black shorts and a matching top, Kiera addressed the crowd. "You all better be ready for a show tonight! Hope none of you are too squeamish cause this'll be my opponent when I'm done with her~" She'd slap her thigh, displaying a skull pattern on one side. "Heh or at least I'll leave her skull a bit cracked" She'd add before hopping down and tossing the microphone back to the referee.

Kiera soon made her way back to the center of the ring, waiting to see just who would come and meet her challenge today. With her hands on her hips her eyes would focus towards the entrance.

"I'm a little embarrassed that it took so long," Victoria said, adjusting her glasses.

"Nah, no need to worry, mom," Karen said. "It was worth the wait, after all, not everyone gets a chance to make their debut on the PPV, right?"

The manager smiled. No matter how many years had passed, it was still incredibly pleasant for her to hear Karen call her mom. She took care of this girl almost from her very childhood, thanks to this they became so close that they could really be called a family. It was for Karen's sake that Victoria decided to become a manager here, in LAW. And the team she assembled owed its existence to Karen, because if it hadn't been for her, Victoria wouldn't have been here at all.

"Are you sobbing?" Karen asked, unable to turn around because of the warm-up.

"No..." it was a lie.

Karen stopped stretching her legs and turned to the Englishwoman. No matter how Victoria tried to hide it, tears rolled down her face. Because of this, both of Karen's eyebrows rose. A minute ago everything was fine. She got to her feet and walked over to the manager, then sat down on a bench and hugged her.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"It's okay..." Victoria said, wiping away her tears. "Just... I'm so proud of the way you've grown up..."

Karen smiled broadly. Once she thought she would never feel a mother's love, but Victoria was able to give it to her. Victoria has always supported her. Karen wasn't going to lie to herself. She knew that if it wasn't for Victoria, she would have died in some gutter long ago. But now she was able to put most of the past behind her. She joined LAW because she loved to fight. She joined LAW because she wanted to realize her potential here. She joined LAW because she wanted to achieve a lot here.
"This is just the first step," she said, getting up from the bench. "I need to win this first round."

The Japanese girl smiled again and was about to turn around in order to leave the locker room. But Victoria grabbed her wrist, stopping her. Karen looked at the Englishwoman in surprise, because it seemed to her that they were done with sentiment. Victoria just stared at her for a few seconds, and then a big smile appeared on her face. With her free hand, she reached her bag.

"The future star needs this," she said. "I know you can win the hearts of the audience, just be yourself."

"Oh, you..." Karen said, and then she laughed. "Thanks, mom."

The girl took the microphone that Victoria handed her. The manager nodded approvingly, then released Karen's wrist. The Japanese girl, charged with positive emotions, left the locker room and headed down a long corridor.

She suspected that Victoria would try to do something to make the audience remember her debut. But she could not even think that the Englishwoman decided to leave everything to Karen and her voice. She wasn't a professional singer, but she had an unstoppable passion for music. The karaoke club was her second home. Victoria's decision made the Japanese girl feel inspired.

Karen entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. Her opponent has already arrived at the arena. And Karen couldn't help but grin when she heard the words addressed to both her and the audience. It seems this red-haired girl had serious intentions. Well, Karen didn't mind at all. Because she was going to do exactly the same thing to her rival.
She knew that a new life was waiting for her on the other side. She had spent too much time in despair because of the pain. Lexi left her and it almost destroyed her. Karen spent more than a year with just two things. Underground fights and alcohol. She forgot why she was fighting at all, for her it became nothing more than a way to distract herself. But now she remembered the most important thing. She loves it. She loves to fight. Karen took a deep breath. It's time.
Entrance Music
Her music started, and Karen came out from behind the curtains. The applause wasn't too loud because it was her debut and no one knew her, but she still got some attention. With a wide smile, she first started a small dance, and then began to wind up the audience, clapping to the beat of the music. They joined her, and the hall was filled with loud peals of single claps. As the Hawk Moth began to slowly descend the ramp, Karen brought the microphone to her mouth.

"Never get to a point where..."
"Where I'm ever gonna quit, no!"
"I'm always pushin' harder!"

She stopped for a moment and playfully moved her shoulders, allowing the audience to enjoy the moment. After spending most of her life on the streets of Tokyo, she learned to have fun. And now she had the opportunity to share her energy with the audience. Was she nervous because thousands of eyes were looking at her? Not at all. Karen has always been confident in herself.

"Nothin' here is gonna stop me,"
"Nothing's gonna bring me down, no!"
"You gotta step on some heads when you reach for the crown!"

The girl ran and quickly rolled under the bottom rope. The pause in the music was too short, but she managed to jump to her feet to shout the words that fully reflected the essence of Karen.

"This is where the legend begins!"
"This is where the legend begins!"
"This is where the legend legend!"

She jumped onto the middle ropes in the corner and pointed at the audience with her left hand. It was easy to see that the Hawk Moth was enjoying this moment.

"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"You ain't even ready for it!"

Karen threw her head back, at that moment her face turned slightly red, but she wanted them to remember this moment forever. She wanted to share this moment with the audience. She wanted her debut to be the beginning of her new life path and she wanted them to feel it.

"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"Are you ready?!"
"You ain't even ready for it!"

Her music ended, but Karen didn't lower the microphone. She took a deep breath to say it one last time so loudly that the whole of Tokyo could hear it!


After that, she threw away the microphone and threw both hands up, enjoying the applause of the audience. And if at first she was greeted a little dryly, now all their attention was focused only on her. The Hawk Moth really had a talent for interacting with them. The young girl jumped off the ropes and headed to the center of the ring.
After her performance, she had a rapid heartbeat. However, there was a smile on her face. Karen ran her eyes over the red-haired girl. She was several inches shorter than the Hawk Moth and several kilograms lighter. However, the Japanese girl had a sharp eye, so nothing prevented her from seeing that the girl with whom she had to fight today was in a great shape.

"The name's Hawk Moth," she said and then asked the same question she asked the audience. "Are you ready?"

She had been waiting a long time for the opportunity to be in the LAW ring. And, as she told Victoria, not everyone gets a chance to make their debut on the PPV. Today was her lucky day. And so she was going to do everything in her power to take her debut match.[/color]
Noob — 03/16/2023 12:19 AM
Throughout Karen's whole performance, Kiera found herself just leaning back against the ropes. While the crowd might have been eating it up, the redhead would just roll her eyes and yawn. While she indulged in a little bit of a performance herself, she wasn't particularly a fan of drawing it out too much. As far as she was concerned it just made her wait even longer to start mopping the floor with her foe. Although with this being both a debut and one of the opening matches of a tournament, Kiera figured she'd give it a slide and eventually flashed a reluctant smile while she pushed off of the ropes to meet her foe in the center of the ring.

