Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Elle Alresford had to entertain herself during workouts. She didn't hate the hard work, far from it, but as a girl who hadn't spent much of her life before discovering wrestling doing much more than playing at yoga or going for walks, she didn't have that same love of it other wrestlers seemed to have. Her lack of enthusiasm didn't stop her of course. Getting stronger, more flexible, and more durable helped her keep the job that had changed her life and come to excel at it, but she did have to entertain herself to avoid burnout. She had read some gobbledygook article about daydreamers having trouble sticking to things, and she found it mostly true.

Most of the way through her evening workout in a sparse gym, Elle lay flat of her stomach, all her appendages coiled into a weight band, and she let music pump into her ears while she strained to stretch out her legs and curl her arms from her shoulder blades into a position over her head. She occasionally stopped to swing her legs to the beat, hum out a tune, or make sure her gym shorts weren't riding up before she started another set of reps, but she made good progress. After a sweep through her sweaty, tied-up hair with her hand and a glance around the room, she ducked her head down until her nose was touching the mat again (that probably wasn't sanitary, was it?) to do her last set of reps.

Finally bringing her repetition to an end, she let the weight band go and rolled over onto her butt to pop up. She was antsy, she knew, as she started to get up. She had one more part of her routine to do on the weight benches, but she hardly wanted to drag herself over there. Bleeeeh. She forced herself to wander over anyway.

They were popular. Half of the people still in the gym seemed to be on the weight benches, and Elle, flinging her towel over her shoulder, wandered her way down the row of them. Most everyone was struggling short of one gentleman. One masked gentleman. Elle stopped in front of his bench, knowing she had spotted him earlier and wanted to chat with him since she almost thought he had been eying her. She loved a good mask. He was also an outright castle of a man. And he was killing his reps.

The mischief wormed its way into her mind, and Elle, knowing she would barely find a bench before the night ended anyway, slipped over to his side. He still hadn't seen her.

Hoping she hadn't been totally wrong about his earlier eye-flirting, Elle carefully swung a leg over his midsection like she was going to sit down on his stomach, brushing just enough of his torso for him to notice. She had a grin waiting when she undoubtedly got her attention with her blatant straddling. "Heeeeeya. Oops, you using this one?"

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Up and down, up and down, up and down. There was certainly no real entertainment value in benching weights for someone who had a career that was as exciting as El Rey Del Cielo's, but the masked man was always on a race to keep up with his contemporaries! It seemed like oh-so often that El Rey's gym trips these days were getting interrupted for various different reasons, and so he had to try and get in the workouts when he could! Well, he liked to pretend like the reasons were varied and different. And yet each time they all had one key factor in common with one another. And that was the fact that each time a beautiful woman had made her presence to the muscled male wrestler, and each time he couldn't resist but engage with them in his typical flirty ways, with it often leading to some distracting scenarios, though not ones he minded! Even now his mind wandered slightly to women like Yuna Matou and Vera Sapphire, who had both tangled with the luchador after run-ins in the gym!
"Just... keep... focused..." He muttered to himself in between reps, trying to keep his thoughts free of things that would distract him! He had already caught himself ogling the attractive brunette that he saw stretching by herself in the corner of the gym, and he didn't want yet another gym session to be turned sideways! It seemed like he had no idea that this workout, like the others, was about to get far more interesting!

Elle had snuck up next to him without the masked man becoming aware of her presence, still focused on hefting the weights up into the air, but it was no longer a possibility to ignore when a leg swung over his torso, and he suddenly found himself mounted! El Rey's gaze almost immediately traveled downwards once Elle's presence became known, and he saw the brunette he had gazed at earlier, her body gently against pressed against his, El Rey just barely able to feel her backside squishing up against his stomach. It was entirely too distracting to workout under these conditions, and so he would quickly push the bar up and rack it, before fixing her with a wry smile, curious, but amused by how bold she was! And her words only amused him more!

