Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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The agony has not gone away. Even though Astrid broke the pin and lay on her side, her muscles were still on fire. Covered in bruises and sweat, she looked as if she had been dragged through a woodchipper. Most of her golden hair was stuck together in separated strands, which further emphasized everything that Ostberg had put her through. And yet, despite her extremely deplorable condition, the descendant of the great Vikings had a slight smile on her lips. She was still looking at Victoria, and although it didn't restore her strength, it brought her back something much more important. It brought her back the confidence that she could still win.

Because of the commotion, the Golden Dragon forgot for a few moments that Ostberg was still lying on top of her. However, the contender reminded about it when she asked three short questions in a row. If the Golden Dragon had extra strength, she would surely have good-naturedly grinned at the shock in her rival's voice. Astrid could really understand this, because if she were in the contender's place, she would surely ask exactly the same questions. However, she couldn't give answers. Even if she had the strength to do it, it was hardly the right time to tell about who Victoria is and what kind of relationship they have. Besides... even without any words, Ostberg, given the circumstances, could probably guess that Victoria is a very important and close person for Astrid.

Speaking of Victoria. For a few more seconds she just stared into the eyes of her ward, and then slowly sat down in her place without saying a word. And although it might have seemed to some that she could have encouraged the Golden Dragon a little more, she didn't see the need to say anything else. She trusted Astrid completely, that was the only thing she wanted to remind her of. Therefore, after she sat down on her chair she just briefly nodded to the blonde, saying without words that the result of the match depends only on her. Hardly anyone in this arena would be able to fully understand this, but for Astrid, this trust meant the whole world.

Nodding back to her manager, the Golden Dragon took a deep breath. There was a fire burning in her heart, igniting her desire to win. However, the truth was that even Astrid herself didn't know how much longer her body could fight. A minute... two... or ten... she couldn't say for sure. She only knew that soon her reserves would be completely empty. And therefore she is obliged to make sure that by that time absolutely all the reserves of her rival will also be empty. Why was it important? Because the Golden Dragon knew that when she and her opponent lost the last drop of their strength, the match would move into the most important stage. When both of them no longer have the strength to continue fighting, the one who shows great determination and fortitude will win.

"Ready?" Astrid asked in a hoarse voice, turning slightly over her shoulder.

Perhaps in another situation, she wouldn't mind if Ostberg lay on her for a little longer, after all, the Golden Dragon has always had a weakness for strong women. However, the match is not over yet and just lying on the mat for both of them was an unacceptable luxury. In addition, the audience began to chant their names, calling on both Astrid to get to their feet. Amazed at how uncompromising this match was, they were eager to see how it would end. And, in truth, Astrid was in solidarity with them. Considering how hard she and her opponent beat each other, she also wanted to find out if she had enough strength to prevent Ostberg from leaving with the belt today.

Hoping that Ostberg would not insist on a brawl on the mat in a catfight style, the descendant of the great Vikings intended to make a few heavy rolls to the side in order to create some distance between her and her rival. When she was on her stomach, she put her palms on the mat and tried to get up on all fours. It was at this moment that her right arm involuntarily bent and she almost fell. The Golden Dragon's face twisted in pain. The moment she escaped defeat was so tense that she forgot about how bad her right arm was. She had to grit her teeth and take another deep breath. It didn't take away the pain, but it helped her concentrate and gather her strength. On the second attempt the champion got up on all fours, and then pushed off the mat with her palms and got to her feet to continue the match.

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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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The odds had to have been unbelievable. There was no way that, after all the punishment Arvidsson had taken, with all the fatigue that wracked her body from her efforts and the challenger's alike, the Golden Dragon should have had it in her to get back up and continue the match. It looked like Ostberg's victory - and with it, another title reign - was all but assured. And yet, at the last minute, Arvidsson had been able to escape, thanks in no small part to the arrival of her manager giving her the motivation she needed to find the will to continue. Such an unbelievable, unfathomable turn of events was enough to stun many a fan into silence - and even Ostberg herself was just as bewildered. Was it even really happening? Was it possible? If her own eyes deceived her, she wouldn't have doubted it for a moment - when she had been fighting as long and as hard as she had, and when she was already all but out of breath, the world seemed to fall into a haze, fading in and out of reality as she struggled against the encroaching weight of her exhaustion begging her to give in; to fall asleep. If this was little more than a mirage, she would understand. But everything else around her was so visceral and so real - the cheering of the fans, the sweat on the back of her neck, and the ache in her muscles - that Ostberg knew she wasn't dreaming. This match was still on. And as long as the match was still on, she needed to keep at it.