As the two got closer, there was a little bit of a size difference between the two. It wasn't anything she thought she couldn't overcome though. More concerning than the small difference in size was the fact that Karen looked absolutely built. Already Kiera was making a note to avoid any direct hits unless she wanted to end up on her back quite quickly.

"Hmmm?" Was Kiera's initial response to Hawk. She'd tilt her head, not really quite sure of what to make of their name. "Do I really gotta call you Hawk?" She'd mumble before taking a little breath and readying herself.

"Anyway, hell yeah I'm ready. To squish ya like a moth anyway~" The redhead teased, briefly sticking her tongue out at her foe. She'd quickly ready herself and take a little step back as she waited for the match to officially start. "Hope ya ain't expecting to get out of here without a few bruises."


The Japanese girl chuckled slightly when she noticed the bewilderment on her rival's face after she said that her name was Hawk Moth. Well, of course that wasn't her real name. And in a sense, Kiera's bewilderment was understandable.

"Actually my name is Karen," she explained. "But only my friends may call me that."

The red-haired girl did not offer a handshake or a bump of fists, instead she confirmed her readiness and took a step back. Seemed that it was a great opportunity to start the match, but before that Kiera decided to throw a sharp phrase, openly saying that she was going to squish Karen like a moth.

"I see..." said Karen, clenching her fists. "Tough chick, huh?" She grinned and took a step back.

If Kiera hadn't taken a step back, creating a distance between them, Karen would surely have hit her right after her words. She wasn't in the habit of letting anyone talk about her in such a dismissive tone. However, the Hawk Moth understood that she would not be able to close the distance effectively enough, so she decided to give the match an official start.

Karen raised her fists to the level of her chin and turned slightly to her opponent with her left side. Taking a deep breath, she nodded to the referee, making it clear that she was ready for the start of the match. Her gaze focused on the Irish girl. It was obvious that Kiera was more than confident in her skills. And Karen would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about her debut match. But after Kiera's words, the Hawk Moth got a real desire to beat the shit out of this red-haired girl. It remains only to wait for the bell to ring.


For the moment it appeared that Kiera had gotten under her opponent’s skin. Whether or not it was deserved, the redhead was feeling confident. Or at least that’s what she was trying to project. She couldn’t help but feel at least a bit concerned though as she looked her foe over. There was no time to dwell on that though as the bell soon rang and it was time to get down to business. She got her arms raised and ready to fight. Kiera would flash the crowd a quick smile, just about announcing to them the beatdown she intended to deliver. The crowd roared as the two fighters got ready to jump into action, both with their fists raised.

“Well hope ya ready for this!” Kiera shouted out as she charged forward. Ever impatient, she would quickly try to make the first move. Kiera pulled her fist back, ready to throw her hardest punch at Karen’s face and hopefully knock her senseless right off the bat! A swift shock was a tried and true tactic for the redhead, however today she was going to try and be a bit less predictable. And so at the last moment of her approach, Kiera would instead hop up as she aimed a knee right into Karen’s stomach. She was hoping knock Karen right over and knock the wind out of her all in one strike. She just had to stick the landing.



Along with the ringing of the bell, the arena was also filled with loud screams from the audience. They seemed to be in great anticipation. This made the atmosphere truly amazing. And Karen wasn't going to hide that she liked it, because that's exactly how she imagined her debut. However, even despite the emotions surging through her, the Japanese girl tried to stay focused.

She rushed to her rival. They both were rapidly approaching each other and Karen was trying to closely follow Kiera's every move. She didn't want to get hit in the head or anything. The Hawk Moth's eyes narrowed slightly at the moment when there were about two steps between them. The reason was very simple. Kiera pushed her fist back as if she was preparing for a punch. But no one would have prepared an attack so far in advance. Karen knew that.

And she was right, because instead of shortening the distance even more and sending a punch to Karen's head, Kiera pushed off the mat, simultaneously lifting her knee in the direction of the Hawk Moth's belly. Karen's body reacted almost instinctively. The Japanese girl took a diagonal step forward and right, thereby dodging her opponent's knee.

Hoping that Kiera would not have time to react because of the unsuccessful attack, Karen intended to turn sharply to the left, while bending her right arm at the elbow. Yes, that's right. She wanted to send a hard right hook straight to Kiera's head in order to test her jaw for strength!


Kiera charged her opponent, aiming their knee right for their abs. Karen saw through her ploy though, sidestepping the redhead and leaving her unguarded. There was little time to react to her foes incoming hook aimed right for her face. The redhead was barely able to bring her arms up to guard before Karen's fist smacked right into her and sent her stumbling back. The crowd gasped as Kiera cried out. "Gaaah!" While she had managed to bunt the blow a little bit, it still sent her head spinning.

It didn't take too long for Kiera to just fall back onto her ass with a little thud. "Nnnng..." She whined, already struggling to regain her senses. That was definitely not how she wanted to start off this match. There was nothing she could do to change that now though. Still a bit shaken, Kiera would stumble back to her feet and try to just brace herself against the ropes for a few moments. "F-fuck..." She mumbled, already feeling a bit worse for the wear


Even though it was fast, Karen managed to see in her opponent's eyes that she didn't expect the Hawk Moth to dodge her attack. Nevertheless, Karen left Kiera's line of attack and hurried to take advantage in order to send a hook to her opponent's jaw.

To Kiera's credit, she managed to throw both hands up in order to defend herself. Karen's fist crashed into her opponent's forearms, causing her to feel pain in her knuckles. However, the force of the punch was quite large, so Kiera still received damage.

Unable to cope with the impulse, the Irish girl recoiled, and then fell on her ass near the ropes. At the same moment, Karen's eyes flashed. She clearly knew what she had to do. She ran to the ropes, turning around at the last step in order to fall back on them.

Bouncing off the ropes, the Hawk Moth intended to take a truly impressive speed in order to catch Kiera before she fully got to her feet. If Karen had made it in time, she would have pushed off the mat without delay, raising her right knee in order to ram her opponent's head! Many people knew it as a running knee strike, but she considered it her signature move and she called it the Zip-Zap!


Kiera had barely began to pull herself up before her opponent was once more charging right at her. Having just barely managed to avoid a swift knockout seconds earlier, the redhead wasn't keen on taking another hard blow. The crowd on the other hand seemed intent of seeing a hard beatdown.

As the redhead rose, Karen's knee soared towards her face. At the last moment Kiera would lunge to the side, narrowly avoiding what could have been another finishing blow. She couldn't let the match end that quickly. "Sh-shit" She yelped, now scrambling back to her feet. With Hawn Moth hitting the ropes though, Kiera had a chance to retaliate.

