An reunion brought about Keijo

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Re: An reunion brought about Keijo

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''I'm jealous of an sore loser like you? Get your facts straight you no good pussycat''retorted the whitette as she would pull herself onto the platform as she watched as the blond walk back to the locker room as she heard her say how cats should really settle things. As she just hissed in return as she did not like her specialty match type being insulted like that as she retorted ''your just jealous that you suck at Keijo''

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Re: An reunion brought about Keijo

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"Huh? I did really well in my first match Keijo! You were just lucky I slipped while trying to dodge you!!"

Shinobu was starting to get angry, she was a sore loser but she didn't like being told she was bad at something. She looked at her opponent with a lot of anger in her eyes and planned to start a catfight in the locker room if the animosity continued.
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Re: An reunion brought about Keijo

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''Well why don't you think something then as it seems we did my specialty match. So why not yours next blondie''hissed Yugito as she would look at her fellow cat lover as she wondered if maybe she got herself an rival in Shinobu.

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Re: An reunion brought about Keijo

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“I never said I wanted to fight you again, you moron!”

Shinobu growled slightly and like a child, she shoved Yugito with a shoulder before going into her locker room. Even if the two women had common passions, that wouldn't stop them from arguing and not speaking to each other for a while.
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Re: An reunion brought about Keijo

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Yugito would watch Shinobu leave as she did the same soon after the blond was out of view as the whitette would leave this place the winner

The end . Winner Yugito Shironeko

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