Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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With a powerful counter, Renee continued to mount an impressive counter-offensive against the Midnight Maven. Her attacks continue to catch Yozora off-guard. The purple-haired rookie continues to underestimate the winter-themed idol and wrestler, seeing her as only a performer...a mere counterfeit wrestler unfit for the ring. Renee wasn't sure WHERE this hatred for her, or idols in general, stemmed from, but one thing was certain-...She would NOT allow herself to be fodder for this woman's agenda. She lost her temper for a second, losing her cool after being attacked so viciously during the tail-end of her opening performance. Even though the people cheered for her and rallied behind the idol, she still felt upset for feeding into Yozora's twisted idea of an idol. To truly win this match, the dark-skinned Frenchwoman needed to keep her ice-cold composure in check while also dismantling the Midnight Maven's corrupted views.

Renee gets back up after landing the Cutter, seeing Yozora crawl across the ring, struggling to stand herself back up. The Frenchwoman would use this to her advantage, grabbing the Midnight Maven from behind and pulling her onto her feet. She would keep a hold of her from behind, pressing her body up against Yozora's back, breathing softly down the back of her neck. She would whisper softly into Yozora's ears, making an honest attempt to reach out to the woman. "I don't know who you think I am...but I am NOT your enemy...I'm not TRYING to be a wrestler. I AM a wrestler...just like you." She said before pushing her into the nearest set of ropes. If uninterrupted, the Winter Fantasy would bounce off the ropes with Yozora in tow, falling backward and rolling the rookie up with an O'Connor Roll Pin, adding an extra Bridge to the move to add extra security.



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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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If Yozora could just get to the ropes, perhaps there would be a chance to turn things back around. But that was wishful thinking to say the least, as the downed rookie had no chance of working her way to the edge of the ring with the incensed Frenchwoman right behind her. Yozora let out a grunt of protest as Renee dragged her back up again, cradling her warm arms around the circumference of her belly. The entrapment was enough to finally bring Yozora back to her senses, the midnight maven fighting desperately to force Renee to release her grip, but with no success.

Suddenly a chill breath crept down her neck, each puff accompanied by the strangely warm words of her opponent seeping into her ears. The corner of Yozora's mouth twitched, her brows relaxing as her eyes softened ever so slightly. Of course she had always considered herself a wrestler. But to hear it from someone else, it felt... no! Yozora wouldn't let this girl's deceitful declarations blind her from her truth! Renee was a liar, a fake, a phony! Just like the rest of them, and Yozora would punish them all, as soon as she broke out of this hold -

"NAAH!" Yozora yelped as she was suddenly propelled to the other side of the ring. Her body became sandwiched between the ropes and her opponent, compressing the air out of her lungs before her entire body suddenly found itself thrown backwards and inverted. all Yozora could see was the sight of her opponent's arched back above her, with the referee nearby already slapping the mat.

Yozora blinked twice to clear the confusion, each one matching the ref's count. But she would not allow for a third, instead summoning the strength to jut both her hands into the small of Renee's back, hoping to push the idol off of her and break the count! If she was successful, Yozora would then quickly roll across the length of the mat before coming to a rest in a disgruntled seated position besides the ropes, her eyes wide open in utter disbelief as she stared at the idol from afar. But it wasn't long before her eyes adopted their more familiar steely glare. "I know what you are Renee. You're a fraud, an embarrassment to wrestling" The rookie said coldly, "and a few slick moves is never gonna change that. So don't even think to compare you and I, because we're nothing alike!" Yozora roared, one hand clutching her chest as the other gripped the ropes to help pull her up to her feet. While still too winded to launch a proper counter attack, Yozora was quickly on the mend, all the while her eyes staring daggers into Renee from across the ring as she prepared herself to clash with the idol once again!