In an instant the redhead pounced, her arms quickly wrapping around Karen's waist to try and bring them to the ground. While she likely couldn't outmuscle her foe, there were always other options. If she managed to get Karen to the ground, she'd attempt to wrap her legs right around their neck


Moving literally with all the speed she was capable of, Karen intended to catch her rival by surprise. The Japanese girl was sure that if she hit Kiera in the head, it would open up the possibility for some really heavy move. And she had no right to miss such a chance.

When she pushed off from the mat and moved her knee forward, it seemed that her attack would inevitably reach the target. However, a split second before the strike, Kiera jerked to the side, moving away from the Hawk Moth's line of attack. Karen's eyes widened in surprise, and then she threw both hands forward.

And although she grabbed the top rope, it was extremely difficult for her to keep the balance. Her knee passed between the middle and top rope, leaving her with only one supporting leg. Her stance was extremely unreliable, which Kiera took advantage of.

The red-haired girl simply wrapped her arms around Karen's waist and threw her onto the mat in one motion. Unable to react in time, the Hawk Moth couldn't do anything at the moment when her opponent's legs wrapped around her neck. At the same moment, she lost access to oxygen.

"Gmmm..." she groaned in a strangled voice due to the strength of the red-haired girl's thighs.

The ropes were very close, but Karen remembered that it would not help her today. She knew that in order to free herself, she would have to rely only on her own strength. So she didn't hesitate.

Straightening her palms, she was going to try to push them at least a little between her opponent's thighs. And if she had achieved any success in this, she would have immediately jerked both legs forward, simultaneously lifting her upper body in order to slip out of Kiera's grip.


After managing to evade what would have been a devastating blow, Kiera made her move and pulled Karen right to the ground. Her legs would wrap around her foe's neck and squeeze tight in an attempt to choke Karen out. Tighter and tighter she constricted her thighs until she started to meet some resistance from Karen's hands.

Try as they might to pry Kiera off of her, the redhead was determined to keep her hold locked in. Karen managed to loosen the hold enough to stop the immediate threat but they were still far from able to slip away. "Not getting away from THESE pythons anytime soon~" Keira teased, giving her thigh a playful slap. "Hope you don't need to...aaah!" A gasp escaped the redhead's lips as she felt herself being pulled up a bit now that Karen was trying to straighten up.

"Hey! No...you...don't!" Kiera whined, now feeling her lower body raising as her back was left on the ground. She'd quickly reach forward and grab the back of Karen's head. She'd use their head as leverage to both pull herself into more of a seated position while trying to keep Karen in her grasp.


In another situation, Karen would be happy to be between the legs of a beautiful girl. But the circumstances clearly did not allow her to enjoy this moment, because loss of consciousness was waiting for her ahead. Leaving the tournament already in the first match was the last thing she wanted, especially considering it was her debut match.

Therefore, the Hawk Moth hastened to break out of Kiera's grip, using the strength of her arms for that. However, she did not achieve any success in this. On the contrary, the red-haired girl did three things to aggravate Karen's situation. Kiera tightened her legs even more, after which she took a sitting position and put her palms on the back of Karen's head.


If she had been lying on her side before, now she was on her stomach. She felt that the oxygen in her lungs was rapidly turning into carbon dioxide. She realized the gravity of the situation the moment she started hearing tinnitus, which clearly indicated that her time was running out.

"Kuso..." she thought.

She hoped that she would be able to free herself without spending too much effort, but apparently she could forget about it. The Hawk Moth gave up trying to loosen Kiera's grip, because it was useless. Instead, she grabbed her opponent's hips.

Someone might think that it doesn't make sense, because in this way she only made things worse for herself. But Karen just didn't want her opponent to get the chance to pull away from her before she tried to do something. What exactly?
Hoping that there was enough air in her lungs for this, the Hawk Moth intended to pull her knees closer to her chest in order to gain a foothold. And then she would have to strain her whole body in order to start straightening up. Yes, that's why she wrapped her arms around Kiera's hips. She wanted to straighten up at least a little and thereby raise Kiera above the mat. But only in order to bend down sharply at the same second and smash the red-haired girl's back into a hard surface with a kind of kneeling powerbomb.


For a moment, Kiera seemed to have the situation under control. With her legs wrapped tightly around her opponent, she knew it was only a matter of time before they were out of air. "Struggling to breath? Maybe you should just take a little rest?" She teased. A determined Kiera just kept squeezing in hopes of landing a quick knockout for the wind. Her opponent clearly had other plans though. Feeling a pair of hands on her hips, the redhead assumed the Hawk Moth was just going to try and feel her up to distract her. She was confident that she could handle that for longer than it took to choke Karen out. What she wasn't expecting was to be lifted off of the ground.

"Hey! What are you..." Kiera mumbled. She seemed to be the only one that didn't know what was coming next. Although as she heard the crowd roar in anticipation, it quickly clicked. "Wait f-fuck!" She cried out before she was slammed back to the ground. She hadn't been that high up thankfully, but Kiera still felt the impact through her whole body. "Guuugh!!!" She cried out as she was left sprawled out on the ground. Her grip on Karen had completely loosened as she focused more on just catching her breath after the wind had just been knocked right out of her.

Last edited by Noob on Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LWS 2023: Hawk Moth vs Kiera

Unread post by Noob »

Karen's face was as red as a tomato. Not because her face was too close to her opponent's crotch, but because the oxygen in her lungs was almost completely gone. She could only hope that if she succeeded, she would cause Kiera enough pain to let her go.

To the Hawk Moth's relief, the grip on her neck disappeared the second Kiera's back slammed into the mat. The Japanese girl took a deep breath and because of the sudden rush of oxygen, she coughed. Karen even had to put one hand on the mat. Because of this severe coughing fit her eyes filled with tears.

"Kha! Kha!"

If she had the time, she would gladly rest in an attempt to make her breathing even again. However, it was an unacceptable luxury for her. Despite the fact that she escaped from Kiera's hold, she could not waste time on rest, because in this case, her rival will also get time to rest. Therefore, instead of slowing down the pace of the match, the Hawk Moth decided to repay Kiera.

Karen gritted her teeth, and then joined her palms in a lock. With furious eyes, she threw her hands over her head, and then put all her available strength into a vertical downward movement in order to hit Kiera in the bare stomach with a double axe handle strike!


After she was slammed down, Kiera's legs would rest lightly on Karen's shoulders. She lay with her arms spread out on the canvas and a few stray strands of hair over her face. "F-fuck..." The redhead groaned, her chest slowly rising and falling as she struggled to catch her breath. She was certainly regretting her gamble of not letting go earlier.

Looking back at her foe, it appeared they were worse for the wear as well. Although they seemed to be stirring before Kiera was able to. She'd quickly try to prop herself up on her elbows but it was too little too late. Before she could protect herself, Karen's strike hit her unprotected stomach, driving what little breath she managed to catch right out of her.

