Nickname: Blaze!!!!, B.B.
Age: 28
Eyes: Violet
Hair Color: Violet purplish
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 147 lbs
Alignment: Face
Nationality: Brittish
Entrance music: Robin Hustin x TobiMorrow - Light It Up
Wrestling Information
Fighting style: Technical/All-rounder
Blaze's fighting style is pretty flexible, she usually starts the match slowly to gauge her opponen'ts while seeking to adapt to them. Defending herself with a flurry of blows, techniques and submissions to get the upper hand, depending on the situation. There's nothing in particular she lacks so she has a lot of moves at her disposal though she's also neither extremely exceptional at either of them, making her a competent and diverse fighter with a knack for unorthodox strikes as she's pretty adept at capoeira.
Preferred Matches: Standard, Submission
Signature Moves and Finishers
Hurricanranas, DDT, Shining Wizard, Monkey Flip, Spinebuster, Northern Lights Suplex, STF, Sleeper Holds
Since very early in her life, there were very few things that captivated Blaze more than a gripping mystery, riddle or secret. This ended up translating in Blaze being a big fan of all kinds of suspense and mystery novels, begging her parents to buy her all the books of her favorite authors: Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Thomas Harris, Dan Brown... Detective works ended up being her favotires, Blaze got REALLY inmersed in the stories and the enigmas surrounding them, imagining herself as a detective in the story trying to unveil every mystery... and catch up the evildoers whenever possible! Having a lot of admiration for detectives and the police, Blaze grew up to have a strong sense of responsability and morals, accompanied with a kind and helpful (yet sometimes too excited) nature towards other made her quite loved for all her friends and family surrounding her. All the while she always strived to improve herself, doing all sorts of sports while never neglecting her studies.
As time passed and she had to decide what to do with her life, Blaze had her goals pretty clear... she wanted to become a detective, like she always dreamt of! Of course, she knew that doing a career in the police would be fruitful and she could help a lot of other people. But she had always the itch to do field work in private, being herself the one to take the big decissions... besides, she could help people this way more directly! So with that said, Blaze ended up opening a small agency and while people were pretty reluctant to rely on the younger Blaze, she soon proved that she was quite up to the task! Completing all manner of small requests one into another as the tasks kept getting bigger, even taking down some gangs and minor delinquents! Blaze soon got famous in the city she worked and while the police was at first skeptic, they decided to share some works and intel with her when they noticed all the talent Blaze had as a vigilante and a detective, which ended with Blaze closing up really big cases!
That said, while Blaze was happy while working as a detective and private investigator under her alias B.B., she decided it was time to move on and travel around as soon as new information of cases reached out her ears. That said, traveling was really expensive and while she had known and helped quite a lot of wealthy friends during her detective work, Blaze never felt great about taking advantadge of the good-will of others... which means she decided to begin pro-wrestling as a side gig! Since she had already a lot of combat experience from her past experiences and training, soon Blaze became a really strong and well-known wrestler, unmasking villains inside and outside the ring as she continued traveling all over the world for the next crime to solve!
Physical Stats
Strength: 3/5
Endurance: 3/5
Technique: 5/5
Speed: 4.5/5
Defense: 3.5/5
Wrestling Stats
Strikes: 4/5
Submissions: 4/5
Power: 3/5
Aerial: 3.5/5
Counters: 4/5
Main Outfit
