The Arrogant and the Determined - Heather Sunderland vs Chika Fujiwara

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Bearhug Goddess
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The Arrogant and the Determined - Heather Sunderland vs Chika Fujiwara

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Chika was warming up in the locker room and sighed at the end of her warm-up, looking at herself in front of a mirror. Tonight, she was going to fight against a woman who had the same fighting style as her, Heather Sunderland. The only difference between and her opponent was their track record, Heather was a very strong woman who had even managed to impose herself among powerful heavyweights! Maybe CHika's kicks and holds wouldn't be powerful enough tonight...


Chika slapped her cheeks already thinking about the defeat, the match hadn't even started yet! She had to give everything she had, no matter who her opponent was and especially against a woman who had a style like hers! The match became less stressful and depressing now that she saw it that way. She was now motivated to be in the ring and that was good because she had just been called to make the first entrance of the match.
Chika then came out of the locker room and presented herself to the public still with her huge smile. She trotted to the ring, shaking her hand in the air. She climbed into the ring passing between the ropes as usual, getting up, bouncing her chest. Strangely, the public didn't welcome her as usual, they were certainly happy to see Chika as usual but they all repeated the same thing "your cheeks". Chika didn't understand, she stroked her cheek and quickly understood what the audience was telling her. She had slapped her cheeks so hard that she still had the marks, it was embarrassing! Chika quickly rubbed her cheeks to hide the marks of her hands on her cheeks as her opponent's theme had just begun.

"Oh no no no !..."
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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Re: The Arrogant and the Determined - Heather Sunderland vs Chika Fujiwara

Unread post by TiefBlau »

Shortly after Chika's entrance, Heather's theme finally played over the speakers. The lights turned to a dark blue as the entrance filled with smoke and green lasers spinning out from the ramp. Heather was up and making her full entrance tonight--maybe a bit of a statement of being here and fully as she hadn't committed to doing such a thing in quite a while! As her music blared over the speakers, Heather crawls out onto the stage , dressed in her purple fishnet top, black bikini top over that, black baggy pants, and black boots.
On her face and her right arm--it was covered in a glowing light purple bodypaint, reacting to the lights with her entrance. She crawls her way down about mid-ramp before pushing herself upwards, raising her hands in the air, pyro shooting out from the stage. She rushes down the rest of the ramp, sliding into the ring and moving to the corner, getting up on t he middle rope, raising her hands in the air, basking in the reaction from the crowd. She was all grins, hopping off the ropes and to the ring, the lights turning back to normal, showing the bodypaint to be transparent in normal light.

She grabs a towel, rubbing and wiping her face before smirking wide, tossing it aside, looking over to Chika. "Hey! Hope you came full prepared in getting your butt kicked! Though uh--it looks like someone already smacked your face a bit before I could even get to it" She teases, sticking her tongue out.
Contact me on Discord at: TiefBlau#4995 for matches!

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Bearhug Goddess
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Re: The Arrogant and the Determined - Heather Sunderland vs Chika Fujiwara

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Heather's entrance was impressive, it was even the most impressive entrance Chika had seen since the start of her wrestling career. She was even a little scared and starting to regret, her opponent was powerful enough to beat her by simply chaining chokeslams... Damn, why was she so scared but also feeling super excited to be able to challenge such a strong wrestler?

She watched her opponent climb the ring and stand in front of her and took a little time to react to her words, understanding a few seconds too late that she was being addressed and that she had something in the face.

"What ?!"

Chika caressed her cheeks and indeed, they were warm. She probably smacked her cheeks too hard earlier, her face was starting to turn red and out of embarrassment and panic, she pointed at her opponent while shaking her arm up and down.

“Don’t pay attention to that!...And I won’t let it happen!!.”

The referee checks both wrestlers to see if they were completely ready. Chika frowned softly and nodded a big "yes" before looking Heather straight in the eyes. All that was missing was for the purple-haired wrestler to be confirmed for the match to begin.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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