"Gaaahh!" Kiera cried out as Karen's fists smashed into her. She'd quickly roll to the side and ball up. Her eyes shut tight as she clutched her stomach in agony. After a few more pained squeaks she'd finally just reach out for the ropes.


Despite the fact that it was the debut match for Karen and she still had to learn a lot of features about pro wrestling, she was well aware that time was not on her side. Yes, she managed to get rid of the pythons on her neck, but she wouldn't dare to say that she got an advantage over Kiera. At that moment, both girls were in about the same position. And it all depended on who would make the move first.

Therefore, the Hawk Moth did not hesitate. Joining her palms in a lock, she brought it down on the naked belly of the red-haired girl. This literally squeezed out all the remaining air from Kiera, forcing her to turn on her side. She wrapped her arms around her stomach in an attempt to calm both the pain and the coughing fit. For Karen, it was an opportunity to get back on her feet.

She had a few seconds to decide which next move would be the most effective, because now the advantage was finally in her hands. And although this was hardly Kiera's intention, she involuntarily helped the Hawk Moth at the moment she reached for the ropes. The Japanese girl's emerald eyes flashed, and then she raised her left hand above her head.

"Yosha!!!" She shouted in order to fire up the audience.

Taking a deep breath, she ran to her rival. And only very attentive people would notice that she was not moving in line with Kiera, but slightly to the left. Without touching her rival, the Hawk Moth intended to get to the ropes and grab the top one.

Trying not to lose speed, Karen wanted to push off from the mat and put her feet on the middle rope in order to then bounce up from it even higher. If she succeeded, then the last thing she had to do was bend her right leg at the knee, then, falling vertically down, sharply straighten this leg to land her foot right on the back of Kiera's head and smash her face into the mat with a brutal springboard curb stomp!


Things weren't looking too good for a winded Kiera. She was desperately reaching for the ropes in hopes of getting a chance to catch her breath. Finally she'd grasp the bottom rope tightly and begin to pull herself up. "F-fuck..." The redhead mumbled to herself. The match hadn't been going on for too long but already she was starting to feel a bit battered and bruised.

Kiera managed to pull herself up to her knees before she heard the crowd start to cheer. At first she thought they were encouraging her to get up, but she quickly realized that her opponent was getting ready for something. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good. As she quickly looked back to take inventory of the situation, she didn't see Karen anymore.

Before she figured out what was happening, the Hawk Moth rocked her with a brutal kick to the back of her head. "Guughh!!" She'd groan as she was smashed face first into the canvas where she would stay for the next few moments. The redhead was left sprawled out with a splitting headache and seeing stars.


Karen had almost no chance to stay on her feet, so as a result she fell to her knees. However, she didn't care at all because her attack was successful. Stomping on the back of Kiera's head, she smashed the red-haired girl's face right into the mat. Uttering a groan of agony, the Irish girl remained lying without any signs of movement.

Even though the Hawk Moth was breathing heavily, there was a smile on her lips. The audience continued to shout the names of both girls, but at that moment she was ready to swear that her name sounded louder. Feeling this support, she was inspired. Karen got the opportunity if not to finish the match, then definitely to aggravate the situation for Kiera.

Without getting to her feet, Karen intended to roll under the bottom rope and thereby leave the ring. Surely at that moment the arena would have been filled with the noise of a slight confusion, because everyone was sure that slowing down the pace was the last thing the Japanese girl should do. Yes, they were absolutely right about that, and that's why the Hawk Moth wasn't going to slow down.

Instead, she intended to pull her hands up to Kiera's head and grab her. Using the strength of her arms, she wanted to pull the red-haired girl towards her. And if she had not met resistance, then surely the audience would have filled the arena with loud cheers, because now it became clear to them what exactly Karen was up to. The Japanese girl wanted to put Kiera in a position where her ankles were still on the edge of the ring, while most of her body was hanging right above the concrete floor.

"It's definitely going to hurt..." thought Karen. "But we're both here to win."
She had never felt pleasure in hurting others. However, the best thing she could do in life was to fight. Therefore, there was no doubt in her heart. She intended to close Kiera's head in a classic front facelock hold. The last thing she had to do was to lean back as sharply as possible in order to fall on her back and thereby smash Kiera's skull on the concrete floor with an elevated DDT!


Despite quite a few ache's, the redhead wasn't going to give in just yet. She couldn't after all. The match would only end when one fighter was out cold. Unfortunately, Kiera didn't feel too far from that at the moment. 'Fuck...this hurts...' She thought to herself. Kiera was definitely looking worse for the wear and already struggling just to keep her wits about her after the previous impact. Luckily there would be a few moments to regain her senses while Karen prepared her next move.

Even after her opponent left the ring, Kiera still lay motionless in the ring. Only when the referee actually came over to check on her did she start to show signs of life by propping herself onto her elbows. She wasn't really aware of what was happening but the sounds she was starting to hear from the crowd were concerning enough to rouse her. "Ahhh hey!" Before she could pull herself to her feet, Karen pulled her upper body out of the ring so she was dangling over the edge.

"Don't you..." Instinctively, Kiera would throw an elbow to Karen's face the moment she felt herself getting dragged forward. Regardless of whether the blow landed, the redhead would find herself off balance and awkwardly sliding out of the ring. "Ah shit!" The Irish lass squeaked as she flopped onto the ground with all the grace of a bunch of potatoes falling out of their sack.


Wanting to get it over with as soon as possible, Karen didn't slow down. Not only because the advantage was in her hands, but also because she was sure that the longer the match lasted, the more likely it was that they would have to be tougher with each other. Karen wanted to avoid this to the best of her ability.

Therefore, despite her fatigue and heavy breathing, she tried to leave the ring as soon as possible. Yes, what she had planned was more than cruel, but if it would end the match, then it was not the worst option for her opponent. As soon as the Hawk Moth's feet touched the concrete floor, she reached out to Kiera.

The red-haired girl had already begun to recover and even tried to get to her feet, which caused Karen some surprise, because she was sure that her rival would need more time for this. However, she wasn't going to stop. Grabbing her opponent, Karen began to drag her to the edge of the ring in order to finish it all in one motion.

"Kkkhhhh!!!" Suddenly burst from her lips.

The reason for this was Kiera's elbow that crashed into her face. Quite involuntarily, the Japanese girl relaxed her hands and released her opponent. Backing away, she covered her face with her hands in an attempt to cope with the pain. And when she looked at her palms, she noticed blood there. Due to the fact that she was not ready for this strike, her lower lip was slightly torn and now blood was flowing down her chin.

"Fuck..." Karen muttered.