"You know, I am actually using this one. But... I can be persuaded to share." El Rey said with a wry smile on his face, though he did internally give himself a kick for immediately ignoring his workout thanks to the pretty woman sitting on his stomach. He gave himself a second kick when he looked at the busty woman yet again and immediately forgot about completing the rest of his workout! Instead, he'd sit back with a bit of a relaxed smile, before gesturing to the bar above him as if inviting her to use it... all while he remained seated where he was, stuck underneath her and waiting to see what she had come over to him so boldly for!

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Elle figured much wilder antics than a pretty woman standing over the top of a man on a workout bench, so she didn't feel too out of place as she stood there and waited with her hands on her hips. Still the boldness gave her a little rush. She had long since given up tendencies to hold back socially. When she saw what she wanted or what she thought would be fun, she went out and did it without any thought of what people would think. She had lived too long without what she wanted to let some dumb opinions hold her back.

And oooh, did he take it well. Her suspicions might have been correct that he had spotted her and eyed her up before. He certainly didn't look too offended that she stood over him though she did so under the guise of wanting the workout bench. His words confirmed as much, but he wasn't moving. Elle's smile became all the slyer. He had the same sort of spunk.

After a few seconds' challenging stare like she was really thinking about it, Elle eventually swung her leg back over so she stood beside him. "Welllll, it's tempting, but I think I'd fall off." Not that it mattered if she did, but that would just be too easy, wouldn't it? She again straightened out her towel so she could wipe over her face and ensure she didn't look too sweaty because she was about to go a-flirtin'.

"Maybe I'll have to wrestle you for it instead," she teased. "Establish my dominance, all five and a half feet of me." Considering she said that to a man who could have bearhugged her twice in the same hug. Those shoulders were killer.

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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It wasn't everyday that El Rey was straddled by an attractive woman in the gym while he was trying to work out, but he would be damned if he wasn't confused as to why it seemed to happen to him more than the average man, not that it was a bad thing in any regard! Looking up at the woman basically sitting on him, El Rey took a moment to take in the features of her face, noting just how pretty she was, while also trying not to notice too blatantly her hefty chest that hung down in front of him, all before he would give her a response! She seemed relatively amused by his offer to share the workout bench, eyeing him up with a smile on her face that didn't betray her intentions, but after a few moments, she'd suddenly swing her leg back off of him and remove herself from the luchador!

El Rey nearly looked disappointed, but he highly doubted that she was about to walk off, and so as she responded to him by declining his offer, he'd sit up with a smile and stretch his arms out, working out some of the stress he had built up from lifting weights! She wiped her face at the same time, and it seemed that both were gearing up for some more high key flirting! And Elle was keen to take the first step!

At her teasing words, a challenge to wrestle him over it, El Rey couldn't help but chuckle, looking her up and down to admire all five and a half feet of her that she threatened him with! In response, the male wrestler would stand up and face her directly, the luchador only about two inches taller than her! Still, he was wide and muscled, and certainly broader than she was, making the contrast that much larger! He tilted his head as if weighing the pros and cons of wrestling this gorgeous woman, before he'd finally have an answer for her!

"You know, as terrifying as your five and a half feet are, I suddenly feel very attached to this particular weight bench, so I'm not sure if I could give it up... I might just have to wrestle you for it. I mean, otherwise, where will I sit?" He pondered, the glint in his eyes conveying that his words may have had a cheeky double meaning to them, as he met Elle's challenge with his own teasing remark!

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Holy hell. Make that three hugs in one.

As he stood, nothing about his height stood out. He had looked bigger on the bench, but he only stood a couple of inches taller than she did. Elle would have needed a drink before she attempted to run around him though. People didn't often come in his broad and powerful shape, so no wonder he had no trouble tearing through those weight reps well enough to get her attention. She did not often step back from people, but she almost needed to do so to give him space for that frame.

It took a lot of discipline to avoid slapping him on both shoulders just to see how sturdy he was. That seemed like a trait to show him if they ever got to know each other better though rather than making him think her crazy thirty seconds into their meeting. He could find her crazy later.

He kept up with her in the conversation, too. She sometimes thought her flirting proved overt, but some people simply didn't get it. No problem with him, and Elle clasped her hands behind her back and stood coy, thinking, tapping one toe on the floor. "Mmmm everyone in LAW finds somewhere to sit," she answered, sure that he knew what she meant unless he had spent his time here with his head in the sand. She actually sort of recognized him now that she saw him upright, what with the mask and all.

