the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Daphnia would immediately start humping her opponent's ass more aggressively, holding onto her waist and trying her best not to fall while she was on top of her opponent, the struggling wasn't helping her stay on at all, unlike Leorna the most bumpy ride that Daphnia was ever on was a limo ride off-road, meaning she was a lot more fucked then Leorna was ironically, but that doesn't mean she's not gonna try her damnedest to win

"you want gentle then tap the f**k out, until then I'll be as rough as I want!"

Daphnia yelled as she got wetter and wetter, Leorna could hear each wet smack against her ass and so could the audience, Daphnia was loosing her grip and was just looking to fuck her opponent
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

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Lenora moaned at every single plap of her ass from Daphnia. People were enjoying the view as they were leaning over the barricade to get a better listen. Lenora needed something and that was when she realized that she was more stronger than Daphnia. That was when she got her plan.

Lenora continued to try and crawl away from Daphnia as her ass was getting clapped by her every single time. She was trying to make Daphnia adjust herself to continue on. If Lenora was quick enough, she would attempt to roll onto her back. It would be a worser outcome for Lenora with Daphnia getting access to her crotch, but Lenora can use her own strength to start smothering Daphnia with her breasts
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Daphnia would end up having to readjust herself a bit, unfortunately for her that meant that her opponent could roll over, making significantly harder to dry hump her, but this now meant that Daphnia could reach her opponent's exposed pussy, and that's exactly what she was aiming for. Daphnia would attempt to trap Leorna by wrapping her legs around Leorna's legs so she couldn't get up, running her pussy against her opponent's ass while attempting to finger her, if she succeeded in trapping her then she would start trying to find her g-spot in order to get her to climax, wanting to dominate her opponent as severely as possible.
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

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Lenora then went to smother Daphnia with her tits as she held onto her tight. She also squirmed around so that Daphnia wouldn’t be dry humping her exposed pussy while she was attempting to smother Daphnia. However, it would be a struggle since Daphnia trapped her legs and made it so that her crotch was a sitting duck for Daphnia.
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

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Daphnia would continue dry humping her opponent's crotch as she could see the cogs in the Texan's head turning, with the girl actively taunting her by pulling her into another kiss, softly kissing the Texan's neck in order to rile her up a bit more, she wanted Leorna to be as riled up as possible so that it was all the sweeter when she won this match
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

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Lenora continued to try and smother Daphnia between her breasts. She tried to push her head back down onto her breast from when Daphnia went to make out with her. While she was getting dry humped and made out with on the floor, Lenora was thinking of a way to turn the tables on her. That was when she got her idea.
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Daphnia would attend to flip Leorna onto her back, after all she couldn't smother her without being on solid ground, or at least that's what she thought. Daphnia would try to continue pleasing her opponent by kissing between her opponent's breasts, grabbing both of Leorna's breasts and giving them a soft massage, she knew that if she could make Leorna cum again then she could weaken her exponentially, she just had to think of a sweet spot, she wasn't dry humping anymore due the restrictions to her movement so kissing and groping were the best ways to give Leorna pleasure
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

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Lenora was then caught off guard by Daphnia kissing her boobs. It was what she wanted but she was then getting groped by her as she lost her grip of the head of Daphnia. She was now getting groped by her and she really couldn’t move her body to get out of it. She was lucky, however, to Daphnia not knowing where her sweet spot is.
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Daphnia would continue aggressively kiss all inside of Leorna's breasts, massaging Leorna's breasts while she was getting smothered, she could feel herself getting weaker but luckily she didn't need much strength to grope this chicks boobs. Daphnia would also attempt to rub one out for Leorna, hoping that would make her weak enough to make her submit
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Re: the younger sister's techstar encounter (Daphnia vs Leorna Morgan)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Lenora would be truly trapped under Daphnia as she was getting groped and getting rubbed out by her. She needed a strategy and need one now. She was too occupied to use her strength advantage against her. However, Lenora would try that.

Lenora would attempt to flip Daphnia over. If she was successful, she would get her legs out of Daphnia’s and then attempt to facesit Daphnia.
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