Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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The gathered crowd chattered loudly as they waited for the competitors to enter. They were soon silenced as Kyles clomping footsteps announced his presence. The hefty boy appeared from behind the curtain, gleaming with sweat already. "It's Bloody hot in this scummy town..."Kyle Groaned.

The Bulldog began prowling down the ramp, growling at anyone foolish enough to reach out a hand. "Buzz of Wankers!" he said with a wave of his big paw. Finally, at ringside, he clambered up the steel steps and tried squeezing through the ropes. Yet his clumsy wide frame was tangled up momentarily. The ropes slid up and down Kyle's slick belly as he squealed with displeasure. Eventually, he shoved his way through.

Ignoring the chuckles behind him the Brit stared ahead at the ramp. He was itching to let out all his pent-up Anger... And Hunger... onto Astolfo. Kyles belly rumbled... "Patience..." He said with a few small slaps to his belly...
Last edited by WrestleGuy on Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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The attention would switch over to Kyle's opponent as Astolfo appears behind a veil of smoke with her cheerleader outfit. Why is Astolfo wearing a cheerleader outfit? Because why not? Plus she does look good in a cheerleader outfit. As buff as Astolfo is, especially because of the face, people would have a hard time tell if he's a man or woman though it's not really like he's keeping the information major secret or anything. Anyways he dances down the ramp as he gives high-fives to everyone that held out their hand to him as he keeps dancing, showing off his...'assests'. He gets into the ring and looks over to his opponent "Woah, aren't you a big one? Well the more the merrier. I'm Astolfo, what's your name?!" He's pretty excited about all of this, he does think that Kyle might be kinda difficult...personality-wise of course. He feels pretty confident that he'll win this fight

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Kyle chuckled heartily, slapping his big belly like a drum. "I AM Big! So don't feel to bad when I break your Twink-Ass in half..." He said, running his tongue along his lips... On a dime he switched to a more genial tone. "Why I am Sir Kyle! It's a pleasure..."

Kyle would extend one meaty paw, asking for a good old fashioned pre-match handshake! Though if Astolfo was kind enough to accept he'd reel him in for a headbutt instead!
Last edited by WrestleGuy on Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Ooookay, Astolfo has fought enough people to know that if he accepts the handshake, he'll go for an attack. It's more than just a hunch, anyone that acts all sadistic and then immediately switch to acting all nice, yeah more times than not the sadistic act is the true personality. Kyle really doesn't seem all that even though he IS big. Hm...he could most likely easily dodge the headbutt and punish him...naaaaaaah. He decides that he'll play a prank on him instead, he thinks it'll be pretty funny to see how he reacts later. "Aw how nice of you, I'm Astolfo! It's nice to meet ya!" He gives his handshake to him, fully expecting the headbutt. Let's see how strong he really is

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Shockingly the gullible rube fell right into his trap! Probably? After locking hands the bulldog used his heft to reel in his slender opponent... *CRACK*

Kyles thick skull bounced off Astolfo's pretty pink head. Though pretty rattled himself his trusting opponent would be worse off. With his opponent probably stunned the Bulldogs next move was to try slipping around Astolfo's backside and locking in a sleeper hold!
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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Astolfo got pulled and then got hit by the headbutt...yup, it was JUST as he suspected. This guy didn't even do the headbutt correctly so it didn't hurt too much, it only looks worse than it really is.

Astolfo could EASILY fight back but again, he wants to play a prank on him so he'll try to sort of give him what he wants first. He lets Kyle slip around his backside and lock him in a sleeper hold. Honestly if anything he'll try to make himself look attractive even while getting beat up just to give the crowd a bit of something. Oh yeah also he tries and purposefully fails at pulling Kyle's arm off of his neck as he wiggles his body in a 'vain' attempt to get him off "Y-You tricked me!" He sounds like he's struggling to breath to really sell the jobber act

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Everything was going according to plan! or so it seemed at least... Kyle had his meaty arms coiled around the cute boys neck... With each gentle squeeze Astolfo dutifully huffed and puffed getting a bit limper each time.

"Brilliant, Ain't I?" He growled, closing his eyes with a smug grin on his lips...

Convinced of his dominance Kyle would relinquish his hold early. Instead, he would turn his back and face the audience to showboat... The Cocky Bulldog was completely wide open and he didn't even realize it!
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

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Astolfo thought it's cute that Kyle thinks that he's really doing better against him than he really is and thinks he's so smart. It's a great thing that Astolfo is a great actor (at least he thinks that he could be a great actor anyways), as he was purposefully going limper and make it seem like he's really struggling to breath. It's not a surprise for something like Kyle to showboat in the middle of a least not while keeping his guard up, he's exposed for crying out loud! Astolfo gets up as he thinks on how to play this. He decides that even though that he should be the jobber in this situation, even jobbers put in effort to try to get a hit in here and there, no one likes a COMPLETE one-sided beating after all (well at least he thinks that not everyone likes that) and so he'll take some steps back (likely while Kyle is distracted) and purposefully ruin the element of surprise as he yells out a warcry as he runs at Kyle with one of his arms stretched out to hit him in the neck to make him fall to the canvas

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

Unread post by WrestleGuy »

The Bulldog imagined pink haired twink twitching and snoozing behind him. His grin widened...

He would raise two middle fingers, jeering to the crowd. "I'll do the same to any of you lot!" With the raucous boos drowning out his movements Astolfo was able to slyly rise to his feet. As Kyle turned around his eyes went wide with shock, "Wha-?" *SMACK* His opponents stiff forearm slammed into the bulldogs thick neck. The sudden blow knocked him off balance, thudding into the canvas and making the ring shudder.

Ther match had basically just started, and the plump Brit had already worked up a sweat. His plump belly rose and fell quickly after the wind was knocked out of him. He stared up at the lights wondering where he went wrong?...
I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content 😉

On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)

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Re: Astolfo Vs Kyle: Muscle & Meat (2/3 Falls)

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Astolfo...actually didn't expect for this to happen necessarily. What he THOUGHT would happen is that Kyle would hear his war cry and be enough of a reaction time that he would dodge the attack and counter. Instead Astolfo managed to...hit him, despite giving out his own warning that he was coming. After a bit of quick thinking on how it is that he wants to play this, he'll act like that sleeper hold did more harm to him than it actually did so that little 'second wind' is kinda more like a desperation attack, that little push of determination to 'try to beat this overwhelming force'. The way to illustrate this? Astolfo twitches his body as he holds his neck and coughs as if he's still recovering from that attack Kyle just did and that attack Astolfo just unleashed would be (at least maybe in Kyle's mind) a fluke as he goes over to Kyle to pin him, a pin that Kyle could get out of with minimal effort

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