Truth be told she did not know what she wanted out of the encounter, but he proved receptive enough that she kept the banter going. "Maybe you're just scared I'll win and take it over permanently. Could I ban you from the gym if I beat you too badly?"

She could almost hear the eyeroll from the somewhat disinterested blonde on the next bench.

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Once he stood up from his bench and across from Elle, it was clear that while not having that much of a height advantage over her at all, he was most certainly the bigger wrestler, wide and muscled, and he faced Elle with a confidence that came along with his stature! Still, she didn't seem very bothered by it, not showing many signs of it even if she did, as she clasped her hands behind her back and began to tap her foot on the round, teasingly answering his words with a remark of her own, El Rey catching the hidden meaning! Of course, he only provided a smirk as she continued, and her words seemed design to further tease and prod the masked man, who tilted his head at her comments as he thought of a response for her!

"Well... I suppose if I were beaten and kicked off of my favorite work bench, it would be rather humiliating. I might not be able to come back to the gym anymore after that. So I'd say that if that's what's at stake, I'd have to go all out on you!" El Rey said with a smile, puffing out his chest just a tad as he said so to follow along with his point! It likely wasn't going to drive Elle off, and he in fact hoped the opposite, as he would continue to bring a hand up to his chin and ponder for a tad bit longer, before continuing!

"Buuuuut, it seems like the gym is pretty busy. So while we could settle our work bench dispute, we don't want to disturb the others. Hmmmm..." El Rey continued to ponder, fixing his eyes on Elle after a moment with a wry smile!

"We could go back to my place and settle things, but I'd hate to invite you over just to stretch you out and make you tap..." There was quite a bit of innuendo in that one, but he continued without pause! "So perhaps we could find somewhere that you'd consider home turf? Maybe that would help even things out for your conquest of my bench, eh?"

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Here Elle would have been content interrupting her boring workout with mischief and maybe making a new friend. She would have considered a little five-minute wrestling match with that new friend a bonus. Maybe the first to get the other in a hold or something like that. Her approach, her flirting, and her sass had a much better effect than she could have ever expected however, and even the Californian looked surprised at his mention of taking her back to his place to "stretch her out and make her tap." That got the juices flowing.

Had she just stumbled her way into a one-night-wrestle? Maybe. Sometimes, a girl had to let her instincts take over and go with it. It was just the same as using a dating site without awkwardly flipping through a ton of people she didn't want to see, after all, and plenty of people did that.

Not when it came to wrestling, no, but close enough!

She wiggled a finger at him. "Now if you're going to be talking that boldly like I'm some wallflower who's going to fold, I have to set you straight." The only answer was obvious, but she pretended as if she had to really think about it, tapping at her chin. It was unfortunate that she didn't have a pen and paper nearby. Performing the mysterious "I'm writing down my phone number, address, whatever" act would have added to the whole allure, no doubt.

She folded her arms over her chest instead. "Your appointment for me to do just that and claim all rights to the gym will be in apartment building 24 and room 337. In..." She checked her watch. Showering was a necessity if she was going to so much as arm wrestle the man. Stinking wouldn't do. "...forty minutes." That would give her time to walk over and get cleaned up without having to rush like a mad woman.

Whether he showed up or not, she had uttered her challenge. She winked and started to turn with a little extra sway in her hips. "Better be there if you don't want to deal with this terror every time you set foot in the gym, lucha," she warned over her shoulder before speeding back to her bag with a hop in her step.

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Elle had been quite bold in her approach when she had come over to the luchador, but now it was El Rey's turn to be bold, as he quickly ran with her idea of wrestling over the bench, claiming that taking her back to his place and beating her there just didn't seem right! It was obviously going to provoke most any wrestler to want to prove him wrong, but if she had approached him for the reasons that he thought, and that was not the bench, he figured that this was as good a reason as any for her to throw down the gauntlet! And sure enough, she quickly corrected him that she wouldn't be folding at all, and after a brief moment of thinking, she'd throw down out an address, and a time limit of forty minutes!

