A meeting while recovering!

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A meeting while recovering!

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Outside of the LAW Hospital facility

It was about midday as Chloé sat outside of the bus station, waiting for a bus that was going to come pick her up. The woman was wearing her favorite yellow sweeter with a long skirt that went to her ankles. Her long blonde hair tied back into a braid. Underneath her clothes were a few whip marks and bandages covering her injured ribs and other marks damaged in her last match and the corresponding forfeit.

Chloé had of course had a car of her own, but with not knowing if she was going to be able to compete again, the French farmer girl felt it might be a good idea to save on gas if she might not be getting another paycheck.

Looking down at the note she had been given from her doctor, the woman would stifle some tears, reading how she had been deemed medically ineligible for another match for at least another two weeks. Two weeks, and that was before training or practice, assuming she passed all of her test before getting back into the ring. The blonde was super nervous, sure the rent was paid, that wasn't a problem, but Tyler's School Tuition for next semester was due next week, and Chloé hadn't made enough from her first match to be able to pay it off in its entirety. And that wasn't to mention what Tyler was going to do with the wrestler... with how unfaithful the woman had been, it would make all the sense in the world for him to dump the immigrant without a second thought. Honestly, it would probably be what Chloé would do if she was in his shoes.

Trying to keep calm, the biologist would be glad no one was around to see Chloé's mascara running down her face, and her eyes red. Left alone, Chloé would wait for her bus to come and pick her up in the cold weather.

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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Harmony notices Chloe's distressed figure and immediately feels the need to intervene, overcome by a wave of compassion. She approaches slowly, placing a comforting hand on Chloe's shoulder, trying to introduce herself with a gentle, caring smile.

“Hello,” Harmony begins in a soft voice. "My name is Harmony. I can't help but notice that you look concerned. Are you okay?"

Chloé, surprised by this unexpected approach, turns her face towards Harmony, her eyes red and the mascara running, showing her distress. She nods slightly, unable to hide her vulnerability.

Harmony continues gently, "I know it might seem intrusive, but sometimes talking to a stranger can lighten a weight on the heart. If you need something to talk to or something to help you, I'm here."
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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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As the peasant would be trying to cover up her emotions, the girl wouldn't even notice as the lightweight would make her way over until she spoke up and caused Chloe to nearly jump out of her seat. "Oh.... I'm sorry." Taking off her glasses, the former POW would wipe off her tears, looking up at the newcomer. She had a gorgeous figure, with long blonde hair and piercing green eyes. At her age and that look, she was obviously another LAW wrestler. "Th... Thank you. but I don't want to bother a stranger to much with my burdens. I... I just got some really bad news. Yo... I think I recognize you. You are a wrestler as well, right? I... Just came off a really bad match, and just found out that I'm medically disqualified from competing for at least two weeks, and maybe longer than that after some testing. That, and I don't know how I'm going to pay the bills this month, its just a very stressful time."

The farmer girl would finish up wiping her tears before putting her glasses back on. Looking back up at Harmony, the Blonde would try to continue. Speaking in her French accent, she would continue"I... I don't man to bother you. Are you waiting for the bus as well? If so... I can wait around the corner, but I think I'm ok right now."

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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Harmony notices Chloe's distress and slowly approaches her, a kind look in her green eyes. "Oh, don't worry, you're not bothering me at all. My name is Harmony, and yes, I'm part of the LAW." She offers him a friendly smile, aware of the trials that wrestlers can go through.

Harmony gently takes Chloe's hands in hers, wanting to give her some comfort. "I'm sorry to hear you had a bad game, and I understand how difficult medical news can be. You are not alone in this. We are all in this fight together."

She squeezes Chloe's hands gently, seeking to make a compatible connection. "We're fellow French women, after all. If you need to talk or help with anything, I'm here. And no, I'm not going anywhere. We can wait for the bus together."
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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Chloe would feel her fellow French woman comforting her. Feeling the woman's warm hands pressed up against Chloe's gave her quite some comfort. "Th... Thank you. I appreciate it."

The former POW would pause for a second, before continuing to say what happened to her."I... I lost a POW match. I had trusted my opponent and thought that we wouldn't really use it regardless of who lost. We more or less agreed to to the stipulation just so we could get more compensation for the match. Get a few more views on it, you know? But... well... as soon as my opponent had won. She informed me that I was to sleep with the cameraman. He..." Chloe would start to choke up for a second, trying to get over what had happend, but would continue. Talking about this was the best way to get this out of her system."" I... I went to him to complete my order and... He.... he said 'I don't want to fuck you. I want to breed you. before trying to make me bare his child. I... I have a boyfriend. He isn't the biggest fan of me doing this, but we need the money to pay for his school and rent. He said he was ok as long as I didn't have any matches with guys. I.... I broke my promise with this, and if I'm pregnant... my boyfriend is going to break up with me." Chloe would say.