The nod Victoria showed Ostberg was enough to tell the Norsewoman she was going to stay out of this. This was up to the two heavyweights to settle themselves - even if her client was involved, she couldn't get in the way of that. Ostberg was happy to hear that - she couldn't ask for anything more. It showed that this was a contest that truly mattered to Victoria, and to Arvidsson as well, enough to respect the rules it was to be held under. It meant both her opponent and her manager took this every bit as seriously as they should. But no matter how pleased Ostberg was, she wouldn't even crack a smile. And as much as this meant that if Arvidsson was to hold onto the title it'd be in good hands, Ostberg wasn't about to let that happen without a fight, either. She had vowed that until she had breathed her last gasp, until this match was well and truly over, she would make every effort possible to take that championship for herself. That couldn't change now, either. Arvidsson was still fighting. Ostberg had to fight, too.

With a weary nod, and through eyelids that were drooping with fatigue, Ostberg nodded her head to her foe. "Yeah...I'm ready." Was she, truly? She didn't know how much more she could take. But that didn't matter. She didn't have a choice; she had to be ready. If she fell behind now, it would be letting down everyone who believed in her - herself included. Ostberg wouldn't be a letdown. She would be a champion. She had to be!

Arvidsson wanted to get to her feet, and Ostberg had just as much respect for how a true contest of champions was to be fought. She couldn't be lazy about it. She had to give it her all, and to make the very methods with which she strived for success an argument as to why she deserved the title. She was going to get up, too. Her whole body creaked and shuddered as she moved; she could feel every tug of sore sinews and the pop of every joint, and it made her face contort in a wince, but still she planted her hands and knees against the mat, taking in a few pants before she shoved her way back up. She fell halfway through, and she lay still a moment longer - but she just sucked down an even deeper breath and pushed herself up that much harder, the muscles and veins in her arms bulging under the strain, and her neck twitching from the sheer willpower with which she held back a cry of agony. She was coursing with sweat by the time she managed to get up to her knees, and when she planted her foot against the canvas, she couldn't hold it back any more - she threw her head back and let out a scream as every joint of her spine popped and groaned as she tried to straighten her back. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. But she couldn't let it stop her. She had to keep going. She had to win.

She didn't know how long it took her to get back up. Her legs were splayed apart, and her balance wavered back and forth, threatening to give way under the pressure of the slightest gust of wind. She bent over forward, with one arm dangling limp and low to the ground, where the sweat that dripped off her skin mixed with that which fell from her hair. Her chest rose and fell with every heaving breath she took. But still, her gaze never left Arvidsson. She had her locked in her sights - and she had vowed not to falter. Not here. Not now.

Bellowing out a battle cry, Ostberg dug her heels into the mat to steady her stance - and then she charged, barreling straight toward Arvidsson as fast as she could! Her steps were weary and plodding, and she teetered back and forth each time, threatening to topple over, but she wouldn't let that stop her now. As she came close, she drew her free arm back, attempting to swing it as hard as she could toward Arvidsson to try and hit a lariat! How hard or how fast she could manage such things was in question. Her body was lagging a step behind what her brain told it to do, and her body erupted with pain with every movement. But that didn't matter. She had to fight on. And if she needed to find new strength in order to keep herself fighting, she would do it.
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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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How are these two still able to move? Perhaps this was the main question that the audience was asking at the moment when both blondes were trying to get to their feet. Perhaps this match did not claim to be the longest match in the LAW history, but hardly anyone would question the intensity with which this match went from the first second after the bell rang. Both the champion and the contender attacked each other with extremely heavy moves, which left a huge number of bruises on them, not to mention that each of these moves took a lot of strength from them.

Wanting to support the fighters, the audience continued to shout their names. But although such emotional support was definitely pleasant for each of them, it, unfortunately, could not help to get rid of the pain or restore fuel in their tanks. When Astrid and her rival started to get to their feet, it looked like every bone in their bodies was broken. The Golden Dragon's biggest problem at that moment was her right arm, but Ostberg was also far from the first freshness, which led to the fact that it took them both some time to take an upright position.

It was a real test, accompanied by streams of sweat and gnashing joints, but Ostberg and Arvidsson were not going to give in to each other. Breaking through the pain and fatigue of their bodies, both women got to their feet. Clenching her fists, the Golden Dragon looked into her rival's eyes. It wasn't difficult for her to see that Ostberg was in as much pain as she was. But at the same time, her rival had a bright fire in her eyes. Ostberg longed for victory no matter what. Just like Astrid herself. Because of this, a slight smile appeared on the champion's face.

