Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

Unread post by Weonna »

El Rey would not allow Loveatar to rest as he slowly walked at the weakened Luchadora and yanked her back up to her feet before placing her on his shoulders!

The crowd was ready for another big move as El Rey would then lift Lovestar up in the air with a Gorilla press!

Lovestar looked as if she was a ragdoll...just being carried up. However as Lovestar was lifted up in the air by El Rey for the Gorilla press, she managed to summon her remaining strength and quickly countered with a DDT, a move where she drives her opponent's head into the mat. With lightning-fast reflexes, Lovestar wrapped her arm around El Rey's neck, shifting her weight and bringing both of them crashing down to the mat with a powerful impact


The crowd erupted in excitement as Lovestar showcased her resilience and fighting spirit. However this came woth a cost as Lovestar also landed on her back and was also hurt.


She would lay and wither around, laying close by her opponent...after a couple of seconds which felt like a mi item the ref would warn both Wrestlers to continue or else he would do a double count out.

Lovestar would groan and roll to her four's crawling at El Rey and laying on top of him for the cover!

The ref would slide in and begin the count!


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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Pursuing Lovestar over to the rope where she rested, El Rey would grab hold of the masked beauty and yank her back up to her feet, before suddenly hefting her even further, up onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry, and attempting to go big and end the match, even further than that! However, it seemed that he might have been flying slightly too high, and when Lovestar was up in the air, she'd fight her way free and come down, and as she did so, she wrapped an arm around El Rey on the way down as she swung him headfirst towards the mat, with a brutal DDT! El Rey was barely even able to comprehend that Lovestar was free from his grasp before he was swung downwards, and his head drilled into the canvas!

"UUUGH!" El Rey let out a cry as he slammed down hard, flipping over completely after being dropped on his head, and after both him and Lovestar hit the mat, neither one moved! It looked for a moment like both wrestlers had been left unable to continue, but eventually, Lovestar would slowly crawl over to El Rey and lay her curvy body atop his, as she went for one more pin! She had taken quite a fall, but still less damage than El Rey, and so the referee soon slid in to begin counting, things looking to be over!



"NNGH!" At the very last second before El Rey would have been pinned and taken his first loss in LAW, the muscled male would suddenly jolt and shove Lovestar, breaking out of the pin! The crowd, the ref, and even El Rey himself couldn't believe it! The masked man didn't even move afterwards, only barely rolling over to his stomach and letting out a groan! While Lovestar was at least aware enough to move, it seemed El Rey was struggling to do even that, and he would make glacial progress as he attempted to get back up to his hands and knees, and past that, his feet!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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The crowd was on there feet as El Rey managed to kick out of the pin. This caused Lovestar to place her hands on her head as she was in much more punishment does she have to do to keep El Rey down?

While the crowd anticipated for Lovestar's next move, The Pink Luchadora decided to go for another high risk manuever. She slowly got to her feet and exited to the ring apron before climbing up to the top turnbuckles!

Meanwhile El Rey should be positioned well and on his feet as Lovestar would take a deep breath, measured up the distance from her to her opponent before leaping off the Top turnbuckles for an Hurricanrana!

If successful Lovestar would try to throw El Rey to the floor!

However Lovestar also had a backup plan as if El Reu does catch her in a powerbomb position she would attempt to change it to a Frankensteiner!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Lovestar was just as stunned as everyone else that El Rey managed to kick out of her pin, as the luchadora likely had very little left in the tank much like her male opponent, and now she had to continue going, as El Rey was slowly beginning to rise back up, pain all over his body! However, he continued to rise, slowly and steadily pushing himself first up to his hands and knees, and eventually back up to his feet, where he'd turn and find Lovestar hurtling towards him, having jumped from the top ropes and directly at the masked man! El Rey's eyes went wide as Lovestar hurtled towards him, and in the moment that he had to prepare, he instinctively widened his stance as she flew at him, bracing himself as she soon landed atop him!

Once her legs came down on his shoulders and closed around his head, he instantly felt her trying to swing him towards the mat, and despite the force dragging his feet along the canvas as she put her whole weight into it, he managed to stop himself from being thrown! And yet, Lovestar was still moving, now throwing herself backwards to try and swing him overhead with a frankenstiener, one that would drill his head to the mat again!

"Nnnnngh! Not... yet!" El Rey groaned as his feet once more nearly left the mat, but with an almighty groan, he was able to straighten back up and grab hold of Lovestar, wrapping his arms around her waist as she hung upside down! And now that he had her at his mercy, he knew it was now or never!

"Sorry about this hermosa!" El Rey said, before attempting to suddenly jump up and kick his legs out, suddenly dropping directly down and bringing Lovestar with him towards the mat! If his counter worked, El Rey would attempt to suddenly change the course of this match at the last second, and drill the busty masked woman headfirst into the mat with a sitout piledriver!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Once Lovestar wrapped her legs around El Rey she moved around like a Pendulum! The Pink Luchadora would try to throw her opponent to the ground somehow.

When the Hurricanrana didn't work she tried to move to a Frankensteiner, but to Lovestar's shock she was countered as he would wrap his hands around her waist, hanging her upside down!


Her eyes widened in disbelief and before she knew it, she was drilled on the top of her head with a thunderous crash!!!

The crowd absolutely shock at the brutality of the move that they went crazy with cheers! Meanwhile Lovestar's world would turn to a blur as she dropped, folded and layed on the floor to her side...looking like a ragdoll...
Last edited by Weonna on Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Lovestar's impressive high flying would have surely spelled the end of the match for El Rey, who didn't have much energy left in him if it had hit, but the masked man had managed to gather himself enough to catch her when she came down atop his shoulders! And when she tried to fling him from his feet, he kept himself standing, just long enough to wrap his arms around her waist and hold her tight, before he would suddenly kick his legs out from underneath himself and bring the pair crashing down, drilling her head into the canvas with a sitout piledriver! The result was a thunderous impact as Lovestar slammed down, crowd wincing at the massive impact before she would end up flopping over onto her side, looking completely limp in El Rey's grasp! The luchador would push Lovestar's head off of his lap and push himself back up to his feet, trying to move quickly as he spent the last of his energy!

