It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Author's Note
This thread was inspired by my good friend @TheWanderer and his project Power Rangers: The Next Generation, a fanfic that he's writing as an in-universe movie within the continuity of his fantasy booking promotion World Frontier Pro Wrestling and featuring several characters from LAW and WFPW as cast members. If you're interested, give it a look!
Chelsea Forster murmured to herself - she'd been doing an awful lot of traveling lately. Thanks to her commitments with WFPW, she had appeared on several of their shows, including British Invasion - which had seen her return to her native England, and she'd been able to spare the time to visit family all the while. She had to admit, it was nice getting to catch up with her parents, after not seeing them for many a long year. With all the turmoil in her life - moving to Japan, going full-time in LAW, and seeing the shakeups of her blood feud with Finella Edelstein, her and her sister Molly going their separate ways, and her budding romance with George Fortunato leading to her becoming co-owner of his pub - Chelsea simply couldn't spare the time to keep in touch, and they had a lot to get up to speed on. That, at least, had made things worth it.

What she was doing now was also motivated by visiting family...though she wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it. Especially when she had to fly all the way out to Los Angeles - and especially when it was for...well, this.

It had come up on another family visit, when Molly had gone to visit Astrid Ostberg at the ranch in Montana she had moved into following her wedding to William Ashworth. That fateful visit had brought with it plenty of revelations. One was that William had fathered a biological daughter, Sarabeth Chummers, who had decided to follow in his footsteps to become a wrestler, and even if it was a lot to take in at once, Astrid had taken well enough to her new stepdaughter, volunteering to accept her responsibilities as her mother. In fact, Chelsea herself had made fast friends with Sarabeth, and the two had already begun discussing where they could take their careers into the future - both in music and in the ring.

But it was also there that the friends and family had learned, thanks to some connections behind the scenes with the CEO of WFPW, they had gotten roles in an upcoming Power Rangers movie. Including Molly, Astrid, William, and George. It was funny how fate worked some times, Chelsea thought to herself - it was because of everything that happened on that day that she now found herself driving George's car, with him and Sarabeth along to the ride, to the studio where filming was taking place. After all, for both of them, this was an opportunity to visit family...though, for Chelsea, that opportunity was bound up in a whole bunch of nonsense.

"I still won't understand why everyone we kun wanted ter jump at de chance ter run around in spandex kickin' people..." she muttered to herself. Then she stopped for a moment, asking herself if that was, at the end of the day, what she did for a living - but she put that thought aside, looking back at her passengers. "'ow're yous 'oldin' up?"
Chelsea Forster
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

George Fortunato was not just an intelligent businessman, a master illusion ist, manager and wrestler he was first and foremost a showman and artist. This was a trait something that Chelsea didn't possess or even wanted to possess to begin with and so the two of them outweighed each other with George helping Chelsea with big appearances and outfits while Chelsea kept George on the ground and had the overview over the finances of the pub which ran better then ever.

The Wolf and the Bunny had been a secret tip for British wrestlers to get a taste of home but after Chelsea moved in and the two of them worked together it had become a beloved place for wrestling and fans and wrestler alike and the cheers and love the couple got from their patrons made them feel like all the hard work paid off. Now they had it closed for a few weeks because they had made a trip to Los Angeles to get a foot into the door of Tinseltown.

George had a few ales too much on the way here and so Chelsea was driving George 1980 Jaguar through the hot and steamy southern California weather. After their time in Liverpool l spending Christmas with the Forster parents, George and Chelsea had gotten even closer and every little move, every smile, every gesture, showed everyone around them how deeply the two british people cared for one another.

George, dressed in one of his lavish outfits sat on the passenger seat, writing down some of his own "dialogue ideas", for his big Hollywood break. A villain in a Power Rangers Movie didn't seem to be a worthwhile role for a serious actor but George never underestimated the power of fandoms and at the end it was the money that counted not the awards.