Even though her right arm was still shaking due to the damage she received, she slammed her right fist into her left palm. Like her opponent, she was ready to burn everything to the ground in order to retain the right to be called the champion at the end of the match. She knew from the very beginning that Ostberg would give her the toughest fight of her career. Her heart began to flutter in the very second when the musical theme of the contender swept through the arena. The Golden Dragon didn't know if Ostberg felt the same, but now, standing face to face, the descendant of the great Vikings felt real awe. They have already shown each other what they are capable of. But what will they show each other when they go beyond the limits of their capabilities?

Wanting to find out, Astrid rushed forward at the same time as her rival. Even though they were tired, they were approaching each other with more than impressive speed, which caused the audience to make a loud hum. The Golden Dragon focused on Ostberg. Even being overwhelmed with emotions, she knew that she had no right to make a mistake. For the last two rounds, it was her opponent who was in the leading position, which is why the champion's body received too much damage. If she remains number two in this round, too, then perhaps no motivation will help her avoid defeat.

"Steady... steady..." she mentally told herself several times.

Instead of attacking, Astrid decided to keep her cool and find out how exactly her opponent was going to attack. She received the answer at the moment when Ostberg stretched out her right arm to the side. Gritting her teeth, the Golden Dragon reacted to this almost automatically. She ducked, thereby removing her chest from the contender's line of attack.

However, if someone thought that she was going to continue running forward, then it was not so. Astrid knew that now was not the time to slow down the pace of the match. If she wants to win, she will have to act even if she has to exhaust all her remaining reserves. The Golden Dragon intended to press her shoulder against her opponent's stomach and at the same time put both hands on Ostberg's hips.

"AAAAARRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She roared.

Using Ostberg's momentum against her, Astrid was going to abruptly straighten up to her full height, while pushing her opponent up. Thus, she wanted to literally throw the contender into the air, even though it seemed to her that her muscles would burst because of this. It was painful, especially for her right arm, but Astrid decided everything for herself. She was determined to throw Ostberg into the air in order to put her on the shoulders in a fireman's carry position as a result. If she had succeeded, she would not have lost the momentum she received, instead immediately leaning back in order to fall on her back and drive the contender into the mat with the help of an outstanding pop-up Samoan drop!

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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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It was a testament to the endurance of these two women, and to their burning desire to succeed, that they had been able to keep at it for this long, defying every limit that the human body should've had. The trials and tribulations they had been through had worn on them, and they showed it in the wavering of their stances, the quivering of their muscles, and the pants and gasps that shook their bodies with every breath they took. But despite it all, both Astrids were still going. The match had ground on for what seemed, to them, like an eternity, and neither was in any mood to stop. To all those watching, meanwhile, the match could've taken place in the blink of an eye. Everyone was so swept up in the passion and the dedication on display from champion and challenger alike that they had gotten lost in the heat of the moment, and no one dared to look away even for a second!

Ostberg was feeling every bit of the effort she'd forced out of herself - the soreness in her muscles, and the popping of her joints whenever she moved so much as an inch; all of it made her face contort in a wince, reminding her that much more of the ravages she'd put herself through. But every time the pain threatened to slow her down, or freeze her in place, Ostberg shook it out of her head just as quickly. She couldn't let it hold her back; not now! She had set out to win this match, and to reclaim her former glory - to that end, she was going to do whatever she needed to. Even if it was forcing her sore muscles to carry her, as she yanked back at Arvidsson's chain, both pulling herself forward to steady herself on her feet and reeling her opponent toward her so that she could bring her just a little bit closer, if only so she wouldn't have to run quite as far. And carry her onward her sore muscles would - as she took off toward Arvidsson, bellowing out a battle cry!

The defiance and confidence in the champion's stance, and the smile on her face, spoke volumes. If Arvidsson was still capable of facing Ostberg with such fervor, then Ostberg still had miles to go before she put her down once and for all. But if that was what it'd take...that was a challenge she was willing to rise to. She put all her energy, all her adrenaline, and - most importantly - all her willpower into her stride as she closed in on her foe, prepared to land a lariat!

But it was just then that, in one swift motion, Arvidsson ducked under the blow - right as Ostberg's forearm cut through the air. When the former champion skidded to a stop, she looked on at what had happened with a gasp - her mouth hung open, and her eyes were glassy with disbelief. There was no way, she thought. With Arvidsson in the state she was in, she had no right to still be able to move as well as she could, such that she could duck under the path of an incoming clothesline so swiftly. But she had. And what she did next was even more impressive.

