Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Match Type: "I Quit" Match
Rules: Victory by verbal submission only. No disqualifications apply.
Standing at the corner of the ring was Cynara Morgan - the woman who, in her prime, had held the title of Apartment House Wrestling US Champion, and left a proud legacy through her nearly-undefeated career that lived on in the minds of all affectionados of the erotic sport. When she had made her way down the ramp, she had garnered plenty of cheers and applause, even if her reputation was far from the most savory thanks to all the dirty tactics and plainly rigged matches she had employed as a manager. But regardless of if anyone cheered or booed, Cynara wouldn't let anything bother her. After all, she wasn't who was really in the spotlight tonight. That honor would go to her daughter Mina - who was now about to make her entrance.

"Coming first to the ring, from Los Angeles, California! At 5'3, weighing 133 pounds, the AHW United States Champion, MIIIIINA MORGAN!!"
Like her mother, Mina inspired a mixed reception of cheers and boos - she was, after all, a respected champion with many a victory to her name, but her brutal assaults on her opponents had left many wary of her. But, also like her mother, she wasn't the least bit bothered by any of it. She held her back high and her expression was dignified and composed as she strolled down the ramp at a careful pace, and when she reached the apron, she only took a moment to brush back her hair before climbing into the ring. There, she came to Cynara's corner, where her mother leaned over the ropes to massage at her shoulders in order to help her limber up for the bout ahead of her.

"Remember, Mina," she explained, "we've got a big night ahead of us..." The younger Morgan, hearing that, only nodded her head. After all, she was already assured her success was inevitable. The importance of this match was far from lost on her; after her debut match was thrown out on the basis of corruption, this would be Mina's first official prostyle wrestling match, in the ring and with a full arena watching. The success of the Morgan Dynasty's breakthrough into the pro wrestling world depended on this match. But Mina had every intention to do that milestone justice.

It didn't hurt that her mother had done her part to ensure things would go smoothly, too. The plan was that this would just be a standard match, owing to the less impressive record of Mina's opponent in the hopes of giving her more of a chance. But money talked, and Cynara wasn't afraid to throw the publishing fortune she had married into around. A hefty bribe had been all she needed to convince the booking committee to arrange an I Quit match instead - one where all rules were off the table to truly test Alice's limits. Of course, Cynara was already assured that her daughter had this covered. But this would make things fun.

For now, Mina kept a steely, composed look on her face, staring out at the entrance ramp. Once Alice showed up, things could get underway...
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Alice would come out to the crowd with a neutral look on her face as her mind was completely focused on her match ahead of her. She knew she was coming in with the reputation of a major losing streak, but kept moving forward in order to maintain her focus rather than ruminating over it to psyche herself out. Her mind channeled out the announcer and the noise of the crowd as she thought about different strategies that she could do in her matchup against Mina as she entered the ring. Alice has never done Apartment Wrestling before as she saw that as something outside of the traditional rules of Pro Wrestling.

Standing in her corner, Alice Rose couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. The arena buzzed with anticipation, and the presence of Cynara Morgan, a legendary figure from the world of Apartment House Wrestling, was impossible to ignore. Despite Cynara's mixed reputation due to her history of dirty tactics and rigged matches, her mere presence commanded respect from the crowd.

But now, the spotlight was about to shift to Mina Morgan, Cynara's daughter, and the current AHW United States Champion. The cheers and boos from the audience were a testament to Mina's polarizing persona. She walked down the ramp with the poise and grace of a true champion, a dignified aura surrounding her as she entered the ring.

Alice couldn't deny the respect Mina had earned through her victories, but the brutal assaults on her opponents had cast a shadow over her legacy. Still, Alice remained unwavering in her commitment to the principles of traditional wrestling. She knew that tonight's match held immense significance, not just for herself but for Mina and the Morgan Dynasty as well.

As Mina stood in the ring, her mother Cynara leaned over the ropes to offer some last-minute encouragement. Alice interjected, her tone firm, "I know you're a champion in your own right, Mina, but tonight, it's not just about titles. It's about restoring honor to women’s professional wrestling. I'm here to uphold the values and honor that this sport deserves. My record may not be the most strongest, but my determination still is!"