He looked up as Chelsea spoke and stretched himself a little, his new muscles pressing against the ouftits that he had chosen when he was still more lanky then buffed, tough they still fitted him perfectly.
"You as wrestler are asking that question, swee'hea?",George said teasingly, already reading chelseas gaze as she herself had made that conclusion.
"Look, I know this is a land of...let's say "peculiar people", but still let's try to have some fun. We will meet lots of our lads here, so at least we know we will have entertainment, no matter what.", he said and softly stroked Chelseas thigh before putting his hand on hers.
"So let's just enjoy this. After all you have your family with you, aint that right , lads?",he asked to the back were Sarabeth and Anfield were sitting.
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Sarabeth had hopped up and down in her seat being so giddy as she passed by numerous L.A. landmarks like the Hollywood Bowl, The Chinese Theatre, Universal Studios, and the Jim Henson Studios. She was super excited to finally be able to visit California as she grabbed her phone to take numerous pictures. Anfield was currently sitting on the leather seats hanging his tongue out wrapped up in a black harness along with the seatbelt so he couldn’t move around aside from sitting up or laying down. Sarabeth heard Chelsea’s retort as she had to laugh out loud.

Maybe in the 90s it was ridiculous, but come on, Chelsea….we’re here to support family. My mom and dad, your sister, your boyfriend, it’s not every day opportunities like this come around….or are you just jealous you didn’t get called in for an audition?” Sarabeth asked with the cross of her arms and a devious smirk towards her best friend.

The Jaguar would arrive at the Fox Studios Lot where the movie was being filmed as the security guard would look at George recognizing him as a cast member so he lifted the blockade before informing Chelsea.

“You’re with George, huh? Studio A is where you are going. Parking lot is out back. Most of the cast came in this morning so they should be there,” The security guard explained waving the black car through.
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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This was Chelsea's first time in southern California, and she had to say...she didn't know what she expected. She already thought that moving to Japan had been a culture shock, and yet somehow, the place that was hitting her even harder was the one that spoke the same language she did - at least, in theory. Not used to the hot weather, she cranked at the air conditioning, making sure it was on and functioning, and she hunched over the steering wheel with her teeth clenched in a grimace as she heard the honking of horns outside. "God above, is the traffic always dis bad..!?" But for as much as Chelsea might have bristled at the environs...when she looked back over her shoulder to see Sarabeth bouncing up and down in place, barely able to contain her excitement, she let a smile break across her face nonetheless. It wasn't her thing, sure. But as long as Sarabeth, her friend, was happy, Chelsea wasn't about to get in her way.

So too, she nodded her head to George and Sarabeth as they reminded her of why they were here. It wasn't about being nerds, snagging autographs, and getting a sneak peak at the special effects for things that Chelsea barely understood. This was a chance for them to connect with friends and family, and pay them a visit; to laugh and share stories and enjoy each others' company. To remind them that no matter how far they grew apart from one another, or how much distance came between them, they were still friends, who cared the world for one another. Just thinking about it made Chelsea grin a little wider. This really was the sort of life she'd always hoped for.

...Well, she thought that, up until Sarabeth accused her of being jealous. "'EY! I am not! Unlike yous, I actually 'uv a bit 'o dignity-!"

Nevertheless, they came up to the studio, and Chelsea followed the guard's directions in with a nod. If what he said was correct, it surely wouldn't be long before they ran into the others. And sure enough, it was just as the car pulled to a stop that Molly poked her head out from the doorway, and a grin lit up across her face. She was in between shots, so she had the opportunity to take her helmet off, but she was still dressed in her Ranger uniform - and she didn't even hesitate as she came running out to the car, waving to her sister.

"Chelsea!! Hey, you guys made it! Lemme take you inside!" She giggled a little to herself, striking a pose. "Cool outfit, huh?"