It seemed like barely a second later that Ostberg felt her opponent's hands come down on her hips, and her shoulder lean against her body. By the time she had looked down, Arvidsson had already shoved herself to her full height - and Ostberg was going along for the ride! The Norsewoman could feel her feet leave the mat - for those few split-seconds, she was airborne, with only Arvidsson connecting her to earth by way of the chain. At the sight that Arvidsson had been strong enough and firm enough to accomplish such a task, the whole arena had gone silent - they were just as astounded that the Golden Dragon had it in her as Ostberg was herself. When Arvidsson caught Ostberg a moment later, yanking her out of the air to bring her to her shoulders, the fans were just as impressed with how quick her reflexes could be even now. And when she proceeded to throw herself back, and hurl Ostberg straight downward, the former champion had been so blindsided by what her foe even had in her that she barely had the time to gasp.

The next thing Ostberg knew, the Samoan drop had connected. She crashed down onto her back with a seismic thud, the whole ring shaking under the impact. Her arms and legs kicked up into the air, and the smack of her body against the canvas was punctuated by a loud scream of pain, ripping whatever air she still had left in her from her lungs. For a moment, the sheer spectacle, the audacity, of Arvidsson's manuever was enough to leave everyone starstruck. But Ostberg's scream brought them all back down to reality - and served as a reminder of just how hard she could hit. A reminder that won an outpouring of cheers, as the stands once again erupted into life!
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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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It is extremely important for any fighter to be able to keep cool, especially in such a tense situation as this one. When Astrid and her rival got to their feet, the Golden Dragon was convinced that if she missed the contender's attack, then everything would be over for her. She had only one try to keep her chances of winning, and for that she needed not only to prevent Ostberg's attack from succeeding, but also to make sure that her own attack would be successful. Being under such emotional pressure, anyone can make a mistake. But Astrid had no right to make this mistake, so she tried to concentrate as much as possible at the moment when they rushed to each other.

If time has not stopped, then it has definitely slowed down. At least for the Golden Dragon. Whether it was an illusion or not, even the screams of the audience for her became quieter than a whisper. She could only hear her heartbeat. Approaching Ostberg, she wanted to wave her arm in order to try to send a blow to the face of the other blonde. Her instincts pushed her to attack because that was her style, it was no secret that the Golden Dragon is a destructive force, she always goes forward preferring attack rather than defense. But Astrid knew that this time she had to suppress her essence, her nature.

And her composure saved her.

Waiting for the moment when Ostberg revealed which attack she was going to use, the Golden Dragon was able to surprise both her opponent and the audience. Dodging the contender's arm, she threw Ostberg into the air and put her on the shoulders. Not more than a second after that, the ring shuddered, and the arena, immersed in silence, was again filled with deafening screams from the audience. Considering how exhausted the Golden Dragon was, her pop-up Samoan drop could be considered a real feat.

"Pha... pha... pha..." the blonde was breathing heavily, still lying on the mat and her opponent.

Even though each breath restored some of her strength, it burned her lungs. She would like to say that she was used to the pain in her body, but it was not so. Every time she found herself on the mat again, it became harder and harder for her to force herself to get to her feet. But not this time. This time she felt like she had a second wind. Having managed to cope with emotions, she caught her rival by surprise. She earned a chance to finish the match. The match that will definitely go down in history. This thought made Astrid clench her teeth and let out a wild growl.

Pushing off the mat, she rose to one knee and turned to face her opponent. Looking at Ostberg, she felt nothing but admiration, because this mighty woman was if not the strongest of those with whom the Golden Dragon fought, then was clearly at the first place with two other outstanding women from the list of Astrid's rivals. For good or not, but because of this the descendant of the great Vikings longed to win. Many people say that a victory is a victory regardless of the circumstances. But for Astrid Arvidsson, only winning matches like this mattered.

Driven by a passionate desire to win, the Golden Dragon intended to grab the metal chain and tightly wrap it around the neck of the contender several times. No, she wasn't going to strangle her, instead she intended to pull Ostberg up, forcibly lifting her to her feet. Realizing that something outstanding was coming, the audience began to increase the noise, calling on one Astrid to find the strength to finish it all and calling on the other Astrid to find the strength not to let it happen.

If her opponent had been sufficiently weakened, then with fire in her eyes, the Golden Dragon would have leaned forward, pressing her shoulders to the front of the contender, simultaneously grabbing her knee and elbow. Feeling her muscles burn, the descendant of the great Vikings let out a cry full of pain in order to release the emotions and tension accumulated inside her. Together with this cry, she was going to straighten up to her full height and thereby again lift her opponent onto the shoulders in a fireman's carry position.

No one would have a problem seeing how little strength the Golden Dragon had left by this point. Her arms and legs were shaking so much that it might have seemed that she would simply fall under the pressure of her opponent's weight. But her desire to keep the championship title was much stronger than the pain in her body. Taking a deep breath, Astrid tensed every muscle in her body and stopped trembling. After a brief glance at her friends in the front row, she bent her knees slightly.