Taking out a small folded pink handkerchief, The French would continue. "I... I got written up once LAW heard what happened. Saying that I was taking advantage of one of our fine cameraman. On top of that, since I wasn't on any birth control or anything, LAW doesn't want me to compete until they can tell for certain if I'm pregnant or not. I... I just don't know how I can handle everything... How I can go home and see my boyfriend again. I... I know I'm being a total wimp about this. I agreed to the match Afterall, why shouldn't I face the consequences? I... I... I just don't know "

Chloe would continue to go back to sobbing, not able to control her tears anymore as she tried to take it all in.
Last edited by Harem Girl on Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Harmony felt Chloe's pain and distress as she shared her heartbreaking story. Without hesitation, she takes Chloe in her arms, holding her gently against her. She felt Chloe's sobs shake her body as she tenderly stroked her back, offering silent, comforting support.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Chloe. No one deserves to be treated in this degrading way." Harmony, her voice full of suppressed anger, continues, "This cameraman is a coward, a loser, a... I'm sorry, I shouldn't insult, but it's revolting. No one should have to put up with that, especially not in this environment."

Letting Chloe take a moment to calm down, Harmony asked softly, "Can you tell me who your opponent was in this match ? "
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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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As the fellow French woman would console Chloe, the girl would accept the offer of friendship. "N... no... I don't..." Chloe would say, trying to force back the sobs. "I... I knew what I was getting myself into. And I tried to cheat the system. Th... this is my just punishment for doing this... I... I.. this is my fault. An...and besides... this should be something I am happy about. S..sure its a little rough right now, but in a few days I'll be over this. Either I will... Either I'll be able to continue to compete, or I'll be with child. I... When I told Maîtresse de mon coeur Sophie about it, I even said the same thing. T... told her if the roles had been reversed and she was in my shoes, that I would be congratulating her, not consoling her. I... I just need to figure out how to get over this road block... And I'll be fine."

Guillaume would start to stand up, unless forced to stay down by Harmony, and would pace back and forth trying to calm down. Everything was fine. Everything was fine. This was rough, yes, but it would be over one way or another in a few weeks. "Th.. Thank you Harmony. I... I do appreciate everything. The woman would say, there was obviously something still in her voice, but Chloe did sound better at this point. "I'm feeling much better. Sorry you had to see me in a bad place. I... I think I will be good now." The blonde would put her hand up to her face, as if resting her cheek on her first of a second. "That being said... probably not the best idea to go home right now. I'd rather not have this conversation with my boyfriend yet. Hmmm... I probably should do something to get my mind of things..."

Turning back to the green eyed beauty, Chloe would speak up, asking "Say... Harmony. I live up at the college with my boyfriend, and don't make it to town that often. Do you have anything you think someone could do while trying to find a way to kill time?"

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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Harmony, wanting to help Chloe clear her mind, gave her a sympathetic smile. "I understand you're going through a hard time. Maybe it would help if we did something to relax you a little. How about we go get some ice cream? That might be nice, right? We could have a take a break, clear your mind, and enjoy a light moment together."

She tried to offer a little comfort to Chloe, hoping that this gourmet break could allow her to breathe a little and temporarily move away from the worries that tormented her. "We could go somewhere nice near the university. Would you like it?" offers Harmony, hoping to offer a pleasant moment to Chloe so that she can recover a little from this difficult moment.
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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Reaching down to the lightweight, Chloe would offer her hand and help the woman up. "Hmmmm. I probably shouldn't spend money on a luxury food like ice cream right now, but I know I'm not going to go home and make dinner tonight. Hmmmm, is there an Italian place nearby? I'm really in the mood for some pasta. Would that work for you Harmony?"

At the idea of going somewhere nearby, Chloe would wave off that thought. "Oh, no. The university is like... a two hour bus ride out of town. I wouldn't want to ask you to do that, and then come back. Also, if I made the trip this far out into the city, I'd rather do something I don't normally do." Chloe would pause for a second before turning to the French girl. ""Tell me, When your not working out or doing some training, what do you do for fun? I'm not really a club girl, so lets not do that. Are there any Librarys, parks, or anything else that you like to go to?"

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Re: A meeting while recovering!

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Harmony offers Chloe a warm smile. "Let's go to the park, then! I love quiet places and nature. This could be a good break for both of us."

Determined to help Chloe clear her mind, Harmony gently guides her towards the park, providing a comforting presence. She hopes that this peaceful environment will help her find some serenity.
Harmony Salgwyne
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