"Ye look like a colorblind motorcyclist wi' brain damage, Moll..." Chelsea grumbled. But her sister laughed at that regardless.
Molly Forster
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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George smiled as he saw the friendly banter between his girlfriend and Sarabeth that was ocassionaly interrupted by a few soft barks of Anfield who was grown up by now. Grown up...did that mean he and Chelsea were together for a year now. The pub owner and businessman wouldn't have thought to have a relationship that deep and meaningful ever. He always thought that life was about fun without any binding nuisances like a relationship. But Chelsea was different, Chelsea was his home and with Chelsea came a bunch of other people into his life that he could call family. And this fact alone made George smile even wider until they arrived at the studios.

They were let in and the European looked around, trying to get a glimpse of any Hollywood stars or famous directors. When they arrived at location, Molly came out to great them with the brightly coloured suit of the pink ranger.
"Moll', lookin beau'iful as ever." he said as he hugged her. Molly already felt like a little sister to him so it was always a delight to see the younger Forster sisters energetic self bouncing around.

That was until two red arms wrapped themselves around Mollys midsection and Harmonia Edelsteins pretty face appeared next to Mollys. "Hallo! Glad you made it here safe.", she said as they all shared a heartful greeting with each other.
Harmonia kissed Chelseas cheeks as she looked around her entourage. "Seems, your little family is growing, hm?",she said with a wink before they went into the studio.

George took Anfield at his leash and walked right into the big hall, getting all kinds of strange looks from the people around him. An eccentric actor wasn't something new around Hollywood but Georges outfit and behaviour pushed it to new heights.
"ello, ladies an' gen'lemen, my name is geawge faw'una'o, 'he new sensa'ion from merry old england! may i ask where my 'railer is loca'ed? also i need 'wo assistan's an' if someone could bringe me some 'ea an' crumpe's, 'ha' would be fantastic!", he said as the crew watched him with big eyes.
Anfield barked two times to underline his masters demands and tried to look as glamorous and selfassured as George did.

Harmonia shook her head.
"Hehehe, sorry, sorry he is new here and he hasn't had his pills today so just go on with your work.", she said and pulled George back.

"George, darling, they want you to do voice over..."
Immediatly George smile dropped.
"Voice wawk? they awdered me 'ere, 'housand miles from 'ome in'o 'his shi' 'ole ov a ci'y 'o do some'hin i could 'ave done from 'ome?! dis can'' stand! where's 'he direc'aw ov 'his second ra'e b-movie?!", the European said and Anfield started to imitate him again, barking furiously and making an even bigger fuss.
Harmonia sighed and looked at Chelsea.
"Could you please get your "big sensation" and your other pompous boy under control?",she asked.

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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Sarabeth marveled at Molly’s Zeo Ranger I Pink outfit and she circled the bunny casually taking photos as she grinned ear to ear before clearing her throat.

Don’t mind me. I just haven’t seen the Ranger uniforms up close and personal before. I don’t think I’ve ever met you before, I’m Sarabeth, William’s daughter,” Sarabeth explained as she stuck out her right hand for Molly to shake fangirling on the inside to the max when the gloved hand touched her bare one.

When everyone got introduced and brought into the studio by The Superstars, Sarabeth broke from the group as George seemed to be making a big scene about his role in voice work and Anfield was going crazy with his barking so she wanted to avoid that mess. She mentally apologized to Chelsea for having to deal with that, but she was on the search for her parents. Sarabeth giggled to herself excitingly as Z Putties, Tengas, Quantrons, and the new footsoldiers, Skulldrones walked around her and even gave her some greetings. She stopped when she saw William taking off his helmet as the Green Zeo Ranger before she made a big sprint for him.

DAD! OVER HERE! DAD!” Sarabeth shouted as William turned around confused before the speeding bullet of his daughter collided with his stomach as he chuckled.

Hey to you too, sweetheart. Glad to see you could witness your old man get his big break,” William greeted with a proud smile.

Who would have ever thought it was going to be a Power Rangers movie? I mean, damn, you’re even a Green Ranger. My favorite!” Sarabeth cheered.

