Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
With another day came another opportunity for Ashley Daniels - and in this case, she was heading into another match in her burgeoning singles career. While her disastrous match with Kayla Grant against the Kiyoko Sisters was still fairly fresh in her mind - and it was one that made her skin crawl just thinking about it; the aches and pains she was left with were going to be hard to forget, to say nothing about the damage that had been done to her trust in her friend - she was at least determined to do better this time around. She'd had the time to heal and to keep up with her training, and now that she found herself heading into another match, she was determined to put her best foot forward - to show the world she wasn't done for just yet! Besides, from what she'd picked up about her next opponent, she was going up against some prissy fashion designer, who apparently spent as much time dancing around the ring as she did actually fighting. If that was the case, this was going to be a snap - and Ashley could only snicker to herself at the thought of how her next opponent was going to contend with her willingness to rub her dominance in her face. Sometimes quite literally.

"Coming first to the ring, from Santa Monica, California! At 5'4, weighing 118 pounds, ASH DANIELS!!"
"HEEEELL YEAH!!" With a grin on her face, Ash threw up the sign of the horns as she came through the curtains, already banging her head along to the music. She made sure to slap plenty of high-fives with the fans on the way down to the ring, and as she arrived at the apron, she dove under the bottom ropes to get inside, where she stood up and dusted herself off. A party girl at heart, Ash was always eager to live it up and show off to the fans, and here, she was out to prove she still had it.
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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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Anna was hoping that in this match she wouldn't find another angry one, because her debut was just a raging bull charging at her all the time! She was choosing her attire for this match, her closet was full of attires that as always she couldn't choose! But she decided to try a new one just for this occasion.

"This one should be good!" (Questa dovrebbe andare bene!) She picked a white one this time but as always she was letting her opponent wait too much.. so much that the staff had to call her.. again. "I'M READY!" (SONO PRONTA!) She got a bit pissed but got out of the locker to go into the arena.. her cheerful music kicked in and she came out dancing as usual! "Hi people! It's me again! Your favourite dancer!" (Ciao a tutti! Sono di nuovo io! La vostra danzatrice preferita!)
Anna slipped in the ring fastly and approached Ash to greet her hoping that this time she wouldn't have just another angry one that would immediately try to smash her! "Hi babe! I'm Anna nice to meet you!" (Ciao bella! Sono Anna piacere di conoscerti!) She said extending her hand in sign of respect.
Last edited by Albentes on Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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With Anna making her entrance, Ashley had the opportunity to size her opponent up and to see what might lie ahead for her. She definitely seemed like an interesting one. The first thing that caught her attention was the bright, bubbly attitude with which the purple-haired girl came down the ramp, waving and cheering to the fans all the while. It did make her bite at the inside of her cheek with a grumble as she called herself "your favorite dancer" - was this girl trying to steal the attention away from Ash herself? - but she wouldn't let that bother her for long. At the end of the day, Ash was a girl who liked to have fun - and Anna looked like she was going to be a fun opponent. She could definitely appreciate the kindred spirits she saw in her. At the very least, she was sure it was going to be more pleasant an experience than the Kiyoko Sisters had been.

When Anna came to meet Ash face to face in the ring, the redhead only flashed a brighter grin at the eagerness she saw in her foe. "Yooo! Let's have a great match, okay?" she cheered, holding her hand out for a high-five. If Anna took her up on the offer, Ash would grab her hand for a firm shake - though all the same, she leaned in a little closer with a cocky grin on her face.

"...even if you are totally about to go down.~"
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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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Anna saw her cute opponent and this time it seemed not an angry one but a nice one finally. She saw her a bit disturbed by the fact she was "stealing" her attention?
"Don't worry dear i will give you a match you will remember! <3" Anna with a smile accepted the high five and went for a test of strenght with Ash but something happened.

She heard the Ash words: "...even if you are totally about to go down" That caught her off guard and gave Ash and advantage into the contest! "Wait! Nghhh!!!" Anna was caught a bit by surprise and now was on her knee against her cute opponent! "That's a little sneaky!" She pouted making a cute face while she was pushed a bit, it seemed she took a like for her opponent who was totally different from the one she had before. "Quite competitive are we?" Anna said with a smile but she didn't want to go down this fast, so she started to push her way in to get even again with Ash or maybe pushing her more!
Last edited by Albentes on Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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As soon as the bell rang, Ash was off. A smirk came across her face. The setup couldn't have worked out any better for her purposes! It seemed that Anna wasn't prepared for her little quip, and that had been enough to make her let down her guard. That could only work out even better for the Californian, especially when she already had her opponent by the hand. It didn't take long for her to leverage that point of connection into a firm push against Anna's wrist to steer her back - and that threatened to take the purple-haired girl off her balance, causing her to fall to one knee!

Ashley could only snicker to Anna's response - and even when the Italian tried to call her out, she just tilted her head with a coy wink. "Ya think so? Ohhh, you haven't seen nothing yet..." So far, she saw no reason to doubt her initial impressions. This was going to be fun.

