Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

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Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Weonna »

It was already one week of No Nut November...in an attempt to ease Hiro Takahashi's mind, his best friend Kenzo Miyamoto had scheduled Hiro a bout with residential punching bag Jobber Joe...although Hiro wasent quite enthusiastic about fighting an individual who calls themselves Jobber Joe, Hiro was prepared to preform and get his career back in track as he had been inactive for quite a while.
Kenzo Miyamoto

Kenzo: Alright Hiro...I set you up with an easy opponent today so go out there and show L.A.W. what your about!

Hiro: It's kinda hard to make a statement against someone who is in a losing streak. Couldn't you have paired me up with an much difficult opponent?

Kenzo Miyamoto looked at Hiro Takahashi, understanding his concerns. Kenzo took a moment to respond, considering Hiro's words.

Kenzo: Hiro, I understand your point. But sometimes, it's not about the difficulty of the opponent; it's about your own performance and how you handle the situation. Jobber Joe may be on a losing streak, but that doesn't mean you can't showcase your skills and make a statement in the ring.

Hiro was still a bit skeptical about the whole situation.

Hiro: I get what you're saying, Kenzo, but I feel like I really need a challenge to really prove myself. It's been a while since I last fought, and I want to remind everyone why I belong in this industry.

Kenzo: I hear you, Hiro, and I believe in your talent. Look at this as an opportunity to shake off the ring rust and build your confidence.

Hiro glanced at Kenzo, contemplating his words. He knew his friend had his best interests at heart and understood the importance of regaining his form.

Hiro: Alright, Kenzo, I trust your judgment. I'll take this match with Jobber Joe seriously...

Kenzo: That's the spirit, Hiro! I know you have what it takes. Remember, every match is an opportunity to prove yourself, regardless of the opponent. Give it your all, and let your talent shine through.

Hiro: Alright Kenzo...I got this!"

With renewed determination, Hiro prepared himself mentally for the upcoming match, ready to step into the ring and make a statement, regardless of the opponent he faced. Kenzo stood by his side, offering as his manager to the ring for unwavering support as Hiro geared up for his in ring return.

Once Hiro was all ready and geared up he would wait for his enterance to que.

From Tokyo, Japan and weighting 180 pounds! Hiro Takahashi!

The crowd roared in excitement when a familiar song was played and the energy of the crowd amplified as Hiro screamed out in excitement as the music got crazier. As he got closer to the ring the Japanese wrestler jumped up and down with each jump getting higher and higher before jumping to the ring apron and grabbing onto the top rope to do a cool flip inside the ring.

This got the crowd to clap and cheer for the young Japanese star who was all smiles. Meanwhile Kenzo was standing by his corner outside the ring, watching his best friend closely.

As Hiro's music begins to fade he would start bouncing up and down...stretching out and waiting for his opponent to come out and make his enterance.
Last edited by Weonna on Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:59 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Backstage Jobber Joe was getting ready for his second match in L.A.W. His First match in the company didn't go so well but tonight he was ready as always to get back in the ring and score his First ever win. As his name was being called ho to the stage Jobber Joe got up to his feet and yelled,

"Aujourd'hui! j'ai ma première victoire!" As he bolts out backstage he waits for his que and theme music to play.

"Standing 5'11 and weighting in 175 pounds! From Paris, France...Jobber Joe!"
Enterance Music
Jobber Joe came out the ring with one arm raised! He tried to have an intimidating look but that didn't scare the crowd. In fact it made them laugh as many people in this building knew who this Jobber really was. As he approaches the ring he quickly rolls inside and starts to March around in a very animated way saying,

"Bonjour, Bonjour! Je suis Jobber Joe!" He would introduce himself to Hiro before marching to his corner ready to begin this match.
Last edited by Maledomfan on Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Weonna »

Hiro had a smile on his face. Jobber Joe was like those comedic type wrestlers with his exaggerated and animated movements. Once Jobber Joe introduced himself, Hiro would politely bow and introvert himself back to Joe,

"こんにちは、私の名前は高橋ヒロです。(Hello. I'm Hiro Takahashi)"

Since Jobber Joe would use his native language, Hiro thought he should do the same. Once both men were in the corner the ref would call for the bell to ring,


Hiro came out the corner and to the center of the ring with his Striker stance. Hiro didn't go for immediate offense as he wanted to scout Jobber Joe for a bit and get a feel for how his opponent fights. Meanwhile Kenzo watched closely with his arms crossed and with his signature Poker Face.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

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"Hrrraaagghhh!" Jobber Joe didn't waste any times as he went to his boxing stance, but rushing Hiro with a flurry of punches, Jabs, and hooks. He was looking desperately to land something that could potentially rock Hiro from the start of this match.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

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Hiro did not expect Joe to come out guns a blazing as the Frenchmen would fire all sorts of punches! However some of these punches felt telegraphed and lack of technical striking as it felt like Jobber Joe is just throwing things wildly hoping something would land.

Hiro would easily evade and weave Jobber Joe's early volleys of strikes before having his back against the ropes! Hiro placed his guard up waiting for Jobber Joe to come at him.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Despite missing virtually every show, Jobber Joe would still swarm at Hiro, throwing more shots than ever since he was backed into the ropes...even if Hiro were to keep moving Jobber Joe would follow him around doing everything he can to land at least one good punch.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Weonna »

Even with his back turned against the ropes, Hiro was still blocking and weaving his head around!

'What's up with this guy? His just gonna exhaust himself.'

Hiro thought to himself as he effortlessly would dodge and slip every one of Jobber Joe's punches...even when Hiro would be at the turnbuckles, he started rope a doping, avoiding each punch like it was the plague.

Eventually Hiro would slip through one of Jobber Joe's punches and use his Footwork to get out of the turnbuckles and back to the center of the ring.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Whiff after whiff after whiff after whiff, Jobber Joe could not land one single punch! Despite that however even when Hirp would get out of the corner, Jobber Joe had his hands up in triumph believing that he was winning the fight!

"Ahaha!! I got you where I want you! All you can do is run from me! It's over Hiro! Tonight I will have my first victory!!!!"


The crowd popped as Jobber Joe started with winding up...ready for his big Finishing Move!!!


Jobber Joe shouted at the top of his lungs as he charged at Hiro with his powered up European Uppercut!

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Weonna »

Despite missing every shot like a blind man, Jobber Joe's charisma still hyped the fans up...this got Hiro confused as he looked at Kenzo who simply gave him a nod to finish him.

Hiro didn't waste any time, executing his Best move...as soon as Jobber Joe got closer he would counter the Frenchman with his Finisher: The Super Charged Hiro Kick outta nowhere!
Once Hiro hit the kick he would drop down for the pin cover!
Last edited by Weonna on Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Hiro Takahashi vs Jobber Joe - Week 1 of No Nut November

Unread post by Maledomfan »

Jobber Joe charged at Hiro with a heavy charged European Uppercut, but in a shocking turn of events, Hiro decided to end things early as he went for his Finisher, kicking Joe in the face! The impact of the kick was enough to knock Joe out as all he saw was black afterwards and dropped to the floor looking stiff as a board.

Hiro would pin Joe with a single leg as the referee would come in for the count,


The bell rang and Hiro was declared the winner much to everyone's suprize! (Sarcastically)

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