It barely fucking fits, though. Plus, even with the AC cranked to the max, I still feel like a gooey marshmallow. We just got two more scenes to film and then it’s off with this human toaster,” William retorted as he fanned himself.

Meanwhile, Jonathan and Daniel were helping themselves to some steak at the catering table for lunch as Jonathan noticed the commotion over where George, Chelsea, Sarabeth, Anfield, Harmonia, and Molly came in from as he groaned hard.

Who’s the asshole over there causing a disturbance?” Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow.

His name is George. He was at the wedding last year in Norway. You’ll have to excuse him. He’s….out there a lot,” Jonathan replied to his best friend.

Isn’t he that guy that threatened to have you kidnapped and killed by his mafia friends?” Daniel asked.

I told you that in confidence,” Jonathan answered as he bit down hard on a piece of steak.

I just don’t like that he did that even if it’s months past. And that’s who Chelsea is dating?” Daniel asked.

He’s not a bad guy inherently, but he and I don’t really see eye to eye. I’m going to avoid contact as much as I can,” Jonathan replied as he shook his head.
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Since she'd entered a loving and passionate relationship with someone who wore her emotions on her sleeve as much as Harmonia Edelstein did, Molly had received more compliments and more shows of affection than she ever had before. But even after all this time, she still wasn't quite used to it. When George complimented her, she blushed just a little, and she nodded her head with a giggle. "Oh, thanks so much-!" But of course, where Molly went, Harmonia wasn't far behind - and soon enough, the Englishwoman felt those arms wrap around her, pulling her closer against Harmonia's chest. She looked back up at her fiance with a smile - and she blushed just a little more as she felt the muscles in her arms, reminding her that much more of just how strong Harmonia really was - but she could only smile even more when Sarabeth began to circle around her. Molly realized now something that she thought she'd gotten used to, but which seemed all the more amazing when she was greeted with it face to face, in person and up close. She had a fan. She'd received plenty of attention for her cosplay posts, and her time as one half of the Superstars was only accelerating her fame more and more, but to see Sarabeth run circles around her, taking photos of her - it was almost overwhelming. It told her she was out there putting smiles on peoples' faces, and to Molly, that meant she had made it.

"O-Oh..! I had no idea you were that much of a fan," Molly giggled nervously. But she reminded herself that if Sarabeth was here to take photos, she needed to make sure she'd get good ones - and who had ever heard of a Power Ranger standing around awkwardly? Putting a bright, beaming grin on her face, Molly snapped to attention, standing up straight and striking a pose with her fist raised in the air, her other hand on her hip, and her legs apart. "Well, in that case...I'm gonna have to give this my all to make sure you go home happy!~" It was only a moment later that she turned to see Jonathan and Daniel - both of whom had roles in the movie as well - coming closer, but she turned to wave toward the two of them. "Hey, guys, over here! Ooh, Sarabeth's gonna want to see you in your costumes too..."

But by that point, Sarabeth had already been led astray. She'd spotted her father, and in the blink of an eye she had sped over to pull him into a hug of her own, already showering him with eager attention over his role. He wasn't the only one of Sarabeth's parents who was here, though. Astrid Ostberg was also taking up a role as one of the Zeo Rangers - and she, too, would be drawn to the commotion.

"Green's your favorite, hmm? Should've guessed that one," Astrid joked, toussling Sarabeth's hair. Then, though, she turned to her husband to give him a slap on the back. "Come on, now. You've gone through plenty of tight spots in the ring, and a little helmet is going to stop you?'
Astrid Ostberg
Outfit Reference (without the helmet)
Furthermore, Chelsea's attention had also been diverted elsewhere. She had blushed and looked away with a grumble as Harmonia kissed her, less accustomed to her more open displays of affection. But even more pressing was the scene George had caused - as he demanded to be shown to his trailer, and started complaining openly about doing voice work. It hadn't been Chelsea's idea to come here in the first place, and she was just as begrudging about the ordeal - but even she knew that this was no time for his antics. They were here as guests, after all, and he was a part of that. They'd barely been here a few minutes, and he was starting to outstay his welcome.

