Victory by KO only
Kiss My Ass Stipulation
Akari Ito was pleasantly surprised when she was drafted for one of LAW's annual tournaments. It seemed that a talent scout somewhere amidst the company had passed word onto someone else in the top brass to give the new signee a shot. An opportunity she wouldn't waste as she would show her stuff and fight her heart out. She got dressed in her new, alternate ring gear, slipping on a giant faux fur coat before stepping out of the locker room and heading toward the arena's inner entrance as her theme song began.

After Akari made her entrance, the lights dimmed as Barbara stepped onto the ramp, getting into position for her performance. The idol raised her microphone above her head, waving to the crowd for a moment, before her music began playing over the speakers.

Akari bore witness to her opponent's entrance, being delightfully surprised by how bubbly and cute the idol wrestler's dazzling performance as she gave the entire audience, Akari included, a short idol concert...definitely playing up to her namesake as the Sparkling Idol given how shiny it was with all the lighting. Akari was thoroughly bewitched by the show, clapping along and cheering with the crowd, showing a great deal of good sportsmanship before Barbara revealed her outfit. Akari smirked, getting a nice and long look at the woman's figure in her attire, shooting her a sly wolf whistle as a little tease.
"Well well well...I was expecting an idol to have a lovely figure, but I wasn't expecting them to be such a tease~" She said, grinning and giving a wink towards Babs. "And tantalizing as that scenario might sound, I think you're going to find that it'll be YOU buried beneath my ass by the end of this. In fact...why don't we make a bet out of it...loser kisses the winner's ass for a FULL minute. I feel like spicing things up tonight...just imagine, all your fans gushing over how cute you'd look pressing your lips to these hips~"
"You're on!" Barbara said, agreeing to Akari's terms, "I think you're going to regret making that offer by the end of this match!" The idol stuck out her tongue at her opponent, taunting her a little more before turning around and heading back to her corner, getting herself ready for this first fight.
Barbara offered a little bit of fanservice as she stretched and warmed up, making sure that the members of the audience could see her incredible body from all angles, giving them quite a tease as she showed off her flexibility and got her muscles ready for combat. She didn't know what kind of an opponent Akari was, having only heard the name before, though judging by Akari's reaction to her her opponent did know her reputation. But that made things simpler for Barbara, no need to act all innocent and pure.
"Alright Akari! I hope you're ready to worship my ass!" Barbara said as she stepped back out towards the center of the ring. The bell rang, and Barbara wasted no time, stepping in and attempting to lock up with Akari in a tight collar and elbow grapple!
As the bell rang, Akari stepped out of her corner, pacing herself and playing a cautious, defensive role at the start to try and get a read on her opponent's style. She too had heard the name of her opponent before, but usually only in passing...still, she could likely predict that with Barbara's smaller frame, she was likely either a high flyer or a submission specialist of some kind, but there was definitely no way that she was a powerhouse-move kind of gal. Regardless, Akari would have to play this opening gambit safely in order to discern what Barbara's style was so she could figure out a way to counter it.
She locks up with the woman and attempts to use her superior strength to overpower her step by step, attempting to shift the positioning of the grapple over to a Side Headlock. If she managed to succeed, she'd wrap her arms around the idol's head and neck tightly, squishing her boob against the side of Barbara's face.
If Akari thought Barbara would be much weaker than her, she would find herself mistaken, as even though Barbara had a smaller frame and lighter weight than her opponent, she possessed plenty of strength to match Akari. Still though, as she dug in her heels, she found herself slowly overpowered, as Akari began twisting her into position before pulling her head down and locking her in a side headlock!
"Ugh!" Barbara grunted, feeling her face press up into Akari's boob. The idol let out a hiss as Akari tightened the hold around her neck. This was a bad position, but not one she couldn't find a way out of. Thinking fast, Barbara balled one hand into a fist, punching Akari hard in her lower gut to make her grip loosen. Her other hand would grab Akari's arm, the one trapping her head, and twist outwards as she pulled her head out of her opponent's grasp, turning and stepping behind her back before twisting her arm into a hammerlock!
Akari tightens the headlock but as she secures it, Barbara responds in kind by digging a strong punch into her midsection, surprising the Sea Turtle with just how hard she could hit. It was indeed a surprise to feel such strength and power come from someone of such a smaller size and frame. Whatever regimen Barbara was using to train herself, it was certainly nothing to scoff at...To think, what would happen to someone trying to assault her out on the street? For an instance, Akari pondered about the scenario, likely guessing that the mugger would get their ass handed to them by such a cutesy-looking, small, seemingly fragile young lady in a frilly dress...
Idols are NO joke apparently...
Barbara manages to turn the tables and put the Sea Turtle into a Hammerlock, holding her arm and twisting it to a painful degree. Still, the Japanese woman plants her feet down firmly and attempts counter Barbara's hold over her by attempting to twist the other way and free her arm from all that tension, attempting to transition into her OWN Hammerlock on Barbara as the two engage in a more technical, back-and-forth competition for dominance.
After break free from the headlock and reversing her opponent's hold into a hammerlock, Barbara pressed her body in tight, nothing to increase the pressure of the hold and to try and prevent Akari from slipping free. Her opponents was quite technical though, twisting herself the opposite direction to undo Barbara's hold, then reversing it upon the idol by twisting her arm behind her back! Barbara let out a gasp of pain as her hold got reversed, growling in frustration.
