No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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Mercy Match: Victory to be awarded when the defeated wrestler forfeits via verbal submission and when the victorious wrestler accepts their opponent's submission.

The winner will become or remain the Valkyrie League's Champion

It was indeed a rare occurence for Iria, having to defend her belt outside from her federation, the European Wrestling Valkyrie League which she remained the champion for four years straight after multiple defenses. But although rare it didn't meant that it didn't happen before as Iria loved taking challengers from anyone and anywhere, much for the dismay of the higher-ups of the Valkyrie League which had to run after the blonde to make possible collaborations and arreangements with other leagues. Such as LAW who would be hosting tonight's match at the request of the blonde herself, since Iria herself grow quite fond of the Japanese organization.

Her opponent for tonight wasn't actually someone from the LAW's women's division though, it was from the male's: Daisuke Takeuichi, the proclaimed Prince of Wrestling. The Golden Witch herself had some bumps with him then and there and even fought him in other places, much for her amusement the Japanese man though of themselves as rivals in the squared circle, understandably so as he scored some wins against her. Yet what he didn't know, or at least, what he didn't experience was that Iria herself was just playing with him always, pulling her punches for the sake of making things more entertaining, acting in a way that would make the crowd explode with excitement. All lies and ploys, carefully threaded by the Witch's web -- all leading to tonight's match, the greatest increscendo possible as Iria waged her belt against Daisuke after he challenged her for one last time. But this time, she planned to show him what she was truly capable of. No more games. Until he submitted to her, and until she had enough of tormenting him and humilliating him... which would take a while.

After having dressed up in her signature white leotard and boots, the blonde would go towards the gorilla position, her eyes flaring up with confidence while her lips curled upwards in a wry smile. "Another day, another curtain falling~" With those words, Iria stepped out as in that moment the lights went off for a second and then... POOF! Purple pyrothecnics lighted up at either side of the hallfway amidst the surprised, gasping sounds of the audience. A loud rumbling sound blasting through the speakers as the announcer called out her name for everyone to hear. "AND NOW... COMING FROM EUROPE, THE VALKYRIE CHAMPION, THE GOLDEN WITCH HERSELF: IRIA LUNA!!". Deafening cheers followed the announcer's voice while Iria's theme filled up the whole arena. The light's came back, and Iria was striking up a fashionable pose while the golden Valkyrie belt was hung atop one of her shoulders, one of her hands nested on her hips while the other swung around, pointing out at every member of the audience.
The Champion is here!
"Rejoice LAW and praise me! LET THE STAGE RUMBLE WITH MY PRESENCE" Iria shouted out with a showswoman charm, carrying herself like an absolute Diva, her legs and hips darting and swaying around sultrily while she strutted her way towards the ring, winking and greeting her adoring fans as she basked in their adoration. Finally, she climbed ontop of the apron of the ring whilst giving out one last teasing look to the audience before she jumped off the top rope effortlessly as a way to show off her nimbleness. And after that, she rose both her arms to let the crowd go wild for yet another moment before turning towards her corner, her golden hair fluttering out in the wind while a pleased smirk was plastered all over her pretty face...

Tonight a Prince would bow down before a Witch.

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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Daisuke and Iria had known each other for a long time. They had an interesting history behind the scenes that many did not know but in front of the camera, in the arena and in the ring they were always fierce rivals. Daisuke did not like Iria's attitude, she thought she was better than the rest, the best. That was supposed to be Daisuke's thing but of course she had one thing that he did not which was a title belt. The blonde had that title for four years, defending her championship against Europe's best but it was now time for her to defend it against outside competition- offered by LAW and more specifically Daisuke. He was specifically annoyed at her telling him, and the world, that she had always been holding back against him to make the matches more exciting. Daisuke could never believe that, he had dominated her and he had done so when she gave it her all. There was no way he was going to accept that he was that much weaker than her in the ring that she had to hold back. It did not matter because this was going to end once and for all, with one of them standing tall with the belt.

Daisuke was in the back, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. He was enraged about seeing Iria make a comeback but he was going to take the thing that was the most dearest to her after she had insulted him by telling everyone she was holding back. Clad in his purple wrestling briefs and golden boots, Daisuke would head out to the arena to a chorus of jeers and cheers. The LAW faithful, wanting one of their own to conquer the Valkyrie League's Champion. He would make his way down the ramp towards the ring. "AND INTRODUCING THE CHALLENGER, FROM JAPAN, THE WRESTLING PRINCE....DAISUKE TAKEUCHI" he was called out while he hopped up on the ring apron and entered the ring.
He would walk up to the middle of the ring, eyeing her up from head to toe before taking a long look at that title as he signaled to his waist as its next owner. "Hmph, we meet again....this time for the final time. I'm going to take that title and you're going back to Valkyrie with nothing. I hope they can still accept you without their precious title" he said with a grin.