As she fought her way to her feet, Anna had begun to push back up against Ash to try and take back some ground, and at first it made the redhead stagger back a few steps. But Ash wasn't going to wait to start taking her momentum back. Still holding onto Anna's wrist, she would suddenly pull forward to try to reel her in closer - and there, she would kick her knee up from the mat to drive it upward into Anna's gut, hoping to run her into the path of the rising strike!
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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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"OOFFF!! That hurts nghh.. Time to start dancing!" (Fa male... nghh Tempo di ballare!) Anna took the knee, it hurted but not so hard to going down on the mat, so she decided to respond with the same thing Ash did but without holding any spare strenght! "Ok you little girl! Now we will dance to this stage! Take my knee too!" (Ok ragazzina adesso balleremo in questo stadio! Prenditi la mia ginocchiata!)

If Anna knee managed to push Ash away she would start dancing around the californian girl to confuse her a bit, after all her style was dancing blows to confuse the opponents with quick strikes and kicks to wear them down. "Yea yea ya!! Come on!" (Andiamo!!)
Anna speed feats weren't to understimate, she was very quick and if her strikes would connect, she would try to punch Ash with some jabs to take advantage... Ash had to be careful!

"I like your spirit! But you need to be a less cocky let's have fun instead!" (Mi piace il tuo spirito! ma devi essere meno atteggiosa, divertiamoci insieme!)
Last edited by Albentes on Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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Ash grinned a little to herself, pleased with the results of her handiwork as her knee slammed into Anna's midsection. A promising start to the match, she noted with a nod of her head. But Anna was going to come back swinging too - and she soon fired off a knee of her own! Taking it in the gut, Ashley's teeth clenched in a wince, and she bent forward, grabbing at her side to try and dull the pain. She began to sink a little bit lower to the ground - but when she looked up, all she saw was Anna dancing around her in circles! And when she did, her eyes narrowed into a glare!

"Hey-!" Ash almost didn't believe what she was seeing at first. Anna looked as though she wasn't even the least bit concerned with the match, and that she had such little regard for her opponent that she felt she could get away with breaking into an impromptu dance routine! Ash might've been a fun-loving spirit herself, but she had a hot temper too, and she didn't like to be mocked - which, to her, was surely what Anna was doing right now! "That's not funny-!! Quit it!"

But Anna had more than just throwing out taunts on her mind - and Ash would learn that the hard way, as she started throwing fists in her direction! The first blow caught her off-guard, causing the redhead to fall back gasping and sputtering as she bent inward from the shot. She winced from the pain - but when she looked back up, it was with a deep breath, as she resolved she wasn't going to make a mistake like that again! This time, as Anna's punches came near, Ashley would try to swerve from side to side to dodge. And if she could get a good shot at Anna's arm, she'd reach out to grab it - and, if all went well, to pull back on it as she forced her way back to her feet, hoping the leverage would be enough to trip Anna up with an arm drag!
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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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"Woah!!! Ugh!" Anna was launched from the armdrag but managed to get up and take some distance, It seems Her dancing pissed off Ash a Little but Ash didnt know that dancing was Her combat style! So She started to do It again but this time She was more focussed and would go for Quick kicks to Ash sides and midsection! "You think im doing It for piss you off? No,its my style of fighting! Don't get angry... Not you too!" (pensi io stia facendo questo per farti arrabbiare?no è il mio stile di combattimento! Non ti arrabbiare... Non pure tu!)
Anna remeber Her last match against an angry opponent and It wasn't a pleasant experience... So She hoped It wouldn't go like that again..
Last edited by Albentes on Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:22 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

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When Ash pulled back at Anna's arm, it was enough to shift the Italian's center of balance, causing her to drop down to the mat. For a few seconds, that was enough to bring a satisfied smile to the redhead's face, knowing that she had managed to keep her opponent under control. But any satisfaction Ashley might've felt was doomed to be short-lived, when Anna sprung herself right back onto her feet just a moment later, showing the deft footwork she had on her side! Ash groaned in disappointment for a moment, but that too would be cut short, when Anna threw a couple of kicks at her sides - each one landing with a smack, sending the Californian turning to one side and then the other as she went staggering away!

Faced with such offense from her foe, Ash had no choice but to let go of Anna's arm, and she hung back to rub at her sides, panting for breath. It looked like a frontal assault was just going to put her into the line of fire. But if Anna was quick on her feet, she reminded herself, so was she - and she was going to use that to her advantage! Taking in a breath, Ash ran backward into the ropes, leaning in against them to stretch them behind her back, before she let them spring her toward Anna, her legs kicking out into the air in front of her as she attempted to slam into her with a dropkick! She could only hope she'd be quicker than Anna herself...
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Re: Ash Daniels vs. Anna D'Amore

Unread post by Albentes »

"??? Anna was sadly for Ash quick enough to dodge to the side and just let her opponent falling on the ground so she could take her legs and flip Ash to lock her into a boston crab! "You are fast dear but i'm slightly faster! (Sei veloce cara, ma io sono leggeremente più veloce!) Anna said while locking her unlucky opponent into a boston crab!

"Now i know you won't give up just yet, but let's see how much you can resist!" (Adesso so che non cederai presto ma vediamo quanto puoi resistere!) Anna was stretching her opponent legs to her maximum extent to do as much damage as possible before Ash could reach the ropes! "I acknowledge your try to dropkick me that was bold!" (Riconosco il tuo tentativo di colpirmi con un dropkick, è stato audace!) Anna complimented her opponent while doing her submission because she was competitive and she liked it, she would hope that this match could last long so they could go for they full strenghts extent!
Last edited by Albentes on Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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