Alice's gaze shifted momentarily, her eyes landing on Mina's attire – a revealing black long-sleeve top with a chest window and black panties. She couldn't help but add, "And while you're at it, maybe consider showing some respect for the sport with your choice of attire. Wrestling deserves better than provocative gimmicks."

Little did Alice know, Cynara's influence had already shaped the match in a significant way. The switch to an I Quit match, where all rules were off the table, was a cunning move by the seasoned manager. As the referee went to the announcer to announce the change, Alice was shocked. “Wait, what!? That’s so dirty, ref!” as the referee was feigning ignorance.

Alice has been in many verbal submission matches. Alice knew she wanted her crusade to have a major impact as she believed that the apology should be as loud as the disrespect, but she wasn’t expecting another one for this match. Alice took a deep breath, her gaze never leaving Mina. The moment had arrived, and there was no turning back. She was here to represent the traditional values and honor of wrestling, and she was determined to do so, no matter what surprises the Morgans had in store.

As the referee signaled for the match to begin, Alice stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenges Mina Morgan and her mother, Cynara, would throw her way. The battle for her crusade of women's professional wrestling and turning her losing streak around was about to commence, and Alice Rose was prepared to give it her all.

Alice would immediately dash forward, using her speed to immediately lock up with Mina in hopes of taking her down. It would be an even lock up with neither opponent budging but Alice would attempt to take control with a headlock with the intention of taking her down with a headlock takedown to take her to the mat.

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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No matter how proud and confident Alice seemed in how she addressed her opponent, it didn't mean anything to Mina. She stood there, tall and domineering, with her arms crossed and her gaze fixed firmly on her foe. She had no reason to fear her. She was a champion, and Alice struggled to even maintain more victories than defeats. This match was rigged in her favor from the start, even before Cynara had arranged for no-DQ stipulations to be instituted. For as smug as Alice seemed, it would all blow up in her face soon enough - and that could only make her inevitable defeat that much more delicious.

For as impassioned as her little speech was, it didn't do anything to make the Morgans reevaluate the challenge ahead of them. If anything, it just made Cynara snicker to herself. The fact that she still believed she actually stood a chance...it was cute, even. Cynara figured that a losing streak like the one Alice had been through would've been enough to humble anyone - but it seemed her head was just too thick for a lesson to get through. "Honor, hah...that's a good one," the veteran explained. "Hon, I've been wrestling since before you were born, and let me tell you something - no one cared about honor back then. What did they care about? Fame, money, attention - having their names up in lights. That's what they wanted then, and it's what they want now. Doesn't matter if it was in the ring or on the carpets. Deep down, everyone's just worried about the bottom line. And the ones who pretend otherwise are the ones who can't hope to keep up when they have to deal with someone who knows you might need to break a few bones to get ahead."

Mina was just as amused by Alice's little quip about her attire - one that made her scoff just a little under her breath. The corners of her lips turned up in a smirk, and she leaned in a few inches closer to get into the pink-haired girl's face. "Oh. Really? And who appointed you as the spokeswoman for that cause?" It wasn't lost on Mina that Alice's outfit showed just as much skin, and she would bring that to everyone's attention when she prodded her finger into the exposed flesh of Alice's breast.

But all that would prove a distraction, in the end. Cynara had arranged the I Quit stipulations as a way to even the odds, but it would appear it would work out even better for her when it meant that Alice would be forced to confront the realities of what being a wrestler entailed. And when the referee made it official, Cynara's eyes caught the moment the look of shock crossed Alice's face - and she grinned at the sight. It was priceless.

"Now, what did I say just a minute ago? Ah, I almost forgot..." She rolled her eyes just before locking them onto Alice with a sinister grin. "You want to put your money where your mouth is? Let's see how you handle a match that doesn't bend over backward for you, honey."