The Golden Dragon intended to throw Ostberg's legs back and then jump up. Putting all her aspirations into this movement, she was going to throw her own legs forward in order to take a horizontal position. The last thing she had to do was grab the contender's head, gravity would do the rest. Yes, it was nothing else, but a fireman's carry cutter. Although, since Astrid stepped into the LAW ring, the audience has learned a different name for it. It was her finisher. The Jormungandr's mouth! Her opponent's neck was still wrapped in the metal chain, and the Golden Dragon hoped that this would finally be enough to break both Astrid Ostberg's body and spirit!

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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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By this point, the only fans who weren't cheering at the top of their lungs were the ones who were so astounded by the strength and endurance on display from both of these women as to be stunned into silence. It was simply incredible - it was practically superhuman - what these two were capable of achieving! But when there was so much that hung in the balance - glory, dignity, the chance to prove onesself - it was all enough to move them to feats that not even they thought should've been possible. With how heavy Ostberg was to begin with, to say nothing about the weight of fatigue setting into her body, it seemed unbelievable that Arvidsson should have been able to lift her up and toss her into the air. Even Ostberg herself was amazed, as she felt herself sailing skyward before coming down with a thud on top of the canvas. Arvidsson couldn't possibly have been able to do such a thing - especially not now! Yet, that was exactly what was happening - and Ostberg was watching it all unfold, up close and personal!

When she came down against the mat, Ostberg could feel the aftershock of the impact rattle her whole body. A tremble went up her spine, and a loud cough drove the air from her lungs before she began to sank lower into the canvas, dazed and breathless. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her chest rose and fell with hoarse, rasping gasps. By all means, Ostberg had already taken a brutal amount of punishment.

And Arvidsson still wasn't done.

Shaken as she was, the challenger could barely even feel it as Arvidsson began to wound the chain around her neck, encircling it once, then twice, and then again. Everything was dark and numb, and the world was spinning. But when she felt the cold steel digging deeper into her throat, a stir went through her body, her muscles twitching and spasming as she sat up straighter with a gurgle trickling out from her throat. She tried to reach up to grab onto the chains and pull them free - but by that point, Arvidsson had already given a sharp tug upward, lifting the former Heavyweight Champion up onto her feet. Her body bent back in an arc, and she shuddered from the growing pressure - but with another strong pull, Arvidsson was still able to scoop her up off her feet, lifting her into the air once again, and onto her shoulders!

For a moment, a few people doubted if Arvidsson would even be able to keep her grip. The fact that Arvidsson was able to carry a woman as large as Ostberg was, as weary and spent as her own body was, was nothing short of incredible. Every fan in the arena was watching with rapt anticipation as to what could possibly come next. And when Arvidsson, despite the incredible weight bearing down on her, managed to jump up in the air, causing Ostberg's head to be hurled downward into the canvas, it was a feat so incredible that the whole arena burst into cheers and applause! Borne by the momentum, Ostberg's face fell flat against the mat, where it landed with the sound of a smack - and as she reeled, the chain only dug deeper into her neck, making her gag and sputter. Her legs began to twitch and her hips bucked as the aftershocks rippled through her body. But when they stopped, all she could do was slump against the mat, her body deflating with the sound of a wheeze choked out by the chain. Being hit by Jormungandr's Mouth could have taken the wind out of anyone - and with Ostberg's neck wrapped up in the chain, the air was already being squeezed out of her lungs! Now, her body was heavy, and her vision blurred in a haze. Even her desperate breaths had slowed. Ostberg had already defied the odds many a time in this match alone - could she get out of this one?
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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Perhaps it would not be a lie to say that for the Golden Dragon it was the longest and hardest preparation for using her finisher. There is nothing surprising in the fact that towards the end of the match, the fighter has so little strength left that almost any movement requires a lot of effort. Viewers and fans have seen many times how the descendant of the great Vikings finds extra strength literally out of nowhere in order to make the last move. But there was no doubt that it had never been so hard for her as when she lifted Ostberg on her shoulders.

Even the most ardent fans of pro wrestling, who saw many amazing moments, could not contain their emotions at the moment when the champion was able to stand on her feet under the weight of her opponent. Trembling like an aspen leaf, she showed real strength of spirit, which the audience met with stormy shouts. But nothing could compare to the noise that filled everything around at the moment when she jumped up and grabbed the contender's head. Despite the fact that this was not the only finisher in her arsenal, it was this movement that brought her the most victories. It was this movement that helped her pave the way to the championship title. And it was this movement that she intended to use in order to prove to everyone that she was worthy of being the one who would take the top of LAW.

