Kaiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Kaiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, DQ, Countout, Knockout

Lauren was in battle again, against a fellow heavyweight who was right around her own weight. Given her lackluster performance recently she was again the underdog, but she wasn't going to let anything keep her down.

Tonight was her night.

Lauren made her way from the locker room to the arena, walking confidently and cheerfully as she heard her music begin. She bound out and waved to the crowd, most ofnwhich applauded or cheered lightly. A few shouted and were louder in their support, calling out her old insult-turned-endearing nickname of jigglypuff as a commentary on the soft flubber of her thighs, backside and to a lesser extent her midsection. As she entered the ring she flexed her strong, muscular arms and strut about the ring before settling in her corner.

She was going to defeat her opponent or sonshe told herself, trying to stay positive in light of her recent failures.
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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Kaiala was getting ready for her second match in LAW , and this time she would be facing an fellow Heavyweight as she decided to wear her actual wrestling attire tonight.As for this match she decided to wear wrestling boots , fishnet stockings , blue one piece and a blue jacket as she had her hair in the usual loopies and ponytail as she always did.Taking an look at the clock the Brazilian knew it was time to make her way to the backstage area as she walked out the door as she went on her way

She could hear her opponent's music as she just too late to see her before they meet in the ring as she stood their waiting until it was her moment to walk down as she would hear her theme music start to play. So as Kaiala walked down to the ring she would listen to coldplay - every teardrop is an waterfall as she waved at the fans in attendance. Halfway down the announcer would say''an her opponent from Carnaubeira da Penha , Brazile. Weighing in at 170ibs , it's Kaiala Yartiza'' as the Brazilian would enter the ring and come face to face with her opponent who looked pretty impressive as she would say ''so are you ready to face me''in an arrogant tone.

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren watched as her foe came down the ramp, and she was an impressive looking woman. Lauren felt a bit self conscious but tried to keep a confident appearance. Lauren stared Kaiala down and remained focused.

"I sure am, you had better be ready for me!" Lauren shot back, feeling a bit of pressure. She knew this would be tough, but she had to win.

As the bell rang Lauren began to circle while crouched low. She lunged in swinging her hips around as she tried to catch Kaiala off guard with a fast kick to the abdomen to start things off!

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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The responds she got to her question excited the Brazilian as she would smile in responds. Still before she could respond back Kaiala would hear the bell be rang.With the match underway the brown skinned wrestler would have to focus on the match as she was just an second to slow to get her guard up.This would result in being kicked in the abdomen as she backs down while holding her abdomen with one hand as this only excited her even more for the battle yet to come.

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren saw the kick connect and noted how Kaiala bent over. Lauren tried to take advantage of this by stepping up with her arm extended as she tried to capitalize on her quick start by clotheslining Kaiala down the the mat right after landing her kick!

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Kaiala would be backing up as the result of the kick to her abdomen , and before she realized it her opponent was on the move once again.What was worse was the fact that now the match was officially underway , and as she got knocked down by the clothesline would only add to her current predicament.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Wed May 16, 2018 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren felt the clothesline connect and saw Kaiala hit the mat. She didn't want to stop there as she bent down to pull Kaiala up to her feet and tried to soften her up with a fast knee strike to the abdomen. Lauren grabbed the waist of her attire, and wrapped an arm around her head, preparing for more offense.

Lauren took a deep breath and attempted to lift Kaiala straight up off the ground, hoping to hold her high before bringing her crashing painfully to the mat with a vertical suplex!

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Kaiala had not expected to be on her back so soon after the match had started as it seems that Lauren would not let her get an second to rest.As her opponent would keep on attacking as she would be pulled back to her feet by the other wrestler as she would attempt to turn the tide as she went for a simple punch to her opponent's gut. If it connected she would whisper '''my turn to show you what I got Lauren''.

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren wasn't expecting a hard punch to her abdomen, and the strike to her soft belly left her stunned! "Oomph!" Lauren groaned as she doubled over, staggering about limp legged as she was bent over, cradling her abdomen after taking the fast strike by Kaiala! Lauren was doing her best to recover, but was wide open for the woman to land more offense.

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Re: Kiala Yaritza vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Kaiala knew she had taken her opponent by surprise with that punch to the abdomen as the other wrestler would double over.What was even better was the fact that Lauren would stagger about long enough for the Brazilian to get close as she would grab Lauren by her waist as she wanted to show off her strength by throwing the other wrestler towards the ropes.

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