"Oi! Cut dat out!!" Her eyes narrowing in a glare, she stormed over - one of her arms looped around George's own to pull him away, while she bent down to scoop Anfield up with the other. "You're only 'ere because o' us gaffer in WFPW, remember? So ye better shut yer cakehole if ye wanna keep yer job, like!"
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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George loved to have big entrances, to be the heart of the party and having all eyes on him and this was not different. The role of the villain was always the juicier part and so he wanted to milk the opportunity to star in a Hollywood movie for what it was worth. He wasn't just a mere pub owner and wrestling promoter anymore. He was in the ring himself now and thanks to the PPV Match of Chelsea and Finella he had gotten into the spotlight too.

Also what better promotion for their pub then to appear in major blockbuster and now, to his dissapointment, the only thing they wanted from him was his voice. Not his outfits, not his good looks. Just the voice.
George of course was not going to let this uncommented as he and Anfield started to make a big fuss around the set, much to the chagrin of his partner in love and the ring who stomped over and got George back in control again. Anfield whimpered softly as he was scooped up and George was taken back to the others.
There he finally calmed down as he saw some familiar faces.
"Astrid, Will, how is married life?", he asked as he hugged them both and let a flower appear from his sleeve which he presented to the former Heavyweight Champ.

Harmonia shook her head but smiled as she looked to Molly. "Herrje, what a family we have...",she said with an exaggerated sigh but gave a wink to Molly. Harmonia was as happy as she could be. She finally had found a home again, with people who shared her passion and who truely cared for one another.

Then she smiled at Jonathan. She knew that something was up and that he faced some troubles lately but Harmonias hotheadedness had brought in her trouble one time too many and so she tried to approach him like she would with a brother.

"Hey Jon, you are ready for another glorious shooting day in this hot of Hell jumpsuits?",she smiled and wiped her brow to accent her question..George tough was less forgiving and just gave Jonathan a nod with an unimpressed face, before talking to the others again.

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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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Sarabeth felt the tugging on her hair and looked up to see her stepmother donning the Red Zeo Ranger suit. A suit that belonged to a great legend for the franchise that unfortunately passed away. She gave her mother a big hug before checking her out and snapping some pictures with a giddy smile. The Young Lioness quickly made a photo of Astrid and William in their Ranger suits her home screen so she had her family all the time in her pocket. Sarabeth crossed her arms and leaned on one of the stone pillars turning to her mother.

Well, duh, Mom. I only dyed my hair in solidarity to my favorite line of Rangers. I heard rumors that they were going to try and get the Green Ranger in this somehow,” Sarabeth explained.

Hey, don’t mock me! When I’m in the ring, I have open air clothing so I can be quick and agile. Spandex is tight and I’m burning up with an extra bodysuit on underneath,” William stated as he playfully punched his wife’s shoulder.

Extra bodysuit?” Sarabeth asked with a raised eyebrow.

We did paperwork agreeing to do our own stunts since we are wrestlers. It’s just extra safety for those specific scenes. I’ve already had to go through a cement wall prop,” William replied as he hugged himself.

Well, does that put being put through tables seem like a walk on the beach?” Sarabeth asked with a teasing tone.

It’s durable as hell. I’ll give it that,” William replied.

William would look over to see George heading up to the family as he stuck out his hand to shake the pub owner’s hand. He saw George give Jonathan neutral look as Jonathan just shrugged it off to speak with Harmonia and he bit his lip. Luckily, George asked about the married life so he had a different icebreaker to focus on.

Well, we don’t want each other dead at the start of every fight so that’s a good start. I kid, I kid. It’s going smoothly now that I have my kid in my life. It’ll be two more months and we’ll be married exactly a year from today’s date,” William replied as he put his arms around Astrid and Sarabeth’s shoulders hugging them close.