Regardless of whether or not Alice would be ready for it, the match was on - and she wasted no time in charging into the thick of the action. At the very least, she was determined. But Mina would be ready for her. The blonde snarled as she lowered herself at the knees, raising her hands in preparation to lock up with Alice. She felt the smack of the pink-haired girl's body against her own, and the momentum of the impact caused her to teeter back just a little bit, but she had braced herself, digging her heels into the mat, and she was ready to throw herself right back into the fray. Alice moved in to grab her head for a headlock - but even as she was pulled in closer, Mina went to grab for her opponent's shoulders, and to swing her knee upward against her gut to deliver a strike from point-blank range!
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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As Mina and Cynara's words washed over Alice, their dismissive attitudes and their laughter in the face of her passionate speech only fueled her determination. She knew she was stepping into a battle where the odds seemed stacked against her, but that didn't deter her. Alice had always been a firm believer in the traditional values of wrestling, and she was determined to prove that those principles still had a place in this sport.

Cynara's mockery of her idealistic notions of honor elicited a wry smile from Alice. "Perhaps the wrestling world has changed since your time, but that doesn't mean I have to abandon my beliefs," she responded, her voice unwavering. "I'll fight for what I believe in, Cynara, just as you fought for your own success. Maybe it's time the wrestling world remembers its roots. It’s not too late for you to turn a new leaf and be a more honorable person!"

Mina's retort about her attire made Alice raise an eyebrow. She maintained her composure and didn't shy away from Mina's proximity, even as the blonde wrestler prodded at her exposed skin. "My attire may show some skin, but it's about practicality and respecting the traditions of the sport! My master designed this for performance. You look like you just woke up and spent the night with a guy." Alice explained. "My outfit... It's not about showing off or trying to distract from the wrestling itself. Wrestling deserves the focus, not sensationalism."

The announcement of the match's start, with the no-DQ stipulations in place, drew a mix of determination and surprise from Alice. She wasn't one to back down from a challenge, no matter how daunting it seemed. The ring of the bell signaled the beginning of the battle, and Alice was ready to give it her all.

However, as she charged forward, aiming to lock Mina into a headlock, her determination blinded her to Mina's swift response. Alice was momentarily distracted by Cynara at ringside, but the impact of Mina's knee to her gut was jarring, leaving Alice momentarily winded and forcing her to release her hold on her opponent. Gasping for breath, Alice stumbled back a step, with the air knocked out of her, the sudden attack taking her off guard and leaving her open to whatever move Mina or even Cynara might choose to employ next. The Morgans had managed to seize the early advantage in the match, and Alice was left regrouping, realizing that this battle would be unlike any other she had faced.

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Cynara had to give Alice something - the girl was nothing if not passionate. The dedication she was willing to show to her cause, no matter the odds, was admirable, even if she had her doubts as to whether or not she could back herself up. There was no way she was going to win Alice over with her arguments, and she wasn't even going to try. At the end of the day, she didn't need Alice to agree with her. She just needed Mina to prove that the Morgan family name had its place in the wrestling world, and that it was here to stay. Mina would prove that soon enough - for now, Cynara just tossed her hair back over her shoulder with a huff as she stepped over to the ropes and out of the ring. "Well...we'll see about that," she muttered, setting her attention on her daughter.

And before the match even started, Mina was looking to make her dominant presence known. She sneered as the pink-haired girl went about making excuses for her outfit. Even when Alice's quip about Mina's own attire drew a few calls of "Oooooh" from the crowd, the flat look of disdain on the blonde's face never changed, except to roll her eyes dismissively. "Geez, do you ever shut up?" she mused aloud. "Whatever. Keep telling yourself that. It isn't going to make you win."

Actually, Mina's face did change, ever so slightly. It wasn't enough for the cameras to pick up on; it was subtle, but the more Alice prattled on, the more Mina's eyelid began to twitch, as though she was welling up with pent-up energy that was looking for an outlet. Mina was like a spring being coiled tighter and tighter, waiting for the right moment to burst. And as soon as the bell rang...all that tension came exploding in Alice's direction. She'd been given the license to forge ahead, and she was going to do just that.

