War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Wolfsbane takes the hit but proceeds with her test of strength, growling as she does.

Wolfsbane: Your little trick ain’t gonna work on me chica!

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Alex landed the kick to the gut on Wolfsbane, being pretty sure that it would stop her opponent in her tracks, needless to say, she was shocked when Wolfsbane gutted through it and forced the test of strength on her.

”UH WHAT?!” Alex said as she was caught off by the test of strength, and now had to try and resist Wolfsbane. Alex was not the strongest wrestler, she could feel herself being pushed back rather easily.

As an act of desperation, Alex attempted to headbutt Wolfsbane right in her shoulder, hoping that would finally break her test of strength.

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Wolfsbane takes the hit as if it was nothing, and starts pushing her into a corner. She then starts hitting Alex with knee strikes to the gut before preforming her Lupine Lunge signature and goes for the pin.

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Alex gave Wolfsbane a headbutt to the shoulder but was immediately hit with a shocked expression on the tomboy’s face. “How in the hell?” Alex said as she began to lose her signature coolness, not knowing why she was not seriously hurting Wolfsbane.

This was soon met with Wolfsbane catching her off guard with some knee strikes to her exposed midsection. “GUH!” She yelped after every knee strike, spit flying out of her mouth and onto the mat.

And then she was met with a punch straight to the head, knocking Alex flat on her back and pinned.



Alex managed to kick out at 2.5, but now she was on the backfoot.

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Wolfsbane licks her lips as she starts to circle her defense focused prey. All the while waiting for Alex’s next move, hoping to break through her defense.

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Alex had never felt this beaten up like she did just now. Her stomach was turning as red as hamburger meat, and she had to check her jaw from the sheer force of Wolfsbane’s Lupine Lunge. She was hurting all over.

Alex started to slowly make her way to her feet, using the ropes to help her out. “Not going down like that, ain’t no way. “ Alex said, as she took a deep breath.

Alex would then quickly charge at Wolfsbane, before jumping up and attempting to hit her with a Jumping Clothesline.

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Wolfsbane however simply dashed out of the way to avoid Alex’s aerial attack. She would then get behind her and preform a suplex before going into the cover.

Wolfsbane: You ain’t gonna be picking me off from the air chica!

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Alex leapt into the air, hoping her clothesline would have a meeting with Wolfsbane’s head, or at least her chin. Sadly, for Alex, the only thing she was meeting was air, causing her to land and get all wobbly. “WOAH!” The tomboy yelped, as she felt like she was about to lose her balance and topple over.

Suddenly, right before she was about to fall over, Alex was grabbed from behind by Wolfsbane, and before she could do anything, Alex was lifted right off her feet, before landing straight on her neck, before being pinned, grimacing through the pain in her head and neck.



Luckily for Alex, she still had enough energy to kick out at 2.9! She then landed on her stomach needed to recover.

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

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Wolfsbane: Heh, looks like you’re runnin’ outta steam there. (She grabs Alex’s hair and picks her up) Maybe it’s time I send you to the Chopping Block!!

She would then preform a DDT before transitioning into a guillotine choke, thus putting Alex in one of her finishing holds.. the Chopping Block!

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Re: War of the Wolves: Alex Wolf (D) v. Wolfsbane

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Alex was panting, heavily breathing after being assaulted so much this early on in the match, she needed to find time to recover, but seemingly Wolfsbane was not giving her any time to.

And before she knew it, Wolfsbane had grabbed her short blonde hair, and forced the purple clad girl back up to her feet. Alex looked all wobbly.

And then her head was grabbed, and she was slammed head first into the mat. “GAH!” She grunted, before she was then put in a Guillotine Choke.

Alex struggled to pull Wolfsbane’s arms off her neck, so she attempted to reach for the ropes using her arms, to break the hold.
Last edited by Epicsnivy on Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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