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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Iria didn't think she was the best, she was the best! That was her whole gimmick! Much like herself, the gaudy and flashy attitude she carried herself was all part of her performance, in the Golden Witch's eyes wrestling fights were first and foremost an entertainment show, and she did everything in her power to make every fight she participated memorable, even if that meant losing some fights. Which could easily be proven by looking at the seats all around the LAW stage, all full, brimmed with people! Which of course, that meant that she would be at odds with Daisuke's ego and pride which she found to be quite quite frail as he tried to do everything in his power to prove himself to her in the most tomfoolery way possible! Aaah... so laughable! Iria had to contain her laugh thinking about this.

But today was different, her words were her bond and she purposefully told she was going to be serious against Daisuke in this match, not to show him the abysmal difference between them. But only to watch his face contort in horror as the crowd would bask in the blonde's full strength, that sight alone was enough to make her tremble with excitement! And her whole curvy figure quivered as she saw him, the Prince enragedly striding towards her ring, her stage. Of course he would be angry after everything she had said about him, he was so easy to manipulate, so easy to insult... so easy to fool.

As she stood in the corner resting in a lackadaisical way, Iria's purple eyes gleamed with amusement as Daisuke placed himself in the middle of the ring, doing and talking about what she expected as he threatened to take the belt from her! "Hahaha!" Iria softly chuckled "Mhm, I'm happy to see you haven't changed one bit Daisuke, huh? All brawn, no brains. You definitely definitelyyy should try to improve your bantering game, you sound ridiculuous" Iria leisurely unglued herself from the turnbuckle, really calmly, really slowly heading herself to the middle of the squared circle before planting herself in fron of the challenger, flashing him a wry smirk before letting out a bored sigh. "But, well oh well, we aren't here to do the same boring plain stuff as always, aren't we?" Iria's eyes threw daggers at Daisuke, coldly. "Let me show you what the peak of wrestling looks like, prince" Iria spat that last word out her mouth almost with disgust, her face grimacing with a scowl before she grabbed her golden belt still hooked over her shoulders with her hand, pushing it to the referee as he approched her with a sharp and strong shove, forcing him to abruptly reel back and almost stumble and fall down on his ass while he held the belt.

"Ring the bell. Now" She grunted, her eyes still piercing Daisuke's.

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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There was clearly no love lost between the two wrestlers here, given their history. Daisuke was not happy with how things turned out between them and clearly it was all just a big game to the blonde. He was livid but perhaps this was the whole point, she wanted Daisuke to be in such a state for her to really enjoy this match- which she would certainly do even more so if she turned out to be the victory. However, Daisuke's determination and anger was going to make sure that there was no way she was walking out of the LAW arena as the victory and still champion. He was going to make her submit again and again until she would beg him for mercy.

As he stood stall and proud in the center of the ring, she would mock him and soon join him. That look on her face, that smirk, he hated everything about the champion. "No, we aren't" he would reply as she mentioned that they would not resort to the same old thing they were used to. This time it was all-out, no games. She would shove the title towards the referee who almost fell, ordering him to ring the bell. Daisuke took a step forward, the two were face to face now. "Do it. Ring the bell" he also reaffirmed the desire to start the match.


As soon as the bell rung, Daisuke would wrap his arms around her waist and attempted to drive her back towards the turnbuckle. "Arghhh" he let out a angry growl.

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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As Iria's eyes riveted at Daisuke's chiseled frame and eyes, she knew her words had the effect she wanted, he was angry, not only that but the crowd was eagger and expecting. This had been a great success, this was the stage she carefully prepared and now every piece was in it's place, the only thing left was to get the show started! Which would instantly be as the bell rang all across the arena once both wrestlers hurried the referee. Inmediately after, Iria rose both her arms in a grappling stance, her eyebrows slightly tilting inquisitively as Daisuke straight up charged towards her!

"Ngh!" And yet as soon as his arms would latch onto her slender waist, Iria would inmediately reply by sending her own leg reeling forward with a groan, aiming to ram her knee directly into her foe's abdomen as the pointy end of it would dig deep into his abs to wind out the wing out of his lungs. If that thwarted Daisuke's plans to push her backwards, the Golden Witch would seek to fold her opponent even further down from his position as he clutched her midsection, her arm coiling and hooking around his neck in preparation for her next move! A Fisherman Suplex as she would bend down and clasp both her hands together behind Daisuke's calf, hooking his leg and head before tightening his arms and core to attempt to hoist up her foe with a roar and lunge herself backwards to fully crash his back down against the mats with the suplex!

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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She certainly knew how to push his buttons, after the revelation that she had been messing with him all this time the wrestling prince certainly wanted to prove a point by beating her once and for all. However, he had to be calm and collected about it but with Iria's constant taunting it was hard to do so. As soon as the bell rung, Daisuke would lunge forward and ram his shoulder into her abdomen, pushing her back as he had no intentions of going head to head with her in a grapple battle. She only got pushed back a couple of steps before she would ram her knee up into his abdomen. "Guuugh!" he cried out, being stopped dead in his tracks.