"Alright... alright!" Cried the luchador as he got up to his feet, reaching up to the straps of his leotard and wrenching them down to bare his chest, his singlet now resembling trunks as he pulled off the classic maneuver to fire up the crowd! However, knowing that Lovestar was tough and unsure if he would be able to keep her down just from the piledriver, El Rey needed something that would keep her down, and lowering the straps on his attire might have given him an idea! So with the thought in his head, he reached down to Lovestar, grabbing her and yanking her up to her feet!

"Alright hermosa... let's send the fans home happy!" El Rey said, before suddenly whisking Lovestar off of her feet and yanking her up into the air, spinning her around to hold her upside down, in tombstone piledriver position! But as he held her aloft, his hand would slide down to where his singlet rested against the front of his waist, before grabbing it and pulling it away from his skin! And from there, El Rey would suddenly drop Lovestar down, letting her head slide inside his singlet before he let go of the fabric of his outfit, letting it snap closed against the back of her head!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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The crowd in the arena was definitely hyped when El Rey started pulling his singlet down to become bare chested. Classic way to generate excitement in and anticipation for his next move as this may be the signal of the end for Lovestar, who remained stunned on the floor!

When El Rey when to pull Loveatar back up to her feet, The Pink Luchadora was so groggy...she could fall down any moment, but unfortunately for her, El Rey would grab her by the waist, turn her upside down in a Tombstone Position! Lovestar at this point was willing to accept her fate, but El Rey wanted to add insult to injury as he would pull on his uniform, slide Lovestar inside his singlet before closing it, forcing the Luchadora to face his manhood and musk in front of her mouth and nose!


Lovestar panicked. Her face shaking around, trying hard to get out of this trapped tombstone and erotic position. Her breaths were also frantic and can be felt on El Rey's shaft.

The crowd's reaction was a cacophony of mixed emotions. While a portion eagerly cheered on El Rey, others found themselves perturbed by the treatment of Lovestar. Tension pervaded the atmosphere, the arena resounding with a discordant melody of cheers, boos, and shocked gasps.
Last edited by Weonna on Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Lifting Lovestar up into his grasp, the luchadora didn't have enough wherewithal to fight back before El Rey could grab his singlet and pull it away from his skin, suddenly dropping Lovestar down so that her head would slide inside his attire before he would let it go! The fabric of the leotard would close around the back of her head, and she would be left stuck, upside down with her head trapped inside of his singlet, leaving her to let out a loud muffled groan against his groin as she was stuck! It was certainly a compromising position for Lovestar, as her masked face would be mushed up against El Rey's manhood, his groin smothering her as he held her upside down, giving the crowd a few moments to soak in the finishing move he would use on her!

"Alright hermosa, I hope you're nice and comfy down there! Because it's time to end this!" El Rey proclaimed, his arms squeezing tight around her waist to make sure he had a good hold on her, all while the masked man would soon come to a stop from parading around the ring, now simply holding her above the mat! And after a brief moment, he would suddenly drop down, slamming her head into the canvas with his erotic piledriver finisher, once more drilling her and letting her fall, though this time he would fall down with her!

"It's been fun hermosa..." El Rey teased gently, falling on top of Lovestar in what was essentially a 69 position, leaving her head stuffed inside of his trunks as he pinned her limp body, the referee sliding in to count the pin!



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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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As soon as El Rey dropped to his knees and delivered the final blow on the top of Lovestar's head after parading her around, The Pink Luchadora was no more as her body dropped down to the floor in a spread eagle position, completely knocked out.

Her face was still stuffed inside El Rey's singlet and as he went for the erotic 69 position pin the ref would slide down and begin the count,





The bell would ring, his theme music would play out, and El Rey would be declared the winner of this match! The ref would raise one of his arms up in the air to the cheers and claps of the crowd!

Even though the camera's couldn't catch Lovestar's face, her eyes were fully closed and a slight blush had formed on her cheeks...which also couldn't be seen since she is also wearing a pink mask.
Last edited by Weonna on Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Once El Rey had slid Lovestar's head into his trunks and brought her crashing down onto her skull for his humiliation finisher, the male wrestler would simply fall atop her, Lovestar far too out of it to fight back as she was put down, still smothered by his crotch in the pin! The referee slid into place, and the three count would sound quickly, Lovestar not budging an inch underneath him as she was put down and the luchador would be declared the winner of the bout, in truly spectacular fashion to boot! As his arm was raised, the crowd would cheer for the affable luchador, and he would slowly and gently slide Lovestar's face out of his singlet and back into the open air before he would stand up and pose for the fans!

He spent a bit of time enjoying the victory, another win on his LAW record, but once he had done some more grandstanding for the fans, he would slowly turn back to Lovestar, who laid sleeping on the canvas!

"Alright hermosa, let's get you backstage! Can't just leave you sleeping out here..." El Rey said, as he would gently grab hold of Lovestar and lift the sleeping luchadora up into his arms, before slinging her over his shoulder, her thick rear end jiggling as he did so! With Lovestar over his shoulder, the masked man would exit the ring and walk back up the ramp with Lovestar coming along with him, ready to take care of her and leave her somewhere where she could sleep off her defeat, with a lingering feeling that they hadn't seen the last of one another!

Winner via Pinfall: El Rey Del Cielo!

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