Alice was trying to make a strong start for herself as she tried to grab for Mina's head, but the blonde was one step ahead of her - not from careful strategic planning, but because her instincts told her what to do. She knew the first move she was going to make before Alice had even decided on her own. This whole time, she'd been waiting to make her play - and now that Alice moved into range, her knee fired up to hit its target. That left Alice staggering backward in a daze - but Mina was far from done! Now, she knew, she had her opponent stunned and vulnerable. She had the opening to press the advantage and turn up the momentum - and she was about to do just that! She wouldn't slow down for anyone!

Letting out a roar, Mina came charging closer, where she grabbed Alice by the head. If she could get a good grip, she'd kick her feet off the ground, looking to drop straight down - and pulling Alice down with her, so that her skull would be slammed into the canvas with a DDT! If she could bring Alice down, she would quickly spring into action - rolling on top of her back, where her hands grabbed for her chin to pull it back in a camel clutch, and her legs grapevined around the pink-haired girl's own to weigh her down!
Last edited by CaptainL on Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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As Mina's dominance continued in the ring, Alice found herself at a disadvantage, not just against her physically imposing opponent but also against the underhanded tactics that the Morgans were employing. She couldn't help but voice her frustration as she struggled against Mina's overwhelming presence.

"Is this how you prove your point? With dirty tricks and cheap shots?" Alice retorted, her determination unshaken. She knew that the Morgans had an agenda to push, but Alice was determined to make them realize that wrestling deserved to be more than just a platform for cunning strategies.

Mina's dismissive response only fueled Alice's resolve. She refused to back down, even as Mina's twitching eyelid hinted at the pent-up energy waiting to be unleashed. Alice was well aware of the storm that was brewing in her opponent, and she braced herself for the impending clash. Mina's explosive energy burst forth, and Alice felt the impact of that burst firsthand as Mina's knee struck her in the gut. Staggering backward, Alice was momentarily stunned by the attack, realizing that she needed to adapt quickly if she hoped to stand a chance in this no-DQ match.

Mina seized the opportunity and grabbed Alice by the head, setting the stage for a DDT that sent her crashing into the canvas. The force of the move was jarring, leaving Alice dazed and disoriented. But Mina wasn't content with just that; she was eager to press her advantage. As she rolled on top of Alice, trapping her in a camel clutch and grapevining her legs, the pressure on Alice's back and neck was intense. Alice's legs were spread apart, and the position left her feeling exposed and uncomfortable in front of the crowd.

"T-this is dirty! Y-you old hag. Using your daughter to do your.. dirty work. Mina, you're better than this! Don't be like your mom."

Gasping for breath, Alice strained to find a way out of the hold. With a burst of determination, she attempted to roll both her and Mina over in an unexpected reversal. However, the sudden shift in their positions only ended up benefiting Mina. As they rolled, Mina maintained her hold on Alice's chin, keeping her in the camel clutch and locking her legs even tighter. Alice was now on top, but her attempts to escape were met with increased resistance, leaving her trapped in a painful and compromising position as she alternated between trying to break Mina's grip on here chin and her legs in the grapevine. The crowd's reaction to the sight of the struggling wrestlers only added to Alice's embarrassment and discomfort.

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Mina had taken Alice down, throwing her to the mat and quickly scrambling into position to lock down a camel clutch - a hold that would surely allow her to deal some damage to the pink-haired girl's legs and back, which could only serve to hinder her later in the match. Sure enough, as she cranked back at Alice's neck to bend her back into a tight C shape, the pained look on her face was unmistakable - and when Cynara saw it, she looked up with just the slightest hint of a sly smile, pleased with the knowledge that her plans were falling into place. Not only was this surely an agonizing predicament for Alice to find herself in, the fact that Mina had wrapped up Alice's legs with her own at the same time could only further restrict her movements, preventing her from escaping. Of course, the satisfaction Cynara was feeling proved short-lived when Mina decided to run her mouth - and at the sound of her insults, her eyes narrowed into a pointed glare.

