Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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The Riders
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Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Trios match
Win by pin fall or submission

"This match was only taking place due to the backstage assault that the wild members of Cyber Legacy did to Tina Armstrong." Thereisa would think to herself as she is putting on the last bit of her outfit on.

But this has been a long time coming between the two groups, with Serilda and Ana coming into their own and seeing how her daughters want to go after the biggest fish in the middleweights not named Kyoko... but their sights were on the very first champion of the class in Tina who luckily had some help during that beat down that day. Now all three have been booked against her rival Alaina who still has the title belt that she wants, but also against Tina and Alaina nephew or whatever Dan is to her, which is another issue that she has to deal with since Dan and Alaina would be the more big threat than Tina is at the moment due to the woman poor showing so far.

"Listen, you two.... we go out as a team and let me worry about Dan and Alaina... Ana, you put your focus on angering them and Serilda work with your sister and target Tina. Victory will be ours if we keep to the plan alright," the older woman says as they're waiting for the big entrance to start.

A loud screech is heard coming from the speakers and chanting as the music plays. Ana comes out first wearing her golden outfit, striking a pose while blowing kisses to the crowd with a happy smile to the loud chanting of boos, before the boos get louder due to Serilda making her way out on stage still holding her kendo stick and the Legacy title around her waist that fanged grin on her face eager to enjoy going after her rivals again.

The booing then stops as Thereisa makes her way out and stands in the middle of her girls, ready to get this match over with and to get back to training for another shot at the number one contender position for the title... as all three make their way down to the ring Ana slides into the ring underneath the bottom ropes... while Serilda gets onto the ring apron and leans against them before flipping over into the ring. While Thereisa just steps in and most of her focus on the entrance ramp, knowing that a tough match is going to be coming her way.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Backstage walking through the halls was a very different trio as The Thundergirls came out dressed in their usual two piece tiger print wrestling attire as if it were business as usual. The bulkier young man clad in a pair of tiger print briefs with them was something new. "You know I bet Irelia likes that look." Alaina said with a chuckle as the young man Dan rolled his eyes.

"Oh here we go, still time to embarrass me huh?" Dan asked as the trio walked.

"Absolutely." Alaina said.

"I know you love seeing your lady prance around in her wrestling gear. If it weren't for the fact that you jumped in to save me from that sneak attack it'd probably be her tagging with us." Tina added with a wink.

"Okay, we've got to stay focused. I feel like we can overpower and out-wrestle them clean no doubt. Problem is they won't do it clean. Always be ready for something shady and be especially wary of their corner of the ring." Alaina said as the stage crew motioned to them letting them know it was time to go out and wrestle.

The Thundergirls and Dan came out with Alaina and Tina each going down a side of the ramp high fiving fans while Dan held his arms out and soaked up the cheers of the crowd with a smile. Halfway down Alaina came to the middle and posed flexing and strutting with her LAW Heavyweight Championship over her shoulder while Tina and Dan high fived fans. Soon they all made it to the ring and were in their corner going over who would start things off. "Ok who wants to step in first?" Tina said with a smile. "I wouldn't mind it."

"Get them." Dan said patting Tina on the back.

"You got it Tina, start us off and don't hesitate to keep the tags frequent in this one." Alaina said as the aunt and nephew climbed through the ropes onto the apron to let Tina start stepping out to the middle of the ring.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Seeing that Tina was going to start the match did lead to some planning by the three women in Legacy.

Before Ana would step forward with her hands behind her back and even lean forward with a teasing smirk on her face "Hey Tina. So... Sorry about jumping you you know, when I see wrestlers that should retire. I get the urge to beat them up. Just like when I slapped Alaina in the face. " she says with a challenging smirk.

Before rushing forward and going for a quick kick to the other woman's leg, testing to see if her opponent would block it or not. Since Ana is all speed and is one fast wrestler when she needs to be.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Ana was throwing shade at Tina firing her up before she charged forward... not a great idea. The tigress was stepping out towards Ana after the insults and she saw the kick coming. She still just barely reacted in time moving to the side and getting her guard up to narrowly cause a glancing hit instead of the desired full on strike. "You are gonna pay for that one you fake hack!" Tina said as she swung her own leg around looking to hammer Ana with a return strike by way of a hard kick right across her abdomen to double her over.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Ana would grin at being called a hack... The blue-haired vixen has been working on studying Tina's move set and any new moves that the former champion has learned, so she was able to know what was coming as her kick made the other woman move to a spot where she had more room to work out her plan.

"Ughhh... Got you Tina"
Ana would say bending over due to the kick landing into her stomach.

But she was able to catch the leg in her arms since that was the plan to target the other woman's leg... "Down you go Hot Head," she says before twisting her body around and slamming her opponent's leg into the canvas with a dragon screw move.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Tina felt her leg grabbed and before she could do anything she was sent crashing to the mat with a dragon screw! "Ugh!" Tina groaned as she rolled with the momentum trying to get to her feet as quickly as she could. Tina shook her head moving in to try to grapple with Ana and get back into the swing of things. Tina would try to smash Ana in the abdomen with her knee a few times to soften her up while she held her in the grapple.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Being able to take Tina down with ease would have fired anybody up, but not Ana, as she knows her opponent as much as she knows everyone in this company, and the other woman in front of her, while still a strong opponent, is reaching a point where her career is at a standstill, and Ana is always eager to play around and see how far she can push someone until they snap.

Seeing as her dragon screw didn't do much to her opponent's leg, mostly due to Tina rolling with it and using the momentum to get back to her feet in a hurry, Ana would do the same and go for another grapple with the other woman, but this time Ana was caught off guard and took a few knees to the stomach that forced her to sag forward, but her guard was gone, leaving herself wide open.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Tina smiled, having Ana in a good position to take it to her! The tigress grinned and hooked both of Ana's arms and lift her straight up, holding her vertically for a couple seconds to show off before falling back, sending her crashing down hard with a big underhook suplex! Tina knew the loud sound of Ana's body hitting the mat would be extra satisfying, as Tina moreso than anyone else on her team really wanted to put these women in their place...

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Ana would feel her arms be hooked by her opponent... And it was then she knew that Tina had her caught and with no chance to use her legs she was stuck with no chance of escaping what was about to happen to her.

As the woman would feel herself be lifted into the air... She is shown off before slamming into the canvas with a loud thud that forces her to cry out "Aaahhhhh" as she lays on her side. As much as she enjoyed taunting Tina Armstrong... The woman was still a monster when it came to landing moves that were a mix of power and speed, something that she needed to avoid if her plan to work out with her group winning.

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Re: Trios team Match: Cyber Legacy vs the ThunderGirls (plus Dan)

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Tina sent Ana down hard to the mat, and she wanted to really get rolling now! The British tigress pulled Ana up by the arm then sent Ana running towards the ropes. Tina gave chase and as Ana bounced off the ropes Tina extended her arm and looked to hammer Ana with a big lariat hoping to send Ana crashing down hard to the mat once more. Tina was trying to keep building up that momentum hoping to get her team off to a hot start!

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