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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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The winter-themed idol nearly had her opponent beaten then and there. The roll-up managed to give Renee a stable amount of control and pressure over the Midnight Maven, but her purple-haired adversary still managed to retain the wherewithal to break free via a hard shove against the small of Renee's backside, knocking her off-balance just enough. The two scramble back to their feet, recollecting themselves before facing off yet again. Renee lets out a brief huff as she sighs before meeting Yozora halfway. The Winter Fantasy charges in, and the two COLLIDE head-to-head in the center of the ring, Renee locking up with Yozora in a Collar-and-Elbow tie-up, a staple within the world of wrestling. The two push and pull, vying for control within the grapple. Either side was too stubborn and self-righteous to concede defeat. The IDEA of letting the other overtake them was like sacrilegious blasphemy, especially in Yozora's case...but Renee was maintaining a slight advantage over the ailing Yozora, who hadn't fully recovered yet. If the Winter Fantasy could maintain this, she would attempt to send a knee into the Midnight Maven's stomach...but if Yozora found a way to counter or overpower the Frenchwoman, then she'd be able to deprive the idol of all her previously built momentum and begin to turn the tides in her favor.
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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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Yozora would be remise if she let Renee capitalize on her attack without at least fighting back! Without a moment's hesitation, Yozora rushed forward to meet her counterpart in the center of the ring, not fully healed herself but nevertheless fully determined to put the brat down! The collar and elbow lockup was every bit as tight and intense as you'd expect from these two clashing personalities, with each girl constantly pushing and tugging as they vied for control of one another. Through grit teeth and beads of sweat, Yozora could feel her grip slowly faltering, before a well-placed knee finally sent her defenses crumpling down.

"UAGH!" Yozora gasped, a rush of air exiting her lungs as Renee's knee found it's mark buried deep into the pit of her stomach. The nocturnal rookie collapsed to her knees on the mat, one arm clutched over her belly while the other formed the weak remnants of a fist. Winded, but far from out of the fight, Yozora decided to use what remained of her strength to deliver not one, not two, but three punches to Renee's midsection! If the strikes landed, they'd hopefully be enough to floor the idol, buying Yozora enough time to mount an even bigger counterattack of her own.

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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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Renee managed to outmatch Yozora in a contest of skill and finesse, quickly backing the woman into a position more favorable for the winter-themed idol. After sufficiently forcing her opponent to a disadvantaged state, Renee delivers a swift knee into her opponent's midsection that would see Yozora falling as a breath of air forcibly leaves her body. However, Renee was a fool to think that she could quickly follow up on this with another attack, as the Maven found just enough in the tank to strike while Renee believed her to be out of stamina for the time being.

"PUGH-!!!" Renee grunts...not once, not twice, but THRICE over as Yozora plants her fist into the idol's stomach. The Midnight Maven's bitter, twisted attitude toward Renee and her sparkly, performative idol-ilk fueled her when her body could hardly continue. That anger drove her to deny the Winter Fantasy any further advantage over her. Renee doesn't crumble or fall to a knee from the blows, but she does stagger. Her grip over Yozora falters, and the pain from the Midnight Maven's earlier assault quickly rears its ugly head as the dark-skinned Frenchwoman recoils in shock!!!
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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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While both their bellies may have been battered from their respective blows, only the pit of Yozora's stomach was still alight with the flame of anger and vitriol. Her fist had dug deep into her opponent's navel, each punch searing her hatred and determination into the idol's smooth skin. With her opponent's properly winded, now was the time to retaliate!

Gathering her senses, Yozora attempted to once again weasel her way out of her opponent's grasp, this time aiming to take advantage of Renee's weakened grip. She would start by turning outwards, lowering herself so that she was just underneath Renee with her back facing the girl's hunched over frame. Yozora would then wrap her arms around her opponent's head, her fingers assuming the position of a three quarter facelock. With the lock secured, Yozora would then leap with both legs into the air to propel herself up and forwards, thus transforming the momentum of their combined weight into a jumping cutter, one that would hopefully see the idol's pretty face crashing into the mat!

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Re: Midnight Chills: Renee Winters vs Yozora Kagetsuki

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Renee is left gasping for air after taking a series of blows right to her abdomen. The Winter Fantasy stumbles and shudders, her legs shaking uncontrollably...as if to signal they may give out at any second after the winter-themed idol had been caught off guard by her disdainful, vitriolic opponent. However, the worse was yet to come as Yozora quickly took over the match by force, utilizing all her hatred for the idol as fuel to keep her going...despite the crowd's rampant boos and jeers directed at her. Yozora still managed to remain trapped within her delusion, taking the Winter Fantasy by the head and running forward with it, hopping off the ground and allowing gravity and momentum to carry her before she came dropping down with Renee's head in tow, SMASHING the dark-skinned Frenchwoman's face off the rough surface of the ring's canvas, sending her into a daze shortly after enduring the impact. "AUGH!!!!" Renee grunts, crying out.
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