"I'm sorry!?" Cynara hissed, her eyelid twitching. "What did you just call me?" At the same time, Mina grit her teeth from where she sat on Alice's back, less than pleased about how the pink-haired girl had described her strategy for this match. "Dirty tricks, huh...you don't know the first thing about wrestling, do you? If you can't take it...you've already lost!"

Even as her daughter got a word in edgewise, however, it did little to soothe Cynara's temper - with her hands planted on her hips, she leaned in to direct a leering eye on Alice. Cynara Morgan was not a "dirty hag." She had been a well-esteemed champion in her heyday, and the fame and fortune that came with that had followed her even to this day. Her affiliation with LAW had only seen her propelled into the spotlight once again, and Alice's aspersions felt like a refutation of everything she had worked toward. Cynara liked to think she was in control, and that she wasn't going to let a lot of things get to her...but this was enough to make her teeth clench and her brow furrow as she snorted under her breath. "I'm sure this 'dirty hag' could beat you twelve times by now before you even had the chance to form an apology..."

But it was there that Cynara noticed something else about Alice. How, when Mina bent her, she barely seemed to exert all that much effort to cause her pain, and how Alice's back shuddered with stiff and jerky motions as Mina pulled it along. At once, the smug smile returned to her face. It seemed as though Alice struggled when it came to flexibility, if this hold was so hard on her - especially so early in the match. In fact, it gave her an idea.

"Mina...I think our friend here deserves to be taught a lesson," Cynara huffed. "Why don't you show her just how much you 'need' to rely on those 'dirty tricks', hrmm?"

Cynara clapped her hands twice - that was all Mina needed for a signal. In an instant, she knew what to do, and in an instant she turned to settle into place. Cynara had figured out exactly the sort of hold that Alice would be powerless against - and Mina knew to enact it. Nodding to her mother, she let go of Alice's chin just enough to her to roll the pink-haired girl over onto her back, and there, she circled around to throw her legs around Alice's neck and squeeze down hard with her thighs - while, at the same time, she grabbed for one of her legs and pulled it up as far as she could, looking to hyperextend her hip joint while simultaneously choking Alice using the Suzuki Lock!
"How do you like the Suzuki Lock, Alice?" Cynara teased. "It's just a little move Mina learned from me, who learned it from Akemi Suzuki, back when she came over from Japan to take me on. Do you think you're flexible enough to handle it? I think if Mina pulls juuuust a little harder, your leg might just snap like a twig...and we'll get a lovely view all the while!"
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Alice winced in agony as Mina expertly applied the Suzuki Lock, the pain coursing through her neck and leg escalating with each passing second. Mina's legs, toned and powerful, wrapped around Alice's neck and midsection like a vise, showcasing the mastery with which she executed the hold. The canvas beneath Alice felt unforgiving, adding to the discomfort as beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and her rapid breaths filled the tense air.

"What... What is this?" Alice stammered, her voice shaky, betraying the nervous tension coursing through her. The realization that she was ensnared in one of the Morgan’s special moves as she tried to endure the pain.

Cynara's cruel taunts cut through the air, and Alice couldn't help but respond through gritted teeth. "Trash-talking won't make you a better manager!" she retorted, the frustration evident in her voice. The combination of pain and the underhanded tactics left her feeling cornered.

"The Suzuki Lock? Are you kidding me?" Alice's tone shifted from anger to surprise, her eyebrows furrowed. "This isn't fair!" Fueled by a mix of fear and desperation, Alice gathered her remaining strength. Mina's legs, unyielding in their grip, stretched Alice's body to its limits, highlighting Alice's lack of flexibility in this compromising position.

With a sudden burst of energy born out of sheer panic, she twisted her body with determination, managing to break free from Mina's hold. The surprise on Mina's face mirrored Alice's own sense of relief as she rolled away, putting some distance between herself and her relentless opponent. Alice would be heavily breathing on the mat, feeling like she just survived.

