Sieg Drache Vs Harmony Salgwyne Last Standing Match

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Sieg Drache Vs Harmony Salgwyne Last Standing Match

Unread post by Harmony »

Harmony was preparing to face a man calling himself Sieg Drache, She barely researched her existence

Why do research on someone who is one of the Lion Program ? Someone who is part of the blues, it's just easy money in her eyes

But she likes to be a crowd pleaser so she decided to ask the staff if it was possible to make this match more épic

The staff decided to make the match a Last Standing Match, The audience was delighted

The Harmony theme was playing
She walks towards the ring, taking care to greet the audience
She went to her corner greeted the audience one last time and her theme stopped, Now she waits for her opponent to arrive
Harmony Salgwyne ... 92#p336292
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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Sieg Drache Vs Harmony Salgwyne Last Standing Match

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Harmony isn't the only one who hasn't researched her opponent's existence as Sieg hasn't done so for Harmony

Unlike her though, it is not as though he has some inflated ego as to believe that his opponent is some small fry he can beat with ease. It's just because that he feels that it's kind of pointless to do so. Okay well not necessarily pointless, he just felt that he didn't need to since everything that he'll need to learn about her can be learned in the ring when they begin fighting, strengths, weaknesses, how they fight, everything. Plus he's also lazy to do so, that also played a factor into it.

Anyways this match would be a Last Standing Match, he didn't think that he'd get into a 'special' match so soon but he guesses that it's better to experiences these things early rather than later.

Sieg's theme would start playing
He walks towards the ring as he kinda lazily waves to the audience with a pretty neutral expression on his face. He gets in the ring and walks to the center of the ring to meet with his opponent, his red eyes looking up and down at her.

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Re: Sieg Drache Vs Harmony Salgwyne Last Standing Match

Unread post by Harmony »

Harmony noticed him watching her closely. "I hope you like what you see" she said nonchalantly, a slight smile on her lips
The Frenchwoman also noticed that Seg seemed tired or bored. His neutral expression might just be a facade

The blonde with green eyes noticed that he seemed younger than her, which boosted her confidence, as it also meant he likely had less experience. However, she knew she shouldn’t let her guard down
Although Harmony was taller than her opponent, she noticed that he also appeared bulkier than her, which promised an interesting match

Once the bell rang, Harmony challenged Sieg to a test of strength by raising her hands toward him, ready to gauge his physical abilities right from the start of the match.
Last edited by Harmony on Wed Oct 23, 2024 9:15 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Harmony Salgwyne ... 92#p336292
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Roy (abracy)
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Re: Sieg Drache Vs Harmony Salgwyne Last Standing Match

Unread post by Roy (abracy) »

Sieg shrugs a little when she said that she hopes he likes what he sees "I...suppose so?" He's genuinely confused on what exactly she meant by that but he's still focused on the match.

Once the bell rang he accepts the invitation and gets into the test of strength with her, trying to get the advantage and push her down. If he manages to do that then he'll try to get her in a straightjacket hold

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