Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Jenny would feel how the life was coming back into her opponent during the count. She would bit her lips knowing that this wasn´t good. She would like to end the match right here and now but naturally Lauren wasn´t finding any liking in that and was throwing her arm up in the very last moment to break the cover.

The big woman would curse for a moment in her head before she would try to get back up to her feet and would reach down trying to grab her opponent´s arm and drag her back up to her feet as well. In the next moment Jenny would pull at the arm of her opponent as hard as she could trying to whip her across the ring and into the next corner, only to follow her. Jenny would try to pick up speed before jumping up into the air trying to squash her opponent in the corner with a big splash.

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Lauren groaned as she was pulled up to her feet, flying into the corner! Lauren howled in pain as her back slammed into the corner! Her torso felt crushed as it took impact after impact, leaving Lauren in a very hurt state.

As she hit the turnbuckle she saw Jenny coming, knowing that this could spell her doom Lauren willed herself to move. At the last second she rolled to the side, falling to her hands and knees in pain as she let Jenny fly into the corner chest first!

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Jenny was already in the air when she saw her opponent getting out of the way. The big blue haired woman had no time to react or really prepare for the impact and then she hit the turnbuckles with her chest making her scream out loudly in pain before she would bounce of the corner. She would be stumbling away from the corner holding her chest, moaning out loudly in pain. She would bow forwards holding her chest and trying to fight the pain somehow to make it go away. But it wasn´t working leaving the big woman open for some time.  

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Lauren saw Jenny stumble away from the ropes and knew she had to act somehow. Anyhow. Lauren also wanted the crowd on her side, her aching body needed the boost.

Lauren moved forward, wrapping an arm around Jenny's head while grabbing the waist of her swimsuit. Lauren took a deep breath before screaming, exerting a ton of effort to try to lift the giant woman up and back to hit her with a snap suplex!

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Jenny would be still be dizzy for a short moment before suddenly her opponent would step in front of her and would grab her. The blue haired giant had no time to react before her opponent would suddenly pull her forwards. The big woman would moan out loudly trying to get her head back together, but her opponent was suddenly pulling at her swimsuit like attire right at her hip level. That would make the outfit press into the big woman’s skin, making her scream out loudly in pain. She would keep screaming out loudly. But she wouldn´t be lifted up from the ground, she was just too heavy. She would be screaming in pain for a while before pushing herself forwards as good as she could trying to make Lauren back away into the closest ropes.

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Lauren just wasn't able to lift Jenny. She managed to lift Michelle in an earlier match but she wasn't quite as heavy, and Lauren was a bit more desperate. She tried to shift gears and instead of lifting Jenny she kept hold of her head, hoping to fall back and spike her head off the mat with a DDT! She hoped to pull it off before Jenny kept forcing her back against the ropes to trap her!

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Jenny was about to shove her opponent forwards before Lauren suddenly was changing the way of her momentum. Instead of trying to yank that bigger woman off the mat she was pulling her downwards towards the mat now. Jenny would scream out in shock before she was driven in to the mat head first and was stunned for a moment. She would be moaning out loudly and would roll onto her back holding her head for a short moment.

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Jenny went down and Lauren was left breathing a sigh of relief. How could she handle this woman? Lauren thought of an idea, and one she hoped would sap the fight out of Jenny.

Lauren tried to catch Jenny while she was still down, clamping her legs around Jenny's head in a head scissor hold! It wasn't the most graceful bit Lauren knew if ahe could crush the air out of Jenny it would only help Lauren!

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Jenny would suddenly feel how her opponent was grabbing her, at that time the big woman was still fighting a big headache and some problems with the room spinning around her. She couldn´t really put a stop to whatever her opponent had planned for her right now. So the big blue haired woman would be moaning out before she suddenly would realize that her opponent was about to trap her in a headscissor. The heavyweight would try to react in time and stop this but her opponent got her thighs together already before she could do anything against this. So she would feel how the way of air into her lungs was blocked and she would start to struggle widely trying to fight against this with little to no success.

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Re: Lauren vs Big Jenny: Meeting a real giant

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Lauren leaned back as she tightened her legs and flexed her arms to play to the crowd a bit! "Yeah! Old rookies can hang with anyone!" Lauren said, earning a few cheers from her fans.... as well as others from the crowd! Sure a few rolled their eyes at the flabby lady, but she ignored the haters.

Lauren kept up the pressure, trying to deal as much damage as she could!

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