Author's Note
What she was doing now was also motivated by visiting family...though she wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it. Especially when she had to fly all the way out to Los Angeles - and especially when it was for...well, this.
It had come up on another family visit, when Molly had gone to visit Astrid Ostberg at the ranch in Montana she had moved into following her wedding to William Ashworth. That fateful visit had brought with it plenty of revelations. One was that William had fathered a biological daughter, Sarabeth Chummers, who had decided to follow in his footsteps to become a wrestler, and even if it was a lot to take in at once, Astrid had taken well enough to her new stepdaughter, volunteering to accept her responsibilities as her mother. In fact, Chelsea herself had made fast friends with Sarabeth, and the two had already begun discussing where they could take their careers into the future - both in music and in the ring.
But it was also there that the friends and family had learned, thanks to some connections behind the scenes with the CEO of WFPW, they had gotten roles in an upcoming Power Rangers movie. Including Molly, Astrid, William, and George. It was funny how fate worked some times, Chelsea thought to herself - it was because of everything that happened on that day that she now found herself driving George's car, with him and Sarabeth along to the ride, to the studio where filming was taking place. After all, for both of them, this was an opportunity to visit family...though, for Chelsea, that opportunity was bound up in a whole bunch of nonsense.
"I still won't understand why everyone we kun wanted ter jump at de chance ter run around in spandex kickin' people..." she muttered to herself. Then she stopped for a moment, asking herself if that was, at the end of the day, what she did for a living - but she put that thought aside, looking back at her passengers. "'ow're yous 'oldin' up?"
Chelsea Forster