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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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As Cynara expected, Alice wasn't willing to concede defeat so easily. The girl had a mouth on her, for as much as she struggled to back it up. But the veteran was perfectly well aware that she had a long way to go before she could come close to Mina's level, let alone her own - and to her, Alice's retorts were about as intimidating as the yapping of a very small dog. She rolled her eyes, glancing off with a huff. "Yeah, yeah...I'm sure that's easy for you to say," she muttered, "but let's face it, hon, you'll be lucky if you find yourself where I'm standing by the time you're my age!" The whole time, her gaze never left Alice as she squirmed and struggled in her daughter's embrace. She caught the exact moment when Alice's blood ran cold at her description of the Suzuki Lock; the very second her willpower melted away. And it was at that moment that Cynara chuckled a little to herself with a nod of her head. Mina's efforts were paying off, just as she would've liked.

With how much Alice appeared to struggle when it came to such holds, and how stiffly her body lurched as she tried to break free, Cynara felt all but assured that the match would be over before anyone knew it. She leaned back with a cocky smirk on her face, tapping her foot against the apron to stall for time. But it seemed that Cynara had underestimated just what Alice was capable of. Right then, the pink-haired girl managed to kick her way free from the Suzuki Lock - and both Cynara and her daughter could only look on with eyes wide in shock!

"What..!?" Surely there was no way - Cynara knew herself how powerful the Suzuki Lock was, and if some of the challengers she faced in her prime couldn't handle it, there was no way Alice should have escaped! Nevertheless, she soon shook herself out, grumbling under her breath as she shot Mina a glare. "Mina, what was that about? You should have had her! I thought you were better than that!"

Hissing under her breath, Mina picked herself up, dusting herself off. She shot a look back at her mother, but the glare she locked on Alice a moment later was even more piercing. Alice, she knew, had broken her hold and made a fool out of her on the grand stage, and Mina was not about to tolerate anyone who made her look like a fool! "I'm just getting started, mom," the blonde grumbled. "You'll see..."

Sure enough, Mina wasn't about to waste any time in getting right back into the thick of battle. She quickly scrambled to her hands and knees, looking to Alice's legs. They were sure to be sore from the hold she'd just been through, and that was where she would direct her focus. Reaching out, she tried to grab one of Alice's legs by the ankle before jumping back to her feet, using the momentum with which she rose to stretch her opponent's tendons with an ankle lock!
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Re: Mina Morgan vs. Alice Rose - "I Quit" Match

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Alice groaned as she pushed herself back up from the mat, a mixture of pain and frustration etched on her face. Cynara's taunts still echoed in her ears, but she couldn't afford to let them distract her. She was trying to recollect herself as she heard the two arguing. Unbeknownst to her, Mina, now visibly irritated and embarrassed by Alice's escape, was quick to get back into the fray. As Mina targeted Alice's legs, the pink-haired wrestler knew she had to be cautious. The sharp pain from the earlier Suzuki Lock lingered, making her movements slower than she would have liked. Mina would grab her ankle to lock her in an Ankle Lock! The referee would ask Alice if she wanted to quit but she gritted her teeth. "Mina! Don't you see what's going on? Your Mom is just a bitter old lady! Y-you're a good wrestler who is above cheating and dressing like this!"

As Mina wrenched her ankle, Alice's instincts kicked in, and she attempted to roll forward to counter her ankle lock. To her surprise, the momentum wasn't on her side this time. Mina held onto Alice's ankle with a tenacity that caught her off guard. The sudden shift left Alice on her back, her body folded uncomfortably as Mina maintained control. "Wha...? What's happening?" Alice exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise and frustration. Panic flickered in her eyes as she realized Mina had turned the tables once again.

The audience, now on the edge of their seats, watched with anticipation to see how Alice would respond to this unforeseen predicament. In a desperate bid to break free, Alice gritted her teeth and attempted to use her free leg to kick Mina off balance while they battled in the center of the ring, far away from the ropes. She would even be desperate to try to reach for Mina's top in hopes of grabbing it to pull her down. The pain in her folded body only fueled her determination to escape this ankle lock and regain control of the match!

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