Her eyes flashed the moment she looked at Kiera. The red-haired girl still fell to the concrete floor, although, of course, without the damage that the Hawk Moth was going to inflict on her. But now, when Karen saw her own blood, she set out to repay her rival for it.
Rushing forward, Karen wanted to take some speed in order to catch Kiera before she got to her feet. The Japanese girl's plan was very simple. She wanted to swing her right foot forward and up as if Kiera's head was a ball. Yes, that's right, Karen intended to send her right foot into Kiera's face with a simple, but damn painful football kick!


Kiera hadn't expected to draw blood with her quick strike, but she wasn't exactly unhappy with the results. If only she hadn't just flopped to the floor, perhaps she could have been happier for herself. Trying to ignore the growing aches and pains, the redhead pushed herself back up to her feet. She already saw what could happen if she stayed down for too long and definitely wanted to avoid taking another big hit that she wasn't sure she could handle.

Before she could fully push herself up, Karen had come charging for her and was swinging their boot right for her head. This time though, Kiera was more than prepared for some retaliation to be aimed her way. And so as she got to all fours, she was ready to catch Karen's kick.

"Nnnngg!!" Kiera groaned, blocking the kick while moving a bit out of the way. Instead of getting floored again, Kiera instead just took and very much lighter the impact to her chest. The redhead was sent rolling a bit before she managed to scramble back to her feet. "Ok...my turn now!" She cried out, finally ready to retaliate.

As soon as she could, Kiera charged forward. She was hoping to just ram herself into Karen and slam them back first against the side of the ring.


Karen tried to move quickly in an attempt not to let the advantage slip out of her hands. But although Kiera did not have time to fully get to her feet, she had enough time to prepare for the attack of the Japanese girl. The Hawk Moth decided not to change tactics even after she noticed that her opponent put her hands forward.

With a swing of her foot, Karen sent a football kick straight into her opponent's forearms. The force of this kick was so high that Kiera not only screamed, but also was slightly thrown aside. Some would say that it was a success for Karen. However...

"What the..." she muttered at the moment when Kiera rushed straight to her.

Karen didn't even have time to take a steady stance, which led to the fact that she couldn't prevent the red-haired girl from crashing into her. The Hawk Moth backed away and perhaps she would have had enough strength to stop the onslaught of her rival if not for just one, but very significant problem. Behind her was the ring.

"Kiiiaaaa!!" She screamed as her back crashed into the edge of the ring.

A jolt of pain went through her entire body, she even thought she heard the crunch of her spine. And although she managed to stay on her feet, because of such sudden pain her legs bent slightly. Trying to put at least some resistance, she intended to put her hands on Kiera's shoulders and push her away, although, being honest with herself, Karen understood that it was the same as if she was trying to push the truck alone, because at that moment she was very weak.


An increasingly exhausted Kiera barreled towards Karen until she rammed her body against them, sending them spine first into the back. Had it not been for that impact, Kiera wasn't sure she could stop her opponent from retaliating. But for now it seemed that Karen's struggles were nothing more than token for the moment. "H-heh...how'd ya like that?" The redhead taunted, soon pushing her palm against Karen's chin to force them to bend further back against the side of the ring. Slowly but surely she'd crank their back further and further until she was sure she'd have them out of commission for at least a few seconds.

"Ok...time to get back into this." Kiera huffed. She'd practically climb over the other wrestler to slide in the ring. Quickly, she'd grab Karen's hair and start roughly pulling to get her foe in the ring with her. "Come on! Don't got all day to knock you out." The redhead whined. She was definitely having trouble moving Karen and was hoping her grip on their hair would be enough to persuade them to get back in the ring with her.

It would definitely take some effort, but after dragging Karen into the ring, Kiera had a plan. With the other wrestler's hair still in her grasp, she'd pull them onto all fours before shoving their neck against the bottom rope. "Well... ok I might have time for just a little break." Kiera teased as she wobbled to her feet only to fall back and take a seat right on Karen's back so she could keep their neck pressed against the ropes.


After such a painful collision of her back with the edge of the ring, Karen was ready to fall to the concrete floor. But it didn't happen. Thanks in large part to Kiera, who was still in close contact with the Hawk Moth. And, of course, there was a reason for this, far from the kindest.

With sarcastic words, the red-haired girl put her palm on Karen's chin and began to push her forward hard. The Japanese girl's back arched, and her eyes widened so much that it seemed that they were ready to jump out of their orbits. The edge of the ring bit into her back so hard that it was worse than any submission hold.

"Mgghmmmmpphhh!!!" Karen screamed through the palm pressed to her chin and mouth.

She was in so much pain that she started waving her arms. But if in another situation it would have presented at least some danger, now it was just an act of helpless. The pain continued to fill her body, simultaneously annihilating her strength. The Hawk Moth's mind demanded that it stop. However, she couldn't do anything about it, now she was at the mercy of her rival.

Kiera removed her hand from Karen's chin only when she decided that Karen had had enough. As soon as her opponent stopped pinning her to the edge of the ring, her legs gave way and she sank down. If she hadn't instinctively put her hand on the edge of the ring, she would surely have fallen to the floor. Perhaps it was even a mistake on her part, because now her head was on the same level with the ring.

"AAAAAAIIIII!!!!" She screamed. If there was the thing she hated, it was hairpulling. That's exactly what Kiera did. She grabbed the Japanese girl's hair with both hands, and then with hellish cruelty dragged her into the ring. She felt like she was being scalped. The pain was so terrible that tears poured out of her eyes. Karen threw both hands up and grabbed her opponent's hands in order to somehow loosen the tension of her hair. But, of course, she couldn't stop her rival.

When Kiera dragged her into the ring, Karen was left lying on the mat, sobbing because of the incessant pain. She, of course, expected that she would have to face trials in the ring, but she did not even think that in the first match she would have to fight with such a cruel opponent. It seemed that it couldn't get any worse. But... unfortunately, it could.

Her rival, without letting go of her hair, pulled her to the side, as a result of which Karen's throat was right on the bottom rope. With amazing sadism, Kiera landed her ass on the back of the Hawk Moth. The Japanese girl's breathing was blocked. With tears in her eyes, she clung to the bottom rope, trying to push off from it in order to start breathing again. However, her muscles almost wouldn't obey her and she couldn't strain her arms hard enough. Without controlling her body, she began to fidget with her legs on the mat. It was the third torture in a row. And now Karen was on the verge of despair.


The redhead had her foe right where she wanted them. With an impish grin she would let her entire body weight press down against them, really forcing their neck down onto the ropes more and more with each passing second. It seemed she had really managed to take the wind out of Karen’s sails earlier as she was currently not facing all that much resistance. She was, however, definitely hearing the signs of a panicked struggle.