When both women collapsed on the mat, the ring shuddered with such force that some might even think that this structure would fall apart. And although this did not happen, no one doubted that it was impossible to cope with the damage that passed through Ostberg's body. The heads of both blondes were very close to each other. And although the Golden Dragon greedily took deep breaths through her mouth, this did not prevent her from hearing the gurgling sounds that Ostberg made.

Perhaps it might seem too harsh or even unfair to someone that Astrid used the chain around her opponent's neck in order to strengthen her finisher. However, the Golden Dragon's position on this issue remained unchanged. By agreeing to this match, they both had every right to use the metal chain as they pleased. In addition, despite the fact that it was certainly very harsh and even cruel, Astrid did not think that using the chain in this way was something mean.


She could no longer restrain her tired groans. So Astrid didn't even try to keep her mouth shut the moment she turned to her rival. Due to fatigue, her vision was blurry, but this did not prevent her from seeing that Ostberg, lying face down, was twitching slightly. Because of this, the blonde felt a prick in the heart area. They say that there is no place for mercy and compassion in the ring. However, even though it was a title match, Astrid was still a human being. Yes, more than anything she wanted to win, but that doesn't mean she enjoyed being so tough with her opponent.

After Ostberg's head fell to the mat from a height of almost two meters, the chain around her neck loosened. And perhaps it was at this moment that those present in the arena could see that hardcore does not always mean meanness. Right now, the Golden Dragon had the opportunity to grab the chain, press her knee to her opponent's back, and then start strangling her and thereby make sure that Ostberg would not open her eyes again in this match. This would certainly have been met with booing from the audience, but Astrid was sure that many in her place would justify it with the classic position of "victory is victory".

The Golden Dragon didn't want to be such a champion.

She reached for the contender's head in order to remove the chain from her neck and only after that she intended to grab Ostberg's shoulder to push her and turn her over on her back. Throwing her leg over the body of her rival, the Norwegian woman was just going to lie down on the contender. Due to the fact that Ostberg and Arvidsson had a fairly identical physique, almost every part of their bodies fit perfectly together. Thighs to thighs, belly to belly, breasts to breasts. Someone could even try to find something intimate in this, because only a blind person would not see how sexy two sweaty exhausted women can be, clinging to each other. However, the Golden Dragon did so only because at that moment she was so tired that she was not sure that grabbing Ostberg's leg under her knee would do her any good. Pressing her forehead to the mat to the right of her opponent's head, she involuntarily began to breathe heavily near the other blonde's ear. It wasn't hard to guess what she was waiting for.

"ONE!" Echoed through the arena like thunder.

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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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The fact that Arvidsson had even been able to pull off the feats of strength she'd put on display was an accomplishment in and of itself. By all accounts, this was a match that should have ended ages ago, with the two competitors' bodies breaking down under the pressure they were putting on themselves to push through and succeed. Already, they were asking a lot of themselves, in going up against opponents as accomplished as they were and knowing they would need to not just match, but surpass their rivals' respective skills. But even though everyone's expectations could only be astronomical, somehow, both Ostberg and Arvidsson had been able to excede them. They had put each other through moves too devastating to possibly comprehend, several times over. And even when their bodies were bending and breaking beneath the strain they put on one another, they were still going - and still pushing the envelope to lengths no one could ever have imagined!

When Ostberg came down against the mat, the whole ring shook. Her body fell like a lead weight, heavy and unmoving. With the chain digging deep into her neck, the last gasps of air had been wrung from her lungs; for a brief few seconds as she came crashing down, her vision went black. Even when consciousness began to come back to her, the world was hazy and distant, and everything felt like it was spinning. This was far from the first such fall Ostberg had taken, in this match alone - but that was the problem. Her body had been stretched to its limits; she'd already taken several moves that would have surely knocked out a woman less capable and less dedicated than she was. All of that pressure was starting to add up. The question on anyone's minds right now wasn't even about which Astrid would win - it was whether or not either of them could even move at the end of it all. Certainly, though, the match couldn't go on much longer. After all the two heavyweights had subjected each other to, there was no way. Even Arvidsson was beginning to flag under the weight of her own fatigue. Could she even finish the fight? Perhaps now was the best chance she had. If she didn't take Ostberg out now...could she even manage to top what she'd just done? Would her own body allow her to?

It was at that moment that Arvidsson released the chain, rolling Ostberg on her back. The Norsewoman's head was limp against the mat; her eyes were rolled back in her head, and her brow was traced with sweat. Her chest rose and fell slowly, and her fingertips barely even twitched from where her limbs splayed out limp at her sides. But now, Ostberg's airways were freed. Little by little, her breaths began to speed up - the rise and fall of her chest quickened and grew deeper. Now, she had a chance to bring the oxygen back to her weary muscles. But with Arvidsson already on top of her for the pin...would it be enough?