"Ugh! You're being really frustrating!" Barbara exclaimed as Akari tightened her hold. This girl was quite good with submissions it seemed. Still, Barbara was confident her technical grappling skills would be more than a match for Akari's.
The idol began her counter by throwing an elbow back, trying to knock Akari back a bit and loosen the pressure on her arm slightly. Then, like what Akari did, she would twist herself the opposite direction to get out of the hammerlock. As she did so, Barbara would attempt to reverse the hold, but instead of going for a hammerlock again, she would pull Akari's arm straight behind her back and twist while pushing down, attempting to lock her opponent in a standing armbar while forcing her to bend at the hip, keeping her well out of range of retaliatory strikes!
"Wish I could say that I was sorry about that, but I'm not big on lying, y'know?" Akari responded, grinning as she held her opponent in place with a tight hold. However, the technical prowess of the Sparkling Idol would give her the chance to respond in kind by reversing the move back to take control, putting Akari back in her place with a Standing Armbar, wrenching the Japanese woman's arm into an uncomfortable position and forcing her to bend forward, preventing her from attacking...
But not preventing her from MOVING.
With a bit of quick thinking and some desperation mixed in, Akari began to attempt to shift herself over to the nearest set of ropes in order to throw Barbara off. Her real plan of attack came in the form of her attempting to wrap her leg around Barbara's and FLIP HER backward, slamming her into the canvas back first for a Russian Leg Sweep attempt.
Feeling Akari shift towards the ropes, Barbara was expecting her opponent to try and go for a rope break. The idol figured she wouldn't be able to stop Akari, but she could make her progress as agonizingly slow and painful as possible. The idol kept on wrenching her opponent's arm, twisting and pushing to put as much pressure on her limb as possible. What she did not expect was for Akari to be tricking her with another move planned!
"Uwah!" Barbara gasped when she suddenly felt Akari's leg snake behind her own, the girl suddenly throwing herself backwards to send Barbara crashing onto the mats! Barbara had no time to even realize what was happening, nevermind bracing herself or putting up some resistance. "GAH!" she gasped as she hit the mats with a tremendous thud! The crowd let out a roar of approval, loving how Akari was able to turn the tables on the devious heel idol!
After slamming Barbara down into the canvas with her leg sweep, Akari performs a quick kip up in order to get to her feet, showboating for a couple of seconds before grabbing hold of Barbara. "You're pretty slick, but slow and steady always wins the race~" She teased, holding onto her tight from behind and attempting a German Suplex.
Barbara groaned as Akari showboated, her eyes opening only around the time Akari was ready to pull her up. "Ugh!" the idol grunted as Akari forced her to her feet. She wasn't standing for long though, as after a moment her opponent grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up, throwing her head over heels in a German Suplex!
"Aaaahhhh!" Barbara wailed as she soared through the air, before her cry was cut off by a tremendous thud! The crowd roared in approval after seeing Akari execute a perfect suplex on the idol. Barbara's legs folded over her head after she landed, proffering up her cute butt for everyone to see, the idol left groaning and stunned after that big hit!
"Ooop~...guess I went a little hard there~" Akari exclaimed, turning herself around and holding Barbara's legs down so that she remained folded over. She brushes her hair back and smiles. She leans down and gives a tender, gentle kiss to the inner side of Barbara's thighs, giving it the softest of smooches before moving a hand between her legs and massaging her womanhood "You're cute when you're folded up like's turning me on quite a lot~...lemme return the favor." She said, this sultry, lustful look in her eyes.
Barbara groaned as Akari pressed down upon the back of her legs, keeping her all folded over with her ass thrust into the air. Akari's gentle kisses to the inside of her thighs sends a few tickles up her spine, waking her up a bit from her stunned stupor. Then she felt Akari's hand press into her crotch, fingers massaging her sex through her thin bottoms. Barbara's eyes opened a tiny bit, a thin sliver of blue looking up at Akari and meeting the girl's lustful gaze.
"This isn't a hentai match!" Barbara suddenly said as her eyes snapped open. Akari's sexual teasing definitely woke her up, and now after playing dead for a few moments the idol sprung her trap! Her hands shot up, grabbing Akari's arm and yanking it between her legs. Those same legs kicked up, wrapping around Akari's arm and neck, her calf wrapping around the back of Akari's head as she locked in a triangle leg choke! "This is a knockout match!" Barbara declared, "And I will knock you out!"
The Sea Turtle's teasing sparks quite the reaction in her opponent, prompting her to wake up from her daze as she sprung a trap to catch her Japanese opponent off guard. Akari's arm was grabbed and she was about to be locked into the Triangle Choke. With a bit of quick thinking, the Sea Turtle attempted to quickly lift Barbara up and stand upright, trying to make it to her feet in time before she was fully trapped in order to raise the idol up for a one-armed Powerbomb to try and slam Barbara down on her backside.
Barbara attempted to wrap Akari up in the triangle choke, her leg wrapping around the back of her opponent's neck as she pulled on her arm to keep her trapped. But Akari was way stronger than she imagined, as her opponent grabbed onto her and lifted upwards, pulling the idol off the mat! Barbara was light, but she figured her weight would still be too much for Akari to lift in such a manner. Turns out she was totally mistaken!
"GUH!" Barbara gasped when Akari slammed her hard on her back! That was enough to force the idol's hold to snap open, releasing both Akari's head and her arm as she lay stunned from the impact!