Eventually, Karen tried to push up but Kiera wasn’t allowing it. She kept herself firmly seated until Karen’s arms gave out and their neck was shoved back against the ropes. With her opponent beginning to scramble, she could really see the desperation start to sink in. The only thing that had Kiera pausing was the referee. Sure she was encouraged to choke out her foe, but not exactly with the ropes.

“Ugh where’s your appreciation of the art~” The redhead teased as she slowly stood up. “Guess I’ll go for plan B” She said with a sigh. Unfortunately for the Hawk Moth, that didn’t mean that she was getting too much time to breath. As soon as she got up, Kiera wrapped her arms around Karen’s neck and pulled the other wrestler towards her with her hips pressed against their rear. She would soon try to fall back into a seated position and bring Karen right down with her.


Should she have thought about giving up? Perhaps. But it wouldn't make any sense because even if Karen started tapping on the mat, the match wouldn't end, the victory conditions today were completely different. The only option for her to get rid of the wild pain was to lose consciousness. So why, instead of relaxing her arms and just letting the remnants of oxygen leave her body, she continued her desperate attempts to resist?

The streets of Tokyo taught her that if you are not ready to fight to the end, this cruel world will destroy you. Only those who are ready to face the hardest trials with fortitude get a chance to become something more than they are. Having given up the life of office plankton, Karen decided to devote her life to pro wrestling. She had no way back. Although, as commendable as it was, she was still weak after her rival's brutal attacks. And despite her resistance, her strength was rapidly leaving her.

Suddenly, the Japanese girl received support from the referee, who ordered Kiera to let her go. It was a little strange and Karen expected her opponent to start protesting, because in fact it was a hardcore match, they had the right to be outside the ring without a time limit and ignore the rope break rule. However, the red-haired girl did not argue with the striped shirt and lifted her ass from Karen's back.

"Kha! Kha!! Kha!!!"

When the pressure on her throat disappeared, the Hawk Moth took a deep breath and this, predictably, caused her to start coughing. However, she felt the oxygen saturate her blood again. It was a pleasant feeling. And so, even though the coughing fit was getting worse, she hurried to take a few more deep breaths. Unfortunately, her rest time ended much earlier than she would have liked.
Rising to her feet, Kiera immediately grabbed Karen's head and pulled her up. And as soon as the Japanese girl was on her knees, her rival's arms wrapped around her neck, thanks to which she again lost access to oxygen. She felt the red-haired girl stagger back and down, causing them both to be in a sitting position.

"Grrrmhhh..." Karen groaned from the pain and inability to breathe.

Throwing her hands up, she clung to Kiera's hands in an attempt to loosen her grip. However, the oxygen she received in a few seconds of rest was clearly not enough for this. Her face turned red again from the strain and she quickly realized that her time was running out. Closing her eyes, Karen took a second to concentrate.

And then she was going to let go of Kiera's hands. Instead, the Hawk Moth intended to start working with her elbows, alternately sending back elbow strikes to her opponent's head and ribs. Considering that she was on the verge of defeat, she did not hold back and tried to make every blow as hard and painful as possible. However, she could only hope that this would be enough to force Kiera to let her go.


As far as Kiera was concerned, Karen was done. The woman had jut suffered quite the choke and was now put right into another one! Kiera constricted her arms tightly, or at lest as much as she could. The redhead was feeling quite a bit of fatigue herself after all. She only had to hang in there for a bit more though, long enough to choke the Hawk Moth out! "Nnng come on bitch! quit breathing!" Kiera groaned, really straining her body to keep a now frantically squirming Karen in place.

Karen wasn't done quite yet though! She was certainly more tenacious than Kiera had given her credit for. Karen aimed quite a few hard strikes back at the redhead with her elbow. "Nnnng! F-fuck! Just...give up!!" Kiera groaned. She took hit after hit, trying to just WRENCH Karen back in her hold.

Despite giving it her all, Kiera just couldn't take another hit. Feeling the bruises really start to form, The redhead was forced to release her opponent unless she wanted something to really get cracked by another hit. "Guuuh shit..." She whined, shoving Karen forward before scrambling away towards the corner. Kiera grabbed the corner and slowly pulled herself up. She couldn't remember a time where she had a fight where she was battered quite like this.


The beast, cornered, will fight to the death. At the moment, that beast was Karen. It just so happened that she had to wait long enough for her debut. However, thanks to Victoria, she got the opportunity to make her debut on the PPV. And so even if she was destined to lose here today, she wanted to make sure she did her best.

Feeling the oxygen level in her blood plummeting, the Hawk Moth tried to put maximum force into every blow she sent to her opponent's head and ribs. Each time, Kiera let out painful groans, but it didn't look like she was going to let Karen go. Instead, she tightened her arms even more, while simultaneously demanding that the Japanese girl surrender.

Karen wasn't going to back down. Either she or her rival. Therefore, she continued to hit Kiera. And when the fog began to thicken before her eyes, the red-haired girl finally could not stand the pain that the Hawk Moth's elbows carried with them. The grip on Karen's neck disappeared, and then she felt a push in the back.

"Khaa... kha..." she coughed again.

Once on all fours, Karen felt a terrible dizziness due to the fact that her body had been without oxygen for too long. At that moment, she wanted only one thing, namely a moment of rest and peace. There was only one problem. Although she sent a lot of strikes to her opponent's head and ribs, the Hawk Moth was still in a worse position than her rival. So there could be no question of any rest. Yes, she had been through Hell, but now she had to do something even more difficult.

"Kuso... okay, Lily... time..." she muttered, recalling her ex.
Closing her eyes, Karen tried to relax, and then, with one quick and short breath, she filled her lungs full with air. It was Lily who taught her this technique, but only now Karen understood why it was considered so dangerous. For a moment, she thought she would lose consciousness and her lungs would explode. However, the most important thing was that it gave her strength, it allowed her to numb the pain after all the tortures that Kiera dragged her through.

Pushing off with her hands from the mat, the Japanese girl rose to her feet in one movement and turned around. Seeing that Kiera had just started to get to her feet, grabbing the ropes in the corner of the ring, the Hawk Moth rushed forward. Her body ached with pain after all the damage she had received. Sweat was streaming down her toned skin, but she didn't intend to stop.

If this was a chance to catch the red-haired girl off guard, then she intended to take advantage of it. Having shortened the distance, Karen was going to throw her right leg bent at the knee up, and then straighten it in the direction of Kiera's head in order to ram her with a fast and hard corner big boot kick!


Kiera had thought she finally managed to take control of the match, but Karen proved to be a far tougher opponent than she had expected. The Japanese wrestler was certainly tenacious. While the redhead definitely appreciated her opponent's grit...she was really hoping they'd just give it up already. Both fighters were clearly exhausted and Keira just wanted to secure her spot in the next round already!