Ostberg's eyes fluttered back to life, then. She blinked a few times, and her gaze began to focus in on the lights shining down from her from above - and on the form of her opponent, pressed as tightly as it was against her. Ostberg could feel the weight that had set in to Arvidsson's body. She could feel the heat that was radiating from her skin, and the slickness of her sweat dripping from every pore. But that was enough to remind her that, no matter how strong and tough Arvidsson was proving to be...she wasn't invincible. She could still get tired; she was getting tired, burning through her stamina quicker than ever. Ostberg's thoughts flashed back to a moment before, when she had pondered if Arvidsson even had it in her to stay on her feet much longer. After the feats she'd just performed, she had to be on her last gasps, and she couldn't possibly surpass what she'd already achieved!

Ostberg, too, had an opportunity. Arvidsson was tired, now. She would be...perhaps vulnerable was the wrong word, but no one could deny that Ostberg had a chance. Not only was Arvidsson's stamina dwindling, Ostberg could feel her own growing with every breath she took in. With each passing second, the chances of success seemed greater and greater. And if that was the case...she needed to make her move, now!

When Ostberg looked back at the referee, she could see the hand raise for the final count, and begin to come down. Her heart quickened - she only had seconds to act, and it was anyone's guess if she was even strong enough to. But if she didn't try now, she wouldn't have another chance! With Arvidsson's face mere inches from her own, Ostberg could feel the warmth of her breath against her skin. And even when she could only manage a whisper...Arvidsson would surely hear what she said.

"If I can breathe...I can fight-!"

"THR-NO!!" At the last second, Ostberg had put all the strength she had into her muscles, and used that strength to push her shoulder just a fraction of an inch off the ground! It was barely enough for even the closest observer to see. But it was enough to break the pin!
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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

Unread post by skip-stop »

Being exhausted, Astrid did absolutely nothing after lying down on her rival. Her body was tightly pressed against the body of the contender, but she did absolutely nothing to ensure that this pin could be called reliable. And although it was primarily due to her fatigue, the Golden Dragon was really convinced that this would be end. Not because of pride and blind faith that no one is able to withstand her finisher, not at all. It's just that after everything they've put each other through... THIS MUST BE END.


When the Golden Dragon heard this, her heart seemed to stop. Quite involuntarily, but she even stopped breathing. It was no secret to anyone that one of the features of the descendant of the great Vikings was that she was able to keep cool even despite her rather ardent temperament. However, no composure could help her at that moment. It happened to her quite rarely, but this was one of those cases. Through the smell of sweat, she seemed to feel the taste of victory. Astrid has always adhered to the principle that victory comes only after the bell rings. But this feeling drugged her and she could hardly be blamed considering how much effort she gave in this match. One more count and she will become a full-fledged champion.

The intoxicating anticipation of victory was replaced by bitterness in the mouth and cold on the back. The reason for this was the barely audible whisper of her rival. No. It just can't be. However, before the Golden Dragon fully realized this, Ostberg jerked violently to the side. The descendant of the great Vikings closed her eyes for a second, and when she opened them, she found herself lying on her back. She has come a long and hard way, fighting many amazing women, the audience saw on her face both great joy and deep sadness. But now they could see what they had never seen before. Astrid's face was frozen with an expression of true shock.

"By the Gods..." she croaked, barely moving her lips.

"ONLY TWO!!!!!!"

The roar of the audience made it clear to the champion that what was happening was real. She wasn't used to giving in to emotions, but at that moment she wanted to start tearing her hair out. She respected her rival immensely. And she was glad that she had the opportunity to fight the legendary Astrid Ostberg in such a significant match. However, now the blonde was on the verge of despair. If even after all the contender was able to break the pin, then how can the Golden Dragon win? The question was a lump in Astrid's throat.

"If I can breathe... I can fight..." she mentally repeated the words of her rival.

Should she really have grabbed the chain instead of a pin attempt and tried to strangle Ostberg to complete unconsciousness? Of course, there was no guarantee that it would work, but now it seemed more than a working option. It would be mean, but it could possibly bring her victory. The thought of it made Astrid feel disgusted with herself. No. If this was the only way to keep her championship title, then she is unworthy of it.