"Apartment 24, room 337... Sounds like a date to me." He said with a smirk, repeating the information to make sure he had it, before watching as Elle turned around. With the extra sway in her hip, he noticed her round rear jiggle, and for a brief moment, he considered letting her terrorize him for as long as she liked, whenever he was in the gym. But then again... he just couldn't resist this opportunity! So with forty minutes to spare, he bid goodbye to his incomplete workout, and whisked himself to the gym showers, looking to get ready before what would surely be an interesting showdown!

Forty minutes later...

"Building 24... aaaaaand room 337." El Rey said to himself as he arrived, having just passed 336, and yet to come to 338, which meant that this must be the place! El Rey, clad in his official wrestling gear with his mask still on, stood out like a sore thumb if there was anyone watching, and Elle's neighbors might have been a bit confused about the singlet clad luchador that was standing outside of her door, but honestly, he wasn't very concerned! What did concern him was the very attractive woman that was expecting him right about now, and he didn't want to keep her waiting for long!

"Alright... here goes nothing I guess." The masked man said to himself, before reaching up and rapping his knuckles against the door, signaling to her that he had arrived, and was ready to answer her challenge on her own home turf!

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Fresh body, dried hair, slapped in her wrestling attire. Elle had given herself the perfect amount of time, and as she started to plop down onto her couch to wait for him, not knowing the exact timing of the forty minutes, she heard the knock on the door. She peeked over the back of her couch like a prairie dog, all smiles. Given how well everything had gone in the gym, she hadn't worried too much that he would skip on her.

No, she had spent more time thinking how neat it was to be in a world like this one. In her old promotion, everyone had other jobs, and for the most part, everyone showed up, trained, wrestled on show nights, and then went back to their careers. There existed no real community around the promotion unless a group went out for drinks. LAW almost felt like a college campus with everyone pushing for the same goal and fraternizing in all the same places and, well, ending up having reality show-like encounters in the gym that led to what Elle imagined would be at least a fun wrestle meetup if not much more. She had never lived like this before, and she might find out it wasn't for her. She still wanted to give it a try though. She felt bold in her autonomy.

Wasting no time, she popped up from her seat, letting what would have been nerves turn into eagerness instead as she all but skipped her way to the door. She peered through her spyhole to make sure she saw a mask, and when she did, she unlatched the door and swung it open to reveal herself and give him the once-over at the same time. Oh, he had come from a match alright. "You're not scared at all, huh?", she asked, teasing. "I'm surprised you didn't leave the gym and book the first plane to Istanbul to make sure you never have to face me."

Though she tried to look tough, a smile broke through, and she stepped aside. "Get in here. I don't want a reputation."

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Re: Guess It's a Play Date (Ducky)

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Knocking on Elle's door, the masked man would stand outside of her door, a bit too excited to do a good job at looking relaxed, so he opted to simply lightly bounce around on his feet before the door suddenly swung open, and the pretty brunette from the gym greeted him again! She looked good, really good, standing in her wrestling attire, and El Rey felt bolstered by the fact that she had clearly prepared for him to show up, and was happy that he had made enough of an impression on her that they both were eager to wrestle! So eager in fact, that she would immediately begin to tease him again, happily proclaiming that she hadn't expected to show up in spite of her readiness, and that she had in fact expected him to flee the country!

"As wonderful as I'm sure Istanbul is, I couldn't just let you triumph before we even wrestled. Perhaps I'll head there on a victory trip after I win!" El Rey said with a smirk, meeting her teasing with some of his own! She'd soon usher him inside of her apartment, not wanting to give her neighbors any odd ideas of what she may be getting up to, to which he'd enter her home, closing the door behind him!

"Alright alright, I'll keep your reputation to LAW as my workbench conquest. Though, can't imagine wrestling will be a quiet activity. They may get ideas yet..." El Rey said with a smile and a nudge to Elle as he walked past her into her apartment, taking a look around!

"In all seriousness, it's a wonderful space that you've got here. Where do you want us to wrestle at?" He questioned her, as he took a look around and examined her living space, finding it quite homely! Still, eagerness would prevent him from worrying too much about décor and home layout, as he was ready to get down to business, and see what Elle had in store!

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