For now, Kiera would settle with getting back to her feet though. She needed a breather, especially now that her whole body was just starting to generally ache. "Guuuh...bitch just won't go down..." She mumbled to herself. She was starting to wonder just how rough she had to get to put Karen down for good. While she pondered that though, Karen made her move.

As Kiera looked back at her foe, she saw them launching their foot right towards her face. There was definitely enough time for Kiera to evade under normal circumstances, but she was having trouble mustering the energy to move her body until it was too late. SMACK! The Hawk Moth rocked Kiera with an intense kick to the head. She'd bounce back against the ropes before stumbling forward a step and collapsing in a heap.

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Re: LWS 2023: Hawk Moth vs Kiera

Unread post by Noob »

Many people were probably surprised that after a series of tortures, Karen was able to move at all. The truth was that every movement caused the Hawk Moth incredible pain. The only thing that pushed her forward was the desire to win. She came here to erase her past and start everything from scratch. She knew that life does not end with defeat, but today she had no right to lose.

Struggling with the pain in her body, the Japanese girl rushed to her rival. And although Kiera managed to get to her feet and even started to turn to Karen, the Hawk Moth managed to take her rival by surprise. Throwing her leg up, Karen kicked the red-haired girl right in the face, which caused the audience to gasp loudly because they clearly understood how painful it was.

The force of the kick was so great that for a moment it seemed that Kiera would simply fly out of the ring. But instead, the red-haired girl bounced off the ropes and collapsed onto the mat without any signs of movement. Karen, in her turn, leaned forward and put her palms on her knees. She was breathing heavily through her mouth while white spots appeared and disappeared in front of her eyes. Not going to deceive herself, she was well aware that her reserves were almost completely empty.

"Ghhhhh..." she growled, gritting her teeth.

If she doesn't finish the match right now, then defeat will become inevitable. So she reached out to her rival. The pain in her muscles was literally driving her crazy, but she intended to make sure that Kiera would not be able to stop her from finishing the match.

After everything the red-haired girl had done to her, Karen wasn't going to be delicate with the red-haired girl. Grabbing Kiera by the hair tightly, the Hawk Moth intended to pull her up sharply and thereby force her to her feet. They were still near the corner and Karen was going to take advantage of this by pressing Kiera back against the turnbuckles. If she had not met resistance, she would have half clenched both fists.

"Hawk Moth Bites!"

With these words, she intended to strain the phalanges of her half-bent fists, and then send five consecutive strikes to her opponent's pain points. One strike to each shoulder joint, one strike between the third and fourth ribs on each side, and then the last strike directly to the solar plexus. With the help of her own modified Dim Mak technique, she intended to literally paralyze Kiera in order for the red-haired girl to understand what it means to feel truly helpless.


"Nnnng..." There was a quiet groan from the floor as Kiera struggled to regain any sort of composure. She could barely catch her breath though, still lying on the floor while her opponent approached. She was helped up to her feet, although quite roughly and with a lot more hair pulling pulling than she would have preferred. "Guugh stop, stop!!" Kiera whined, pretty much just held up by her hair at the moment. That didn't last too long though. Soon she was shoved back against the corner. Her back crashed painfully into the corner, but at least the redhead was now able to stand without her hair tugged.

Despite now being on her feet, Kiera was still having trouble doing anything besides just standing. Her hands gripped the ropes to keep her legs from wobbling under her weight. The moment she was able to balance herself though, Karen started her onslaught! "Guuugh!!! Gaaah! ahhh I nnng!!" The series of strikes completely battered Kiera who could do nothing more than let out a few squeaks and squeals as she was pounded into the corner. The last strike had her really crying out in pain. Her legs finally buckled, leaving her slumped back against the corner.


Low battery. The device will power off automatically in 60 seconds. She had to put a lot of effort just to keep her vision clear. The Japanese girl knew that she had reached her limit and that soon her body would simply refuse to continue moving. So she couldn't stop. Victory or defeat. She had no other options.

Lifting her still stunned opponent to her feet and pressing her back against the turnbuckles, the Hawk Moth intended to bring down on Kiera all the rage that the red-haired girl had ignited in her. With her fists half bent, Karen struck Kiera's pain points five times in a row with lightning speed. And if the first four strikes just gave her opponent a wild pain, but the fifth strike literally turned her body into jelly.

Kiera's legs gave way and if she hadn't held on to the top ropes with her hands, she would have surely fallen to the mat. However, Karen had achieved what she wanted, because now Kiera was completely defenseless. Through her ragged heavy breathing, the Hawk Moth grinned, and then threw both hands at her opponent's head.

Karen intended to tilt the red-haired girl down and then wrap her neck with the left arm, thereby closing her in a classic front facelock hold. If she had not met resistance at this stage, the Hawk Moth would have taken a few steps back in order to lead her opponent away from the corner. The Japanese girl's body was weakening by the second, the fog began to envelop her gaze. She knew she didn't have much time left, and that's why...

"SHANNARAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" She let out a battle cry.

Perhaps some would have caught a flashback at this moment because they could have heard something similar from a much more outstanding fighter than Karen. Well, as they say, the student always takes something from the master. Karen was no exception and therefore her battle cry was very similar to Charlotte's battle cry.

Using the last drop of her remaining strength, the Hawk Moth was going to slip her free hand between her opponent's legs, and then with one powerful jerk lift Kiera into the air, thereby turning her upside down. She didn't even think that she would have to use it in her debut match, but Kiera literally forced her to go for it. Karen intended to jump up and then start falling to the side in order to smash her opponent's head and entire upper body into the mat! Someone knew it as a northern lights bomb, but she considered it her critical finisher. And that was exactly what she was going to use to knock Kiera the fuck out. Bye bye petit papillon!


In this moment, Kiera wanted nothing more than than the hottest of showers paired with a nice long rest. But she still had a match to drag herself through before she could get either of those. Unfortunately it seemed that she was doing less dragging and more being dragged herself. In the last few minutes, things had gone from bad to worse for her until she was finally left battered and barely able to stand.

Karen's battle cry filled the ring followed by the loud roar of the crowd. Both bad signs for Kiera. She knew she had to move but try as she might, her body just wouldn't listen. She was barely able to push herself from the corner when her opponent's hand slipped right between her legs. Knowing what was coming next, Kiera let out a little whine. Her hands shot out to push the Hawk Moth away but her struggles were too little too late.

The next thing she knew, everything was upside down. "Ahhh!" She gasped. Finally...BAM! Kiera's head connected with the ground. "Guuughh!" She cried out before suddenly everything went black. Kiera's now limp body flopped down to the ground. There was no doubt...she was OUT.


When Kiera's body crashed into the mat and the whole ring shuddered, the audience let out such a loud scream that it could surely be heard outside the arena. Karen had a reason to smile, but instead she just lay on the mat and gasped for air. Her muscles felt like they were turned to stone and she felt so tired that she had to summon all her willpower just to keep from falling asleep. Nevertheless, she had one more task before her, as the referee reminded the Japanese girl.