The last time she felt something like this was during a match against Kanata. Even when they were both exhausted, that veteran kept breaking pin after pin. At that time, the Golden Dragon felt exactly the same despair as now. Doubts lead to defeat, so she never allowed herself to doubt. However, at a certain point she thought that she simply had no chance of winning. So how did she win that match? The descendant of the great Vikings came to the conclusion that she and Kanata are equal in every sense, including willpower. Therefore, in order to defeat her equal opponent, Astrid took a step forward and became stronger right during the match.

She intended to do the same now.

The truth was hidden from her, but it was impossible to ignore the possibility that Ostberg had broken the pin thanks to the last drop of her strength. If that really was the case, then it was all just to make the Golden Dragon start doubting. No. That's not going to happen. And even if she is going to lose at the end of the match, it is definitely not because she has lost faith in herself. All her life she went forward without any doubts in her heart. And today is not the day when her fighting spirit will be shaken.

Gritting her teeth, Astrid intended to turn to the side, simultaneously rising to one knee. If Ostberg used the last drop of her strength to break this pin, then the champion had the opportunity to finish it all with one last move. She intended to reach out to the shoulder and head of the contender. Puffing like a steam locomotive, she was going to pull Ostberg up to force her to take more or less vertical position.

Without letting go of the other blonde's head, Astrid wanted to place it between her legs and then lean forward to wrap her arms around Ostberg's waist. If her guess was correct, then only one effort separated her from victory. Which means she has no right to screw up. Uttering a roar filled with pain, the Golden Dragon was going to pull the contender up to lift her over the mat and put her on the shoulders. If she had succeeded, then literally in the same second the Golden Dragon would have done the diametrically opposite action, namely, she would have directed her opponent's body down to drive her into the mat with a sit-out powerbomb!

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Re: Main Event: Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Astrid Ostberg for the LAW World Openweight Championship

Unread post by CaptainL »

Ostberg could hear the explosion of cheers that rang through the arena the moment it was announced she had kicked out. She could hear Arvidsson's gasp, and she saw the look of pure shock on her face as she was left aghast that escape was even possible. By all possible metrics it shouldn't have been possible - not after the former Heavyweight Champion had been through the grueling gauntlet she had, and with every ounce of her energy drained not only by the beatdowns she'd received but also from the Herculean effort it took to keep her head up and to keep fighting. And yet, she had done it - she'd escaped. Yet no matter how impressive an accomplishment it was, there wasn't a hint of smugness or self-satisfaction on the Norsewoman's face. Her brow was still running with sweat, and her eyes were still sunken and dull. Ostberg might have escaped now, and that in and of itself might have been a commendable feat, but the match wasn't over yet. And she couldn't let herself be satisfied until it was!

It was only stiffly and slowly that Ostberg was able to move at all, but little by little she brought her elbows behind her, planting them against the mat and using them to push herself higher - just enough to lift her head off the ground. Her head was throbbing, yes, and her vision was blurry, but in that moment, Ostberg made a pledge to herself. She wasn't even going to think about the aches that wracked her body, or the pain she was in. She couldn't. That was just going to hold her back - and this was a time where every thought and every effort had to be focused solely on pushing forward. She couldn't think any more. She had to act. All in the service of victory. As long as she still moved, and as long as she could still draw breath, she'd do whatever it took.

She felt Arvidsson lift her higher, raising her to her feet. She felt the pressure of her thighs close in around her temples, and she felt how her weight left the canvas just a second later as Arvidsson brought her onto her shoulders. She winced a little as she found herself in her opponent's strong arms, knowing now she was at her mercy. But she felt the fatigue in Arvidsson's grip too, and the way her arms shuddered and buckled to lift such a weight. Her own words were echoing in her head now. If she could breathe, she could fight. She still had a chance. Arvidsson was struggling, too. She wasn't invincible. She could still be broken!

It was in that moment - with that gasp of desperation - that Ostberg realized she could turn this around. Arvidsson was holding her up, and she was draped over her shoulders. But the weight had set into Ostberg's body, and with Arvidsson's stability as compromised as it was, all it would take was the right push in the right direction to bowl it over. The Norsewoman had a plan - and as long as it would get her closer to victory, she would take it!

Sucking down a gulp, Ostberg leaned over to try and roll off of Arvidsson's shoulders before she could hit the powerbomb! If all went well, she would land just behind the champion. And that would put her legs within reach - and Ostberg would swing her arms back behind her to grab hold of them at the same time she pushed herself to her feet, letting her adrenaline fuel her forward as she tried to hoist her foe up with her! If she could get Arvidsson off the ground, Ostberg would have her draped over her shoulders, holding onto her legs - and she'd use those legs to swing her overhead to drive her back against the mat with an Alabama Slam! Without letting go of her legs, she would then lean forward to bring her weight down over Arvidsson, holding her shoulders to the mat for a jackknife pin!
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