An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

Unread post by MapleR »

To say he was a bit confused would be an understatement.

Mystery opponents were typically a game only played on the audience, this was something he had been told by his friend who had been more into the scene than Rev ever had been, even after joining LAW. It was for practical reasons, mostly, and Rev could understand that.

So when, all of a sudden and not that long after his match with Gohan, he found himself, without even a discussion, booked for another match, an "I Quit" match, and he wasn't so much as allowed even a hint as to whom his opponent could possibly be...well, he had showed up partially because of how curious the whole situation was. He had talked to his friends about it before hand, and none of them really had any clue what to make of it either. Maybe LAW was just weird like that? Initially he had assumed maybe he'd finally be facing a woman, and they wanted to hide that, but the fact that hentai was allowed put the kibosh on that real quick. He'd been pretty clear about what he wouldn't do in his contract. So it had to be a man. A mystery man, one he wasn't allowed to know about.

...well, he suppose it couldn't be helped.

His typical stoic demeanor hid his confusion and curiosity well, and he even allowed himself a smile. At the end of the was pretty exciting. Standing in the middle of the ring in his bright red bell bottoms and orange cloth belt, Rev had his arms folded over his broad chest. To the audience, it probably looked like he was confident, but truly, Rev was staring at the arena entrance, anticipating getting a good look at his opponent the moment he arrived.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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And a good look at his opponent is exactly what he got. Coming out from behind the curtain marched an imposing figure; His beefy muscles accentuated heavily by his lack of clothing asides from a tight pair of trunks and a black mask covering his entire head~
Bill the Crusher was a extremely straightforward man. Despite his mask not allowing him to show any expression, it was very easy to tell what he wanted and he was not shy to keep it a secret. His head facing the ring, he spent very little time waiting before he began thunderously marching down the ramp. Approaching the side of the ring, he clambered onto the apron and lifted his leg high to cross over the top rope. As his left foot touched down onto the canvas, his extremely prominent crotch slid against the top rope before he lifted his other leg and planted both his feet in the ring.

Staring down his opponent, Bill could see the target of his punishment. He was also a extremely well built man, with flowing pink locks and a strong upper body. Informed beforehand of his opponents Mute condition; Bill stepped in close, maintaining his broad intimidating stance before speaking down to him in a low tone through his mask.

"Management thinks you went too far in your last match. You forced your opponent into a Hentai match and now you are being forced into one with me. I'm going to fold you like a pretzel."

All Rev could see was Bill's expressionless mask speaking to him like he was listing off a statement of facts rather than any sort of threat or promise. Bill kept his wide composure and watched for Rev's reaction; patiently waiting for the match to begin.
Last edited by Lycanstar on Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:37 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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Before the man even spoke, Rev's demeanor changed. His eyes widened and he gawked at the man who was going to be his opponent. The way Bill stood there, Rev found himself actually shrinking away for a moment.

Rev was not a short man, by any stretch of the imagination. He'd been 6'8 since his freshman year of highschool, and before today, he'd only met one person who had been taller than him.

And, frankly, even the fact that this person was taller than his current opponent didn't change how utterly flabbergasted he was that they managed to book him a match with a guy his size. He looked to be a bit lighter, though his body less impressive. Rev,recovering from the initial shock, found himself drinking in the sight of Bill's musculature, his beautifully tight trunks, as he listened to the man speak...and then his brain caught up with it.

And Rev...stepped forward until his own massive pecs were pressed against Bill's and rolled his hips against his opponent's as well, wearing a confidently audacious grin and a quirked eyebrow. His opponent's stance and tone of voice made sense now, but he'd be damned if he allowed himself to be intimidated by something like this.

He could already tell this was going to be painful match. And frankly, he found himself excited at the prospect of fighting someone who seemed to be on his level for once.

The bell rang.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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*Ding Ding*

Staring down at his opponent, Bill could see the expression of shock that followed him his entire way into the ring turn to an audacious grin. Rev thought he would be able to go against the punishment that was coming his way; but Bill had no reservations about his intentions. With his opponents body pushing directly against Bill's, he slowly took his meaty hands and wrapped one around Rev's waist and the other under his armpit and gripped the back of his shoulder.

Bill dug his fingers into Rev's meaty skin and still standing like a statue, pressed Rev's body even tighter against his, maintaining the dead stare from his mask directly into the eyes of his opponent. The longer he stared the tighter he gripped Rev's body, and he could feel their skin pressing hard against each other as he looked to start this match off with his own intimate test of strength!
Last edited by Lycanstar on Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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Rev found himself enjoying the skin to skin contact, his nipples rubbing against Bill's as his opponent forced the two of them together. The sensation sent a thrill up his spine, and he pressed his forehead against the man's mask, staring into it with fearless eyes.