"ONE! TWO!!"

Opening her eyes, the Hawk Moth looked first at the striped shirt, and then turned her head to the side. Kiera was lying just an inch away from her. Karen has seen people unconscious more than once in her life. Her opponent's breathing was weak and even, which was a clear prerequisite that her mind was shrouded in darkness. However, it still wasn't a victory for Karen. To win, she had to find a little more strength in herself and take an upright position.


Gritting her teeth, the Japanese girl rolled over on her stomach and put her palms on the mat. One day she needed money very badly and she took part in a street fight against three opponents at once. Her defeat was inevitable, but at that moment she thought that the end justifies the means. Her opinion changed after she was beaten so badly that she couldn't get out of bed for a week. Now Karen felt about the same, which was not surprising after all the tortures that Kiera dragged her through.


Karen bit her lower lip to concentrate the pain in one place. Due to the fact that she had bitten through the skin, a thin trickle of blood flowed down her chin. But it was enough to distract her mind from the pain in her muscles and joints. Summoning all her willpower, the Hawk Moth strained her arms and pushed off the mat, rising first on all fours and then on one knee.


The last step is the most difficult. Some people thought it was complete nonsense, but Karen knew it was true. Her body, covered with sweat and bruises, was exhausted, she could barely contain painful groans. Closing her eyes, she gathered her thoughts. She came here to start a new life. And if only one last effort separated her from that, then she had no right to screw up.

Putting the last drop of strength into her legs, Karen straightened to her full height. She staggered so hard that some thought she was going to fall back on the mat, but instead she leaned forward and put her palms on her knees. Her vision was blurry and more than anything she just wanted to rest. But before that, she intended to turn to her opponent and make sure that Kiera would remain lying down until the count of ten sounded.


While the Hawk Moth wobbled to her feet, there was no movement on Kiera's end. Being slammed head first into the canvas was a definitive match ender, leaving the redhead sprawled out with her eyes shut and her head rolled to the side. After a drawn out count though, she eventually began to stir. There was a little groan while her eyes began to flutter.

Each count rang loud in Kiera's head as she slowly began to wake up. The moment she came to, she was met with a splitting headache. "Nnng...fuck..." She quietly groaned, unable to will her body to move. She wasn't sure she wanted to get back up even if she could. And so Kiera stayed down for the count, her chest slowly rising and falling as the redhead struggled to catch her breath.



When Kiera started to move, a chill ran down Karen's spine. There was nothing to be proud of here, but she knew perfectly well that if her opponent somehow found the strength to get back on her feet, it would mean defeat for her. Considering that the Hawk Moth could barely stand on her feet, she simply had nothing more to offer to the red-haired girl. Therefore, she only gritted her teeth, directing all her hopes for Kiera to stay lying on the mat.



Karen felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured over her head. The ringing of the bell was followed by a deafening shout from the audience, which marked her victory. However, she still couldn't believe it. It was her debut match and the Japanese girl just couldn't realize that it was finally over.

However, everything changed the moment the referee approached her. The striped shirt took Karen's right wrist and then rised her hand, officially declaring her the winner. The Hawk Moth's lips trembled, and tears involuntarily flowed from her eyes. A radiant smile appeared on Karen's tired face. She did it.

When the referee released her hand, Karen wiped the tears from her face, and then looked at her opponent. She had no warm feelings for Kiera. Yes, of course, in this match, each of them had the right to any cruelty, because today they were not limited by rules. However, this red-haired girl in some moments showed real sadism, literally enjoying the suffering of Karen. Perhaps the most correct solution for the Hawk Moth would be to simply leave the ring in order to rest and enjoy the victory, but...

"Hey..." she said in a hoarse voice, dropping to one knee near Kiera. "Are you okay?" With this question, she intended to extend her hand to the red-haired girl, thereby offering her both a handshake and help to get to her feet. "You almost got me a few times..."


The crowd roared in approval the moment the bell rang and Karen was declared the victor. While Karen celebrated her victory, an exhausted Kiera wanted nothing more than for everyone to just shut up to let her recover in peace. She had a horrendous headache that wasn't going to be leaving her alone anytime soon.

Making matters worse, when she opened her eyes Kiera was greeted to the sight of Karen's hand raised in victory while tears ran down their face. She should be the one crying, she just had her skull bashed after all. The annoyed redhead just let out a little groan as she slowly propped herself up and shook her head to rouse herself a little. That didn't seem to completely stop the room from spinning though.

And just when she thought it was over, Karen made their way back to her. "No...of course not." Kiera responded in a quiet voice. "You nearly sent me through the ring!" She growled. Not wasting the gesture though, she grabbed Karen's hand just to pull herself to her knees before swatting the hand away. The redhead would flop against the ropes which she'd use to pull herself up at her own, rather slow, pace.


Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that for Karen it was a real emotional swing. At first she was overjoyed and even smiled a little when Kiera grabbed her hand. Karen straightened to her full height with the desire to help her rival to get to her feet. Even after all the rude words and actions on the part of the red-haired girl, she hoped that they could end it on at least some positive note.

However, as soon as her opponent got up on knees, she immediately pushed the Hawk Moth's hand away. The smile slowly disappeared from Karen's face and she sighed heavily. Of course, she could understand Kiera's bad mood, because she had just lost and actually left the tournament. But on the other hand... nah, doesn't matter...

Realizing that her attempt to smooth out the corners between them was unsuccessful, Karen headed for the ropes. However, before leaving the ring, she stopped and looked over her shoulder, taking in her opponent with a glance. After Kiera's actions, it became clear to her that the red-haired girl did not want to hear words of support or something like that. However, she might want to hear something else.

"Til' next time..." Karen said goodbye, letting Kiera know that she is ready for a rematch if the red-haired girl wants it.

After these words, Karen rolled under the bottom rope. When she landed on the concrete floor, she staggered slightly. She even had to close her eyes and take a deep breath. The joy of her victory in a way allowed her to forget how tired she was. However, now the fatigue and pain returned to her.

Gathering her strength, Karen headed forward, climbing the ramp. Accompanied by applause, she gave the audience a tired smile. And when she got to the top of the ramp, she turned around and raised her fist above her head, thanking them for the support they showed her in her debut match. She knew that much more difficult matches were waiting for her ahead, because for sure only the best of the best went to the second round of the tournament. However, there is still time to prepare for this. After a shower and a long rest, of course. With that thought, the Hawk Moth took a step back and disappeared behind the curtains.


Winner by KO: The Hawks Moth Karen Aoki-Justice
Last edited by Noob on Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
Discord - Noob6737
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