Jonathan and Daniel finished their meals depositing their paper plates in the trash. Costume designers and script writers were all over the place getting together with the footsoldiers and the actors inside the suits practiced their movements to fit what the director envisioned. Jonathan noticed Harmonia asking him a question about ready to continue filming in this hot weather and he chuckled lightly.

I’m ready as I’ll ever be. Just a few more battle scenes and we’ll hit a diner for dinner. How you been doing over at the Eagle’s Nest?” Jonathan replied.

Eagle’s Nest?” Daniel asked with a confused look.

Where her and Molly live. Just another name for their mansion back in Japan,” Jonathan replied to his best friend.
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Re: It's Morphin' Time (for Wanderer and RedShinigami)

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It wasn't without a huff and a crossing of her arms that Chelsea brought George back into line, holding Anfield closer to her chest to try and calm him down. It already wasn't her idea to be here to begin with, and it certainly wasn't going to help the matter if people were going to make a scene. Nevertheless, everyone seemed to be gravitating around Astrid and William - and, as George approached her, the Norsewoman still greeted him with a wave.

"So, you guys made it!" she said with a chuckle. "Been a while since we've seen you, yeah? Will and I have been settling into things alright," she continued, looking back at her husband with a smile and giving him a firm pat on the shoulder. "I mean, I can't say that expected to end up a mother this soon - but I think I'm going an alright job with Sarabeth. Even if she can be a handful at times."

"Oi! She's right in front o' ye, ye nah!" Chelsea grumbled. Since she and Sarabeth had warmed up to one another, the Englishwoman saw fit to speak up on her behalf. Nevertheless, Sarabeth seemed like she was taking things in stride - when she all but confirmed what Astrid was alluding to, the former Heavyweight Champion blinked for a few moments before bursting out in laughter. "Wait, really? I was joking-!" she chuckled. "But it's as much of a reason as any, and if it's what makes you happy, I won't get in the way. As for the Green Ranger, though...I've got an NDA on a couple of things, but even if I didn't, casting wrapped a long time ago, before you get any ideas!"

As William went on to describe the stunts they'd had to do, Astrid just took a moment to stretch. "Psshaw, after some of the stuff I've been through, that's nothing. At least here they've got camera tricks that can make things a little easier...but I'm ready for anything!" she added, puffing out her chest and clapping a fist aganst her shoulder in a show of strength.

The whole time, Molly stood by Harmonia's side, and she reached for her fiance's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as she let herself settle her weight against her. When she heard what Harmonia said - and when she thought back on all the people in this room that had become a second family to her - she couldn't help but smile a little wider. She'd really come a long way. The fact that she had a role in a movie was proof of that - but so was being surrounded by friends as close as hers were, and all of them having made such fond memories by her side. When Jonathan came up to them, she could only look up at him with a grin and a nod of her head. "Moni and I are doing good," she began. "It's still a little overwhelming, but I've pretty much settled in. Still, the place is huge. I'm not even sure if I've seen all of it."

Then, she turned to Harmonia. "Hey, I'm ready," she said with a chuckle. "Well, assuming Sheila doesn't mess up too many of the takes again..."

"HEY!! I heard that!!"
Sheila Chihara
Outfit Reference (without the helmet)
At that moment, another woman in a Zeo Ranger costume came over from the catering table, tossing a paper plate aside as she did. None other than Sheila Chihara, one of LAW's Young Lionesses, and one who had been preparing for her excursion into WFPW. Since she'd been focusing on her work overseas, Sheila hadn't had much of a chance to see the others in a while. But this was like a family reunion - and the moment she saw her friends gathered here, her face lit up with a grin, all but forgetting any frustrations she might've felt a moment ago.

In fact, she gravitated particularly close to William - someone who hadn't just served as one of her trainers, but who was quickly becoming a close friend of hers, and whom she had hopes of working together with in the ring. Coming over to his side, she was quick to run up and pull him into a hug. "You won't miss my cool stunts, right?"
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