He would fall down on one knee in front her, allowing her wrap her arm around his neck while grabbing the back of his calf to fold him up almost before lifting him up off his feet and slamming him down onto his back for a Fisherman suplex. "Arrrrghhhhhh" he howled in pain, clutching his lower back while arching himself upwards while he was down on his back, looking to roll over onto his side.

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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After Daisuke latched his strong arms onto her waist, Iria took a few steps back before planting her backwards leg firmly onto the canvas, hoisting up her other one as a springboard until her knee fully sank into his toned abs! The blow was enough to stop his charge as Daisuke slumped down onto one knee in front of Iria, making it easier for her to hook his head under her armpit while prepping him up in the Fisherman Suplex setup as she reached out for his leg so she could intertwine her hands together behind his calf, getting a tight hold on the Prince before the Witch made him fly for a brief moment as she brought herself backwards, hoisting her foe up and down with her!

Soon enough, the Valkyrie Champion felt the ring tremble underneath her as Daisuke's back harshly crashed down against the canvas, forcing him to holler in pain while his frame bucking upwards from the slam! Releasing him, Iria swatted one of her legs up and down from her bridged position and gracefully got herself back up to her feet, turning around with a conceited smile as she watched the Prince rolling over to his side. Using that brief window of time that Daisuke would need to get back on his feet, Iria would suddenly dash towards him, her boots swiftly planting themselves on the mats before she leaped up and pounced towards him, extending her arms and legs as she would attempt to crash her huge boobs and body against Daisuke's with a splash, hoping to bring him down again with her to the canvas!

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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As expected, the match started off aggressively. Normally, Daisuke would relish the challenge of a grapple battle but due to his history with Iria, he just wanted to defeat her at all costs. Lunging into her to try and bully her in the corner, his plan was foiled when her knee ran up into his abdomen to stop him dead in his tracks. From there, the blonde woman would stay true to her word that she was done playing around with the prince as she would hook his leg and tuck his head under her arm, lifting him up high in the air and slamming him down for a suplex. His back hit the mats hard and he howled in pain while she would swing back up to her feet.

Daisuke would take a couple of seconds to recover and get back up, as soon as he did though, he saw the champ lunge at him. "Ngh!" he braced for impact but it was too much. Iria would smack against the wrestling prince, bulldozing him, as her body crashed into Daisuke and he fell back down to the mat with the blonde on top of him. "Ughhh!" he grunted as he was seeing a side of his ex-girlfriend that he had never seen before.

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Without giving Daisuke any time to catch up his breath after suplexing him down, Iria followed after him as he was left stunned for a brief moment before he rolled to his side, attempting to get back to his feet only to find the blonde pouncing towards him with a bug jump, her curvy figure crashing down against his in a splash as her taut midriff struck his toned pecs while her large boobs hit up his face! The recoil of the blow, inmeaditely sent both of them tumbling down towards the mats, with Daisuke taking the bruny of the fall as the Champion laid atop him smirking, like a lioness playing with her prey. There were no more games this match!

Not holding anything back, the Golden Witch would inmediately follow up her attack by latching her arms forward as she would seek to grab and pin down the Prince's shoulders with her hands, giving him a shove to make sure he would be laying there. If she did so, the Champion would brace herself and tighten her core before attempting to perform a handstand over Daisuke's fallen frame, raising up her lower half and legs with a thrust of her hips to stand up in a complete vertical position as her feet would point towards the ceiling, showing off her athleticism and prowress for his opponent and the whole world!

"YAAAAH!!" From her handstand position, Iria would let out a roar and fold her body forward as she would point down both of her knees, using the momentum of the gravity to let herself fall down rapidly towards the downed Daisuke... seeking to brutally pierce his abs with her knees with an impressive looking double knee drop to further weaken the Prince!

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Re: No Mercy! - Iria Luna vs Daisuke Takeuchi

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This battle was filled with emotions as the former couple would do everything they could do put this rivalry behind them, to end this love-hate relationship they had. After slamming him down, Daisuke would recover to get back up to his feet only to be rushed by the blonde champion who would smack her body against him! Her midriff struck his pecs while her boobs slapped his face and he was taken down to the mats once more. He groaned in pain while he tried to raise himself up off the mats, trying to shove her off but Iria would make sure he would lay tight under him by grabbing his shoulders and shoving him right back down to the mats, pinning them while she loomed over him with that smug look on her face.

"UGH! GET OFF" he growled in frustration, clearly things were heated up between them. She would use the grip of his shoulders to pull herself up in a handstand, showing her incredible athleticism to the world as she got some hangtime in while he squirmed under her. Just as Daisuke was about to make an escape, her body came down on him- knees first, into his abdomen.

"Guuuuuuuuuugh!" he cried out loudly, coughing as spittle flew off his mouth as Iria flattened her opponent with a brutal double knee drop.

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