All the same, he met the challenge, hooking one of his arms under his opponent's and grabbing onto the back of Bill's muscular shoulder. His other hand moved around slapped down onto Bill's ass, giving it a harsh spank before groping it roughly, a mark of what was going to befall Bill himself as the match continued. He too pulled them closer to together, grinding his groin against Bill's considerably less covered one as he did so.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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Bill felt Rev challenging his grip as he gripped Bill's body in a similar fashion, first on his shoulder and then with a hard slap against Bill's ass~ to which the only reply was the reverberations against his skin and a slight shuddering of his hips. Bill's complete lack of reaction was intentional, he did not care what Rev thought he would be able to do with his actions as Bill's dominant grip became over stronger over Rev's body.

Feeling Rev's groin rub up against Bill's thinly covered trunks only fuelled the flames of his competitive grip further as he moved both his hands around Rev's back and locked them in place, attempting to start a bearhug by compressing his spine!

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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The lack of reaction was something Rev noticed, and he couldn't help but be a bit amused. Truly, this was a match between the silent giants. Though admittedly, this only excited Rev more, as the idea of forcing sounds from his deliberately stoic opponent entered his mind...

...though that thought was out on the back burner as his spine was suddenly on fire and thanks to the bear hug. He gasped, gritting his teeth as he fought through the initial pain. Glaring at Bill, Rev attempted put his hands on either side of his opponent's mask covered face and go for an eye gouge, forcing his thumbs into where he ASSUMED his opponent's eyes were.

Bill was going to learn that fighting with Rev would not be an easy win, Rev would make sure of it.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

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Gripping Rev's spine, Bill watched as his expression turned from a cocky grin to shock as their bodies became closer than ever! Finally he could see a unsure and pained expression in the silent mans face as Bill started taking full control, his deep breaths sounding more and more pleased as he continued... Until Rev in a panic gripped Bill's mask and attempted to press his thumbs into Bill's eyes!

The discomfort of having the material of his mask pressing so hard against his eyelids began to dull Bill's grip~ Trying to fight through the pain, his grip on Rev strengthened briefly as the discomforted groans from his mask became more and more prominent... Until he felt the nerves pressing too hard, forcing him to release Rev from his hold!

"Mmmh... ahh... That was dirty."

Bill stumbled back as Rev's hands lowered from his face and took a minute to collect himself; Bill was so caught up in pressing into his Opponent he lost sense of his own vulnerability! Standing a few feet away from Rev, Bill rubbed at his eyes attempting to ease the pressure that was put on them as he emanated deep groans of pain and stood completely exposed to his opponent!
Last edited by Lycanstar on Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

Unread post by MapleR »

Rev gave an innocent whistle in response to the, quite accurate, accusation. Being let go alleviated the pain in his back, although he had a feeling he'd have to get used to such a sensation as the match continued on.

Still, his opponent was currently occupied, and Rev was hardly one to let such an opportunity slip him by. He closed the gap created by Bill dropping the hold, and he wrapped his hands around Bill's prominent package, giving them an amorous grope before squeezing his opponent's balls without an ounce of mercy. His other hand wrapped around his opponent's beefy neck, squeezing him in two vital areas at once in a single hand choke and crotch claw.
Last edited by MapleR on Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An I Quit Match with Two Giants: Rev Citrine vs Bill The Crusher

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Bill's recovery was short lived as he felt Rev beginning to get more acquainted with the giant. Shaking his head, Bill regained his sight just in time to look down at Rev Squeezing his package! Bill stared down at Rev's actions with his expressionless mask, his body language not indicating a single emotion~ Until Rev used his other hand to start choking Bill!

Feeling the tightness of his grip around his package as well as his neck; Bill's breathing became heavier and more pronounced, but doing his best to not give Rev the satisfaction of a reaction; maintaining his statue-like composition. Simply standing in place and letting him work, Rev's squeezing and movements against his package started to give Bill a different sensation~ The pain and teasing combined with the tight grip on his throat made Bill lean in closer to Rev, politely lowering his head to give him better leverage against the masked giant.

Bill's thighs began to shudder and his breathing became heavier, he had to do something to counter Rev and fast. Bill shakily lifted up his thick arms and attempted to grip both hands around Rev's throat. He looked to wrap his meaty fingers around and squeeze down hard, looking to muster enough strength to cause Rev to lose his grip as he felt the pressure against his testicles and throat get sharper and sharper...

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